kendo tree view move programmatically item to another node - kendo-treeview

I use kendo tree view with angular. I try to move items between nodes programmatically, actually to change the item's parent, without drag and drop, but with the same result.


How to show a selected record in the visible portion of a tree

I have a tree control in a fieldset. Am able to populate the tree fine.
I'm using this command to programmatically select a specific node in the tree:
where node is the node I want to select. This command works fine. What's happening is that while the record is selected, it is not in the visible portion of the tree. It can be below the visible portion of the tree and I would have to scroll down to see that it is selected. Does anyone have any tips on how to both select the record and have it show up in the visible portion of the tree.
I've seen recommendations using focusRow or selectPath, but I haven't been able to get that working.

How to stop combo box scroll event from bubbling up the visual tree?

I have custom WPF Popup for a combo box that contains a list view to display items. I have a problem when scrolling down on the list view. After the list view scrolls up/down completely the scroll event bubbles up to the parent view and results in the parent view scrolling up/down. What I am expecting is the list view should scroll up/down completely and stop scrolling instead of passing the event up the visual tree.

Angularjs - Store data to ng-model dynamically on drag drop within popup

I am working on drag drop functionality where one can drag node from list A(source) and drop to list B(destination).
I am facing problem of when once dragged and dropped first node and opens model on-click, I have to set some question within ng-repeat.
But when i am dropping same type of question, then values set to previous one is remains to newly dropped question's model.
How i can avoid such a problem?
I am using this ui-tree example for drag and drop.
Following image is snapshot of it?][2]
Please share your opinion!

In ExtJS 4, How do you delete a tree node when the associated grid information to the node is deleted at random

My code so far populates via drag and drop tree nodes and leaves from a grid panel. I want to know how to remove a tree node when the grid information associated with it is removed.
You should have something like id property in your model both in grid and tree. So when you remove record in the grid you then search for the node with this id in tree and remove it as well. Another way is just save the reference to the node when you drop it.
The flow is:
user drags and drops record from grid to the tree
when the record is dropped and new node is created you save reference in the grid's record
onNodeDrop: function(){
grid.getSelected().treeNode = tree.lastCreatedNode;
then when you delete record in grid you could delete node as well.
Note - this is just a psuedocode, is won't work. Just to give you an idea.

Drag-on-Drop in Tab Item in Silverlight 4

I have a tab control with two tab items (TABITEM_A, TABITEM_B). TABITEM_A contains a tree view item that can be drag (in this scenario an tree view item will be drag to TABITEM_B) while TABITEM_B have a listbox that was dragged from TABITEM_A.
I already set the TreeViewDragDropTarget so that I can perform dragging and set the TABITEM_B AllowDrop property to true.
Now, the problem is that when I try to drag an item (from TABITEM_A) to TABITEM_B and drop it (in the highlighted text of TABITEM_B) the Drop event of TABITEM_B is not triggered. Thus, I cannot add the dragged item in the list box of TABITEM_B.
Please help.
