Testing React-redux-es6-webpack applications with wallaby.js - reactjs

How should I configure and write test cases for React-redux-es6-webpack application with wallaby.js. Please specify how to run the test cases also. I use visual studio code as editor
I have gone through https://github.com/wallabyjs/wallaby-webpack-es6-react and http://dm.gl/2015/03/11/wallaby-react/
But it throws error. I think I missed something in configuration. Please help me out
Thanks in advance :)


too many Edge instances open automatically, with “ERROR:file_io_win.cc(180)] CreateFile settings.dat: Access is denied. (0x5)”

a few days ago I tested Selenium Webdriver and I encountered a problem that too many Edge instances started automatically after I turn on my computer.
I know that many people suffer from this problem, and I tried several ways to solve this, but I didn't make it.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
I already disabled the Edge instances in Startup tab. However, I want to know the radical solution to this problem.
The information is below ->
OS: Windows 10 Ver 20H2(OS build 19042.630)
Selenium WebDriver: 3.141.0
Visual Studio Code: V 1.51.1(User Setup)
Edge Browser: V 86.0.622.69 (Official build) (64-bit)
Thanks in Advance!
If possible, then I suggest you make a test with this code.
driverOptions.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-logging"])
You can let us know about your test results.
It may help you to fix this issue.
Reference: answer

Julia 1.0 - using Querverse

I'm trying to load queryverse and it fails. Is anyone else facing the same? Any suggestions? Can someone help me fix this?
Please follow the hyperlink (error - output) to view the error message! Thanks.
PFA. error - ouput
I had a similar problem on my laptop and did the following commands and it eventually worked. Basically what I think happened at least for me was I had an older version of Julia installed and think that these packages just didn't get compiled for the current version of Julia.. but I don't really know its all magic but this might be worth a try.

Open Powershell script with pure c code

I want to make automatically screenshots of our visualiziation.
I managed to switch through the pictures.
But getting the screenshots is quite difficult.
I found an quite easy Powershell script that works fine.
But I have to call it with c Code due our visualiziation.
It offers only "Winexec" and "ProgramExecute".
I didn't manage to find the right code...
WinExec("Powershell -/Skript -Param1 -Param2", SW_SHOWNORMAL);
unsigned int ProgramExecute(char* Program_Name)
Has anybody an idea where I can find the right order?
Thanks :)
I use the fine software "greenshot" with automatic save.
No coding and almost anybody can create screenshots of the visualization ;)
..and sometimes powershell is not installed, or the security setting of the policy prohibits this kind of scripts from running correct...

Error when trying to run default C# HSPI A template

I downloaded Visual Studio 2017 Community and installed it on my Windows 10 PC. I downloaded the HomeSeer templates from the VS "marketplace" and installed them. I created a new project from the C# HSPI "A" template and pressed F5 to start the debug; I get 1 error message:
Error The command "powershell -file c:\users\paul\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\HSPIPluginA1\HSPIPluginA1\fix-output.ps1 -configuration Debug -executionpolicy Unrestricted -NonInteractive" exited with code -196608.
Project: HSPIPluginA1 File: c:\users\paul\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\HSPIPluginA1\HSPIPluginA1\HSPIPluginA1.csproj Line: 77
Do you have any idea what I did wrong? I'm pretty bad if I can't even get the default, pre-packaged, code to work.
Also, how do I provide an alternate IP Address for the plugin to connect to? My HS3 runs on a remote Linux (Lubuntu 16.04 LTS) machine. Thanks in advance.
I did not mean to imply that I was frustrated with you - it was me I was frustrated with; there just seems to be so much to learn. I know how much time and effort it takes to create/package/edit/document things so other folks can use them, so I certainly don't want to be a "whiner" right at the start. I also really appreciate you made the modifications to the template so quickly.
Thanks for reporting.
I just published an update to the extension that corrects the problem you were having. The corresponding tracking issue is https://github.com/alexdresko/HSPI/issues/62
I haven't finished the documentation yet, but you can see how to change the IP and port by going to https://github.com/alexdresko/HSPI/issues/7#issuecomment-283101463
Please do not expect perfection from this project. It's something I'm working on in my spare time and I am in no way affiliated with HomeSeer.
Now that I think about it, I do not know if this project will work with Linux, as that is something I haven't tested yet. I am very interested to know if it works, so please keep me updated.
Thanks again!

Where can I find HotRod file : startServer.bat (Windows users)

I downloaded infinispan-6.0.0.Final-all.zip.
I need to implement Infinispan Server, using HotRod protocol, but, I don't find at all the file startServet.bat that they mention in their documentation.
Can anybody give me the right link to get it? or the best thing would if somebody give me a small sample of code.
Thank you a lot!
Please refer to Infinispan Server Guide.
In the download link, you imagine that *-all.zip would include servers as well. But it doesn't.
The server has now been separated and it's a different download. Once you've downloaded it, run it with /bin/standalone.sh
