How to create light weight kernel thread? - c

When I create a kernel thread (kthread_run), it becomes a new process.(I could see it using top command) . How can I create a light weight kernel thread(like the one we have in user space)?
If I am not wrong, kthread_create will eventually call fork() which will call clone() with appropriate configuration to create a new process/lw process. Is it possible to create lw kernel thread using clone() or similar apis? Thanks so much in advance.

Kernel threads are always listed in the process table, but this is merely a cosmetical issue. They share the same address space and *-tables, so in this sense they are quite lightweight anyway (i.e. a context-switch isn't very expensive).
If your 2*16 kernel-threads mainly do the same thing, it might be worthy evaluating if the functionality can be moved into a seperate kernel-module, which exposes an API to be used by all 16 kernel-modules and doing the work in only 1 or 2 threads.

Lightweight threads in user space are just a group of processes(or tasks) share the same address space and many other resource. Also, lightweight thread is created faster than a normal process. Linux uses 1 to 1 mapping model, that is, every thread in user space is implemented as a separate process in kernel space.
In Linux, Kernel thread is a process which does not have a valid user space. They are scheduled as normal process, but never enter user land.
So, the answer is that when you understand the meaning of lightweight, you will know that there isn't lightweight kernel thread at all. All kernel threads share the same kernel space address naturally.
Also, top is just a user program, weather appear in top output does not really reflect the nature of the underlying kernel implementation.


Shared semaphore between user and kernel spaces

Short version
Is it possible to share a semaphore (or any other synchronization lock) between user space and kernel space? Named POSIX semaphores have kernel persistence, that's why I was wondering if it is possible to also create, and/or access them from kernel context.
Searching the internet didn't help much due to the sea of information on normal usage of POSIX semaphores.
Long version
I am developing a unified interface to real-time systems in which I have some added book keeping to take care of, protected by a semaphore. These book keepings are done on resource allocation and deallocation, which is done in non-real-time context.
With RTAI, the thread waiting and posting a semaphore however needs to be in real-time context. This means that using RTAI's named semaphore means switching between real-time and non-real-time context on every wait/post in user space, and worse, creating a short real-time thread for every sem/wait in kernel space.
What I am looking for is a way to share a normal Linux or POSIX semaphore between kernel and user spaces so that I can safely wait/post it in non-real-time context.
Any information on this subject would be greatly appreciated. If this is not possible, do you have any other ideas how this task could be accomplished?1
1 One way would be to add a system call, have the semaphore in kernel space, and have user space processes invoke that system call and the semaphore would be all managed in kernel space. I would be happier if I didn't have to patch the kernel just because of this though.
Well, you were in the right direction, but not quite -
Linux named POSIX semaphore are based on FUTex, which stands for Fast User-space Mutex. As the name implies, while their implementation is assisted by the kernel, a big chunk of it is done by user code. Sharing such a semaphore between kernel and user space would require re-implementing this infrastructure in the kernel. Possible, but certainly not easy.
SysV Semaphores on the other hand are implemented completely in kernel and are only accessible to user space via standard system calls (e.g. sem_timedwait() and friends).
This means that every SysV related operations (semaphore creation, taking or release) is actually implemented in the kernel and you can simply call the underlying kernel function from your code to take the same semaphore from the kernel is needed.
Thus, your user code will simply call sem_timedwait(). That's the easy part.
The kernel part is just a little bit more tricky: you have to find the code that implement sem_timedwait() and related calls in the kernel (they are are all in the file ipc/sem.c) and create a replica of each of the functions that does what the original function does without the calls to copy_from_user(...) and copy_to_user(..) and friends.
The reason for this is that those kernel function expect to be called from a system call with a pointer to a user buffer, while you want to call them with parameters in kernel buffers.
Take for example sem_timedwait() - the relevant kernel function is sys_timedwait() in ipc/sem.c (see here: If you copy this function in your kernel code and just remove the parts that do copy_from_user() and copy_to_user() and simply use the passed pointers (since you'll call them from kernel space), you'll get kernel equivalent functions that can take SysV semaphore from kernel space, along side user space - so long as you call them from process context in the kernel (if you don't know what this last sentence mean, I highly recommend reading up on Linux Device Drivers, 3rd edition).
Best of luck.
One solution I can think of is to have a /proc (or /sys or whatever) file on a main kernel module where writing 0/1 to it (or read from/write to it) would cause it to issue an up/down on a semaphore. Exporting that semaphore allows other kernel modules to directly access it while user applications would go through the /proc file system.
I'd still wait to see if the original question has an answer.
I'm not really experienced on this by any means, but here's my take. If you look at glibc's implementation of sem_open, and sem_wait, it's really just creating a file in /dev/shm, mmap'ing a struct from it, and using atomic operations on it. If you want to access the named semaphore from user space, you will probably have to patch the tmpfs subsystem. However, I think this would be difficult, as it wouldn't be straightforward to determine if a file is meant to be a named semaphore.
An easier way would probably be to just reuse the kernel's semaphore implementation and have the kernel manage the semaphore for userspace processes. To do this, you would write a kernel module which you associate with a device file. Then define two ioctl's for the device file, one for wait, and one for post. Here is a good tutorial on writing kernel modules, including setting up a device file and adding I/O operations for it. I don't know exactly how to implement an ioctl operation, but I think you can just assign a function to the ioctl member of the file_operations struct. Not sure what the function signature should be, but you could probably figure it out by digging around in the kernel source.
As I'm sure you know, even the best working solution to this would likely be very ugly. If I were in your place, I would simply concede the battle and use rendezvous points to sync the processes
I have read your project's README and I have the following observations. Apologies in advance:
Firstly there already is a universal interface to real time systems. It is called POSIX; certainly VxWorks, Integrity and QNX are POSIX compliant and in my experience there are very few problems with portability if you develop within the POSIX API. Whether POSIX is sane or not is another matter, but it's the one we all use.
[The reason most RTOSes are POSIX compliant is because one of the big markets for them is defence equipment. And the US DoD won't let you use an OS for their non-IT equipment (eg Radars) unless it is POSIX compliant... This has pretty much made it commercially impossible to do an RTOS without giving it POSIX]
Secondly Linux itself can be made into a pretty good real time OS by applying the PREMPT_RT patch set. Of all the RTOSes out there this is probably the best one at the moment from the point of view of making efficient use of all these multi core CPUs. However it's not quite such a hard-realtime OS as the others, so its quid pro quo.
RTAI takes a different approach of in effect placing their own RTOS underneath Linux and making Linux nothing more than one task running in their OS. This approach is ok up to a point, but the big penalty of RTAI is that the real time bit is now (as far as I can tell) not POSIX compliant (though the API looks like they've just stuck rt_ on the front of some POSIX function names) and interaction with other things is now, as you're discovering, quite complicated.
PREEMPT_RT is a much more intrusive patch set than RTAI, but the payback is that everything else (like POSIX and valgrind) stays completely normal. Plus nice things like FTrace are available. Book keeping is then a case of merely using existing tools, not having to write new ones. Also it looks like PREEMPT_RT is gradually worming its way into the mainstream Linux kernel anyway. That would render other patch sets like RTAI pretty much pointless.
So Linux + PREEMPT_RT gives us realtime POSIX plus a bunch of tools, just like all the other RTOSes out there; commonality across the board. Which kinda sounds like the goal of your project.
I apologise for not helping with the with the "how" of your project, and it is highly ungentlemanly of me to query the "why?" of it too. But I feel it is important to know that there are established things out there that seem to heavily overlap with what you're trying to do. Unseating King POSIX is going to be difficult.
I would like to answer this differently: you don't want to do this. There are good reasons why there is no interface to do this kind of thing and there are good reasons why all other kernel subsystems are designed and implemented to never need a lock shared between user and kernel space. The complexity of lock ordering and implicit locking in unexpected places will quickly get out of hand if you start playing around with userland that can prevent the kernel from doing certain things.
Let me recall a very long debugging session I did around 15 years ago to at least shed some light what complex problems you can run into. I was involved in developing a file system where the large portion of the code was in userland. Something like FUSE.
The kernel would do a filesystem operation, package it into a message and send it to the userland daemon and wait for a reply. The userland daemon reads the message, does stuff and writes a reply to the kernel which wakes up and continues with the operation. Simple concept.
One thing you need to understand about filesystems is locking. When you're looking up a name of a file, for example "foo/bar", the kernel somehow gets the node for the directory "foo" then locks it and asks it if it has the file "bar". The filesystem code somehow finds "bar", locks it and then unlocks "foo". The locking protocol is quite straight forward (unless you're doing a rename), parent always gets locked before the child and the child is locked before the parent lock is released. The lookup message for the file is what would get sent to our userland daemon while the directory was still locked, when the daemon replied the kernel would proceed to first lock "bar" and then unlock "foo".
I don't even remember the symptoms we were debugging, but I remember the issue was not trivially reproducible, it required hours and hours of filesystem torture programs until it manifested itself. But after a few weeks we figured out what was going on. Let's say that the full path to our file was "/a/b/c/foo/bar". We're in the process of doing a lookup on "bar", which means that we're holding the lock on "foo". The daemon is a normal userland process so some operations it does can block and can be preempted too. It's actually talking over the network so it can block for a long time. While we're waiting for the userland daemon some other process want to look up "foo" for some reason. To do this, it has the node for "c", locked of course, and asks it to look up "foo". It manages to find it and attempts to lock it (it has to be locked before we can release the lock on "c") and waits for the lock on "foo" to be released. Another process comes in an wants to look up "c", it of course ends up waiting for that lock while holding the lock on "b". Another process waits for "b" and holds "a". Yet another process wants "a" and holds the lock on "/".
This is not a problem, not yet. This sometimes happens in normal filesystems too, locks can cascade all the way up to the root, you wait for a while for a slow disk, the disk responds, the congestions eases up and everyone gets their locks and everything keeps running fine. In our case though, the reason for holding the lock a long time was because the remote server for our distributed filesystem didn't respond. X seconds later the userland daemon times out and just before responding to the kernel that the lookup operation on "bar" has failed it logs a message to syslog with a timestamp. One of the things that the timestamp needs is the timezone information, so it needs to open "/etc/localtime", of course to do that, it needs to start looking up "/etc" and for that it needs to lock "/". "/" is already locked by someone else, so the userland daemon waits for that someone else to unlock "/" while that someone else waits through a chain of 5 processes and locks for the daemon to respond. The system ends up in a total deadlock.
Now, maybe your code will not have problems like this. You're talking about a real-time system so there might be a level of control you have that normal kernels don't. But I'm not sure if adding an unexpected layer of locking complexity would even let you keep real time properties of the system, or really make sure that nothing you do in userland will ever create a deadlock cascade. If you don't page, if you never touch any file descriptor, if you never do memory operations and a bunch of other things I can't really think of right now you could get away with a lock shared between userland and kernel, but it will be hard and you'll probably find unexpected problems.
Multiple solutions exist in Linux/GLIBC but none permit to share explicitly a semaphore between user and kernel spaces.
The kernel provides solutions to suspend threads/processes and the most efficient is the futex. Here are some details about the state of the art of the current implementations to synchronize user space applications.
SYSV services
The Linux System V (SysV) semaphores are a legacy of the eponymous Unix OS. They are based on system calls to lock/unlock semaphores. The corresponding services are:
semget() to get an identifier
semop() to make operations on the semaphores (e.g. incrementation/decrementation)
semctl() to make some control operations on the semaphores (e.g. destruction)
The GLIBC (e.g. 2.31 version) does not provide any added value on top of those services. The library service directly calls the eponymous system call. For example, semop() (in sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/semtimedop.c) directly invokes the corresponding system call:
__semtimedop (int semid, struct sembuf *sops, size_t nsops,
const struct timespec *timeout)
/* semtimedop wire-up syscall is not exported for 32-bit ABIs (they have
semtimedop_time64 instead with uses a 64-bit time_t). */
#if defined __ASSUME_DIRECT_SYSVIPC_SYSCALLS && defined __NR_semtimedop
return INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL (semtimedop, semid, sops, nsops, timeout);
return INLINE_SYSCALL_CALL (ipc, IPCOP_semtimedop, semid,
SEMTIMEDOP_IPC_ARGS (nsops, sops, timeout));
weak_alias (__semtimedop, semtimedop)
Nowadays, SysV semaphores (as well as other SysV IPC like shared memory and message queues) are considered deprecated because as they need a system call for each operation, they slow down the calling processes with systematic context switches. New applications should use POSIX compliant services available through the GLIBC.
POSIX services
POSIX semaphores are based on Fast User Mutexes (FUTEX). The principle consists to increment/decrement the semaphore counter in user space with atomic operations as long as there is no contention. But when there is contention (multiple threads/processes want to "lock" the semaphore at the same time), a futex() system call is done to either wake up waiting threads/processes when the semaphore is "unlocked" or suspend threads/processes waiting for the semaphore to be released. From performance point of view, this makes a big difference compared to the above SysV services which systematically required a system call for any operation. The POSIX services are implemented in GLIBC for the user space part of the operations (atomic operations) with a switch into kernel space only when there is contention.
For example, in GLIBC 2.31, the service to lock a semaphore is located in nptl/sem_waitcommon.c. It checks the value of the semaphore to decrement it with an atomic operation (in __new_sem_wait_fast()) and invokes the futex() system call (in __new_sem_wait_slow()) to suspend the calling thread only if the semaphore was equal to 0 before the attempt to decrement it.
static int
__new_sem_wait_fast (struct new_sem *sem, int definitive_result)
uint64_t d = atomic_load_relaxed (&sem->data);
if ((d & SEM_VALUE_MASK) == 0)
if (atomic_compare_exchange_weak_acquire (&sem->data, &d, d - 1))
return 0;
while (definitive_result);
return -1;
static int
__attribute__ ((noinline))
__new_sem_wait_slow (struct new_sem *sem, clockid_t clockid,
const struct timespec *abstime)
int err = 0;
uint64_t d = atomic_fetch_add_relaxed (&sem->data,
(uint64_t) 1 << SEM_NWAITERS_SHIFT);
pthread_cleanup_push (__sem_wait_cleanup, sem);
/* Wait for a token to be available. Retry until we can grab one. */
for (;;)
/* If there is no token available, sleep until there is. */
if ((d & SEM_VALUE_MASK) == 0)
err = do_futex_wait (sem, clockid, abstime);
The POSIX services based on the futex are for examples:
sem_init() to create a semaphore
sem_wait() to lock a semaphore
sem_post() to unlock a semaphore
sem_destroy() to destroy a semaphore
To manage mutex (i.e. binary semaphores), it is possible to use the pthread services. They are also based on the futex. For examples:
pthread_mutex_init() to create/initialize a mutex
pthread_mutex_lock/unlock() to lock/unlock a mutex
pthread_mutex_destroy() to destroy a mutex
I was thinking about ways that kernel and user land share things directly i.e. without syscall/copyin-out cost. One thing I remembered was the RDMA model where the kernel writes/reads directly from user space, with synchronization of course. You may want to explore that model and see if it works for your purpose.

get_user_pages_fast() from kernel thread

I need to call get_user_pages_fast() from a kernel thread. But get_user_pages_fast() uses current->mm internally, which is set to NULL for kernel thread. Is there any way to get around this? The kernel thread in question is working on behalf of another process, say x, would it be be fine to just set x->mm to current->mm and invoke get_user_pages_fast()?
[EDIT 1]: I verified this and it seems to be working. I am still concerned if it could break in some cases. Any insight is welcome. Thanks.
Your "hack" will indeed work, but let's take a step back and understand what the idea of it is:
When you are in a kernel thread, (And I am talking about a pure kernel thread (child of kthreadd), not a user thread executing in kernel mode, as would be the case of servicing a syscall), there is no user memory to speak of. This is why current->mm is null: There is no "current" user space memory.
When you assign current->mm to x->mm you are "cheating" by annexing the process memory space of the innocent x to be your own. As a consequence, any allocation you perform will be charged to x, and will be visible by x (it is, after all, part of its memory space). Also, there might be internal kernel checks on current->mm which might be tricked, leading to your kernel mode thread to be treated by the kernel as if it were a user mode thread (though arguably other checks rely on KERNEL_DS/USER_DS, which you're not modifying). Still, a concern. This will break if x ever dies (hey - nobody's immortal), and will likely cause an oops, if not a panic altogether.
You haven't said WHY you need to get user pages - if the case is that you know x is alive and you are doing this as part of, say, IPC/shmem, I can see a reason for that. If that is the case, you might want to provide some API for the process in question to "register" with the kernel thread. Otherwise, your solution works, but is.. well, not as neat as it could be.
I'm not convinced this is totally safe. The _fast part of get_user_pages_fast means that acquiring mm->mmap_sem is not required, and part of the reason that works is because it is assumed that we are running within the process itself (so eg the current->mm can't go away completely). Since you're running in another thread, you're susceptible to races if the real process ever does something that changes its mapping.
I guess the question is why can't you just use get_user_pages instead?

How is time slice divided among the pthreads in a process?

Is the Linux kernel aware of pthreads in the user address space ( which i dont think it is..but i did not find any info abt that). How does the Instruction pointer change when thread switching takes place.. ??
The native NPTL (native posix thread library) used in Linux maps pthreads to "processes that share resources and therefore look like threads" in the kernel. In this way, the kernel's scheduler directly controls the scheduling of pthreads.
A "pthread switch" is done by the exact same code (in the kernel) that handles process switches. Simplified, this would be something like "store previous process state; if the next process uses a different virtual address space then switch virtual address spaces; load next process state;" (where "process state" includes the instruction pointer for the process/thread).
Well the Linux kernel doesn't know about user threads (pthread does in userspace, moreover the kernel doesn't really care about them except it just needs to know what to schedule).
The instruction pointer is changed in the kernel during what's called a context switch. During this switch the kernel essentially asks the scheduler what's next? the scheduler will hand it a task_struct which contains all the information about the thread and the interrupt handler for a context switch will go ahead and set the values on the CPU accordingly (page tables, instruction pointer, etc...) and when that code is done the CPU simply just starts executing from there.
1) The kernel doesn't know about user-level threads. However, NPTL isn't user level
2) This is a really broad question. You should look at an OS book. It will go into depth on that issue and all other involved in a context switch.

Choice of Linux IPC technique

I am building an application which takes as it's input an executable , executes it and keeps track of dynamic memory allocations among others to help track down memory errors.
After reading the name of the executable I create a child process,link the executable with my module ( which includes my version of malloc family of functions) and execute the executable provided by the user. The parent process will consist of a GUI ( using QT framework ) where I want to display warnings/errors/number of allocations.
I need to communicate the number of mallocs/frees and a series of warning messages to the parent process in real-time. After the users application has finished executing I wish to display the number of memory leaks. ( I have taken care of all the backend coding needed for this in the shared library I link against).
I though of 2 different approaches to communicate this information.
Child process will write to 2 pipes ( 1 for writing whether allocation/free happened and another for writing a single integer to denote a warning message).
I though of simply sending a signal to denote whether an allocation has happened. Also create signals for each of the warning messages. I will map these to the actual warnings (strings) in the parent process.
Is the signal version as efficient as using a pipe? Is it feasible ? Is there any better choice , as I do care about efficiency:)
After user's application finishes executing:
I need to send the whole data structure I use to keep track of memory leaks here. This could possibly be very large so I am not sure which IPC method would be the most efficient.
Thanks for your time
I would suggest a unix-domain socket, it's a little more flexible than a pipe, can be configured for datagram mode which save you having to find message boundaries, and makes it easy to move to a network interface later.
Signals are definitely not the way to do this. In general, signals are best avoided whenever possible.
A pipe solution is fine. You could also use shared memory, but that would be more vulnerable to accidental corruption by the target application.
I suggest a combination of shared memory and a socket. Have a shared memory area, say 1MB, and log all your information in some standard format in that buffer. If/when the buffer fills or the process terminates you send a message, via the socket, to the reader. After the reader ACKs you can clear the buffer and carry on.
To answer caf's concern about target application corruption, just use the mprotect system call to remove permissions (set PROT_NONE) from the shared memory area before giving control to your target process. Naturally this means you'll have to set PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE before updating your log on each allocation, not sure if this is a performance win with the mprotect calls thrown in.
EDIT: in case it isn't blindingly obvious, you can have multiple buffers (or one divided into N parts) so you can pass control back to the target process immediately and not wait for the reader to ACK. Also, given enough computation resources the reader can run as often as it wants reading the currently active buffer and performing real-time updates to the user or whatever it's reading for.

Memory Optimization for child processes

I work on Linux for ARM processor for cable modem. There is a tool that I have written that sends/storms customized UDP packets using raw sockets. I form the packet from scratch so that we have the flexibility to play with different options. This tool is mainly for stress testing routers.
I actually have multiple interfaces created. Each interface will obtain IP addresses using DHCP. This is done in order to make the modem behave as virtual customer premises equipment (vcpe).
When the system comes up, I start those processes that are asked to. Every process that I start will continuously send packets. So process 0 will send packets using interface 0 and so on. Each of these processes that send packets would allow configuration (change in UDP parameters and other options at run time). Thats the reason I decide to have separate processes.
I start these processes using fork and excec from the provisioning processes of the modem.
The problem now is that each process takes up a lot of memory. Starting just 3 such processes, causes the system to crash and reboot.
I have tried the following:
I have always assumed that pushing more code to the Shared Libraries will help. So when I tried moving many functions into shared library and keeping minimum code in the processes, it made no difference to my surprise. I also removed all arrays and made them use the heap. However it made no difference. This maybe because the processes runs continuously and it makes no difference if it is stack or heap? I suspect the process from I where I call the fork is huge and that is the reason for the processes that I make result being huge. I am not sure how else I could go about. say process A is huge -> I start process B by forking and excec. B inherits A's memory area. So now I do this -> A starts C which inturn starts B will also not help as C still inherits A?. I used vfork as an alternative which did not help either. I do wonder why.
I would appreciate if someone give me tips to help me reduce the memory used by each independent child processes.
Given this is a test tool, then the most efficient thing to do is to add more memory to the testing machine.
Failing that:
How are you measuring memory usage? Some methods don't get accurate results.
Check you don't have any memory leaks. e.g. with Valgrind on Linux x86.
You could try running the different testers in a single process, as different threads, or even multiplexed in a single thread - since the network should be the limiting factor?
exec() will shrink the processes memory size as the new execution gets a fresh memory map.
If you can't add physical memory, then maybe you can add swap, maybe just for testing?
Not technically answering your question, but providing a couple of alternative solutions:
If you are using Linux have you considered using pktgen? It is a flexible tool for sending UDP packets from kernel as fast as the interface allows. This is much faster than a userspace tool.
oh and a shameless plug. I have made a multi-threaded network testing tool, which could be used to spam the network with UDP packets. It can operate in multi-process mode (by using fork), or multi-thread mode (by using pthreads). The pthreads might use less RAM, so might be better for you to use. If anything it might be worth looking at the source as I've spent many years improving this code, and its been able to generate enough packets to saturate a 10gbps interface.
What could be happening is that the fork call in process A requires a significant amount of RAM + swap (if any). Thus, when you call fork() from this process the kernel must reserve enough RAM and swap for the child process to have it's own copy (copy-on-write, actually) of the parent process's writable private memory, namely it's stack and heap. When you call exec() from the child process, that memory is no longer needed and your child process can have it's own, smaller private working set.
So, first thing to make sure is that you don't have more than one process at a time in the state between fork() and exec(). During this state is where the child process must have a duplicate of it's parent process virtual memory space.
Second, try using the overcommit settings which will allow the kernel to reserve more memory than actually exists. These are /proc/sys/vm/overcommit*. You can get away with using overcommit because your child processes only need the extra VM space until they call exec, and shouldn't actually touch the duplicated address space of the parent process.
Third, in your parent process you can allocate the largest blocks using shared memory, rather than the stack or heap, which are private. Thus, when you fork, those shared memory regions will be shared with the child process rather than duplicated copy-on-write.
