Angular html5mode prevents links outside of base href to be loaded - angularjs

My setup is as follows:
I have a website for which I would like one of the pages to be handled by angular (javascript heavy one).
I have set base href for this specific page only as <base href="/myangularpage">
This page is being controlled over only by url params. There is only one page like this. No routing. I handle the state using url parameters only. Example url:
However this page contains links to some other pages which should be followed and not handled by angular. Like /external-page. By external I mean they are on the same domain but have different base.
However setting up html5mode causes those links to be "push stated".
According to the docs and the answer to Angularjs Normal Links with html5Mode /external-page has a different base so should not be handled by angular.
But the problem is it is!
Tried adding / to the base url but I got a meaningless exception. I don't want the trailing slash in my page url so this isn't a real solution anyway.
So it seems it works when my base url has a trailing slash and I serv the page with an url which contains the slash. But I don't want the slash as it is a single page only.


what is the difference between hashbang and HTML5 pushState? [duplicate]

I'm asking this because a couple of times now, I've tried to play around with the $locationProvider.html5Mode(true) command along with <base href="/"> and ran into a lot of errors calling the scripts/styles/images for my project. I guess there must be something I am doing wrong, but is there a certain folder structure you should follow so you don't run into these errors? Or is there a specific way that the base href works that I'm not quite understanding?
Recently, I thought I'd try it on a very, very small app. It's effectively a static website, but I want to take advantage of Angular's routing to make sure all of the pages can load instantly. So my structure would be something like this:
So I know that this folder structure isn't great, but I'll only be using Angular in this project for routing, nothing more, so it fits my needs.
I put into the head <base href="/">, put in body ng-app and ng-controller, and inside the body put a <div ng-view> somewhere too.
I added in the $locationProvider.html5Mode(true) and tried the app out. All of my scripts are then being loaded as http://localhost:8888/script.js which is incorrect. The project is located in a folder so that index.html is located in http://localhost:8888/my-project/index.html. So, it should be loading the scripts from http://localhost:8888/my-project/js/angular/app.js for example.
Is there something that I'm not understanding about the base href? Eventually I may host this app somewhere online, so I want the URLs to scripts etc to all be relevant to the file really. Anyone have any ideas?
Alright, so above the base href tag I would have my CSS styles which would be linked as css/style.css and at the bottom of my body tag I would have my scripts loaded as js/init.js or js/angular/app.js for example. This would try to load it as if the js folder is located directly at localhost:8888/js.
The Angular framework is a Single Page Application (SPA) that is able to run in a browser by essentially tricking the browser into running code snippets rather than make server calls, by making use of the "hash" (#) page anchor. Normally, a URL with a # would jump to a specific anchor point in the page; in the case of Angular or other similar SPA frameworks, the # is redirected to a code segment instead.
Ideally, you would like to not have to reference this # in your page URLs. This is where Html5Mode comes into play. Html5Mode is able to hide the #, by using the HTML5 Push State (aka history API).
When Html5Mode is enabled, the normal links on the page are silently replaced by Angular with event listeners. When these events are triggered, the current page is pushed into the browser history, and the new page is loaded. This gives the illusion that you are navigating to a new page, and even allows for the back button to operate.
This is all fine when you are dealing with links which are clicked from within the running application, but relying on event listeners can't work if you navigate to the page from an external source, where Angular isn't loaded into memory yet. To deal with this, you must be loading your pages from a web server which supports URL rewrites. When the server receives a request for a URL that there isn't a physical page for, it rewrites the URL to load the base HTML page, where Angular can be loaded and take over.
When Angular receives a request for a route which has been rewritten in this manner, it must first determine what the intended route was. This is where the Base HTML Tag comes into play. Angular uses the Base reference to help it to determine which part of the URL is on the server, and which part is a client route. Essentially, where the # in the URL would be if Html5Mode was not enabled.
Unfortunately, Base is an HTML Tag that is used by the browser for more than just Angular. The browser also uses this tag to determine the correct location to load scripts and resources using relative paths from, regardless of the path in the location bar. In general, this isn't a problem if all of the scripts and resources are relative to the location of the Index.html file. When Base is omitted, the browser will load scripts from the apparent base path determined by the current URI. However, once you provide it, the browser will use whatever value you have supplied.
In general, unless you are hosting angular on a sub-page of your site and you want your users to expect something specific in the URL string, you should always control the base on your server, and use Base="/" on the client side.

How to to avoid angular app reacting on specific URL hash change

I am currently rewriting an older version of and application where HTML is mostly generated server-side in angularJS.
Only some parts of the page are not powered by AngularJS while some of client side logic is still plain JavaScript. For URL routing we use UI-router
One of the cases is tabs that are used across all the application. It's current implementation contains above all rewriting location hash like this: myapp_url?foo=bar#1, myapp_url?foo=bar#2 etc.
Note - no slash "/" in hash part.
In my case angular block is in one of the tabs is not visible by default. So when user clicks tabs on a page, URL is changed to smth like myapp_url?foo=bar#TAB_id, which is not understaded by UI router and it redirects the app ( not the whole page but a angular-powered block) part to a 404 state.
Angular UI router relies on Url mask like myapp_url?foo=bar#/my_route - with slash symbol in hash part - so that could be a trigger.
I am asking how/where I could add this kind of check - for angular part whether to act or skip on url change?
I've solved it by creating a state with empty url, which does not interfere with url hash changes by javascript outside angularJS app.
.state("base.emptyState", {
url: "",
template: '';

Why should I put '#' before the path when routing with AngularJS?

When routing in Angular views we add the following. I don't understand the need to add #; if I remove it, I get a 404 Error.
a href="#/AddNewOrder"
Putting # in URL indicates start of the hash part, which is used to address elements inside a single page. In modern single-page web applications, this can be used to address application states.
If you don't put the # there, you're changing the path, which means you're creating a new URL and prompting the browser to load the content at that new URL instead of the current page.
As other posters have suggested, you don't have to use hashes when using html5mode. I left it out, because it brings a few challenges of its own, which I feel to be outside the scope of the question.
enter link description hereYou don't have to. You can configure your URLs to look like normal URLs, but in reality they will still work the same way.
And refer to html5mode
It will only work in modern browsers though. Old browsers will still show the hash. But the cool thing is that you can write your URLs the old/normal way.
# or fragment identifier is a way to indicate a specific portion of a single document. Without the #, the url corresponds to a different page.
For example links to the /page location of your website, while points to the same index page of your website but at a specfic point in the web page #location, or in your case, a different template view.
Angular routing can not load different templates for different server urls. It is specifically designed for single-page applications and any loading of partial views or templates has to happen on the same web-page or location. Hence only the fragment part of the url changes when using angularjs routing.
More information about fragments can be found here:

ngRoute set base url for all routes

Is it possible to add a base url to all routes in an AngularJS app? Essentially changing its location on the server (kind of, if that makes sense... so it would be accessed not via / but via /something/).
To add some context, I am trying to place an existing Angular app behind some authentication such that the app would now be accessed at address say http://mysite/secure after successful login.
The problem is if I was to load the app at http://mysite/secure it works fine (the server will obviously serve up the correct page), but clicking any link would result in a page reload and route to http://mysite/#newpage instead of http://mysite/secure/#newpage.
Without adding /secure/ to all of the routes and link element is this possible? Cheers, sorry if that is not worded well.
The location for the base href must have trailing /. For example:
<base href="location" />
will not work. It must be in this format:
<base href="location/" />
Setting the <base> HTML5 tag might help. From the documentation here:
Relative links
Be sure to check all relative links, images, scripts etc. You must either specify the url base in the head of your main html file (<base href="/my-base">) or you must use absolute urls (starting with /) everywhere because relative urls will be resolved to absolute urls using the initial absolute url of the document, which is often different from the root of the application.
Running Angular apps with the History API enabled from document root is strongly encouraged as it takes care of all relative link issues.

Conditionally have anchor links send user to a different page, rather than load to ng-view

I have a view that contains an anchor link. That link has an href to another url in my site. Angular tries to load that site, using html5mode. I would rather just have default behavior for that link and send the user off to the url. How can I specify that this particular link should behave like a normal html link, not an angular route?
AngularJS understands a few rules that will make the browser perform a full reload. The rules are documented under the 'Html link rewriting' section in the $location service documentation.
From the documentation:
In cases like the following, links are not rewritten; instead, the browser will perform a full page reload to the original link.
Links that contain target element
Example: link
Absolute links that go to a different domain
Example: link
Links starting with '/' that lead to a different base path when base is defined
Example: link
Note that the last example only works if you have used the base element in the head section of your page:
<base href="/my-base/" />
