ext-all-debug.js vs ext-all-dev.js - extjs

What is the main difference between ext-all-debug.js and ext-all-dev.js?
"ext-all-debug.js" is mainly used for development & debugging.
Using "ext-all-dev.js" will have any advantage?
Please clarify.

ext-all.js: minified, no docs/comments
ext-all-debug.js: non-minified, no docs/comments
ext-all-debug-w-comments.js: non-minified, with docs/comments
ext-all-dev.js: non-minified, with docs/comments, with console warnings, e.g. if you're using deprecated functions/configs or there are configuration problems. The additional console output in ext-all-dev.js can be really helpful, so I'd recommend it for development.
ext-all-debug.js: (or ext-all-debug-w-comments.js) is functionally the same as ext-all.js, allows better debugging since it's not minified. I'd recommend it for testing purposes.
ext-all.js: obviously is what you want to use in production, since the file is much smaller than the other files.

ext-all-debug.js is not minified, has documentation, but no console output.
ext-all-dev.js is not minified, has documentation and console output.
ext-all.js is minified, has no documenation and no console output.

the debug version of Ext is not compressed and is a lot easier to read/step through in a debugger. You might also consider using ext-all-debug-w-comments.js.


Imposible to debug one create-react-app, I only see the bundle.js errors

I am launching the create-react-app and if throws me one error, but if I see it on Chrome dev tools it refers to one line in the bundle.js that is generated by webpack by default in create-react-app... So it's not useful for debuging.
Are there any way of that Google Chrome Dev Tools show me the error link line to the original .js file and not to the bundle.js one?
Now I only see this error:
This particular warning will lead you only as far as react-dom.development.js, which is equally useless in my opinion. But if you really want to know what happened, my guess is that you started the production server instead of development.
Either way, the warning is still very revealing and might help you discover the problem even without knowing the exact file. It's telling you that you set the c prop to a boolean on a <div> element (you can know this from the "at div" part of your warning), which is unsupported. This is was most likely a typo or hitting the key accidentally without wanting to type anything, so you might have something like <div c> somewhere.
You can search for this in your project using a regex like \bc\b, or search for a string like c={ in case your mistake was more deliberate.

What kind of output does the "protractor-ng-hint-plugin" generates?

I'm currently researching on "protractor-ng-hint-plugin" on how its used and what output it generates to see if it would be beneficial for my project. But, there is very little to none documentation on this plugin.
Only meaningful doc out there is https://github.com/angular/protractor-ng-hint-plugin .
I've added
plugins: [
package: 'protractor-ng-hint-plugin'
and I've verified that the plugin is loaded during the test by using --troubleshoot flag.
Has anyone used this plugin? If yes, what output does it generates?
If your app has the angular-hint.js loaded and ng-hint activated, the protractor-ng-hint-plugin would report Angular best practices violations on the command-line. Try to run tests against these sample applications and see warnings on the console:

Reagent build without minified React library

I would like to get a more helpful exception that this one:
Uncaught Error: Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.
I am trying to build a Reagent app without the usual minified React JavaScript library. This is where I have got so far with the project.clj file:
(defproject cljsbin "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [
[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]
[compojure "1.1.8"]
[hiccup "1.0.5"]
[ring "1.3.0"]
[ring/ring-json "0.3.1"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.7.48"]
[me.raynes/fs "1.4.6"]
[reagent "0.5.1-rc3"]
;[re-com "0.6.1"]
:cljsbuild { :builds [ :optimizations :none]}
:main ^:skip-aot core)
So far I have put the important (is it?) :optimizations :none in a few places in the lein project file, but always the minified React library is included.
Well I'm now quite sure I should be looking at the artifacts. What :optimizations means is covered here: https://github.com/clojure/clojurescript/wiki/Quick-Start: having optmizations gets rid of the 'goog' is undefined error messages.
So I am now using this:
;[reagent "0.5.1-rc3"]
[reagent "0.5.1-rc3" :exclusions [cljsjs/react]]
[cljsjs/react-with-addons "0.13.3-0"]
, which is important because it shows (definitively) that the reagent library includes the react library, and that this react library can be modified. Now just to find out how to get the non-minified version and I'll be able to answer my own question...
Are you sure that once you use the add-ons version, your not already getting the mimified version? I ask as the docs on the cljs/package site say
The externs file includes definitions for TestUtils but to use those with :advanced optimizations you'll need to override :file-min to use non-minified version:
which would indicate that perhaps this uses the non-mimified version unless you use :advanced compilation flag? Perhaps check the externs file and see what it has?
The other solution might be to adopt the approach on the reagent page for using your own build of reagent. To do this, I'm assuming you have to provide a bare bones cljs/react file and add the react js directly into your page?

Go Lang + Vim + Syntastic + goimports - make it work with AppEngine

I'm using vim to write AppEngine code. There are two useful plugins that don't work well.
Syntastic: It shows the appengine imports as errors.
goimports (https://github.com/bradfitz/goimports): I've added an issue on that project as well with the same issue that it does not recognize appengine imports.
Is there a way to fix this?
The following (unofficial) appengine syntastic checker should work (automagically):
P.S. For the reasons depicted in the relevant comment, this checker is a bit dirty hack and has not yet been submitted to the official Syntastic repo. Please use Github Issues for bugs.

Is ext-all-debug.js equivalent to ext-all.js plus debug statements?

I have read that ext-all.js is supposed to be used for production and ext-all-debug.js. is supposed to be used for debugging. Is it safe to assume that ext-all-debug.js is ext-all.js plus a lot of console.log statements?
The ext-all.js is the minified version of the ext-all-debug.js.
The ext-all.js version gain is that it greatly reduces the files size so that clients have to download less on the non-debug version. The ext-all-debug.js is provided so that you can debug through the extjs code. So they don't have any diference, such as added console.log's
