I am able to update the row using ui-grid by calling web service. I want that to be refresh that row form database. Please tell me..
To display that right now i am updating the entire row.
i think you can call this code:
hope it works
I am working on react ag grid and I am using infinite scrolling feature of ag grid.
I want feature where I can delete row and grid will immediately refresh its data.
But "remove row" feature is not available for infinite scrolling.
Can anyone please suggest me anyway achieving this?
There's a hint right there if you scroll down a bit:
Adding / removing rows directly in the grid for infinite scrolling is
not recommended as it will complicate your application. It will make
your life easier if you update the data on the server and refresh the
block cache.
And then scroll down to the "Insert And Remove Example", there's example code showing how to remove rows (with a mocked up data source):
function removeItem(start, limit) {
// here you would make a call to your data source to remove the rows
allOfTheData.splice(start, limit);
// get fresh data from the source
You can make a use of the following grid api
If you are fetching the data from server side, then get the data first and then call the setRowData() method.
I have a af:table and af:panelformlayout representing the same VO in a fragment.The details populated in the form will be updated in the af:table. The form has 10 fields. Each time I fill in a form field the af:table gets updated and refreshed.
My question is how do i avoid table refresh after populating each field in the form. I want the table to refresh only after i fill all the fields and submit the details.
I am using JDeveloper
Thanks for your help in advance.
might need to adjust PPR:
here, docs, or overview, tutorial - how to make it happen - so maybe how to "turn it off"
We're trying to implement a very basic functionality in ADF 11g using Jdev( We have one table in database which is exposed to the UI layer using ADF BC.
The requirement is to update a table when user selects one of the row. It will open a popup and then user can update the value in that dialog box. This works well but along with the current row, ADF framework is also updating the first row with the previous value of the update.
To update a row, we're using the standard commit button from the data control and then overidiing the DoDml method in EO to update additional fields.
Can someone share the details why this happening with each update and any solution for this?
First, remove the selectedRowKey value from the table properties otherwise this will always select first row.
After the commit refresh the page or relevant component to load updated data to UI.
If you are updating additional fields using doDML make sure to commit the data and refresh UI to load updated data.
Commit is transaction level, if the Status of EO row is changed that row will participate in transaction. Either you need to change the status of other row to un-modify or you can override beforeCommit in VOImpl .
Thank you,
i am using a ng-table in angularjs and bootstrap. I fill this table with ng-repeat.
Under this table i have a detail where i can change data for the selected row.
My question: Is there a way to refresh only the selected row after refresh?
Or does angularjs allways reload all rows?
You can find the row object which you want to update and replace it with new one like
$scope.rows = [{},{}];
$scope.rows.splice($scope.rows.indexOf(oldObj),1, objToReplace)
I have two DataGridViews in a tab and the DataSource of the second grid is based on the row selection in first grid. The problem is I cannot get the grid to refresh after some values have been inserted or updated in the prior tabs. It works fine if I click on the row but it is not working if I select the row programmatically (i.e. first row). I have tried the following but it failed to refresh.
daProgram.ClearBeforeFill = true
bsProgram.ResetBindings(true) -- binding source also tried false
dgvProgram.DataSource=bsProgram -- rebinding the control
I also tried:
Nothing works :-(
I would really appreciate if anyone could help me out in this.
Are you binding your data properly?
I have read a few things about this, and too found ResetBindings not to work.
If you're using Table Adapters, just call the fill method (the method that auto gets added in to your Form Load event).
I've read things that say you shouldn't call Fill. I see no reason why not. It simply re-queries the data, which is exactly what a refresh should do.
Try This