EXTJS Mouse click not working after load a page for multi time - extjs

I have a grid on my panel, named gridView, and gridView is in panel named panelMain, by dbclick listener on grid row, I load a from by doing something like this:
itemdblclick: function(dataview, index, item, e) {
/* I did not create new studentForm every time.*/
var editStudent = Ext.getCmp('editStudent');
if(editStudent == undefined)
editStudent = Ext.create('H.view.EditStudent');
url: 'studentDetails.php',
params: {studentId: studentId},
success: function (form, action) {
var panelMain = Ext.getCmp('panelMain');
failure: function (form, action) {
/// do nothing
After I edited the student I should come back to grid page, so I do something like this:
var panelMain = Ext.getCmp('panelMain');
var gridView = Ext.getCmp('gridView');
The problem is when I come back to the grid, it does not fire any itemdbclick event any more (it's like the grid is just an image in page, no event fires).
And sometimes when I go to edit studentForm and come back grid work, but when I go to student form again, the student page does not fire any event, when I click edit button, I do not get any answer, I cant see even on mouse hover (that causes changes on button color).
What is the problem here?
I use Extjs 4 and Extjs MVC.
I have one Controller for grid and edit student page.

I think your misunderstand the success config on form.
itemdblclick: function ( gridView, record, item, index, e, eOpts ) {
var editStudent = Ext.getCmp('editStudent');
if(editStudent == undefined)
editStudent = Ext.create('H.view.EditStudent');
/* Load record in the form.
Form must have on formfields property: 'name' equals to 'dataIndex' */
var panelMain = Ext.getCmp('panelMain');
success and failure are the callbacks functions for the submit function.

a) You are not using MVC pattern here. With what Sencha calls MVC, you would have all this code in a Controller instead of event listener.
b) I strongly suspect that this code causes deadlocks somewhere, with events firing so rapidly in succession that browser just freezes. You need to use debugger to see what exactly happens.


Null selection error on Bryntum Kanban Task click

I am working on integrating the Bryntum Kanban board into an EXTJS application. In the top toolbar of the kanban, I have an ExtJS combobox that changes the view so that users can view their private taskboard as well as the taskboard for their groups. (Users can be in more than one group) When the view is changed, both the statestore that populates the columns of the taskboard and the userstore that populates the userpicker need to reload, as well as the taskstore. The problem is that after the view is changed, clicking on a task throws two errors:
Uncaught TypeError: can't access property "getRange", this.selected is null
ExtJS 2
relayMethod http://dev.southern-air.com/javascript/taskboard/taskboard-all-debug.js:6471
map ExtJS
relayMethod http://dev.southern-air.com/javascript/taskboard/taskboard-all-debug.js:6470
deselectAll http://dev.southern-air.com/javascript/taskboard/taskboard-all-debug.js:6446
deselectAll http://dev.southern-air.com/javascript/taskboard/taskboard-all-debug.js:7431
onDragStarting http://dev.southern-air.com/javascript/taskboard/taskboard-all-debug.js:7532
ExtJS 4
getDragData http://dev.southern-air.com/javascript/taskboard/taskboard-all-debug.js:4896
ExtJS 86
Uncaught TypeError: can't access property "getRange", this.selected is null
ExtJS 2
deselectAllInOtherSelectionModels http://dev.southern-air.com/javascript/taskboard/taskboard-all-debug.js:6465
each ExtJS
forEachSelModel http://dev.southern-air.com/javascript/taskboard/taskboard-all-debug.js:6475
deselectAllInOtherSelectionModels http://dev.southern-air.com/javascript/taskboard/taskboard-all-debug.js:6464
deselectAllInOtherViews http://dev.southern-air.com/javascript/taskboard/taskboard-all-debug.js:7385
onTaskClick http://dev.southern-air.com/javascript/taskboard/taskboard-all-debug.js:7381
ExtJS 2
Here is the code for the change listener on the combobox:
change: function (field, newValue) {
var ts = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('taskstore');
var ss = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('statestore');
var us = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('userstore');
var taskboard = field.up('mytaskboard');
ts.getProxy().setExtraParam('view', newValue);
ss.getProxy().setExtraParam('view', newValue);
us.getProxy().setExtraParam('view', newValue);
callback: function () {
// taskboard.deselectAll();
callback: function () {
callback: function () {
Is there anything that I need to do before I reload the stores to ensure that this error is not thrown? If anyone has also had this problem I'd appreciate your solutions. I have tried deselecting all before reloading, as you can see in the code above, but that doesn't help either.
After troubleshooting, I was able to find a solution that seems to be working. I had to add the following line to the change listener before reloading the stores:
delete field.up('mytaskboard').selModel;
This line deletes all the selection models from the taskboard, which were the things that were causing the problem in the first place. Now the views change and everything works as expected. I am still interested to know if this may cause other issues down the line though.

get all dialogs in page in AEM

Is there any direct way to get dialog object of all components which are dragged on page.
For ex: when we load page and if there is any component like text, image are on page, I can get dialog. Please suggest?
Yes, it is possible. Attach a listener which listens to the editablesready event fired by WCM. Get all the editables on the page using the #getEditables() method of CQ.WCM and then get the dialog of each editable if it is present.
Sample code below.
CQ.WCM.on('editablesready', function() {
var editables = CQ.WCM.getEditables();
for(var path in editables) {
var editable = editables[path];
try {
//Do stuff
} catch(e) { }

Angular - kendo data binding

I'm using a kendo grid and have a checkbox column with the following template:
"<input class='gridCheckbox' id='gridCheckbox_#=name#' name='Selected' type='checkbox' ng-model='dataItem.checked'/>"
In addition I'm also using an observableArray as the grid's dataSource.
When clicking the chekcbox the data in the observableArray is changed as expected but no "change" event is triggered.
Here is how I define the observableArray:
var obsArray = new kendo.data.ObservableArray(scope.gridData);
this.gridDataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
data: obsArray
obsArray.bind("change", function (e) {
console.log(e.action, e.field);
"scope.gridData" is the original dataModel. When I click the checkbox the observableArray is changed but not the "scope.gridData". In order to change the "scope.gridData" I want to listen to the "change" event and change the "scope.gridData" manually but as I said the "change" event is not triggered.
Any suggestions to what am I doing wrong and maybe there is a better solution.
Read This
your issue is that kendo uses a copy of your scope object
I manually added an event to my input checkbox (in our class we're using Angular so it was on ng-click="doSomething()" but maybe yours is just click="doSomething" and recorded handling the boolean change manually.
We have the Kendo Observables, too - but I got **lucky because we're also using the Breeze JS stuff where we can do data detection and refresh the grid once the data propagates backwards to the right place to be set to dirty. ( grid.dataSource.read(); )
If you want the full row value, make the click="doSomething(this)" and then capture it as the Sender. Just debug in and you should the dataItem attached to the Sender.
This might help you & this is not the correct figure but i did one example like this similar to your problem
var contentData = [
{ organization: 'Nihilent', os: 'Window' }
var nihl = contentData[0];
var viewModel = kendo.observable({
gridSource: new kendo.contentData.DataSource({
contentData: contentData
kendo.bind($(document.body), viewModel);
contentData.push({ organization: 'Dhuaan', os: 'Android' });
nihl.set('os', 'iOS');

ExtJS 4.1: Modal Window seems to return control before submitting the window

I wasn't sure how to describe my question in the question title. But here is my problem:
(a) When I double click on a row in an Ext.grid.Panel, I open a modal window with it's relavant details to update the record.
(b) After I make the needed modifications and close the modal window, I want to return to the Grid with the Grid filtered on a certain code i.e selectedSalesOrderNum.
jobSlotsGrid.on('celldblclick', function(tableview, td, cellIndex, record, tr, rowIndex, e, eOpts){
modalStatus = loadWindow();
jobSlotStore.filterBy(function(rec) {
alert('Filtering data');
return rec.get('salesOrderNum') === selectedSalesOrderNum;
(c) Below is the function, which creates the model window. It also has the call to method submitCreateJobSlotHandler() which basically saves the changes and reloads the original Grid with all the data. ( Hence the necessity to filter it back with a certain code i.e selectedSalesOrderNum ).
function loadWindow()
var createJobSlotWin = new Ext.Window({
applyTo : 'hello-win',
modal : true,
layout : 'fit',
width : 900,
height : 500,
closeAction :'destroy',
plain : true,
model : true,
stateful : false,
title :'Create Job Slot',
items : [editJobSlotInformationPanel],
buttons : [{
text : 'Save',
handler : function(){
text : 'Close',
handler : function(){
The Issue:
In the first block of code, as soon as the loadWindow method is called, both a modal window is popped up along with the filterBy code getting executed in parallel and showing up the alerts ( 'Filtering data' ). I then enter the data in the modal and save. So, basically, the filtering is not done after the Save/Close on Modal. The code ( if/else ) is immediately reached after loading the modal window. It is as if, the modal window opens and goes to the next line of code while waiting for the user to perform some action on the modal window later.
Hope I am clear on my question. Could anyone please advice how do I handle this?
The more I think about it now, I guess the loadWindow() method just creates the Modal Window as we just have a new Ext.Window() call and doesn't bother about other user actions inside the modal and returns the control. And hence, executes the subsequent filterBy event immediately. In that case, I want to filter the store after I am reloading the store upon the Save in Modal Window. The save on Modal window has this handler code:
function submitCreateJobSlotHandler () {
alert('Into Submit');
var formPanel = Ext.getCmp('salesOrderJobSlotForm');
url : 'someUrl',
method : 'POST',
success : function() {
scope : this,
url : 'salesOrderJobSlot/listJSON'
jobSlotStore.filterBy(function(rec) {
return rec.get('salesOrderNum') === selectedSalesOrderNum;
failure : function() {
alert('PSO save failed!');
But the issue here is, the jobSlotStore.load() though gets called, it holds until the filterBy gets executed. Because, I see the alerts coming up one by one and then after all the alerts are done, the store loads. So, the filterBy gets overriden by the 'late' store load.
Any suggestions to deal with the issue in any of the ways?
The store load is asynchronous, you need to wait til it completes before you can filter the data set on the client:
store.on('load', function() {
}, null, {single: true});

how to reload gird data after add new data in to the store

I have two grids; I call them child and parent grid. When I add a new row(data) into the parent grid, I want to reload the parent grid. I was trying to edit it using the afteredit function in the code. If I uncomment out line number 2 in the alert, that works fine. But with out the alert, the newly added row is hidden. I don't understand what's going wrong in my code. Please can anyone tell me what to do after I add the new row in to my grid and how to reload the grid immediately?
this my afteredit function
afteredit : function (roweditor, changes, record, rowIndex)
{ //alert('alert me');
if (!roweditor.initialized) {
var fields = roweditor.items.items;
// Disable key fields if its not a new row
Ext.each(fields, function (field, i) {
xt.ux.grid.woerp =
saveText: "Save",
cancelText: "Cancel",
commitChangesText: WOERP.constants.gridCommitChanges,
errorText: 'Errors',
beforeedit: WOERP.grid.handler.beforeedit,
validateedit: WOERP.grid.handler.validateedit,
canceledit: WOERP.grid.handler.canceledit,
afteredit: WOERP.grid.handler.afteredit,
aftershow: WOERP.grid.handler.aftershow,
move: WOERP.grid.handler.resize,
hide: function (p)
var mainBody = this.grid.getView().mainBody;
if (typeof mainBody != 'undefined')
var lastRow = Ext.fly(this.grid.getView().getRow(this.grid.getStore().getCount() - 1));
if (lastRow != null)
mainBody.setHeight(lastRow.getBottom() - mainBody.getTop(),
callback: function ()
afterlayout: WOERP.grid.handler.resize
AFAIK RowEditor is a plugin for GridPanel which changes underlying data which comes from store. Usually updates are also made by store. If you want to know when data is saved, you should attach event handler to store. Example:
grid.getStore().on('save', function(){ [...] });
Finally i found solution. When i add reload function in to the afteredit method that will be hide newly added row. So Grid reload After commit data in to that data grid store work well for me. Anyway thanks lot all the people who try to help
this my code look like
I think there exist a Save button after editing grid.
So in the handler of Save you can catch the event
or using
Ext.getCmp('your_saveButtonId').on('click', function(component, e) {
// Here they will be checking for modified records and sending them to backend to save.
// So here also you can catch save event
