Data by reference instead of value - c

I am trying to make a program that has a menu and it has an option to set the "current" date. I can define the date and it will stay until the program shuts down. I've got another method to get the date, by asking the user the date when linking a person to it, the problem is that it wont go on the main data on the main menu. It will only be the data for the .date on the person structure, I guess I explained it well. I've tried many ways and I really can't figure it out, if someone can help me out...
typeData readData() {
int val;
typeData data;
do {
printf("Day: "); = readInteger(MIN_DAYS, MAX_DAYS);
printf("Month: ");
data.month = readInteger(MIN_MONTH, MAX_MONTH);
printf("Year: ");
data.year = readInteger(MIN_YEAR, MAX_YEAR);
val = validateData(data);
if(val == 0) {
printf("The data is not valid.\n");
} while (val == 0);
return data;
I think I need to get it by reference but I'm trying for some time already and can't do it. Thanks everyone.

While it's legal C, passing structs by value and returning them is usually not the best way. Consider:
readData(typeData *data)
int val;
do {
printf("Day: ");
data->day = readInteger(MIN_DAYS, MAX_DAYS);
printf("Month: ");
data->month = readInteger(MIN_MONTH, MAX_MONTH);
printf("Year: ");
data->year = readInteger(MIN_YEAR, MAX_YEAR);
val = validateData(data);
if (val == 0) {
printf("The data is not valid.\n");
} while (val == 0);
Here is a sample main program plus sample changes to validateData:
validateData(typeData *data)
int data_valid = 1;
// check for error
// this is whatever checks you already do ...
if (data->... != ...)
data_valid = 0;
return data_valid;
main(int argc,char **argv)
typeData main_data;
// do something useful with the data [or transform it, etc]
// print some results
return 0;
Here's a modified [partial] program, based on your latest example. I had to guess at the overall organization, but, at least it has the necessary changes to menuPrincipal:
validateData(typeData *data)
int data_valid = 1;
// check for error
// this is whatever checks you already do ...
if (data->... != ...)
data_valid = 0;
return data_valid;
menuPrincipal(typeDate *date)
char option;
if (date->day == 0 && date->month == 0 && data->year == 0) {
printf("Date not set yet.\n");
else {
printf("Date: %d/%d/%d", date->day, date->month, date->year);
// more stuff
return option;
main(int argc,char **argv)
typeData main_data;
char option;
while (1) {
option = menuPrincipal(&main_data);
switch (option) {
case 'a': // do something
case 'b': // do something else
printf("unknown option: '%c'\n",option);
return 0;
Based on your latest comment, I think I see what you're having trouble with. I've taken your latest code snippet and updated:
// your original code -- this no longer works because readData is now void
if (data->ano == 0 && data->mes == 0 && data->dia == 0) {
Blah[*Bleh].date = readData(*data);
// one possibility -- but it does _not_ update "data"
if (data->ano == 0 && data->mes == 0 && data->dia == 0) {
// this is more likely what you want -- it updates _both_:
if (data->ano == 0 && data->mes == 0 && data->dia == 0) {
Blah[*Bleh].date = *data;

It works now, I was using
val = validateDate(&date)
on the original function for readData, now I changed it to
val = validateDate(date)
and it works!
I just don't know why I need to use date instead of &date, I thought that if I was passing the parameters by reference I needed a '&' symbol.


Searching for a string in a struct

The code below is a code that will track my product costs and remaining quantity.The problem I'm facing with is I can't search the code by
if(g[n].name == search[10])
The out put keep showing
"Item not found"
Im a beginner of c language and was hope to learn more. Please correct my code and send it here so that I can know why my code is wrong.
#include <stdio.h>
struct product
char name[10];
int quantity;
float costs;
void fn_search (struct product g[]);
int main ()
int n;
struct product g[4];
g[0].quantity = 10;
g[0].costs = 1;
g[1].quantity = 10;
g[1].costs = 2;
g[2].quantity = 10;
g[2].costs = 3;
fn_search (g);
void fn_search (struct product g[10])
int n;
char search[10];
printf("Search>> ");
for (n=0;n<4;n++)
if(g[n].name == search[10])
printf ("\ncosts = NTD%.2f",g[n].costs);
printf ("\nquantity = %d\n",g[n].quantity);
printf("\nItem not found.");
Two bugs:
Incorrect use of scanf :
scanf("%s",&search[10]); --> scanf("%9s", search);
Note: scanf("%9s", &search[0]); is also fine but the above is the common way.
Incorrect string compare :
if(g[n].name == search[10]) --> if(strcmp(g[n].name, search) == 0)
Also notice that you never initialized g[3] but fn_search checks it.
Then this part:
printf("\nItem not found.");
means that you break the for loop as soon as an item doesn't match. In other words: Currently you only compare against g[0]
You don't want that! Check all items before printing "Item not found".
So the for loop should be more like:
for (n=0;n<4;n++)
if(strcmp(g[n].name, search) == 0)
printf ("\ncosts = NTD%.2f",g[n].costs);
printf ("\nquantity = %d\n",g[n].quantity);
return; // Exit function when match is found
// When execution arrives here, there was no matching element
printf("\nItem not found.");
void fn_search (struct product g[10])
why ??
Either do
void fn_search (struct product g[])
void fn_search (struct product *g)

Waiting for character in string

I am currently working on a project that will be used to test whether an instrument is within tolerance or not. My test equipment will put the DUT (Device Under Test) into a "Test Mode" where it will repeatedly send a string of data every 200ms. I want to receive that data, check is is within tolerance and give it a pass or fail.
My code so far (I've edited a few things out like .h files and some work related bits!):
void GetData();
void CheckData();
char Data[100];
int deviceId;
float a;
float b;
float c;
void ParseString(const char* stringValue)
char* token = NULL;
int tokenPlace = 0;
token = strtok((char *) stringValue, ",");
while (token != NULL) {
switch (tokenPlace) {
case 0:
deviceId = atoi(token);
case 1:
a= ((float)atoi(token)) / 10.0f;
case 2:
b= ((float)atoi(token)) / 100.0f;
case 3:
c= ((float)atoi(token)) / 10.0f;
token = strtok(NULL, ",");
void GetData()
int x = UART.scanf("%s,",Data);
if (x !=0) {
UART.printf("Device ID = %i\n\r", deviceId);
UART.printf("a= %.1f\n\r", a);
UART.printf("s= %.2f\n\r", b);
UART.printf("c= %.1f\n\n\r", c);
if (deviceId <= 2) {
} else {
pc.printf("Device ID not recognised\n\n\r");
void CheckData()
if (a >= 49.9f && a< = 50.1f) {
pc.printf("a Pass\n\r");
} else {
pc.printf("a Fail\n\r");
if (b >= 2.08f && b <= 2.12f) {
pc.printf("b Pass\n\r");
} else {
pc.printf("b Fail\n\r");
if (c >= 20.0f && c <= 25.0f) {
pc.printf("c Pass\n\n\r");
} else {
pc.printf("c Fail\n\n\r");
if (deviceId == 0) {
} else if (deviceId == 1) {
} else if (deviceId == 2) {
int main()
while(1) {
if(START == 0) {
And this works absolutely fine. I am only printing the results to a serial terminal so I can check the data is correct to make sure it is passing and failing correctly.
My issue is every now and then the START button happens to be pressed during the time the string is sent and the data can be corrupt, so the deviceId fails and it will say not recognised. This means I then have to press the start button again and have another go. A the moment, it's a rare occurrence but I'd like to get rid of it if possible. I have tried adding a special character at the beginning of the string but this again gets missed sometimes.
Ideally, when the start button is pressed, I would like it to wait for this special character so it knows it is at the beginning of the string, then the data would be read correctly, but I am unsure how to go about it.
I have been unsuccessful in my attempts so far but I have a feeling I am overthinking it and there is a nice easy way to do it. Probably been staring at it too long now!
My microcontroller is STM32F103RB and I am using the STM Nucleo with the mBed IDE as it's easy and convenient to test the code while I work on it.
You can use ParseString to return a status indicating whether a complete string is read or not.
int ParseString(const char* stringValue)
/* ... your original code ... */
/* String is complete if 4 tokens are read */
return (tokenPlace == 4);
Then in GetData use the ParseString return value to determine whether to skip the string or not.
void GetData()
int x = UART.scanf("%s,",Data);
int result = ParseString(Data);
if (!result) {
/* Did not get complete string - just skip processing */
/* ... the rest of your original code ... */

C - How to get original value of when you pass a dereferenced value to a function to later be compare with another string?

I know homework help are shunned upon, however, I have intense coder's block.
I want help understanding more than anything.
So when I take the address of the variable (&c) I understand that I get an address to its location in memory, but I don't know how to dereference that address in order to access its specific value ('b') to be compared in the function (color(&c, total) it is used in.
The main cannot be changed for any reason due to the requirements of the assignment
typedef struct dragon
char *name;
char *color[3];
int numHead;
int numTail;
void color(char* color, dragon *d);
int main()
dragon total[4];
char c = 'b';
color(&c, total);
return 0;
Eventually, I used this line to see if the colors matched
if(strcmp(color, d[currentDra].color[currentColor]);
Before I used the line below because from my from my first perspective they would char
if(color == d[currentDra].color[currentColor])
But after debugging for a while I realized that color was just an address
Overall, I need to somehow get the value of color using the address somehow.
*color doesn't find the value.
&color doesn't either.
The rest of the function
void color(char *color, dragon *d)
char *colorList[5] = {"red","blue","white","green","yellow"};
int colorShow;
int knownColor = 1;
printf("what is color? ==== %p\n", color);
if(*color == 'r')
colorShow = 0;
else if(*color == 'b')
colorShow = 1;
else if(*color == 'w')
colorShow = 2;
else if(*color == 'g')
colorShow = 3;
else if(*color == 'y')
colorShow = 4;
printf("Sorry that is an unknown color, exiting...\n");
knownColor = 0;
//if a char then = numbers 0-1
//one loop for the dragons
printf("***All the %s dragons:***\n", colorList[colorShow]);
int currentDra;
for(currentDra = 0; currentDra < 4; currentDra++)
//another loop for the colors of the dragon
int currentColor;
for(currentColor = 0; currentColor < 3; currentColor++)
//printf("%c\n\n", (char*)color);
if(strcmp(color, d[currentDra].color[currentColor]))
printf("%s is %s\n", d[currentDra].name, colorList[colorShow]);
Thank you so much this is my first question ever.
if(strcmp(color, d[currentDra].color[currentColor]);
This doesn't work because color, as passed, is not null terminated. Thus this is undefined behavior.
if(color == d[currentDra].color[currentColor])
This doesn't work because you are comparing the pointers and not the values they reference.
If dragon.color is an array that contains single character strings, then you can compare with:
if(color[0] == d[currentDra].color[currentColor][0])

Process exited with return value 255, w/pointers to structures

I have some functions that should allow me to manage a structure which was allocated dynamically. The allocation of the memory and the input of data in those is no real problem, though my program stops when it reaches a certain line of code: (No warning or problems detected)
if(codeV == p_vendite[ctrl_j].p_venditore[ctrl_i].codVenditore)
This line is in the function called VenditeProdotto(Vendite *p_vendite).
Here's the important part of the code (defining structures)
typedef struct _Venditore {
int codVenditore;
int codProdotto;
int qty;
} Venditore;
typedef struct _Vendite{
int mmGG;
Venditore *p_venditore;
} Vendite;
void AggiungiVendita (Vendite *p_vendite);
void VenditeProdotto(Vendite *p_vendite);
void VenditeVenditore(Vendite *p_vendite);
Here's main():
int main() {
int check, i, count, flag, choice;
Vendite *p_Vendite;
p_Vendite = (Vendite*) calloc(numVenditori,sizeof(Vendite));
p_Vendite->p_venditore = (Venditore*)calloc(numVenditori,sizeof(Venditore));
flag = TRUE;
choice = menu();
switch (choice) {
case 1 : AggiungiVendita(p_Vendite); break;
case 3 : VenditeProdotto(p_Vendite); break;
case 4 : VenditeVenditore(p_Vendite); break;
} while (flag == TRUE);
return 0;
And here are the functions:
void AggiungiVendita (Vendite *p_vendite) {
int flag, check, answer;
i = 0;
/*input of struct - codVenditore,codProdotto,qty*/
check = scanf("%d", &(p_vendite[j].p_venditore[i].codVenditore));
check = scanf("%d", &(p_vendite[j].p_venditore[i].codProdotto) );
/*controllo sull'input*/
check = scanf("%d", &(p_vendite[j].p_venditore[i].qty) );
//asking to redo or quit
} while(flag == TRUE && i < numVenditori);
int menu() {
//just a standard menu, no problem here
return choice;
void VenditeProdotto(Vendite *p_vendite) {
int check = 0, codeP = 0, ctrl_i = 0, ctrl_j = 0; //ctrl_i,ctrl_j are increasing variables and I use them to search among the structures
...//input, continues after
Where I find the debug error: (line 3 after this)
for(ctrl_j = 0; ctrl_j < numVendite; ctrl_j++) {
for(ctrl_i = 0; ctrl_i < numVenditori; ctrl_i++) {
if (codeP == p_vendite[ctrl_j].p_venditore[ctrl_i].codProdotto)
printf("\nSeller %d, quantity sold: %d in day %d", p_vendite[ctrl_j].p_venditore[ctrl_i].codVenditore, p_vendite[ctrl_j].p_venditore[ctrl_i].qty, ctrl_j+1);
Basically I don't know if it's really legit to use the first line of code that I've talked about, with . instead of ->, but if I try to change the syntax I get detected errors. Any ideas?
At first I thought about something like (p_vendite+ctrl_j)->(p_venditore+ctrl_i)->codProdotto, since it's a pointer but it doesn't seem working.
There are a couple of obvious bugs:
Allocation of Vendite
You're allocating numVenditori elements for p_Vendite, but later on you are iterating numVendite times over the same pointer:
p_Vendite = (Vendite*) calloc(numVenditori,sizeof(Vendite));
for(ctrl_j = 0; ctrl_j < numVendite; ctrl_j++) {
for(ctrl_i = 0; ctrl_i < numVenditori; ctrl_i++) {
if (codeP == p_vendite[ctrl_j].p_venditore[ctrl_i].codProdotto)
The allocation should read:
p_Vendite = (Vendite*) calloc(numVendite,sizeof(Vendite));
or as I would prefer it:
p_Vendite = calloc (numVendite, sizeof *p_Vendite);
Allocation of Venditore
p_Vendite->p_venditore = (Venditore*)calloc(numVenditori,sizeof(Venditore));
You're only allocating the p_venditore element for one of your Vendite structs. You need to allocate all of them in a loop:
for (int j = 0; j < numVendite; j++) {
p_Vendite[j].p_venditore = (Venditore*)calloc(numVenditori,sizeof(Venditore));
// And check for allocation errors

Refactoring simple card counting function into multiple functions?

I'm just starting to learn C from Head First C, but I'm having difficulty understanding how refactor my code into multiple functions, more specifically, I don't know how to get functions to work and am confused how to take user input.
How would I incorporate a function like the one below into the main function? What are some other function examples I could use to refactor? Thank you so much!
void get_card_name(char *prompt, char *card_name)
Main function
int main()
char card_name[3];
int count = 0;
while ( card_name[0] != 'X' ) {
puts("Enter the card_name: ");
scanf("%2s", card_name);
int val = 0;
switch(card_name[0]) {
case 'K':
case 'Q':
case 'J':
val = 10;
case 'A':
val = 11;
case 'X':
val = atoi(card_name);
if ((val < 1) || (val > 10)) {
puts("I dont understand that value!");
if ((val > 2) && (val < 7)) {
} else if (val == 10) {
printf("Current count: %i\n", count);
return 0;
The generic answer when it comes to refactoring is "If it looks complicated or hard to read, try to break it down into smaller pieces that are easier to read (and understand).".
In your case you have this:
int main() {
/* Initial state needed later on */
/* Do some complicated stuff */
To refactor this, you need to find out what parts of the initial state you need to keep close to whatever you are going to move away into its own function. In your example, card_name and count are both used inside the complicated bit, and nowhere else. So you can, and should, keep those close the complicated bits:
void do_card_stuff() {
char card_name[3];
int count = 0;
/* Do some complicated stuff */
int main() {
And, lo and behold, you've refactored your code. If you still think that the card stuff looks complicated, try to break it up into more pieces:
int get_card_value(char card) {
/* Do some complicated stuff */
return value;
int do_card_stuff() {
char card_name[3];
int count = 0;
int value;
/* Loop */
/* Get card value from user */
value = get_card_value(card_name[0]);
int main() {
Just keep at it until it's just silly to break it into smaller bits and you're done. Also, try to keep in mind that the code you break out should be as generic as possible since this will let you re-use this code later on (potentially in other projects).
