Aginity search for the object browser - netezza

Aginity for Redshift has shows a search for the object browser, but I cannot find this in Aginity for Netezza (PureData Systems for Analytics). Is this available?

There is a search box at the bottom of the object browser pane.
You can find it documented in the ... documentation.


Using Azure Search for PDFs in Azure Blob Storage

We are trying to enable full text search. Application stores PDF files in the Azure Blob Storage, which is the data source for Azure Search. Majority of this works fine however the Indexer is not able to extract text from couple of PDFs. Are there any specific kinds of PDFs that Azure Search Indexer can extract?. If Yes, What are they?
Any information, Help/Support in this regard greatly appreciated.
Azure Search can extract all text from PDF text elements. Extracting text from embedded images (which requires OCR) or tables is not yet integrated in Azure Search, but it is on the roadmap.
If your PDFs contain images and you want to extract text from those as well, then you can try following the steps here.
Are there any specific kinds of PDFs that Azure Search Indexer can extract?
Based on my experience, there are no specific kinds of PDFs that Azure search Indexer can't extract. According to your description, I assume that it reaches the Azure search limitation. For more detailed information please refer to Indexing Documents in Azure Blob Storage with Azure Search.
Azure Search limits how much text it extracts depending on the pricing tier: 32,000 characters for Free tier, 64,000 for Basic, and 4 million for Standard, Standard S2 and Standard S3 tiers. A warning is included in the indexer status response for truncated documents.
I recently wrote a blog post about my experience with this. I ended up using a python-based script running in a Docker container within Azure Somewhat complicated, but the blog lays it out pretty clearly (and the results have been very good as far as OCR/searchability)

How WCS's SolR can index Magnolia's content

I'm trying to find a way to index Magnolia's content with a Solr from an other CMS.
(It's not realy a CMS but it's like. I'm talking about websphere commece 7 FEP5).
I've a Solr engine, plugged in a DB2 database, and already configured to index the content of that database.
Now, I have to plug a Magnolia CMS, (with is own database). And one of the requirement is to be able to display search results (provided from my Solr), and theses search result must include Magnolia's content.
Does anybody have any ideas to do that?
Using a second Solr system (the one into Magnolia) is not really acceptable.
Any ideas will be appreciated.
This sounds like you should be able to do what you want using the WCS unstructured content crawler.
Start here:

Talend Open-Studio Supported I/O Formats

I'm considering Talend's Open Studio for a Data Integration / ETL project, and I can't seem to find a list of formats for which it can input from or output to out of the box. For instance, I'm comparing it against Pentaho's Kettle, which I found supports File System I/O, MS Excel, Access, XML, JSON, SAP, various SQL databases, etc., out of the box. Where can I find similar information for Talend?
By "out of the box" I mean without having to code some Java plugin to do the conversion manually.
One way to look into this is to check out the Talend components reference guide from their download page: (click on the User Manuals tab).
The Reference Guide PDF describes all components that come with Talend out of the box and will include all possible formats you can use.
Here is a list of all the Talend connectors, including the connection methods:
All of the formats that you mentioned are supported.

Where are the specifications/XSDs for Amazon MWS feed XML processing reports?

Amazon provides a batch of documents describing the format of the feeds we can send via MWS, however, we also need to know what to expect in their responses, what status codes may be reported or what is the structure of XML when errors reported, etc...
Where can I get the information?
The MWS XML schemata are documented within the Selling on Amazon Guide to XML linked from the Developer Guides section in the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) Documentation.
I'm omitting a direct link to the PDF, as this might change once in a while. For the same reason the XSD files you are looking for are not publicly linked by Amazon as well, rather you'll find the links to the most current schema documents within the respective sections of the Selling on Amazon Guide to XML.
You might also be interested in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide, the Feeds API Reference and the guide for the Amazon MWS Scratchpad, which are all available there as well.
Good luck!
I know this is a rather old question but I just wanted to look at the actual XML schema files myself today.
There is an XML Documentation PDF hosted on which I assume will stay there for a while. This PDF contains links to the core schema files amzn-envelope.xsd, amzn-header.xsd, and amzn-base.xsd and some other API schemas like Product.xsd which all appear to be relative to
The PDF explicitly states that
The XSD samples shown on the Help pages may not reflect the latest XSDs. We recommend
using the provided XSD links to obtain the latest [ve]rsions.
However, the official MWS Feeds API documentation also links to some XSDs but these are relative to now, e.g. Price.xsd. Schema references also seem to be relative to this path. For example, Price.xsd includes amzn-base.xsd via <xsd:include schemaLocation="amzn-base.xsd"/> and sure enough there it is.
Unfortunately, I have no idea whether release_4_1 is the latest release of the schemas but the link from the MWS API documentation is a good indicator to me.
Another way to get the XSD's which I think is the most "official" way is to go to your Seller Central and navigate to Help > XML & data exchange > Reference > XSDs.
There you can download all the XSD's available to your account.
Hope it helps!
It seems that this XSD files are outdated.
Just checked the official sellercentral help page for the XSD files
For the OrderReport there is still release_4_1 referenced.
Some time ago amazon has added a new field to OrderReport for EU markets. The new field is IsSoldByAB.
I am using the xsd files since many years for automatic code generation. And this fails from time to time because of new fields like this. This field is not descriped in one of this:
release_1_9 ($Revision: #7 $, $Date: 2006/05/23 $)
release_4_1 ($Revision: #10 $, $Date: 2007/09/06 $)
XSD files and I am not able to find a version that include this field.
Since some years I extend the XSD file on my own to generate my code. IsSoldByAB is just a boolean field as IsPrime or IsBusinessOrder. So this was an easy task but not "official"...

Google App Engine : GeoPtProperty query

I have this latlng = db.GeoPtProperty() in app engine.
Given a lat long, how do I query the first 10 closer latlng without using any third party library?
Is there any nice documentation for me to refer?
Thanks in advance.
Geospatial queries aren't supported natively by the datastore. There are userland implementations however, including geomodel, documented here.
I don't believe this is natively supported yet. However, there is a talk at Google I/O 2011 on App Engine full text search (emphasis mine):
"At last we are adding a full text
search service to App Engine. The
upcoming service will be built on top
of the very infrastructure used by
Google. In addition to full text
search queries we will also offer
numeric, geo, date search
capabilities, and much more. This
session will cover the basic full text
search API, briefly outline more
advanced features, and how full text
search ties to existing services such
as datastore."
Stay tuned...
