onsen-ui grid-menu template is missing - onsen-ui

I am looking for the Grid-Menu pattern, it is not present any more on: http://components.onsen.io/patterns
It used to be there as it can be seen in here:
Is it still supported?
Where can I find the old pattern for a quick start?


What obfuscation is this?

I am currently a student working on a topic related to internet links and found this :
When I put this set on the browser's search bar or when I copy it paste here it puts a link:
This link is not mine and I am not linked to this link, I stumbled upon it by chance.
Is there any way to find out what obfuscation it is?
Thank you for your help
This isn't really obfuscation it's simply html entity encoding.
Each &#{number}; block represents a character in html.
You can see more about this here. https://mothereff.in/html-entities

gmaps geometa.js not found?

I'm using a plugin which calls http://gmaps-samples-v3.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/geolocate/geometa.js for displaying map with pins on the homepage. However, this link is not found (404). I've searched for the solution too see what to do, but with no luck.
Is there a new version of this javascript available that I could replace this link with the new one? Not sure how else to put it and hope it makes sense.
Not Certain but I think this is the file.
EDIT: Think this is the most upto date version: http://pastebin.com/GHpyPTQE

How to get more info about a specific attribute?

I guess this is a stupid question, so I apologize in advance but I couldn't find the answer anywhere and I guess I didn't even really know how to search for an answer.
How do I find out more about an attribute (not even sure if that's the right word)? For example, if I do:
listAttr bifrostShape1
then I get a long list of ... attributes? .. one of them is called "particleChannel". I want to know more about "particleChannel" so I tried:
listAttr "bifrostShape1.particleChannel"
got nothing basically - returned: "particleChannel" , so I tried:
getAttr "bifrostShape1.particleChannel"
and I got result: "position"...
this is actually what I think I'm looking for and I want to know more about this, what is this "position"?
searching for "particleChannel" in the reference and online gave me nothing, and trying "listAttr and getAttr of "bifrostShape1.particleChannel.position" gave me an error..
What I'm actually trying to achieve is to get attributes of the particles in a bifrost liquid... but my question is actually: How do I find out more about something when I stumble over it like this? What is the way to find out more about a command or attribute?
This is my favorite way to learn so I really hope that there's a good way to do it in maya.
See this: attributeQuery
You can do a lot of queries about an attribute, see docs in the link.

disabling prettyPhoto on mobile

I may be too much of a noob to be asking here, but I've gotten a lot of help with other issues by searching here and finding others Q&A's, so am going to try my own.
The short version of what I'm looking for is a way to disable prettyPhoto on small mobile screens (phones, not tablets) - or maybe even better to just disable the caption ("title" text) when on phones only.
Originally, I wasn't able to get prettyPhoto to open when viewed on the phone. I fixed that with this solution: (I'm not allowed to post the link since this is my first post - but the bitly address is 10tsboq)
But now the caption ("title" text in the code) forms a long vertical string as shown here: http://grab.by/j9f0
I did find this solution posted to disable prettyPhoto altogether on phones using Modernizr, http://forums.no-margin-for-errors.com/discussion/5282/pretty-photo-on-a-mobile-device-iphone#Item_7 but either I'm not understanding where to put the code or I've just done it wrong. Anyone know where that code should go? (just tacked on at the bottom of the prettyPhoto js or css? Or replacing something existing in the code? Or somewhere else altogether?
Or - any other completely different suggestions to solve the issue?
(by the way, I'm working on a Squarespace v6 platform for the site, in case that matters)
for anyone looking for the answer to this, I tracked down a commenter on the original post and they were super cool about being willing to answer a strangers email to offer explanation - so, to answer the question I had posed on the modernizr script - it goes into the prettyPhoto code that is most likely in your footer:
(something like this):
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
hope that helps someone!

What's a good, affordable "knob" library?

I'm currently thinking of a new pet project, an "editor" for MIDI-enabled synths. I've got the MIDI side covered, I suppose, but what I'm looking for right now is something that can pass for nice "dials" and "knobs" like you see in Ableton Live, Reason, Reaktor, and so forth.
Putting my form full of trackbars, is sort of wasteful, y'know?
So, what is a nice affordable .NET 2.0 library that has that sort of graphical components?
1- http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/industrial_controls.aspx has some related controls (C#)
2- http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/desaijm/KnobControlusingWindowsForms11182005004925AM/KnobControlusingWindowsForms.aspx is another C# based Knob Control
Used the (2) personally on one project and it worked great (though not visually very strong). (1) looks cooler but havn't explored
Check out some of these. If none just do search for ".net gauges". Most of the major UI control libraries have a gauge or dashboard library.
I've never used this myself, but found KineticaRT controls. $67.06.
(source: eclipse.co.uk)
GMSI.Net Knob v2.0. $169.00.
alt text http://www.globalmajic.com/mc_images/product/thumbnail/net_knob150.jpg
