SUM() column based on other columns - sql-server

I have table with sales plan data for every week, which consists of few columns:
SAL_DTDGID -- which is date of every Sunday, for example 20160110, 20160117
SAL_MQuantity --sum of sales plan value
SAL_MQuantityYTD --sum of plans since first day of the year
SAL_CoreElement --sales plan data for few core elements
SAL_Site --unique identifier of place, where sale has happened
How do I sum values in SAL_MQuantityYTD as values of SAL_MQuantity since first records in 2016 to 'now' for every site and every core element?
Every site mentioned in SAL_Site has 52 rows corresponding week count in a year along with 5 different SAL_CoreElement's
20160110 |20000 |20000 |1 |1234
20160117 |10000 |30000 |1 |1234
20160124 |30000 |60000 |1 |1234
If something isn't clear I'll try to explain.

Not sure I completely understand your question, but this should allow you to recreate the running sum for SAL_MQuantityYTD. Replace #test with whatever your table/view is called.
FROM #test T2
AND T2.SAL_Site = T1.SAL_Site
AND T2.SAL_coreElement = T1.SAL_coreElement) AS RunningTotal
FROM #test T1
If you wanted to create the yearly figure then you could also use a correlated subquery like this
FROM #test T2
WHERE cast(left(T2.SAL_DTDGID,4) as integer) = cast(left(T1.SAL_DTDGID,4) as integer)
AND T2.SAL_Site = T1.SAL_Site
AND T2.SAL_coreElement = T1.SAL_coreElement) AS RunningTotal
FROM #test T1
Edit: Just seen, basically the same answer, using a window function.

Let me explain you an idea. Please try below.
Select A, B,
(Select SUM(SAL_MQuantity)
FORM [Your Table]
WHERE [your date column] between '20160101' AND '[Present date]') AS SAL_MQuantityYTD
FROM [Your Table]

My understanding from your questions is that you want to have the YTD sum of SAL_MQuantity for each year (you can simply 'where' after if you only want 2016), SAL_Site, SAL_CoreElement.
The code below should achieve that and will run on SQL 2008 r2 (im running 2005).
'##t1' is the temp table name I used to test, replace it with your table name.
Select distinct
sum (SAL_MQuantity) over (partition by
left (cast (cast (SAL_DTDGID as int) as varchar (8)),4)
, SAL_Site
, SAL_CoreElement
,left (cast (cast (SAL_DTDGID as int) as varchar (8)),4) as Time_Period
, SAL_Site
, SAL_CoreElement
from ##t1


How to filter IDs based on dates?

I have the following table:
1 02-09-2010
2 03-08-2011
1 08-01-2011
3 04-03-2010
I am looking for IDs who had at least one date before 05-01-2010 AND at least one date after 05-02-2010
I tried the following:
WHERE tb1.DATES < '05-01-2010' AND tb1.DATES > '05-02-2010'
I don't think it's correct because I wasn't getting the right IDs when I did that and there's something wrong with that logic.
Can someone explain what I am doing wrong here?
The SQL command SELECT * FROM tb1 WHERE tb1.DATES < '05-01-2010' AND tb1.DATES > '05-02-2010' is asking "find all the rows where the 'dates' field is before 1 May and after 2 May" which - when put in English - is obviously none of them.
Instead, the command should be asking "find all the IDs which have a record that is before 1 May, and another record after 2 May" - creating the need to look at multiple records for each ID.
As #Martheen suggested, you could do this with two (sub)queries e.g.,
FROM mytable tb1
WHERE tb1.[dates] < '20100501'
) AS A
FROM mytable tb1
WHERE tb1.[dates] > '20100502'
) AS B
or using INTERSECT
FROM mytable tb1
WHERE tb1.[dates] < '20100501'
FROM mytable mt2
WHERE mt2.[dates] > '20100502';
The use of DISTINCT in the above is so that you only get one row per ID, no matter how many rows they have before/after the relevant dates.
You could also do it via GROUP BY and HAVING - which in this particular case is easy as if any dates are before 1 May, then their earliest date must be before 1 May (and correspondingly for their max data and 2 May) e.g.,
FROM mytable mt1
HAVING MIN(mt1.[dates]) < '20100501' AND MAX(mt1.[dates]) > '20100502';
Here is a db<>fiddle with all 3 of these; all provide the same answer (one row, with ID = 1).
Finally, you should use an unambiguous format for your dates. My preferred one of these is 'yyyyMMdd' with no dashes/slashes/etc (as these make them ambiguous).
Different countries/servers/etc will convert the dates you have there differently e.g., SQL Server UTC string comparison not working
This is one solution to use between to specify range.
SELECT * from Table_name where
From_date BETWEEN '2013-01-03'AND '2013-01-09'
Other solution is to what you mentioned but see that the logic is correct
SELECT * from Table_name where
From_date > '2010-01-05'AND From_date <'2010-02-05'

SQL Server : Join If Between

I have 2 tables:
Query1: contains 3 columns, Due_Date, Received_Date, Diff
where Diff is the difference in the two dates in days
QueryHol with 2 columns, Date, Count
This has a list of dates and the count is set to 1 for everything. All these dates represent public holidays.
I want to be able to get the sum of QueryHol["Count"] if QueryHol["Date"] is between Query1["Due_Date"] and Query1["Received_Date"]
Result Wanted: a column joined onto Query1 to state how many public holidays fell into the date range so they can be subtracted from the Query1["Diff"] column to give a reflection of working days.
Because the 01-01-19 is a bank holiday i would want to minus that from the Diff to end up with results like below
Let me know if you require any more info.
Here's an option:
SELECT query1.due_date
, query1.received_date
, query1.diff
, queryhol.count
, COALESCE(query1.diff - queryhol.count, query1.diff) as DiffCount
FROM Query1
FROM QueryHol
WHERE QueryHol.Date <= Query1.Received_Date
AND QueryHol.Date >= Query1.Due_Date
) AS queryhol
You may need to play around with the join condition - as it is assumes that the Received_Date is always later than the Due_Date which there is not enough data to know all of the use cases.
If I understand your problem, I think this is a possible solution:
select due_date,
(select sum(table2.count)
from table2
where table2.due_date between table1.due_date and table1.due_date) sum_holi,
table1.diff - (select sum(table2.count)
from table2
where between table1.due_date and table2.due_date) diff_holi
from table1
where [...] --here your conditions over table1.

SQL Server : update every 5 records with Past Months

I want to update 15 records in that first 5 records date should be June 2019,next 5 records with July 2019,last 5 records with Aug 2019 based on employee id,Can any one tell me how to write this type of query in SQL Server Management Studio V 17.7,I've tried with below query but unable to do for next 5 rows..
Like below query
Update TOP(5) emp.employee(nolock) set statusDate=GETDATE()-31 where EMPLOYEEID='XCXXXXXX';
To update only a certain number of rows of a table you will need to include a FROM clause and join a sub-query which limits the number of rows. I would suggest using OFFSET AND FETCH instead of top so that you can skip X number of rows
You will also want to use the DATEADD function instead of directly subtracting a number from the DateTime function GETDATE(). I'm not certain but I think your query will subtract milliseconds. If you intend to go back a month I would suggest subtracting a month rather than 31 days. Alternatively it might be easier to specify an exact date like '2019-06-01'
For example:
- EmployeeID INT FK
- statusDate DATETIME
SET statusDate = '2019-06-01'
WHERE EmployeeID = ''
) T1 ON TableA.TableAID = T1.TableAID
Right now it looks like your original query is updating the table employee rather than a purchases table. You will want to replace my TableA with whichever table it is you're updating and replace TableAID with the PK field of it.
You can use a ROW_NUMBER to get a ranking by employee, then just update the first 15 rows.
;WITH EmployeeRowsWithRowNumbers AS
RowNumberByEmployee = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
T.EmployeeID -- Generate a ranking by each different EmployeeID
(SELECT NULL)) -- ... in no particular order (you should supply one if you have an ordering column)
emp.employee AS T
statusDate = CASE
WHEN E.RowNumberByEmployee <= 5 THEN '2019-06-01'
WHEN E.RowNumberByEmployee BETWEEN 6 AND 10 THEN '2019-07-01'
ELSE '2019-08-01' END
EmployeeRowsWithRowNumbers AS E
E.RowNumberByEmployee <= 15

how to get multiple min values from two SQL tables?

I have two tables, a Members table and a Plan table. They are structured as follows.
member start_date Mplan Pplan version start_dt end_dt
John 20120701 johnplan johnplan 1 20120601 20130531
John 20130201 johnplan johnplan 2 20130601 20140531
John 20130901 johnplan
John 20131201 johnplan
I need to update the start_date on the Members table to be the minimum value present for that member but within the same Plan version.
20130201 would be changed to 20120701 and 20131201 would change to 20130901.
UPDATE Members
SET start_date =(
SELECT MIN(start_date) FROM Members a
LEFT JOIN Plan ON Mplan = Pplan AND
start_date BETWEEN start_dt AND end_dt
WHERE member=a.member
AND start_date BETWEEN start_dt AND end_dt
Unfortunately this sets every single start_date to 19900101 aka the lowest value in the entire table for that column.
First you need to get the minimum start date of each member for a specific plan. The following will provide you that.
select MIN(start_date) as min_date,a.member as member_name,a.Mplan as plan_name FROM Members a inner JOIN [plan] p ON a.Mplan = p.Pplan AND
start_date BETWEEN p.start_dt AND p.end_dt
group by a.member, a.Mplan
The result will be something like this.
min_date member_name plan_name
2012-07-01 00:00:00.000 John johnplan1
2013-09-01 00:00:00.000 John johnplan2
Use this to update each member's start date for a plan with the lowest start date of the respective plan.
update members
set start_date= tbl.min_date from
(SELECT MIN(start_date) as min_date,a.member as member_name,a.Mplan as plan_name FROM Members a
inner JOIN [plan] p ON a.Mplan = p.Pplan AND
start_date BETWEEN p.start_dt AND p.end_dt
group by a.member, a.Mplan) as tbl
where member=tbl.member_name and Mplan=tbl.plan_name
I created your 2 tables, members and plan, and tested this solution with sample data and it works. I hope it helps.
You really need to convert the dates to Datetime. You will have a greater precision, the possibility to store hours, days and minutes as well as access to date specific functions, international conversion and localization.
If your column is a Varchar(8), then it uses no less space than a Datetime column.
That said, what you are looking for is row_number().
Something like:
SELECT Member, MPlan, Start_Date, Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY Member, MPLan ORDER BY Start_Date) as Version
FROM Members
Could you try this ? I didn't test it.
With Member_start_dt as
select *, (select start_dt from Pplan where M.start_date <= start_dt AND M.start_date >= end_dt) as Pplan_date
from Members M
Member_by_plan as
select *, ROW_NUMBER () over (partition by Pplan_date order by start_date) num
from Member_start_dt
update M
Set M.start_date = MBP1.start_date
from Members M
inner join Member_by_plan MBP1 ON MBP1.member = M.Member AND num = 1
inner join Member_by_plan MBP2 ON MBP2.member = M.Member AND MBP2.Pplan_date = MBP1.Pplan_date AND MBP2.start_date = M.start_date

Show histortical results from same table

I have a table called MyHistory my history have about 1000 rows in this table and the performance is crappy at best.
What I want to do is select rows showing the next row as a result. This is probably a bad example.
this is MyHistory structure ID int,DateTimeColumn datetime,ValueResult decimal (4,2)
my table has the following data
1|8/1/2005 1:01:29 PM|2
1|8/1/2006 1:01:29 PM|3
1|8/1/2007 1:01:29 PM|5
1|8/1/2008 1:01:29 PM|9
What I want to do is select out of this the following data
1|8/1/2008 1:01:29 PM|9|4
1|8/1/2007 1:01:29 PM|5|2
1|8/1/2006 1:01:29 PM|3|1
1|8/1/2005 1:01:29 PM|2|
You'll notice that ID is = ID and the datetime column is now desc. Thats the easy part. But how do I make a self referencing table (in order to calculate the difference in value) based on which datetime comes next?
So, the task is:
to order records by DateTimeColumn descending,
to set sequence number for each record to identify next record,
to calculate required difference in value.
This is one of many possible solutions:
-- Use CTE to make intermediate table with sequence numbers - ranks
;WITH a (rank, ID, DateTimeColumn, ValueResult) AS
select rank() OVER (ORDER BY m.DateTimeColumn DESC) as rank, ID, DateTimeColumn, ValueResult
from MyHistory
-- Select all resulting columns
select a1.ID,
a1.ValueResult - a2.ValueResult as ChangeValue -- Difference between current record and next one
from a a1
join a a2
on a2.rank = a1.rank + 1 -- linking next record to each one
