Subdomain in react router - reactjs

I'd like to setup react router for use with subdomains. I'm unsure where the logic for subdomain proxying should lie.
I want: to route to to route to to route to
another use case: to route to to route to to route to
I already have it working without the subdomain.
How can I achieve this so it works both on client and server?

While the browser history API limits our ability, we can interact directly with window.location in order to accomplish this.
Just before setting up your router, you can modify the URL by doing something like this:
let host =;
let protocol = window.location.protocol;
let parts = host.split(".");
let subdomain = "";
// If we get more than 3 parts, then we have a subdomain
// INFO: This could be 4, if you have a TLD or something like that.
if (parts.length >= 3) {
subdomain = parts[0];
// Remove the subdomain from the parts list
parts.splice(0, 1);
// Set the location to the new url
window.location = protocol + "//" + parts.join(".") + "/" + subdomain;
Of course, this has its caveats. For instance, if you do not know your host name explicitly, you cannot correctly determine if there is a subdomain or not. It does not make any assumptions about what the following URL should be, but it would be trivial to solve for that.


Next.js: How can we have dynamic routing redirect to static pages?

Using Next.js , I currently have an app with a single entry point in the form of /pages/[...slug]/index.ts
It contains a getServerSideProps function which analyses the slug and decide upon a redirection
In some cases a redirection is needed, but it will always be towards a page that can be statically rendered. Example: redirect /fr/uid towards /fr/blog/uid which can be static.
In other cases the slug already is the url of a page that can be static.
How can I mix this dynamic element with a static generation of all pages?
Thanks a lot for your help!
If I understood you problem correctly, you cannot use getServerSideProps if you are going to export a static site.
You have two solutions:
Configure your redirection rules in your web hosting solution (i.e. Amazon S3/CloudFront).
Create client-side redirects (when _app.tsx mounts you can check if router.asPath matches any of the redirection you would like to have configured.
Please remember that the first solution is more correct (as 301 redirects from the browser) for SEO purposes.
EDIT: #juliomalves rightly pointed out OP is looking at two different things: redirection, and hybrid builds.
However, question should be clarified a bit more to really be able to solve his problem.
Because you will need to host a web-server for SSR, you can leverage Next.js 9.5 built-in redirection system to have permanent server-side redirects.
When it comes to SSR vs SSG, Next.js allows you to adopt a hybrid approach, by giving you the possibility of choosing with Data Fetching strategy to adopt.
In case you are using AWS CloudFront, then you can redirect with CloudFront Functions.
CloudFront Functions is ideal for lightweight, short-running functions for use cases like the following:
URL redirects or rewrites – You can redirect viewers to other pages based on information in the request, or rewrite all requests from one path to another.
Here is what we are using to redirect clients (e.g. Native App, Google search index, etc.) to new location when NextJS page was moved or removed.
// NOTE: Choose "viewer request" for event trigger when you associate this function with CloudFront distribution.
function makeRedirectResponse(location) {
var response = {
statusCode: 301,
statusDescription: 'Moved Permanently',
headers: {
'location': { value: location }
return response;
function handler(event) {
var mappings = [
{ from: "/products/decode/app.html", to: '/products/decode.html' },
{ from: "/products/decode/privacy/2021_01_25.html", to: '/products/decode/privacy.html' }
var request = event.request;
var uri = request.uri;
for (var i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) {
var mapping = mappings[i]
if (mapping.from === uri) {
return makeRedirectResponse(
return request;

pass relative url in signalR hub connection

I am trying to implement signalR in angularJS,
I want to pass relative url to hub connection, but it's making current url (on which my angular application is hosted)
My API base url : http://localhost:81/NrsService/api/TestSignal
My angular application running at
Here is my signalR setup :
$.connection.hub.url = "/NrsService/api/TestSignal";
//Getting the connection object
connection = $.hubConnection();
Like it is sending request at http://localhost:81/signalr/negotiate? but I want it to be http://localhost:81/NrsService/api/TestSignal/negotiate?
You have to edit the generated JavaScript code where the client proxy is defined. As of SignalR 2.4.0 there is a createHubProxies function defined where you should find this line of code:
signalR.hub = $.hubConnection("/signalr", { useDefaultPath: false });
Change it to the following to prevent the "/signalr" ending in your requests:
signalR.hub = $.hubConnection("", { useDefaultPath: false });
After that, you can simply change the url which should be called the way you provided in your question, e.g.:
$.connection.hub.url = "/NrsService/api/TestSignal";
If you also want to change this Url dynamically, you can use the document.location properties. In my case, I did something like this:
var subPath = document.location.pathname.substr(0, document.location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/"));
$.connection.hub.url = subPath; // subpath equals to "/NrsService/api"
Hope this helps.

dynamic subdomain with angularjs

I am new to Angularjs and I would like to add dynamic subdomain such as
By changing sub, I would be able to ask the proper data from the server. However, the home page will still be the same. and will have the same home.tpl.html page except that the data returned will be specific to the domain.
It will be the same for other pages too.
Is there a way to do that?
The main thing you need to look at is the $location service, in particular the $ method. That will return you the full domain, from there it is easy to get the subdomain and use that.
You could even do a really simple service that you could inject anywhere to get access to the subdomain easily.
Something like:
app.factory('subdomain', ['$location', function ($location) {
var host = $;
if (host.indexOf('.') < 0)
return null;
return host.split('.')[0];
Then you can use this as a simple injectable value in your controllers, directives, etc.
app.controller('SomeCtrl', ['$scope', 'subdomain', function ($scope, subdomain) {
// use subdomain same as any other variable
Subdomains are served by server, angular in turn serves hash/hashbang urls and knows nothing about subdomain.
U can have 3 subdomain, for example: (configured manually on server)| (configured manually on server)| -> (configured manually on server)|
Each of them refers to the main, but you wanna achieve something by using subdomains, for example i18n (with angular).
Thus, when someone connects to (in fact, the request goes to where you angular app is hosted) you can extract subdomain in angular(en in this case, see example in the post above) and translate you angular view.
Why no split by dots and count the elements of host()?
var host = $;
var parts = host.split('.');
var subdomain = null;
// more than, will always return the first
if (parts.length > 2)
subdomain = parts[0];
return subdomain;
hope it helps!

Avoid traliing slash for default routes in Backbone.js

I'm looking for something to accomplish in Backbone. Here is the explanation.
I have backbone routes like
'': 'defaultRoute',
'test': 'test',
'testing': 'testing'
Assuming my root url is '/routes'
Now when I say 'router.navigate('test', {trigger: true});' url changes to /routes/test.
Similar way when I call 'router.navigate('testing', {trigger: true});' url changes to /routes/testing.
But when I call 'router.navigate('', {trigger: true});' url changes to /routes/.
You know i didn't expect that / at the end. I never passed that. It should have been back to root url i.e. '/routes'.
Adding / at the end makes lot of difference/meaning. Checkout ''
Any fix for that (i.e. not having / at the end for default route)?
Try to override Backbone.History.prototype.navigate.
Copy default function and change this line :
var url = this.root + fragment;
to :
if(this.root !== '/' && fragment === ''){
var url = this.root.replace(trailingSlash, '');
var url = this.root + fragment;
First things first:
If your application is not being served from the root url / of your
domain, be sure to tell History where the root really is, as an
option: Backbone.history.start({pushState: true, root:
In your case, it is most likely to be something like root: "/routes". Something you need to keep in mind is that your website is seen in the browser as either a resource or a remote folder, therefore the default route without a trailing slash may not fully work by just leaving it as "" because that means usually "the current folder". You could try to set your root url as root: "/" instead (just as it should be by default) and create a "routes" resource as your default route, something like the following:
'test': 'test',
'testing': 'testing',
'routes': 'defaultRoute',
'*': 'catchAll'
Another recommendation that I am doing to you (as you can see it above) is to set your a catch all URL at the end in case someone enters a non-existent one, and you can also use it to redirect your users to your default route.
// your code above ...
defaultRoute: function() {
// your default route code...
catchAll: function() {
this.navigate('routes', {trigger: true});
// your code below ...
Finally, by any reason mess up with Backbone URLs manually, you are highly risking yourself to break the whole thing AND if in the future the API changes it should be easier to update if you just follow the intended use.
This has been already fixed in Backbone's latest version. I asked a question on there forum and found the answer. I'm adding it here as an answer if it helps anyone who is looking for the same thing.

Router in backbone not handling route after initialization

I have multiple routers in my app, in general way it looks like this:
// Start backbone.js
if (!Backbone.History.started) {
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true, hashChange: false});
// Perform some RPC requests ...
// Depending on user role, received from the server should be created suitable router:
var router;
if (typeof app.user.role === 'manager') {
router = new routers.manager();
} else {
router = new routers.guest();
Problem is that after page is loaded and script is executed routers do not do. anything. They do not load route for current url automatically. So, i had to fix it this way (i am not sure that it is a right way):
routers.guest.initialize = routers.manager.initialize = function() {
var defaultRoute = 'default';
if (typeof this.routes[Backbone.history.fragment] !== 'undefined') {
} else {
this.navigate(defaultRoute, true);
It is working fine, except one bug: when i use route with params, for example /reset-password-confirm/:code - it is unable to find in in routes property. I could write some more code to fix it, but i suppose that i am doing something wrong, if i have to write such things - as i understand router should handle routes just after it was created.
So, questions:
Why my router(s) does not handle routes for current url after it is being created? Perhaps i need to start backbone history later? (but this bug will happen again later then)
How it is possible to make routes with params like /user/:id work there?
Perhaps it is bad idea to re-create routers? Perhaps it is better to create all of them one time?
P.S. I've tried to create both routers and keep them, also i've trie to call backbone history start method after all routers were created.. but this didn't help :/
Assuming you route is declared as the following:
routes : {
'/user/:id' : 'user'
Your initialize code is not working because when you initialize your router with a url such as: /user/1234. Backbone.history.fragment will be /user/1234 (not /user/:id). Since the this.routes object doesn't have a key of /user/1234, your else clause calls the default route.
If you first instantiate your router then call Backbone.history.start(), you will be able to remove your router initialize code. When you navigate to a url as /user/1234 your router will match the /user/:id route and call the user function.
The following should work for you without adding your initialize code:
var router = (app.user.role === 'manager') ? new routers.manager()
: new routers.guest();
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true, hashChange: false});
Looking at the code, seems like you're starting the backbone history before initializing any routes. That's most likely not goning to work.
The correct way of doing this type of seperation is by creating all the routes based on the role received from the server and then start the backbone history. Here's an SO thread that talks about it with code samples as well : How to protect routes for different user groups
