Use Angular's $location to get URL parameters from URL string instead of current URL - angularjs

Can I (re)use Angular's $location or another Angular module to get URL parameters from a url? Or do I need to add (yet) another separate JS package to do this?
I have a URL string which I want to get the URL parameters from (aka searchstring). I know there's logic to do this in Angular.js, because $location has the search method. This returns the url parameters part as an object. For instance for a url I can get the maxPrice value using: $
But this works only for the current url in the browser bar. I'm setting up an ngMock function that has to get url params from a URL passed in as a string parameter. I DON'T want a DIY solution as there is so much debate about what is correct, performant, etc due to things you might not think of it at first like:
- bad performance of regexp
- needing to url encode parameters
- order dependence, etc.
So I'd love to get this gift-wrapped. And ideally as an included-in-Angular solution so there's also no work for wrapping things up in an Angular service :P.
Note: If it's not possible I'll probably use uri.js, which I used to satisfaction in a non-Angular project a while ago.


AngularJS: get url path without routeParams

Take this route for exmaple
when('/coordinator/editApplications/:appId', {
templateUrl: 'assets/app/templates/coordinator/editApplications.tpl.html',
module: "/coordinator",
Without using regular expressions, is there a property/method available in Angular that will allow me to get the path value with the parameters stripped off?
The value I would want for this example would be /coordinator/editApplications
This needs to be be universal because there could be multiple params or differently named params. I can't find anyway on the $route or $location to get this value as they all seem to contain the params.
Again, I know i can use regExp to do this but I want to avoid that. I also don't want to just add another property to the route w/ the non-param url value.

AngularJS change url with $location

I'm trying to change the URL with AngularJS,
but not with a redirect, just change the URL
after an event.
What I need is this: to this
In other words, just change the last Id.
I'm trying to do this:
But what I'm getting is this:
Angular enforces the idea of one page web app. Browsers don't take any actions on change of anything after '#' value. So the best practice is to add variable attributes in url after '#' value which will keep the base url and attribute look clean on browser's address bar as well as solve your problem. My advice is to keep username, page no. , or any specific attribute id after '#' value.
In your case you should use something like above said
usually angular URLs look like
in which case
should work for you
For that you should use .url() instead of .path()

Angular is changing query string parameter

We are using DPS's PXPay to generate payments for our app.
On a successful transaction the url that is provided looks like
This is definitely the request that is coming into the browser. BUT what is displayed in my browser URL bar... and what angular reads for the "result" token is this...
If you look closely... the two '==' are being taken off the end of the "result" token string.
I've tested in non angular applications and this isn't happening. Why does angular do this and how do I prevent it?
Angular cannot handle == because of its $location's search parsing. Just visit : and the url will change to
The same will not happen on a non-angular page.
Solution: Either patch angular OR HTML encode the section after ?result=
Depending on what you're trying to do with the URL that is returned, it might be simpler to just set window.location directly instead of working through Angular. This bypasses the query-string parsing in $location that's stripping the double equals.

AngularJS: How to provide a search facility and cause route change passing in params?

I need to be able to offer a search facility that will show results, I suppose allowing this route to be be bookmarkable.
What are my options here?
Do I just need to create a new route and place a resolve on there so that i can call my rest service and only display the page when its ready. Then i presume I would force a change of route via my existing controller ?
Problem I see is that I need to store a number of items on the URL, all the search params otherwise it won't be bookmarkable. Is the only way to do this by passing ugly querystrings ?
And how would I access the querystrings from angularjs so i could extract my params that i need to send along to the rest service.
I have tried googling for something similar or an example but I can't seem to find anything.
Has anyone done something similar, any pointers would be really helpful.
The $location service has a search method that acts as both a getter and a setter for querystring parameters.
It will return an object that corresponds to your parameters:

AngularJS appending path after url?

I'm new to AngularJS. So far I have been working with a page in root (/), and I haven't seen any issues with the navigation.
Now I added a path - "entries". I see AngularJS is appending the path again, so
And also a request with parameters, like:
I read: $location doc
But still I don't quite understand what's going on here. Is this correct behaviour? If not, how do I turn it off?
This is the correct behavior. Changing paths in angular does not actual correspond to a change in the URL itself, just the fragment (what comes after the #). This is how angular (and JS frameworks in general) keep track of your location and changes it without refreshing.
