Ubuntu - Right protobuf paths for ./configure command - google-app-engine

I am following Google official documentation for GAE (Google app engine) installation.
Look at this part (relative to gae php extension): https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-php-extension
./configure --enable-gae --with-protobuf_inc=<include_path> --with-protobuf_lib=<lib_path>
The documentation says:
Set <include_path> and <lib_path> to where you have installed the protobuf headers and libraries in the previous step.
I always get an error in the terminal when I run the ./configure command, because I don't know which are the right protobuf paths.
When installing Protobuf I followed this documentation:
My /home/Experiments folder contains 3 folders:
php-src, appengine-php-extension, protobuf.
The protobuf folder is where I have "git cloned" protobuf to install it.

If you follow the instructions under Building in the linked repository for the App Engine PHP Runtime, you'll find that in step 2, you choose an output directory when generating C++ source and header files for remote_api.proto and urlfetch_service.proto. That folder would be the correct one to supply via cmd args.


Why does apache cannot find libjsoncpp.so library?

While i'm trying to start apache2, error occures:
Syntax error on line 146 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:
Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/server.load:
Cannot load /opt/dfplatform/bin/mod_server.so into server:
libjsoncpp.so.1: cannot open shared file: No such file or directory
So apache cannot see jsoncpp library, despite it stored in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu directory, along with other libraries, which apache perfectly finds. Both apache2 and library installed via apt install recently, so it must be fresh versions.
Why does apache don't want to see this specific library? Is it really something about versions and I must install older apache2/libjsoncpp?

Can't find dev_appserver.py with gcloud installation

I've installed gcloud by following the instructions on:
gcloud is in my path at /usr/bin/gcloud, but the package doesn't seem to have dev_appserver.py in my path. Is it installed? How do I run it?
Platform: Ubuntu 16.04
Edit: By running dpkg -L google-cloud-sdk I've found it at /usr/lib/google-cloud-sdk/bin/dev_appserver.py but when I try to run it I get:
This action requires the installation of components: [app-engine-
You cannot perform this action because this Cloud SDK installation is
managed by an external package manager. If you would like to get the
Also not sure why it wasn't added to my path.
I know the original question concerns Ubuntu, but I just wanted to share some notes for macOS/OS X in case it's helpful for someone else.
I installed the google-cloud-sdk via Homebrew-Cask and overlooked the caveats note:
brew cask install google-cloud-sdk
After installing the SDK cask, I installed the Python App Engine component, as #Rodney Jonace mentioned:
gcloud components install -q app-engine-python
Going back to the caveats note mentioned above, I appended the following the my ~/.zshrc file:
source $(brew --prefix)/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/path.zsh.inc
source $(brew --prefix)/Caskroom/google-cloud-sdk/latest/google-cloud-sdk/completion.zsh.inc
Opening a new terminal tab, I was able to call the extra Python App Engine scripts (e.g., dev_appserver.py) and use the Zsh completions. Hope that helps!
The following articles were also useful:
The google-cloud-sdk deb package comes with the built-in component manager disabled, which is preventing that copy of dev_appserver.py from working through gcloud. If you update your apt-cache, you can install the google-cloud-sdk-app-engine-python and/or google-cloud-sdk-app-engine-java packages that have just started to be published. Directions here:

How extract the package source into the some other directory in buildroot

Here my package is net-snmp.
Here is the task : Addition of Net-SNMP Source directory at path personal/apps/snmp/
Requirement is that it should download from website if there is change in version name and it should patch , configure and build soruce.
Hence, for that we need to configure Config.in and netsnmp.mk files in build/package/netsnmp in order to fulfill this requirement.
By adding following configuration in netsnmp.mk
NETSNMP_SITE = http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/net-snmp/files/net-snmp/$(NETSNMP_VERSION)
We can download the latest net-snmp tar ball which will be downloaded in dl/ folder in buildroot.
From here it will untar in build/output/build and will patch configure and build. After that it will build the executable at appropriate location inside target folder.
Here the issue is I want netsnmp source code to be at personal/apps/snmp folder which seems to be problematic and can edit the source in path personal/apps/snmp/ and configure build from here.
Any help and suggestion will be appreciated.
There is already a netsmp package in Buildroot. Why do you want to create another one?
Also, the Buildroot community is going to be much more reactive if you ask questions on the project's mailing list.

App.yaml missing when downloading source

Just tried downloading source for one of my old apps using SDK (on a Mac) and the source downloaded did not contain app.yaml file.
Used the following command: appcfg.py download_app -A <application_id> -V <version> <folder>
What am I doing wrong here?
app.yaml is not uploaded when you deploy your project
The Downloaded Source Code Is Missing The .yaml Files : http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=4337
But finding this issue again, I also found this entry. See the list of downloaded files.

DocBlox error: The XSL writer was unable to find your XSLTProcessor

I am using WAMP on my local machine and I'm trying to use docblox to generate documentation for a project.
When i try to run the docblox command in my command prompt for a file that has the necessary comments, I get the error message.
C:\wamp\www\wm-ppclps>docblox run -f wm-ppclps.php -t documentation
DocBlox version 0.18.1
Starting transformation of files (this could take a while depending upon the size of your project)
ERROR: The XSL writer was unable to find your XSLTProcessor; please check if you
have installed the PHP XSL extension
I have no idea why this is error message is appearing. The command creates the documentation folder, parses the source code and it produces the structure.xml file. It just won't transform the structure into an HTML file or any other readable file.
I added the PHP install directory to my system path, I installed PEAR system wide, added PEAR install directory to my system path, installed DocBlox using the docblox pear channel, I have the necessary environment variables setup. I uncommented the php.ini line to enable the php_xsl.dll extension for WAMP and restarted WAMP. When I view the phpinfo, i see that the XSL extension is enabled (XSL version 1.1.23, compiled against libxml version 2.6.32, EXSLT enabled).
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening, has come across this problem or can point me in the right direction for an answer?
The error that you are receiving means that php does not recognize the xsl extension.
Php has got a separate ini file for CLI and web; and I presume that you have enabled the xsl extension for apache only.
You can verify this by executing php -i in your command prompt and check if the xsl extension is enabled there. If not then add your dll to the right config for your WAMP.
