How do I access the access token of the omniauth provider that should be sent back after successful authentication with the devise_token_auth gem and ng-token-auth with angular? I'd like to store this token to make future requests to the omniauth provider for updating information. The omniauth provider specifically is Strava. I see that devise_token_auth is creating its own access tokens, but those aren't for accessing Strava. Also I have no idea even where devise token auth pulls in the information from Strava even after reading through the gem's code. Seems like this should be a pretty simple thing, I can't be the only one who wants this information returned. Thanks in advance.
We have been able to figure this out with a lot of experimentation. #resouce does return nil for us too, but we did find the access-token and all the other information returned from the omniauth provider, located in request.env['omniauth.auth'], located in the redirect_callbacks action of the OmniAuthCallbacks controller. We also needed to set up
mount_devise_token_auth_for 'User', at: 'auth', controllers: { omniauth_callbacks: 'registrations'}
in routes.rb, and create the custom controller which we named RegistrationsController.
So our block looked like this
class RegistrationsController < DeviseTokenAuth::OmniauthCallbacksController
def redirect_callbacks
puts "REDIRECT:"
puts request.env['omniauth.params']
puts "AUTH INFO"
puts request.env['omniauth.auth'].credentials['token']
# create the user_strava_key and save it.
#strava_token = request.env['omniauth.auth'].credentials['token']
UserStravaKey.create(key_secret: #strava_token)
Has anyone an idear what to use as a general Authorization Service and have an working code example or good implementation steps how to implement such of thing.
It takes a lot of time to look what I am after, but didn't found any satisfied solution yet.
IdentityServer is not an option, while my permissions can not be stored as claims, because of the size of the token. It comes with about 200 persmissions, so it should be done in a dbcontext or something.
I looked at the PolicyServer, but it wasn't working as I expected. When I installed it at the IS4 application, it works on the IS4 controllers, but when the Authorize is called from an external application, it doesn't call the Authorize override at all were it should check the permissions.
And it seems that the permissions aren't set in the external application either in the User.Claims or what so ever. I'm missing some settings I think.
What I want to accomplish is that I have one permissions store (table) (which for example contains a bunch of index, add, edit or delete button or what so ever). The should be given to the autheniticated user which is logged in. But this single persmission-store should be available at all applications or APIs I run, so that the Authorize attribute can do his job.
I think it shouldn't be so hard to do, so I'm missing a good working example how to implement something like this and what is working.
Who can help me with this to get this done?
I wrote some code to get the permissions by API call and use that in the IsInRole override. But when I declare it with the Authorize attr, it will not get in the method:
1) [Authorize]
public class AuthController : ControllerBase
private readonly IdentityContext _context;
public AuthController(IdentityContext context)
_context = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
public bool IsInRole(string role)
2) if (User.FindFirst("sub")?.Value != null)
var userID = Guid.Parse(User.FindFirst("sub")?.Value);
if([This is the code that checks if user has role])
return true;
return false;
This is the IsInRole override (ClaimsPrincipal.IsInRole override):
public override bool IsInRole(string role)
var httpClient = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient("AuthClient");
3) var accessToken = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.GetTokenAsync(OpenIdConnectParameterNames.AccessToken).Result;
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "/api/auth/isinrole/?id=" + role);
var response = httpClient.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead).Result;
This isn't working while it is not sending the access_token in the request
The 'sub' isn't send
Is always null
The open source version of the PolicyServer is a local implementation. All it does is read the permissions from a store (in the sample a config file) and transform them into claims using middleware.
In order to use the permissions you'll have to add this middleware in all projects where you want to use the permissions.
Having local permissions, you can't have conflicts with other resources. E.g. being an admin in api1 doesn't mean you are admin in api2 as well.
But decentralized permissions may be hard to maintain. That's why you probably want a central server for permissions, where the store actually calls the policy server rather than read the permissions from a local config file.
For that you'll need to add a discriminator in order to distinguish between resources. I use scopes, because that's the one thing that both the client and the resource share.
It also keeps the response small, you only have to request the permissions for a certain scope instead of all permissions.
The alternative is to use IdentityServer as-is. But instead of JWT tokens use reference tokens.
The random string is a lot shorter, but requires the client and / or resource to request the permissions by sending the reference token to the IdentityServer. This may be close to how the PolicyServer works, but with less control on the response.
There is an alternative to your solution and that is to use a referense token instead of a JWT-token. A reference token is just an opaque identifier and when a client receives this token, he has go to and look up the real token and details via the backend. The reference token does not contain any information. Its just a lookup identifier that the client can use against IdentiyServer
By using this your tokens will be very small.
Using reference token is just one option available to you.
see the documentation about Reference Tokens
I successfully installed and ran a couple of circuits on a backend the other day (essex).
Everything was ok, results came up, but the next day, once I wanted more QC, I could not manage to get a provider.
I have looked into my account (active), looked into the package (up-to-date), and a new file in the project. I also already disabled and enabled the account without problems, but I keep having this error.
from qiskit import IBMQ
provider = IBMQ.get_provider(hub='ibm-q', group='open', project='main')
and I get:
>~/my_environment_name/lib/python3.7/site-packages/qiskit/providers/ibmq/ in get_provider(self, hub, group, project)
425 raise IBMQProviderError('No provider matches the specified criteria: '
426 'hub = {}, group = {}, project = {}'
--> 427 .format(hub, group, project))
428 if len(providers) > 1:
429 raise IBMQProviderError('More than one provider matches the specified criteria.'
IBMQProviderError: 'No provider matches the specified criteria: hub = ibm-q, group = open, project = main'
I would like to know where I am wrong, I look forward to keep learning thru the backends efficiently.
Thank you in advance
This means that there is no provider that matches all the criteria you specified, so in that hub, group and project. This could be because your account hasn't loaded correctly, so check to see if anything is returned from IBMQ.providers(). If there isn't anything load your account using IBMQ.load_account(). The other issue could be that there are genuinely no backends that meet those criteria, so try running IBMQ.get_provider() instead.
Try to use API token to enable your IBMQ account.
from qiskit import IBMQ
provider = IBMQ.enable_account("your-api-key") # We load our account
provider.backends() # We retrieve the backends to check their status
for b in provider.backends():
Create IBM Quantum account if you don't have one, then use the API token that available in the dashboard as enable_account() method argument to resolve this issue.
For More:
I am persisting reference tokens to a db, my users have the ability to change or get a generated password. But if for example a user have forgotten their password and gets a new generated one then i would like to invalidate/remove all current tokens for this subject. Is it a good idea/acceptable to interact directly with the db via efcore or is there a api for this besides the /connect/revocation endpoint?
There is no problem in interacting with the database, but use the existing services to do this.
In IdentityService you can find the stores in the IdentityServer4.Stores namespace.
using IdentityServer4.Stores;
Inject the store in your controller:
private readonly IReferenceTokenStore _referenceTokenStore;
public class MyController : Controller
public MyController(IReferenceTokenStore referenceTokenStore)
_referenceTokenStore = referenceTokenStore;
And call it to remove the reference tokens for this user / client combination:
await _referenceTokenStore.RemoveReferenceTokensAsync(subjectId, clientId);
This will effectively remove the records from the database. You shouldn't create your own model of the database and remove the tokens directly.
Since IdentityServer is open source, you can take a look at the code that is used for token revocation.
I'm facing a difficulty to understand how scopes work.
I found here a small text that describes the scopes of stackexchange api but i need more information on how they work (not specifically this one...). Can someone provide me a concept?
Thanks in advance
To authorize an app you need to call a URL for the OAuth2 authorization process. This URL is "living" in the API's provider documentation. For example Google has this url:
Also you will need to specify a few query parameters with this link:
scope: The data your application is requesting access to. This is typically specified as a list of space-delimited string, though Facebook uses comma-delimited strings. Valid values for the scope should be included in the API provider documentation. For Gougle Tasks, the scope is If an application also needed access to Google Docs, it would specify a scope value of
response_type: code for the server-side web application flow, indivating that an authorization code will be returned to the application after the user approves the authorization request.
state: A unique value used by your application in order to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks on your implementation. The value should be a random unique string for this particular request, unguessable and kept secret in the client (perhaps in a server-side session)
// Generate random value for use as the 'state'. Mitigates
// risk of CSRF attacks when this value is verified against the
// value returned from the OAuth provider with the authorization
// code.
$_SESSION['state'] = rand(0,999999999);
$authorizationUrlBase = '';
$redirectUriPath = '/oauth2callback.php';
// For example only. A valid value for client_id needs to be obtained
// for your environment from the Google APIs Console at
$queryParams = array(
'client_id' => '',
'redirect_uri' => (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?'https://':'http://') .
$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $redirectUriPath,
'scope' => '',
'response_type' => 'code',
'state' => $_SESSION['state'],
'approval_prompt' => 'force', // always request user consent
'access_type' => 'offline' // obtain a refresh token
$goToUrl = $authorizationUrlBase . '?' . http_build_query($queryParams);
// Output a webpage directing users to the $goToUrl after
// they click a "Let's Go" button
include 'access_request_template.php';
The set of query string parameters supported by the Google Authorization Server for web server applications are here:
I am using iOS 6 Social framework for accessing user's Facebook data. I am trying to get likes of the current user within my app using ACAccount and SLRequest. I have a valid Facebook account reference of type ACAccount named facebook, and I'm trying to get user's likes this way:
SLRequest *req = [SLRequest requestForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook requestMethod:SLRequestMethodGET URL:url parameters:nil];
req.account = facebook;
[req performRequestWithHandler:^(NSData *responseData, NSHTTPURLResponse *urlResponse, NSError *error) {
//my handler code.
where url is #""; In my handler, I'm getting this response:
error = {
code = 2500;
message = "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.";
type = OAuthException;
Shouldn't access tokens be handled by the framework? I've found a similar post Querying Facebook user data through new iOS6 social framework but it doesn't make sense to hard-code an access token parameter into the URL, as logically the access token/login checking should be handled automatically by the framework. In all examples that I've seen around no one plays with an access token manually:
iOS 6 Facebook posting procedure ends up with "remote_app_id does not match stored id" error
I am using the iOS6-only approach with the built in Social framework, and I'm not using the Facebook SDK. Am I missing something?
You need to keep a strong reference to the ACAccountStore that the account comes from. If the store gets deallocated, it looks like it causes this problem.
Try running on an actual device instead of a simulator. This worked for me.
Ensure that your bundle id is input into your Facebook app's configuration. You might have a different bundle id for your dev/debug build.