What kind of output does the "protractor-ng-hint-plugin" generates? - angularjs

I'm currently researching on "protractor-ng-hint-plugin" on how its used and what output it generates to see if it would be beneficial for my project. But, there is very little to none documentation on this plugin.
Only meaningful doc out there is https://github.com/angular/protractor-ng-hint-plugin .
I've added
plugins: [
package: 'protractor-ng-hint-plugin'
and I've verified that the plugin is loaded during the test by using --troubleshoot flag.
Has anyone used this plugin? If yes, what output does it generates?

If your app has the angular-hint.js loaded and ng-hint activated, the protractor-ng-hint-plugin would report Angular best practices violations on the command-line. Try to run tests against these sample applications and see warnings on the console:


Monaco Editor - Web Workers cannot be loaded in production build

I'm currently implementing the Monaco Editor from Microsoft (https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor), with a plugin for yaml validation, autocompletion, etc. . (https://github.com/remcohaszing/monaco-yaml) in our react js APP.
Maybe it is also important to tell you, that our authentication process gets managed via Keycloak.
When I'm running my code in development (React-scripts start) everything is working as expected.
I can create the editor, the schema gets implemented correctly and autocompletion is also working.
BUT as soon as I try to use the editor in PRODUCTION Build it seems that it cant load my workers correctly, following the editor is not working as it should.
I always get these errors in production:
I tried to use monaco-editor-webpack-plugin with React Rewired but it didnt have an positive effect either.
I also tried to use the worker loader to load the workers, but it also didnt help
Any more Ideas how I can fix this ? Has this to do something with CORS ? Because it tries to load files in a url? Or am I missing something ?
Thanks in advance
What I tried: Monaco Webpack Plugin, plain webpack, worker-loader
Expected Behaviour: Monaco Editor with Monaco Yaml working in production build.
Current behaviour: Working fine in development build, cannot load workers in production.
The problem was, that my keycloak (on a different port) rejected to load the working scripts. After handling this problems, the editor is working fine.

The Angular Universal (SSR) cannot integrate with the external libraries like puppeteer, bulljs

This is just for describing the issue and sharing my solution, I got stuck a lot of time on it.
This issue happened after I upgraded the Angular 10 -> 11 and changed the builder from udk:udk-runner to #angular-devkit
The issue I was facing is when I set the field bundleDependencies in angular.json to true . The Puppeteer cannot start with the error cannot launch the browser
Then I found it also happened on the other external libraries I'm using at the Server side like BullJS Bull-Board Puppeteer-Cluster with the below error
Github source for demo the issue: https://github.com/phattranky/angular-ssr-error-with-pupepteer
The solution is quite simple you just need to add externalDependencies below the field bundleDependencies, which are the libraries we are using.
"externalDependencies": ["puppeteer", "puppeteer-cluster", "bull", "bull-board"]
What is the externalDependencies ?
If you have the better solution and any feedbacks, please share for me. Thanks

Karma Istanbul fix to work with new version of Chrome

In my AngularJs application I'm using Jasmine and Karma for my unit tests.
Recently, after a chrome update (now on 72.0.3626.81) my unit tests starting failing locally (with no change to code). I believe the error is a result of my coverage tool Instanbul.
Sometimes the error appears like this:
An error was thrown in afterAll Uncaught ReferenceError: __cov_iuQO6FdumXRPLjSMopb0JQ is not defined thrown
Other times it will appear within a specific unit test (not sure why).
I searched my application and the only file this __cov_ variable could come from is the return of a function within the Instanbul package, generateTrackerVar() within instrumenter.js.
As no code changes were made I assume that the issue is with the new version of Chrome, perhaps the security settings.
My question what permissions would karama-coverage/istanbul require? OR if anyone suspects the issue isn't security based, then what could be causing this error?
I have tried to disable web security in my gulpfile like so:
browsers: [ 'Chrome_without_security' ],
customLaunchers: {
Chrome_without_security: {
base: 'Chrome',
flags: ['--disable-web-security']
But this didn't solve the issue. Is there a way to set the chrome version in this config?
I managed to solve this by figuring out the hashcode after __cov_ was related to a test file that was throwing an error. I don't know why the error didn't just appear as it normally would, that will be another problem to solve.
For now I managed to figure out the file by logging in instrumenter.js within the instanbul package. Then by removing my coverage tool I figured out the source of the issue. Simply removing the coverage tool would give me a different error but not tell me which file so I needed to do both.

ext-all-debug.js vs ext-all-dev.js

What is the main difference between ext-all-debug.js and ext-all-dev.js?
"ext-all-debug.js" is mainly used for development & debugging.
Using "ext-all-dev.js" will have any advantage?
Please clarify.
ext-all.js: minified, no docs/comments
ext-all-debug.js: non-minified, no docs/comments
ext-all-debug-w-comments.js: non-minified, with docs/comments
ext-all-dev.js: non-minified, with docs/comments, with console warnings, e.g. if you're using deprecated functions/configs or there are configuration problems. The additional console output in ext-all-dev.js can be really helpful, so I'd recommend it for development.
ext-all-debug.js: (or ext-all-debug-w-comments.js) is functionally the same as ext-all.js, allows better debugging since it's not minified. I'd recommend it for testing purposes.
ext-all.js: obviously is what you want to use in production, since the file is much smaller than the other files.
ext-all-debug.js is not minified, has documentation, but no console output.
ext-all-dev.js is not minified, has documentation and console output.
ext-all.js is minified, has no documenation and no console output.
the debug version of Ext is not compressed and is a lot easier to read/step through in a debugger. You might also consider using ext-all-debug-w-comments.js.

Qooxdoo - Theme to use is not available

I have an qx v2.0.1 app working off the local file system and it runs fine in Firefox v14, but in Chrome v18 it gives me this error:
Uncaught Error: The theme to use is not available: edd.theme.Theme
I thought I've come across this before and a ./generate.py distclean fixed it, but not this time. Someone else had a similar bug that was fixed:
Any ideas?
This question is too tricky, and probably involves things like looking at verbose generator output and your job configs, so it is not really suitable for a Q&A site. I suggest you open up a bug for it at the qooxdoo project.
Interestingly enough, after a computer reboot it started working in chrome again. So the chrome clear browser cache/history everything since the beginning of time must not catch everything. So now it's working again...odd.
