i am using a ng-table in angularjs and bootstrap. I fill this table with ng-repeat.
Under this table i have a detail where i can change data for the selected row.
My question: Is there a way to refresh only the selected row after refresh?
Or does angularjs allways reload all rows?
You can find the row object which you want to update and replace it with new one like
$scope.rows = [{},{}];
$scope.rows.splice($scope.rows.indexOf(oldObj),1, objToReplace)
I have the gridpanel in extjs with filter in the header so the end-users can make the filter, updating row and then make another filter and continue updating row ...
After finishing updating the rows, the user will click on save button and send all the data to server for updating, but i can only get the visible row in gridpanel.
Could sombody show me how can i get all the updated rows (which is hidden by filter) in gridpanel using extjs?
Thanks in advance.
After checking the api document from Ext JS, I can retrieve all records including the filtered out one using getDataSource function.
I have a Kendo Grid which I have bound a datasource in AngularJS. It has 10 rows.
In the MVC controller that is called I do some calculations and refetch the new datasource associated with that Grid and 5 of the lines no longer need to be on the grid.
The issue is that the rows are deleted from my model and database but I need to close my screen and come back to the Kendo Grid to see the change.
Is there a way I can make the grid update with that new data , so of like an Autorefresh ?
yep all sorted. using grid.datasource.read()
I have ui-grid in angularjs which one field as Percentage?
This grid initially has ne row and new rows can be added, but once the percentage column reaches 100%, new rows can not be added.
How to add values in UI-grid for column and then disable adding new rows.
Used ng-change method. "grid.appScope" was missing and thay why it was not calling the method when I initially wrote it.
I'm just wondering if they have provided a options to make table columns show and hide as user preference and save it in table state and load it back when page refreshes.
upper code only brings the pagination,sorting and search objects as in current table state. How can i implement showing and hide table columns like in jquery Datatable and load it back from the table state object?
Decided to use Jquery Data Table instead with AngularJS ng-repeat
I am able to update the row using ui-grid by calling web service. I want that to be refresh that row form database. Please tell me..
To display that right now i am updating the entire row.
i think you can call this code:
hope it works