integration of Angularjs in nvd3 - angularjs

currently i am using only nv.d3.js for my chart plotting. but they are not that much customizable that i need. i want to create fully customized nvd3 chart. am looking for solution so i can fully customized my chart, like in multibarchart i want to display bars values and many other stuffs.
This first option that i came to understand is Angularjs. what if i want to integrate the angular in my nv.d3 project . is it complicated or not possible please suggest me something.
Note : i have purely nv.d3 and d3 chart no other lib using
Vikas Kumar

Why reinvent the wheel? There is already an angular directive for nvd3: angular-nvd3


Angular Overlay withTransformOriginOn usage

I need to animate a tooltip that uses Angular Overlay CDK, based on it's position.
withTransformOriginOn sounds like it could do the trick based on the Angular Overlay CDK documentation :
Angular withTransformOriginOn only documentation
I do not understand how to use it, as Angular provides no example or description for the usage, and I can't find any example online...
Has anyone used it before and could point me to some direction, or explain to me how it is supposed to work ?
Thank you

Is there any way to achieve customized graphs in angular?

I have tried but I am not able to achieve this level of customization with charts or canvas. Is there any other way or library or anything to achieve this level of customization through angular.
There are many Libraries that you can implement with Angular that will allow you to combine a line chart with a bar chart.

Use a grid system in Polymer

I have used MDL (Material Design Lite) and i realy like it, but I want to use something similar in Polymer, for example: mdl-grid (or others clases), does polymer have a component or similar to make a grid system like in MDL? or what do you recomend to use in Polymer to have a similar efect of those MDL clases?
Thanks a lot.
I recommend checking out It's a community page for web-components offering many reusable elements for Polymer.
Specifically the ag-grid and fin-hypergrid elements.

How to use grid in angular.js

I need to implement following functionality in angular grid.
Sorting column wise.
Please suggest me which angular js grid should I use.
I highly recommend Angular UI Grid. Does all you asked for and is part of the Angular UI suite. One of the better data grids I've worked with.

Extjs4 how to add annotation on line chart

I want to do the same function like this
Does extjs have the same chart?
Theres is nothing right out of the box with ExtJS for this but you could build your own using a linechart, scatterchart and a DataView on the side to display the comments. (Building the time slider at the bottom would be a little harder but it can be done as well).
What I would do however, is avoid myself a lot of work and follow this tutorial on how to integrate Google Charts with ExtJS:
Good luck!
