how to get multiple min values from two SQL tables? - sql-server

I have two tables, a Members table and a Plan table. They are structured as follows.
member start_date Mplan Pplan version start_dt end_dt
John 20120701 johnplan johnplan 1 20120601 20130531
John 20130201 johnplan johnplan 2 20130601 20140531
John 20130901 johnplan
John 20131201 johnplan
I need to update the start_date on the Members table to be the minimum value present for that member but within the same Plan version.
20130201 would be changed to 20120701 and 20131201 would change to 20130901.
UPDATE Members
SET start_date =(
SELECT MIN(start_date) FROM Members a
LEFT JOIN Plan ON Mplan = Pplan AND
start_date BETWEEN start_dt AND end_dt
WHERE member=a.member
AND start_date BETWEEN start_dt AND end_dt
Unfortunately this sets every single start_date to 19900101 aka the lowest value in the entire table for that column.

First you need to get the minimum start date of each member for a specific plan. The following will provide you that.
select MIN(start_date) as min_date,a.member as member_name,a.Mplan as plan_name FROM Members a inner JOIN [plan] p ON a.Mplan = p.Pplan AND
start_date BETWEEN p.start_dt AND p.end_dt
group by a.member, a.Mplan
The result will be something like this.
min_date member_name plan_name
2012-07-01 00:00:00.000 John johnplan1
2013-09-01 00:00:00.000 John johnplan2
Use this to update each member's start date for a plan with the lowest start date of the respective plan.
update members
set start_date= tbl.min_date from
(SELECT MIN(start_date) as min_date,a.member as member_name,a.Mplan as plan_name FROM Members a
inner JOIN [plan] p ON a.Mplan = p.Pplan AND
start_date BETWEEN p.start_dt AND p.end_dt
group by a.member, a.Mplan) as tbl
where member=tbl.member_name and Mplan=tbl.plan_name
I created your 2 tables, members and plan, and tested this solution with sample data and it works. I hope it helps.

You really need to convert the dates to Datetime. You will have a greater precision, the possibility to store hours, days and minutes as well as access to date specific functions, international conversion and localization.
If your column is a Varchar(8), then it uses no less space than a Datetime column.
That said, what you are looking for is row_number().
Something like:
SELECT Member, MPlan, Start_Date, Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY Member, MPLan ORDER BY Start_Date) as Version
FROM Members

Could you try this ? I didn't test it.
With Member_start_dt as
select *, (select start_dt from Pplan where M.start_date <= start_dt AND M.start_date >= end_dt) as Pplan_date
from Members M
Member_by_plan as
select *, ROW_NUMBER () over (partition by Pplan_date order by start_date) num
from Member_start_dt
update M
Set M.start_date = MBP1.start_date
from Members M
inner join Member_by_plan MBP1 ON MBP1.member = M.Member AND num = 1
inner join Member_by_plan MBP2 ON MBP2.member = M.Member AND MBP2.Pplan_date = MBP1.Pplan_date AND MBP2.start_date = M.start_date


Combining rows with overlapping dates in T-SQL

I have some data similar to the below:
Base data
Student Start Date End Date Course
John 01-Jan-20 30-Sep-20 Business
John 01-Jan-20 30-Dec-20 Psychology
John 01-Oct-20 NULL Music
Jack 01-Feb-20 30-Sep-20 Business
Jack 01-Apr-20 30-Nov-20 Music
I want to transform the data so I have a row for each student, for each time period, with a concatenated list of courses, i.e.
Target output
Student Start Date End Date Course
John 01-Jan-20 30-Sep-20 Business, Psychology
John 01-Oct-20 30-Dec-20 Psychology, Music
John 01-Jan-21 NULL Music
Jack 01-Feb-20 31-Mar-20 Business
Jack 01-Apr-20 30-Sep-20 Business, Music
Jack 01-Oct-20 30-Nov-20 Music
I have a script that works if the dates are identical, using STUFF on the course field and grouping on student/dates (code below). But I can't work out how to handle the overlapping dates?
Select Student,
Courses =
STUFF((select ',' + course
from Table1 b
where a.student = b.student
for XML PATH('')
from table1 a
Group by student
This is a little long winded, as you need to get the groups for the dates. As the dates don't overlap, you then need to do a bit of elimination of some of the groupings too, so it takes a couple of sweeps.
I use CTEs to get the groups I need, and then use a subquery to string aggregate (on a more recent version of SQL Server you can use STRING_AGG and not need a second scan of the table). This ends up with this:
WITH YourTable AS(
FROM (VALUES('John',CONVERT(date,'01-Jan-20'),CONVERT(date,'30-Sep-20'),'Business'),
Dates AS(
FROM YourTable YT
(YT.Student,YT.EndDate)) V(Student,[Date])),
Islands AS(
LEAD(ISNULL([Date],'99991231')) OVER (PARTITION BY Student ORDER BY ISNULL([Date],'99991231')) AS NextDate
FROM Dates
Groups AS(
SELECT I.Student,
I.Date AS StartDate,
STUFF((SELECT ',' + YT.Course
FROM YourTable YT
WHERE YT.Student = I.Student
AND YT.StartDate <= I.[Date]
AND (YT.EndDate >= I.NextDate OR YT.EndDate IS NULL)
FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('(./text())[1]','nvarchar(MAX)'),1,1,'') AS Courses
FROM Islands I)
SELECT Student,
FROM Groups
WHERE ([StartDate] != EndDate OR EndDate IS NULL)
StartDate ASC;

T-SQL - Get last as-at date SUM(Quantity) was not negative

I am trying to find a way to get the last date by location and product a sum was positive. The only way i can think to do it is with a cursor, and if that's the case I may as well just do it in code. Before i go down that route, i was hoping someone may have a better idea?
Product, Date, Location, Quantity
The scenario is; I find the quantity by location and product at a particular date, if it is negative i need to get the sum and date when the group was last positive.
SUM(Quantity) Qty,
SUM(Value) Value
ProductTransactions PT
Date <= #AsAtDate
group by
i am looking for the last date where the sum of the transactions previous to and including it are positive
Based on your revised question and your comment, here another solution I hope answers your question.
select Product, Location, max(Date) as Date
from (
select a.Product, a.Location, a.Date from ProductTransactions as a
join ProductTransactions as b
on a.Product = b.Product and a.Location = b.Location
where b.Date <= a.Date
group by a.Product, a.Location, a.Date
having sum(b.Value) >= 0
) as T
group by Product, Location
The subquery (table T) produces a list of {product, location, date} rows for which the sum of the values prior (and inclusive) is positive. From that set, we select the last date for each {product, location} pair.
This can be done in a set based way using windowed aggregates in order to construct the running total. Depending on the number of rows in the table this could be a bit slow but you can't really limit the time range going backwards as the last positive date is an unknown quantity.
I've used a CTE for convenience to construct the aggregated data set but converting that to a temp table should be faster. (CTEs get executed each time they are called whereas a temp table will only execute once.)
The basic theory is to construct the running totals for all of the previous days using the OVER clause to partition and order the SUM aggregates. This data set is then used and filtered to the expected date. When a row in that table has a quantity less than zero it is joined back to the aggregate data set for all previous days for that product and location where the quantity was greater than zero.
Since this may return multiple positive date rows the ROW_NUMBER() function is used to order the rows based on the date of the positive quantity day. This is done in descending order so that row number 1 is the most recent positive day. It isn't possible to use a simple MIN() here because the MIN([Date]) may not correspond to the MIN(Quantity).
SELECT [Date],
SUM(Quantity) OVER (PARTITION BY Product, [Location] ORDER BY [Date] ASC) AS Quantity,
SUM([Value]) OVER(PARTITION BY Product, [Location] ORDER BY [Date] ASC) AS [Value]
FROM ProductTransactions
WHERE [Date] <= #AsAtDate
SELECT [Date], Product, [Location], Quantity, [Value], Positive_date, Positive_date_quantity
SELECT x1.[Date], x1.Product, x1.[Location], x1.Quantity, x1.[Value],
x2.[Date] AS Positive_date, x2.[Quantity] AS Positive_date_quantity,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY x1.Product, x1.[Location] ORDER BY x2.[Date] DESC) AS Positive_date_row
FROM x AS x1
LEFT JOIN x AS x2 ON x1.Product=x2.Product AND x1.[Location]=x2.[Location]
AND x2.[Date]<x1.[Date] AND x1.Quantity<0 AND x2.Quantity>0
WHERE x1.[Date] = #AsAtDate
) AS y
WHERE Positive_date_row=1
Do you mean that you want to get the last date of positive quantity come to positive in group?
For example, If you are using SQL Server 2012+:
In following scenario, when the date going to 01/03/2017 the summary of quantity come to 1(-10+5+6).
Is it possible the quantity of following date come to negative again?
;WITH tb(Product, Location,[Date],Quantity) AS(
SELECT 'A','B','01/02/2017',5 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','B','01/03/2017',6 UNION ALL
SELECT 'A','B','01/04/2017',2
SELECT t.Product,t.Location,SUM(t.Quantity) AS Qty,MIN(CASE WHEN t.CurrentSum>0 THEN t.Date ELSE NULL END ) AS LastPositiveDate
SELECT *,SUM(tb.Quantity)OVER(ORDER BY [Date]) AS CurrentSum FROM tb
) AS t GROUP BY t.Product,t.Location
Product Location Qty LastPositiveDate
------- -------- ----------- -----------------------
A B 3 2017-01-03 00:00:00.000

SUM() column based on other columns

I have table with sales plan data for every week, which consists of few columns:
SAL_DTDGID -- which is date of every Sunday, for example 20160110, 20160117
SAL_MQuantity --sum of sales plan value
SAL_MQuantityYTD --sum of plans since first day of the year
SAL_CoreElement --sales plan data for few core elements
SAL_Site --unique identifier of place, where sale has happened
How do I sum values in SAL_MQuantityYTD as values of SAL_MQuantity since first records in 2016 to 'now' for every site and every core element?
Every site mentioned in SAL_Site has 52 rows corresponding week count in a year along with 5 different SAL_CoreElement's
20160110 |20000 |20000 |1 |1234
20160117 |10000 |30000 |1 |1234
20160124 |30000 |60000 |1 |1234
If something isn't clear I'll try to explain.
Not sure I completely understand your question, but this should allow you to recreate the running sum for SAL_MQuantityYTD. Replace #test with whatever your table/view is called.
FROM #test T2
AND T2.SAL_Site = T1.SAL_Site
AND T2.SAL_coreElement = T1.SAL_coreElement) AS RunningTotal
FROM #test T1
If you wanted to create the yearly figure then you could also use a correlated subquery like this
FROM #test T2
WHERE cast(left(T2.SAL_DTDGID,4) as integer) = cast(left(T1.SAL_DTDGID,4) as integer)
AND T2.SAL_Site = T1.SAL_Site
AND T2.SAL_coreElement = T1.SAL_coreElement) AS RunningTotal
FROM #test T1
Edit: Just seen, basically the same answer, using a window function.
Let me explain you an idea. Please try below.
Select A, B,
(Select SUM(SAL_MQuantity)
FORM [Your Table]
WHERE [your date column] between '20160101' AND '[Present date]') AS SAL_MQuantityYTD
FROM [Your Table]
My understanding from your questions is that you want to have the YTD sum of SAL_MQuantity for each year (you can simply 'where' after if you only want 2016), SAL_Site, SAL_CoreElement.
The code below should achieve that and will run on SQL 2008 r2 (im running 2005).
'##t1' is the temp table name I used to test, replace it with your table name.
Select distinct
sum (SAL_MQuantity) over (partition by
left (cast (cast (SAL_DTDGID as int) as varchar (8)),4)
, SAL_Site
, SAL_CoreElement
,left (cast (cast (SAL_DTDGID as int) as varchar (8)),4) as Time_Period
, SAL_Site
, SAL_CoreElement
from ##t1

MS SQL Server Can Not Get A Select Sum Column Correct

I am using MS SQL Server Management Studio. What I am trying to do is get a sum as one of my columns for each record but that sum would only sum up values based on the values from the first two columns.
The query looks like this so far:
SUM((select FO_NumPages from tbl_Folder where FO_StatisticDateTime > BeginPeriod AND FO_StatisticDateTime < EndPeriod))
) AS PageCount
CONVERT(varchar(12),DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,tbl_Folder.FO_StatisticDateTime),0),101) AS BeginPeriod,
tbl_Folder.FO_PK_ID AS COL1ID
)AS ProcMonth1
CONVERT(varchar(12),DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,tbl_Folder.FO_StatisticDateTime)+1,0),101) AS EndPeriod,
tbl_Folder.FO_PK_ID AS COL2ID
)AS ProcNextMonth1
ON ProcMonth1.COL1ID = ProcNextMonth1.COL2ID
ORDER BY BeginPeriod DESC;
The table I am getting the data from would look something like this:
FO_StatisticsDateTime | FO_PK_ID | FO_NumPages
03/21/2013 | 24 | 5
04/02/2013 | 22 | 6
I want the sum to count the number of pages for each record that is between the beginning period and the end period for each record.
I understand the sum with the select statement has an aggregate error in that function for the column values. But is there a way I can get that sum for each record?
I'm trusting that everything in the FROM clause works as you expect, and would suggest that this change to the top part of your query should get what you want:
(Select SUM(FO_NumPages)
from tbl_Folder f1
where f1.FO_StatisticDateTime >= ProcMonth1.BeginPeriod
AND f1.FO_StatisticDateTime <= ProcNextMonth1.EndPeriod
) AS PageCount
CONVERT(varchar(12),DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,tbl_Folder.FO_StatisticDateTime),0),101) AS BeginPeriod,
tbl_Folder.FO_PK_ID AS COL1ID
)AS ProcMonth1
CONVERT(varchar(12),DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,0,tbl_Folder.FO_StatisticDateTime)+1,0),101) AS EndPeriod,
tbl_Folder.FO_PK_ID AS COL2ID
)AS ProcNextMonth1
ON ProcMonth1.COL1ID = ProcNextMonth1.COL2ID
ORDER BY BeginPeriod DESC;
This should work:
select BeginDate,
SUM(tbl_Folder.FO_NumPages) AS PageCount
from (select distinct dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,FO_StatisticDateTime),0) BeginDate from tbl_Folder) begindates
join (select distinct dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,FO_StatisticDateTime)+1,0) EndDate from tbl_Folder) enddates
on BeginDate < EndDate
join tbl_Folder
on tbl_Folder.FO_StatisticDateTime >= BeginDate
and tbl_Folder.FO_StatisticDateTime < EndDate
group by BeginDate, EndDate
order by 1, 2
I changed your expressions that converted the dates, because the string comparisons won't work as expected.
It joins two sub-queries of distinct beginning and ending dates to get all the possible date combinations. Then it joins that with your data that falls between the dates so that you can come up with your sum.

How to query a Master database using Inner Join links to 2 sub-databases that are identical to each other

I have an Inventory table containing Master file info and 2 Movement History tables (Current Year and Last Year).
I want to use a Query to extract Movements from (say) June LAST Year to March THIS Year in Code, Date sequence.
I am relatively new to SQL and have tried to use the following INNER JOIN structure to do this:
SELECT Code, Descrip, Category, MLast.Date, MLast.DocNo, MCurr.Date, MCurr.DocNo
INNER JOIN MoveTrnArc MLast ON MLast.Stockcode = S.Code
AND MLast.Date >='2011/06/01' AND MLast.Date <='2012/03/31'
INNER JOIN MoveTrn MCurr ON MCurr.Stockcode = S.Code
AND MCurr.Date >='2011/06/01' AND MCurr.Date <='2012/03/31'
This creates a Query Table with the following column structure:
Code | Descrip | Category | Date | DocNo | Date | DocNo |
...where the data from the LAST Year table appears in the first Date/DocNo columns and the CURRENT Year data appears in the second Date/DocNo columns.
What must I do to the Query to have each Movement in its own row or is there a better, more efficient Query to achieve this?
Also, I need the Movements listed in Code followed by Date sequence.
use union all instead of joins
select s.Code , s.Descrip , s.Category , t.Date , t.DocNo
select Stockcode, Date, DocNo from MoveTrnArc
union all
select Stockcode, Date, DocNo from MoveTrn
) t join Stock s on s.Code = t.Stockcode
where t.Date >='2011/06/01' AND t.Date <='2012/03/31'
beside careful with comparing dates, if Date column is type datetime and includes time you have to change t.Date <='2012/03/31' into t.Date <'2012/04/01' to include all the rows from 31st of march,
as '2012/03/31' is casted as '2012/03/31 00:00:00.000'
