I am running the following query on my database:-
SELECT COUNT(*) AS COUNT, `Doctor`.`device_type` FROM `doctors` AS `Doctor` WHERE 1 = 1 GROUP BY `Doctor`.`device_type`
and it gives the result:-
count device_type
47 Android
23 iPhone
Whereas when running this query as a CakePHP query it gives the result as '2':-
Can anyone please suggest why this is happening?
The CakePHP result is correct as it is returning a count of the number of results returned by your query. In your case you have 2 rows: 'Android' and 'iPhone'.
find('count') always returns an integer, not an array. What Cake is doing is basically this:-
$data = $this->Doctor->find('all', array('group' => 'Doctor.device_type'));
$count = count($data); // This is what find('count') will return.
You need to do something like the following instead:-
$data = $this->Doctor->find('all', array(
'fields' => array(
'COUNT(Doctor.*) AS count'
'group' => 'Doctor.device_type'
how can I write SELECT IF(1>2,2,3); in this->find('all', array()) format in cakephp 2?
You can try like this:
$data = $this->Model->find("all", array(
"fields" => array("IF( 1 > 2 ,2, 3) AS result"),
"conditions" => ...
This will give your output in result index of your array.
Hope this will help!
I'm quite new to CakePHP and have an issue. I'm trying to update one field in a row with this:
$options = array('conditions' => array('User.id' => $_POST['userid']));
$user = $this->User->find('first', $options);
$currentpoint = $user['User']['point'];
$correctanswerpoint = Configure::read('CORRECT_SYSTEMANSWER_POINT');
$newpoint = $currentpoint + $correctanswerpoint;
$this->User->updateAll(array('User.point'=>$newpoint), array('User.id'=>$_POST['userid']));
There are no errors, but the field point (bigint(20)) is not being updated. I've changed the field to update to another one in the same row which is of smallint type and the update goes through fine.
My debugging log seems to show that the SQL query is ok too:
[query] => UPDATE `askyoode_askyoo`.`users` AS `User` LEFT JOIN `askyoode_askyoo`.`countries` AS `Country` ON (`User`.`country_id` = `Country`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `askyoode_askyoo`.`accesstypes` AS `Accesstype` ON (`User`.`accesstype_id` = `Accesstype`.`id`) SET `User`.`point` = 57 WHERE `User`.`id` = 124
[params] => Array
[affected] => 1
[numRows] => 1
[took] => 12
And manually running the same SQL statement in MySQL works. Been tearing out my hair for the whole day trying to resolve this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
I'm trying to format a find condition to generate a set of data to be later printed to an excel view via PhPExcel. The intended functionality is that if the start_date and the end_date fields match for the entry, the entry is included in the array. If the fields do not match, it's excluded.
$my_data = $this-> RecordsMaster-> find("all", array(
'conditions' => array(
"RecordsMaster.start_date" == "RecordsMaster end_date"
The problem lies in the fact that the statement above doesn't actually do anything. Rows from mySQL table with start and end dates that differ are included in the data dump to excel.
The conditions in the question don't mean much
The conditions in the question are equivalent to:
$my_data = $this-> RecordsMaster-> find("all", array(
'conditions' => array(
Which will return no records, since it will generate the following sql:
Don't use key => value to match fields
Correcting the typos in the code in the question would still not generate desired sql - it would generate:
WHERE `RecordsMaster`.`start_date` = "RecordsMaster end_date"
I.e. where start_date is that litteral string.
The intended functionality is that if the start_date and the end_date fields match for the entry
To generate WHERE field = otherfield you can specify as a string:
$my_data = $this-> RecordsMaster-> find("all", array(
'conditions' => array(
"RecordsMaster.start_date = RecordsMaster.end_date"
I'm trying to use the following:
$chaps = $this->Chapter->find('all', array(
'order'=> array('sequence_number' => 'ASC')
$this->set('chapters', $chaps );
to retrieve all my chapters by increasing order, but CakePHP seems to be ignoring the 'order' parameter. I believe that I have the syntax correct (based on view-source:http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/models/retrieving-your-data.html#creating-custom-find-types, which says the following should work:
public function index() {
$articles = $this->Article->find('available', array(
'order' => array('created' => 'desc')
). The SQL for the table looks like:
CREATE TABLE chapters (
sequence_number INT UNSIGNED,
title VARCHAR(50)
and I'm not getting any syntax or run-time errors. However, the SQL generated by Cake to actually get the chapter records is:
SELECT `Chapter`.`id`, `Chapter`.`sequence_number`, `Chapter`.`title`
FROM `Tutorial`.`chapters` AS `Chapter` WHERE 1 = 1
Clearly I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what it is.
As a work-around I'm happy to put an order property on the Model. Since I typically want to retrieve chapters by sequence number I'm fine with adding this to the model:
public $order = 'Chapter.sequence_number ASC';
Once I do that Cake generates
SELECT `Chapter`.`id`, `Chapter`.`sequence_number`, `Chapter`.`title`
FROM `Tutorial`.`chapters` AS `Chapter` WHERE 1 = 1
ORDER BY `Chapter`.`sequence_number` ASC
What if you try something like this, instead:
$chaps = $this->Chapter->find('all', array(
'order' => array('Chapter.sequence_number ASC')
The main difference being this part: Chapter.sequence_number ASC
$v = array(1,11.38,15.8);
$sortByPrice = $this->Product->query
CASE `currency`
WHEN '1' THEN $v[0]
WHEN '2' THEN $v[1]
WHEN '3' THEN $v[2]
END AS 'ratio'
FROM products
ORDER BY price*ratio DESC
i want to convert what is above to a find function
i tried something like that(but it do not work)..
$v = array(1,11.38,15.8);
$bla = $this->Product->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
Product.currency=1 THEN $v[0]
Product.currency=2 THEN $v[1]
Product.currency=3 THEN $v[2]
)) AS ratio'),
'order' => 'ratio',
'limit' => 10
can somebody to convert query into find
You are putting into the conditions key. Move it into the fields key or make it a virtualField - that may work.
Edit: also $v[0] in single quotes will not actually replace it with the variable - it will just appear as that text.