What's attribute of password in ActiveDirectory(cn=nameuser) - active-directory

If attribute of username is sAMAccountname, for password is ...
I don't found one look like that.
I want to authenticate on login page(browser).
ps.I'm a newbie explain to me please.

There is no attribute containing the password.
AD authentication for a web site is possible, but it depends on the language you are using.


ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2 login example

Was wondering whether there is an example of full SSO login chain ? For example, user fills in the user name and IdP will check whether user exists. TestWebAppCore and TestIdPCore seem to implement "most" of it. Which API does need to be used when I need to do user validation ? An invalid login example would help to understand the API :)
You are correct that the TestIdPCore sample only shows the SAML 2.0 part of an IdP, it does not show user validation with e.g. username + password.
A user validation dialog can be added at this point https://github.com/ITfoxtec/ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2/blob/master/test/TestIdPCore/Controllers/AuthController.cs#L44
I use the ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2 component in FoxIDs which implements a full IdP including user validation. Users and password hashes are saved in CosmosDB and the username + password validation is based on password hash validation.FoxIDs is open source and free of charge. You are wellcomme to look at the FoxIDs code, maybe it is helpful. But I have to warn you, the FoxIDs code is complex and not that easy to read.

openLDAP: login with userPrincipalName

I have set up an openLdap server instance.
Login for the time being requires providing as username the user's dn, e.g.
How is it possible to enable login with userPrincipalName in the form of
151test#mydomain.com ?
edit: it seems that userPrincipalName is an attribute of user objectClass, available to Active Directory but not available out of the box to the default schema used by openLDAP.
So the question more or less becomes:
how to use (import) an AD-compliant schema by (to) openLDAP AND enable login with userPrincipalName as username
As far as I know using just the attribute value of userPrincipalName in a simple bind request only works for Microsoft-ActiveDirectory.
Other LDAP servers need the full-DN or a short DN if they are capable of bind-DN rewriting, like OpenLDAP's slapd with slapo-rwm.

LDAP get Users DN by Username and Domainname

I have some understanding problems of LDAP.
When i use an Active Directory Server i can bind with username#domain and a password.
When i use ApacheDS i must give it the full DN of the user and a password.
So i have the folowing Questions:
How do i find out the full dn of a User on a ApacheDS Server with
anonymous privilegs and only the knowledge of username, domain (and
Is this evenposible? Is the ApacheDS Server even made to be an
alternative to Active Directory?
Generally, LDAP authentication is done in two steps:
Map a given unique user identifier (uid) to its distinguished name using a search operation with a filter like (&(objectClass=user)(uid=%s))
Use a bind operation with that dn to authenticate against your LDAP server.
Active Directory comes with a convenience feature: You can bind using a couple of supported identifiers and AD will do the mapping internally for you.
ApacheDS isn't a plug-and-play substitute for AD, but it's extensible. A Java developer can easily write an authentication interceptor providing the same internal mapping as AD.
As marabu said you can simulate the authentication using a search on the directory before doing the bind.
You can also look for SASL authentication which provides other ways to authenticate.
Here are a list of ApacheDS supported SASL mechanism : http://directory.apache.org/apacheds/advanced-ug/4.1.2-sasl-authn.html

CakePHP Auth Manual login

I am interested in testing the incoming password field for a particular admin level password. If it matches, I want it to manually have Auth log in with whatever username they want (submitted via form)
My understanding is Auth, in taking the data, will only authorize it if it sees the same email/hashed password in the database. Is there a way to get around this check to manually set it? Even $this->Auth->login(..) will do this check right?
Auth::login accepts either a username/password combination or simply a user id (the primary key of the user model in the database).
see my answer here: Using username instead of email in CakePHP's Auth Component
It's not the same question, but the idea is, when the login fails, you can intercept it and do what you want.

LDAP Authentication with Active Directory and SunOne

I know how to authenticate username and password using LDAP after reviewing this site and others. But my question is our client does not give permission to any username or password to bind itself to active directory. I mean there is admin kind of uname and password which is used to bind first and then you have to provide your actual username and password. Could anyone please let me know how could I accomplish this?
Typically you find some manner of binding, that allows you to search for the full DN of your target user, based on whatever information you got out of them. For example, you might ask for a username and password to log in with, and that username might be their sAMAccountName is AD. Or perhaps their email address in AD.
Then you would query either mail or sAMAccountname via a bind as an Admin user or as an anonymous bind, or something else they allow to find the full DN of that user.
Finally you would perhaps do a password compare to test the DN's password against the value they entered on the login page.
