What is difference between Flux and Redux framework? - angularjs

On my Angular JS preparation; I came to know about ReactJS which is built on top of Flux and then heard about Redux. Now wondering how AngularJS related to ?

React is not built on top of flux. Flux is a pattern (and later, the facebook/flux repo was created as an implementation of that pattern) for handling global application state, and is not specific to React, but works well with React's "state trickles from the top" philosophy. It was also developed at Facebook to be used with React.
Redux is a (different) JavaScript library for managing global application state changes, and shares some similarities with the flux design pattern, but is ultimately a different thing entirely.
None of these things have any direct relation to AngularJS.


Want to know about react & redux

What is the basic difference between react and redux? is react and redux is same? why we should use redux? Finally why it's called react-redux?
I want to know this i just confused between this two.
You must be pretty new to web development. First of all, welcome !
React and redux are pretty different beasts, but have often been used together to make state management easier in React apps.
React is a front-end web framework, it allows you to create a wide range of web apps using JSX (React's way of fusing Javascript and HTML). This is a gross oversimplification, I encourage you to read the documentation.
Redux is a state management library. With it, you can define one or many stores, containing a state (basically an object that holds any data you need), actions (methods to alter or retrieve the current value of the store) and to subscribe the state's changes at a global level. Again, the Redux documentation should have most of the answers you're looking for.
React and redux are often used together, mainly through the use of the react-redux package, since Redux offers a global, reactive state, enabling you to share data between React components anywhere in your app without having to pass props.
Now tough, you could achieve similar functionnality without Redux entirely, using React's own Hook and Context APIs. Although the logic behind these is a bit more involved, it allows for far more flexibility.

Using Redux in React JS Application

I know that there is so many answers in this question.
Anyone explain to me how Redux help your React JS Application more flexible when you are creating a Front End Web Apps.
Thank you in Advance.
From Redux documentation:
From the very beginning, we need to stress that Redux has no relation
to React. You can write Redux apps with React, Angular, Ember, jQuery,
or vanilla JavaScript.
That said, Redux works especially well with libraries like React and
Deku because they let you describe UI as a function of state, and
Redux emits state updates in response to actions.
It's a state management library with a huge ecosystem which lets you more easily set the state for your components across whole application, manage side-effects and many more.
I recommend redux author course about redux. At later part of the course, he explains how to use it with React.
Redux is used to manage the state of the component and it supports single state management system, where as flux is a multiple state management system.
Redux uses dispatchers to dispatch the payload(data) via reducers.

Flux scope in a React application

I have been working on React components for a while and yesterday just did my first Flux example from https://github.com/tildedave/flux-feature-flags
Just wondering the scope of Flux. In Flux we have Stores, Dispatchers etc, are they available just for one React component, each React component has it's own Flux structure?
Or they are available globally? so the whole application shares Stores, Dispatchers etc, making them available to all React components used in this app
#stanleyli flux essentially a design pattern which tells us about how to have a one direction flow of data so that we can achieve interesting things like easy debugging, timeline, logging etc.
if you are interested in implementing flux on your own I would recommend to look into phrontend or redux.

What is the difference between Reactjs and Rxjs?

Basically I am start learning Rxjs and I am a little bit confused between React and Rxjs. I was supposing that Reactjs and Rxjs is same.
If Reactjs and Rxjs is the same then why are we using Reactjs over Rxjs or vise versa?
If Reactjs and Rxjs not same, then please briefly differentiate both the languages.
This is really different, React is view library and Rxjs is reactive programming library for javascript. You can use Rxjs inside react view but in reactjs, people usually use a library like Redux, flux, mobx or relayjs (if they use graphql) for data flow.
ReactJs is a view library UI.
ReactiveX or rxjs is a concept, methods or patterns for asychronous programming
RxJS is a library that allows us to easily create and manipulate streams of events and data. This makes developing complex but readable asynchronous code much easier.
Creating large asynchronous applications is not the easiest thing to do. We have all witnessed the issues callback hell can cause. Due to this growing concern, people have taken it upon themselves to improve the asynchronous JavaScript landscape. We have all heard of promises, generators, and async/await. There is another solution, and it is called RxJS.
Reference Link
In the simple and popular term, React is the V (View) in MVC (Model/View/Controller).
React is a JavaScript library (from Facebook) that is used to render views (for example, HTML pages) dynamically based on some state, which is often in the form of data. React then updates the generated views whenever the original state changes. React is a small but powerful library, with the power being more in the concepts than in the implementation.
Reference Link
React is a javascript library for building user interfaces and makes it painless to create interactive UIs.
RxJS is a javascript library for reactive programming using Observables and makes it painless to compose asynchronous or callback-based code.
Both these javascript libraries are not comparable to each other since they serve different purposes, but together they can create better single-page applications.

Is there a recommended list of libraries to be used along with React js?

Reference MV* Architecture using React js
I understand that React is an View Engine and it still requires many other libraries like Redux..etc.
Is there a list of libraries to be used along with React to build a complete ecosystem like Angular ?
The React/JS ecosystem has become so rich, you can't really decide of a set of libraries to use by default in every projects.
It really depends on your needs.
Many people choose to generally go with react-router for the client-side routing, react-dom to interact with the DOM, redux for the state management, and react-redux to connect your components to the redux state.
You might find better answers by looking at the code of these react boilerplates, some of them explain there choices: http://andrewhfarmer.com/starter-project/
One of the key decisions in choosing React over Angular for us was that React is a technology, not a framework.
The ability to mix librairies to your needs is the big plus; there is no best list. As a quick example, redux makes tons of sense for us for the webapps, however it does not for the react-native mobile app where it may not blend well with the Navigator or may be overkill...
