React, render single state/object multiple times - reactjs

My real application, is to use react to create a firefox addon, to maintain an object/state in a DOM-less scope, and then render an element to the currently active browser window. Multiple browser windows are present.
So as a small experiment, to see if react can do this, I was messing around with the Timer example on the reactjs main site.
var Timer = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {secondsElapsed: 0};
tick: function() {
this.setState({secondsElapsed: this.state.secondsElapsed + 1});
componentDidMount: function() {
this.interval = setInterval(this.tick, 1000);
componentWillUnmount: function() {
render: function() {
return (
<div>Seconds Elapsed: {this.state.secondsElapsed}</div>
var rendered = ReactDOM.render(<Timer />, mountNode);
// i hope to do something here to render it to another node
Is it possible to render the same timer to multiple nodes? The state should be same, and if i modify state in that single object it should affect both. Is this possible?

I actually tried a different method. I used a singleton object with an array of callbacks as a property. This array of callbacks stores innerMethods of all elements mounted which correspond to a particular event.
Ideally, you should do have a key value pair
event => [All functions to fire]
But for this example, I went for a rather primitive scenario where there is only one event. So it's just an array of call callbacks for that event(doSomething).
let MyStore = {
doSomething : function(v){
callbacks :[],
addSomethingListener : function(callback){
Everytime a component is mounted I do this,
which adds callbacks from each element to the Store and each of them gets fired when the event occurs.
Full code.
let MyStore = {
doSomething : function(v){
callbacks :[],
addSomethingListener : function(callback){
* A simple React component
class Application extends React.Component {
this.state = {'some_prop':0};
render() {
return <div>
<h1>Hello, ES6 and React 0.13!</h1>
* Render the above component into the div#app
React.render(<Application />, document.getElementById('app'));
React.render(<Application />, document.getElementById('yetanotherapp'));
So, if you see, I fire the doSomething event and all the components are updated at different mount nodes. In your case, you could move your tick logic into doSomething. Just a start. Hope this has helped.


Rendering Firebase Data in React

I'm looking to render some firebase data to the HomeFeed component. I update the state in the componentDidMount method. You can see what that looks like below. It's an array. Should I just map over that using the map function? How do I access the specific info like "title", "link", "type", etc. to be able to render it?
Thanks a lot!
var React = require('react');
var Rebase = require('re-base');
var base = Rebase.createClass("");
// TODO: Render Firebase data to screen.
// Home
// <Home />
var HomeContainer = React.createClass({
render : function() {
return (
<div className="homeContainer">
<HomeFeed />
// Home Feed
// <HomeFeed />
var HomeFeed = React.createClass({
componentDidMount: function() {
base.fetch('article', {
context: this,
asArray: true,
feed: data
getInitialState: function() {
return {
feed: []
render : function() {
return (
<div className="homeFeed">
{/* Use map function here? */}
module.exports = HomeContainer;
render will run whenever state has been changed (unless you modify this behavior with, say, shouldComponentUpdate) so as long as you use setState properly your component will automatically update when its state changes.
If you're asking specifically how to turn an array into something that render understands, then yes, map is a very common way to do that. It might look something like this:
render : function() {
return (
<div className="homeFeed">
return <div>{ea.someProperty}</div>
Note that you have to wrap ea.someProperty in curly braces because you're basically inserting JSX inside of a JavaScript expression inside of even more JSX. This kind of nested JSX/Expression/JSX structure is something you'll have to get comfortable with in React I'm afraid.
More about

How do I set state of sibling components easily in React?

I have got the beginnings of a clickable list component that will serve to drive a select element. As you can see from the below, onClick of the ListItem, I'm passing the state of a child element (ListItem in this case) to the parents (SelectableList, and CustomSelect component). This is working fine. However, what I would also like to do is change the state of the sibling components (the other ListItems) so that I can toggle their selected states when one of the ListItems is clicked.
At the moment, I'm simply using document.querySelectorAll('ul.cs-select li) to grab the elements and change the class to selected when it doesn't match the index of the clicked ListItem. This works - to an extent. However, after a few clicks, the state of the component has not been updated by React (only by client side JS), and things start to break down. What I would like to do is change the this.state.isSelected of the sibling list items, and use this state to refresh the SelectableList component. Could anyone offer a better alternative to what I've written below?
var React = require('react');
var SelectBox = require('./select-box');
var ListItem = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
isSelected: false
toggleSelected: function () {
if (this.state.isSelected == true) {
isSelected: false
} else {
isSelected: true
handleClick: function(listItem) {
var unboundForEach = Array.prototype.forEach,
forEach =;
forEach(document.querySelectorAll('ul.cs-select li'), function (el) {
// below is trying to
// make sure that when a user clicks on a list
// item in the SelectableList, then all the *other*
// list items get class="selected" removed.
// this works for the first time that you move through the
// list clicking the other items, but then, on the second
// pass through, starts to fail, requiring *two clicks* before the
// list item is selected again.
// maybe there's a better more "reactive" method of doing this?
if (el.dataset.index != listItem.props.index && el.classList.contains('selected') ) {
render: function() {
return (
<li ref={"listSel"+this.props.key}
className={this.state.isSelected == true ? 'selected' : '' }
onClick={this.handleClick.bind(null, this)}>
var SelectableList = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var listItems =, index) {
return <ListItem key={index} index={index}
value={opt.value} content={opt.label}
onListItemChange={this.props.onListItemChange.bind(null, index)} />;
}, this);
return <ul className="cs-select">{ listItems }</ul>;
var CustomSelect = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
selectedOption: ''
handleListItemChange: function(listIndex, listItem) {
selectedOption: listItem.props.value
render: function () {
var options = [{value:"One", label: "One"},{value:"Two", label: "Two"},{value:"Three", label: "Three"}];
return (
<div className="group">
<div className="cs-select">
<SelectableList options={options}
onListItemChange={this.handleListItemChange} />
<SelectBox className="cs-select"
fieldName="custom-select" options={options}/>
module.exports = CustomSelect;
The parent component should pass a callback to the children, and each child would trigger that callback when its state changes. You could actually hold all of the state in the parent, using it as a single point of truth, and pass the "selected" value down to each child as a prop.
In that case, the child could look like this:
var Child = React.createClass({
onToggle: function() {
this.props.onToggle(, !this.props.selected);
render: function() {
return <button onClick={this.onToggle}>Toggle {this.props.label} - {this.props.selected ? 'Selected!' : ''}!</button>;
It has no state, it just fires an onToggle callback when clicked. The parent would look like this:
var Parent = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {
selections: []
onChildToggle: function(id, selected) {
var selections = this.state.selections;
selections[id] = selected;
selections: selections
buildChildren: function(dataItem) {
return <Child
onToggle={this.onChildToggle} />
render: function() {
return <div>{}</div>
It holds an array of selections in state and when it handles the callback from a child, it uses setState to re-render the children by passing its state down in the selected prop to each child.
You can see a working example of this here:
Another strategy for sibling-sibling communication is to use observer pattern.
The Observer Pattern is a software design pattern in which an object can send messages to multiple other objects.
No sibling or parent-child relationship is required to use this strategy.
Within the context of React, this would mean some components subscribe to receive particular messages and other components publish messages to those subscribers.
Components would typically subscribe in the componentDidMount method and unsubscribe in the componentWillUnmount method.
Here are 4 libraries that implement the Observer Pattern. The differences between them are subtle - EventEmitter is the most popular.
PubSubJS: "a topic-based publish/subscribe library written in JavaScript."
EventEmitter: "Evented JavaScript for the browser." It's actually an implementation of a library that already exists as part of nodejs core, but for the browser.
MicroEvent.js: "event emitter microlibrary - 20lines - for node and browser"
mobx: "Simple, scalable state management."
Taken from: 8 no-Flux strategies for React component communication which also is a great read in general.
The following code helps me to setup communication between two siblings. The setup is done in their parent during render() and componentDidMount() calls.
class App extends React.Component<IAppProps, IAppState> {
private _navigationPanel: NavigationPanel;
private _mapPanel: MapPanel;
constructor() {
this.state = {};
// `componentDidMount()` is called by ReactJS after `render()`
componentDidMount() {
// Pass _mapPanel to _navigationPanel
// It will allow _navigationPanel to call _mapPanel directly
render() {
return (
<div id="appDiv" style={divStyle}>
// `ref=` helps to get reference to a child during rendering
<NavigationPanel ref={(child) => { this._navigationPanel = child; }} />
<MapPanel ref={(child) => { this._mapPanel = child; }} />

ReactJS and Reflux listening to a store before component mounts

I have this doubt that I haven't been able to google out yet but I have this react component that I want to update it's state using a reflux store using componentWillMount() method.
I am able to update the state in the store but using this.trigger to update it's state from the store didn't give me the updated state of the data which got me confused. How can I get the updated state of the data.
Here is what my component is like at the moment
var Challenges = React.createClass({
contextTypes: {
router: React.PropTypes.func
mixins: [Reflux.connect(ChallengeStore,'challenges')],
getInitialState: function() {
return {
challenges: []
componentDidMount: function() {
var trackId = this.props.params.trackId; // the url
render: function () {
<h1>{ this.state.challenges.title }</h1> <List challenges={ this.state.challenges } />
And my store here
var ChallengeStore = Reflux.createStore({
listenables: ChallengeActions,
onGetChallenges: function(url) {
var items = ChallengeService.getChallenges(url);
challenges: items
Ran into this while figuring out Reflux this week.
The issue is Reflux.connect only connects a getInitialState() in the store which your store seems is missing.
As per the docs:
The Reflux.connect() mixin will check the store for a getInitialState
method. If found it will set the components getInitialState
Unless your store's initial state is consistent across all it's listeners, I find it's better to just use Reflux.listenTo():
var Status = React.createClass({
mixins: [Reflux.listenTo(statusStore,"onStatusChange")],
onStatusChange: function(status) {
currentStatus: status
render: function() {
// render using `this.state.currentStatus`

What is the proper way to getInitialState with remote data in Reactjs?

IT IS SOLVED. The code was ok, the problem was with improper import.
It is a long post (due to code samples). I'll appreciate your patience and will be very thankful for your help!
We have a RoR back-end and React on the front-end and we are using alt as an implementation of flux. We also use babel to compile ES6 to ES5. So the problem is that I can not render component due to 2 errors.
First is Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
It appears on the render function of MapPalette component:
render() {
return (
{ => <PaletteItemsList featureCategory={fc} />)}
And the second is Uncaught Error: Invariant Violation: receiveComponent(...): Can only update a mounted component.
So here is the whole MapPalette component
"use strict";
import React from 'react';
import PaletteItemsList from './PaletteItemsList';
import FeatureCategoryStore from '../stores/FeatureTypeStore';
function getAppState() {
return {
featureCategories: FeatureCategoryStore.getState().featureCategories
var MapPalette = React.createClass({
displayName: 'MapPalette',
propTypes: {
featureSetId: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired
getInitialState() {
return getAppState();
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return (
{ => <PaletteItemsList featureCategory={fc} />)}
_onChange() {
module.exports = MapPalette;
var featureCategoryStore = alt.createStore(class FeatureCategoryStore {
constructor() {
this.featureCategories = [];
onReceiveAll(featureCategories) {
this.featureCategories = featureCategories;
module.exports = featureCategoryStore
class FeatureCategoryActions {
receiveAll(featureCategories) {
getFeatureSetCategories(featureSetId) {
var url = '/feature_categories/nested_feature_types.json';
var actions = this.actions;
.query({ feature_set_id: featureSetId })
.end( function(response) {
module.exports = alt.createActions(FeatureCategoryActions);
And the last - how I render React component.
var render = function() {
FeatureCategoryActions.getFeatureSetCategories(#{ });
React.createElement(FeatureSetEditMap, {featureSetId: #{}}),
First of all, the first error you get:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined
Is because this.state in your component is undefined, which means that you probably haven't implemented getInitialState in your component.
You haven't included the full implementation of your component, which we need to see to be able to help you. But let's walk through their example of a view component:
var LocationComponent = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
return locationStore.getState()
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
onChange() {
render() {
return (
City {}
Country {}
They implement getInitialState here to return the current state of the store, which you'll then be able to use in the render method. In componentDidMount, they listen to change events from that store so that any events occuring in that store coming from anywhere in your application will trigger a re-render. componentWillUnmount cleans up the event listener. Very important not to forget this, or your app will leak memory! Next the onChange method (which could be have whatever name, it's not an internal React method), which the store will call when a change event occurs. This just sets the state of the component to whatever the stores state is. Might be a bit confusing that they call getInitialState again here, because you're not getting the initial state, you're getting the current state of the store.
Another important note here is that this example won't work off the bat with ES6/ES2015 classes, because React no longer autobinds methods to the instance of the component. So the example implemented as a class would look something like this:
class LocationComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = this.getState();
this.onChangeListener = () => this.setState(this.getState());
getState() {
return locationStore.getState();
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return (
City {}
Country {}
Sorry for your wasted time on reading it, but I figured it out and the reason of trouble was my silly mistake in importing. Essentially, I've imported another Store with the name of needed.
So, instead of import FeatureCategoryStore from '../stores/FeatureTypeStore';
It should be import FeatureCategoryStore from '../stores/FeatureCategoryStore';

How can I disable animation in a reactjs component first time

I have a component with a list of items. I want each time I add or remove an item from the list to have animation. Everything it's OK with that.
My only problem is that I want to disable the animation first time when the component initialize.
var ReactCSSTransitionGroup = React.addons.CSSTransitionGroup;
var Hello = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {items: []};
this.setState({items:this.state.items.concat('new color')});
componentDidMount: function () {
var items = ['blue', 'red', 'green'];
this.setState({items: items});
render: function () {
var contentList = (i,k) {
return (<li>{i}</li>);
return (
Hello <button onClick={this.addColor}>add</button>
<ReactCSSTransitionGroup transitionName="example">
React.render(<Hello name="World" />, document.body);
So, how can I make the animation appear only when changing the list and not ont the very first setState from didMount method?
Using componentWillMount instead of componentDidMount it will work perfectly as shown in this fiddle :
However, if your real code must fetch the data in DidMount, you should use ssorallen comment.
