Ionic Framework in-app storage - angularjs

I want to make an app which has built-in a folder with videos.
The problem is (and searching for few hours aleardy) I can't find the path for the video ("triunghi.mp4").
Here's what I have until now:
What is wrong or what is the good path I should use?

Try the following path :

The problem was at the $cordovaFileOpener2 plugin that don't have access into assets directory.
I solved it by copying the videos folder to external place (externalDataDirectory) and open them (the videos) from there.


How to use arbitrary directory as static directory in Reactjs

I have a website written in React.
The website itself works fine.
I also have blog which is based on Wordpress.
When I put blog contents on blog directory, React show the 404 not found page because all contents but static is managed by React.
I think if I could set one more directory called blog as static directory, I can put all Wordpress related files on the directory.
But I was struggling to do that.
Is there any options or setting files for react-scripts build?
like react-scripts build --static-directories static,blog
Could you please help me?
/static/* < static contents
/blog/* < also static contents.
Thanks in advance.
[UPDATE] even though i put static file on static directory, I could not access it. It turned out I need to import that static file from Reactjs file...
This is something you probably want to deal with on a server level.
So if you are using express, then you can do something like:
app.use('/static', express.static('public'))
[SOLVED] Problem was 2 folds.
Server-side and client-side.
First, I edited the .htaccess file not to rewrite anything.
RewriteEngine off
Now Safari can understand "my domain/blog/" correctly.
But Chrome still treat "my domain/blog/" in ReactJS.
I don't understand why but I can see correct no-React contents only once after deleting cache. But once I open React contents, Chrome start treating "my domain/blog/" as React contents again.
Then I checked source code again and found that I used a React Router's feature called Switch. It seems Switch is doing rewriting thing in React.
So I removed the Switch tag and finally problem solved.

gstreamer-sharp C# application deployment

Can anyone tell me the proper way to deploy a C# WinForms application that uses gstreamer-sharp? The only way I can get it to work is to work is by setting the gstreamer bin directory as my Application's working directory.
I have seen examples trying to temporarily set the application's path to the various gstreamer directories, but this still does not work for me and I get errors that DLL's are missing.
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") + ";C:\\gstreamer\\1.0\\x86\\bin\\");
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") + ";C:\\gstreamer\\1.0\\");
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") + ";C:\\gstreamer\\1.0\\x86\\lib\\");
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") + ";C:\\gstreamer\\1.0\\x86\\");
Should I just deploy all of the gstreamer DLLs inside my application's bin driectory? I was hoping to have them run the installer and then my application could could reference it.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Adding the bin directory only should be enough. You can look at to see how initialization is done in Vocaluxe.
Probably the easiest solution I can come up with is manually putting the gstreamer bin directory in the system's PATH.

How to prevent Joomla site creating unwanted folder

I have a menu link with the alias "inside" on a joomla 3.1.5 site here:
Every morning I check the site and a folder named "inside" has been created in the root dir which prevents the site from loading as it should, instead displaying a directory contents listing at
Anyone have any ideas how to prevent this please?
This is just a theory, but check the xml files of your installed modules and plugins (most likely a plugin) for this line...
and if it exists try deleting that line of code - or better still uninstall the extension - that should fix it. It's possible that a plugin requires that folder and has php code to create the folder if it doesn't exist - and so creates the folder each time it is run - i.e. when the site is loaded. The above line of xml code I have asked you to look for will go someway to helping determine if this is the case.

How to include ext-js calendar in jsp?

I am new to EXT JS environment. I am working on a dynamic java project in eclipse indigo where i want to use ext-js calendar in one of my jsp.I saw the EXT_JS calendar demo from downloaded 'ext-4.1.1' sdk(index.html file in ext-4.1.1a\examples\calendar).
I want to create a .js file as like ext-js calendar page. So for that i followed the path given in to integrate ext-js in eclipse.
But now when i copy index.html to my webcontent folder then it is not working(Originally it is showing nothing). But when i copy the entire ext-js source code to my workspace web content then running the index.html file in example/calendar folder of ext-4.1.1a giving me required result.But I don't think this as a solution.
I could not find any way also how to start to do my task.
So Pls anybody help me here...
Regards :
When nothing shows up on the screen, it is commonly a case where the ExtJS library isn't loaded. Without seeing the code, it's hard to pinpoint the issue.
Using Chrome Dev tools or Firebug for Firefox, take a look at the console and/or network output.
The files you're looking for will be included in the <head> section of your index.html. There should be ext-all.js or possibly ext-all-debug.js at a minimum, plus the style sheets.
If this is your issue, then you need to include the proper paths to the ExtJS library. This can be the local installation, or you can use a CDN. For example:
<script src=""></script>

How do I install a CakePHP plugin?

More easy questions - this time, how do I install a CakePHP plugin? I get that I take the plugin folder and put it in the, well, the plugins directory.
/what is this?
And I ask this, because I just downloaded a plugin - here:
And the name of the folder that everything is in is milesj-cake-forum-29a0699
This doesn't appear to be a good plugin name... is there some place that lists or describes what the plugin should be called? I know i know, I'm going to try it out without the 29stuff, but I like things to be silky smooth, not "trial and error".
Yes, I am a terrible programmer.
Based on the plugin's documentation, they refer to models as Forum.Profile for example which suggests that the plugins should be installed in APP/plugins/forum as that's where the CakePHP autoloader will look unless instructed otherwise (section 2).
for example fb plugin ; Load the plugin in your app/Config/bootstrap.php file:
You can use all or some of the Facebook plugin as you see fit. At the very least you will probably want to use the Facebook Helper
public $helpers = array('Facebook.Facebook');
