get all dialogs in page in AEM - extjs

Is there any direct way to get dialog object of all components which are dragged on page.
For ex: when we load page and if there is any component like text, image are on page, I can get dialog. Please suggest?

Yes, it is possible. Attach a listener which listens to the editablesready event fired by WCM. Get all the editables on the page using the #getEditables() method of CQ.WCM and then get the dialog of each editable if it is present.
Sample code below.
CQ.WCM.on('editablesready', function() {
var editables = CQ.WCM.getEditables();
for(var path in editables) {
var editable = editables[path];
try {
//Do stuff
} catch(e) { }


aframe glft click event

I am trying to catch click event for glft model in a scene. Scene code below.
<a-scene raycaster-autorefresh>
<a-asset-item id="store_homeModel" src="app/home/store_models/store_model.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<a-asset-item id="shampoo" src="app/home/product_models/Ayush Shampoo.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<a-asset-item id="soap" src="app/home/product_models/Ayush Soap.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<a-asset-item id="facewash" src="app/home/product_models/Citra Pearl face wash.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<a-gltf-model src="#store_homeModel"></a-gltf-model>
<a-gltf-model src="#shampoo" open-desc"></a-gltf-model>
and component code I have. But click event is not getting catch and i am not able to see console log...
AFRAME.registerComponent('raycaster-autorefresh', {
init: function () {
// This will be called after the entity has properly attached and loaded.
console.log('I am readyyyyy!');
AFRAME.registerComponent('open-desc', {
init: function() {
var data =;
var el = this.el;
el.addEventListener('click', function() {
Please remember that a-frame renders the whole view on a <canvas>, so you can't just use your mouse to click on any element inside the <a-scene>.
If you want a simple gaze based cursor, you need to attach a cursor to the camera:
If You want to use the mouse, use the cursor component in the <a-scene>:
<a-scene cursor="rayOrigin:mouse">
If you want to use vive / oculus controllers, you should try laser-controls.
More details about properties and events regarding the cursor can be found in the docs.

ExtJS loading panels repetition

In my website, in order to load diferent pages (to be multipage website) I have a main panel that has the id 'content-panel'.
When I want to load a diferent page I have a javascript function that is called 'loadPage' that loads the page (panel) that I want to the 'content-panel'.
But the page that I want to load has to have this code:
Ext.onReady(function() {
var panel = Ext.Cmp('content-panel');
In this case it is loading the page/panel that is loginPanel, that is defined inside Ext.onReady
For me this is fine, I don't know of any other way of my website being multi-page.
But everytime that I want to go to a page it loads that page to the 'content-panel', even if it already been loaded before. I want a way to only add the page to 'content-panel' if it is not inside 'content-panel' items.
Here is the loadPage
function swap(parent, replacement, url) {
var alpha = document.querySelector(parent);
var target = alpha.childNodes[0];
var omega = document.createElement(replacement);
omega.src = url;
omega.type = 'text/javascript';
alpha.replaceChild(omega, target);
function loadPage(panel, toPanel) {
swap('head', 'script', panel);
it is used like this: loadPage('Ctl_base/view_admin/mainPage', Ext.getCmp('panel'));
I'm using CodeIgniter with ExtJS.
What I have already tried:
I want to do panel.add(loginPanel) only if the loginPanel doesn't exist.
I have tried:
if(panel.getComponent(loginScreen) == undefined) { panel.add(loginPanel); }
and it adds the component even when panel already has that component.
I have also tried:
function hasComponent(parent, child) {
parent.items.items.forEach(function(item) {
if(item == child){
return true;
return false;
if(!hasComponent(panel, loginPanel)) { panel.add(loginPanel); }
and it also doesn't work.
I have manage to tackle this question by putting and itemId on the panel that I want to load, and on panel.layout.setActiveItem(loginPanel); I have put panel.layout.setActiveItem('itemIdOfPanel');

On click opens a new tab I need to interact with, however I just stay on the same window

I am new to protractor and AngularJS just starting to get the hang of it. I have a login page that on click opens a new browser tab. The new browser tab is where I want to continue my test however I do not know how to do switch to the new browser tab.
I've tried the below code that was suggested here however it didn't do anything just stayed on the page.
element(by.css('span.icon.icon-add')).click();.then(function() {
browser.getAllWindowHandles().then(function(handles) {
newWindowHandle = handles[1]; // this is your new window
browser.switchTo().window(newWindowHandle).then(function() {
Any help would be fantastic! Thank you
changed code to look like this:
this.clicksAddUser = function() {
element.all(by.css('li:nth-of-type(4) > a')).click().then(function() {
browser.getAllWindowHandles().then(function(handles) {
newWindowHandle = handles[1]; // this is your new window
browser.switchTo().window(newWindowHandle).then(function() {
Because I was clicking a drop down menu in a separate this statement the drop down menu was closing before there was a chance to click on the login button. combined the code fixed the problem.

EXTJS Mouse click not working after load a page for multi time

I have a grid on my panel, named gridView, and gridView is in panel named panelMain, by dbclick listener on grid row, I load a from by doing something like this:
itemdblclick: function(dataview, index, item, e) {
/* I did not create new studentForm every time.*/
var editStudent = Ext.getCmp('editStudent');
if(editStudent == undefined)
editStudent = Ext.create('H.view.EditStudent');
url: 'studentDetails.php',
params: {studentId: studentId},
success: function (form, action) {
var panelMain = Ext.getCmp('panelMain');
failure: function (form, action) {
/// do nothing
After I edited the student I should come back to grid page, so I do something like this:
var panelMain = Ext.getCmp('panelMain');
var gridView = Ext.getCmp('gridView');
The problem is when I come back to the grid, it does not fire any itemdbclick event any more (it's like the grid is just an image in page, no event fires).
And sometimes when I go to edit studentForm and come back grid work, but when I go to student form again, the student page does not fire any event, when I click edit button, I do not get any answer, I cant see even on mouse hover (that causes changes on button color).
What is the problem here?
I use Extjs 4 and Extjs MVC.
I have one Controller for grid and edit student page.
I think your misunderstand the success config on form.
itemdblclick: function ( gridView, record, item, index, e, eOpts ) {
var editStudent = Ext.getCmp('editStudent');
if(editStudent == undefined)
editStudent = Ext.create('H.view.EditStudent');
/* Load record in the form.
Form must have on formfields property: 'name' equals to 'dataIndex' */
var panelMain = Ext.getCmp('panelMain');
success and failure are the callbacks functions for the submit function.
a) You are not using MVC pattern here. With what Sencha calls MVC, you would have all this code in a Controller instead of event listener.
b) I strongly suspect that this code causes deadlocks somewhere, with events firing so rapidly in succession that browser just freezes. You need to use debugger to see what exactly happens.

Add class to DIV if checkbox is checked onload

I need help with a script to add an "active" class to a div when a hidden checkbox is checked. This all happening within a somewhat complex form that can be saved and later edited. Here's the process:
I have a series of hidden checkboxes that are checked when a visible DIV is clicked. Thanks to a few people, especially Dimitar Christoff from previous posts here, I have a few simple scripts that handle everything:
A person clicks on a div:
<div class="thumb left prodata" data-id="7"> yadda yadda </div>
An active class is added to the div:
$$('.thumb').addEvent('click', function(){
The corresponding checkbox is checked:
click: function(e) {
if ("tag") != 'input') {
var checkbox ="field_select_p" + this.get("data-id"));
checkbox.set("checked", !checkbox.get("checked"));
Now, I need a fourth ( and final ) function to complete the project (using mootools or just plain javascript, no jQuery). When the form is loaded after being saved, I need a way to add the active class back to the corresponding div. Basically reverse the process. I AM trying to figure it out myself, and would love to post an idea but anything I've tried is, well, bad. I thought I'd at least get this question posted while I work on it. Thanks in advance!
load: function(){
if (checkbox.checked){
Okay, in case anyone is interested, here is the final solution. What this does is: Create a click event for a DIV class to toggle an active class onclick, and also correlates each DIV to a checkbox using a data-id="X" that = the checkbox ID. Finally, if the form is reloaded ( in this case the form can be saved and edited later ) the final piece of javascript then sees what checkboxes are checked on page load and triggers the active class for the DIV.
To see it all in action, check it out here: ( script is currently working on the third tab, CHOOSE STYLE ). You won't be able to save/edit it unless you're a member however, but it works:) You can unhide the checkboxes using firebug and toggle the checkboxes yourself to see.
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
// apply the psuedo event to some elements
$$('.thumb').addEvent('click', function() {
$$('.cbox').addEvent('click', function() {
var checkboxes= $$('.cbox');
for(i=1; i<=checkboxes.length; i++){
$('c_'+checkboxes[i-1].id).set("class", "thumb tactive");
$('c_'+checkboxes[i-1].id).set("class", "thumb");
// Add the active class to the corresponding div when a checkbox is checked onLoad... basic idea:
var checkboxes= $$('.cbox');
for(i=1; i<=checkboxes.length; i++){
$('c_field_tmp_'+i).set("class", "thumb tactive");
click: function(e) {
if ("tag") != 'input') {
var checkbox ="field_tmp_" + this.get("data-id"));
checkbox.set("checked", !checkbox.get("checked"));
