Is there any way to achieve customized graphs in angular? - angularjs

I have tried but I am not able to achieve this level of customization with charts or canvas. Is there any other way or library or anything to achieve this level of customization through angular.

There are many Libraries that you can implement with Angular that will allow you to combine a line chart with a bar chart.


Angular-Chart drilldown options in doughnut chart

When each segment is clicked,need to form a another chart with its respectively lower level of a data.
This experience need in Angular-chart.js
Unfortunately, there is no support for that with angular-chart.js, you have to implement it by yourself.
Also angular-chart is getting inherited from chart.js, there is already asked question
See Any support drill-down charts?

integration of Angularjs in nvd3

currently i am using only nv.d3.js for my chart plotting. but they are not that much customizable that i need. i want to create fully customized nvd3 chart. am looking for solution so i can fully customized my chart, like in multibarchart i want to display bars values and many other stuffs.
This first option that i came to understand is Angularjs. what if i want to integrate the angular in my nv.d3 project . is it complicated or not possible please suggest me something.
Note : i have purely nv.d3 and d3 chart no other lib using
Vikas Kumar
Why reinvent the wheel? There is already an angular directive for nvd3: angular-nvd3

How to use grid in angular.js

I need to implement following functionality in angular grid.
Sorting column wise.
Please suggest me which angular js grid should I use.
I highly recommend Angular UI Grid. Does all you asked for and is part of the Angular UI suite. One of the better data grids I've worked with.

Dynamically rendering polygons server-side?

I'm trying to implement a polygon based heatmap (i.e., instead of the color transitioning smoothly between two points, the color is the same within each polygon and changes across polygons).
The polygon color will tell the user which area's of the map are "good" and which are "bad". Similar to what these guys are doing here (
However, the color of the polygons will depend on the user input. Therefore, they have to be rendered dynamically. I don't think that the client will be able to handle the rendering, so the rendering will have to happen on the server.
I'm currently exploring ArcGIS as an option.
Does anybody know how to accomplish what I need in ArcGIS (or any other products)?
It would be best if I can find sample code that does something similar.
Based on our discussion in the comments, I can suggest the D3.js library. It is designed to make dynamic visualization easy.

Need to build a drag drop form designer in browser - Is AngularJS the right framerwork for this kind of a requirement

My requirement is a build a web form designer in a browser - just like how Zoho Creator (or something similar to other browser based designer tools like, protoshare, gomockingbird, lucidcharts etc).
Have a tool box/palate on one side, a canvas and a properties box that always shows the properties of the selected control.
I definitely don't think that using JQuery and working with DOM elements will give a scalable solution like these (, lucidchart etc.). After numerous trials, I feel that AngularJS is the way to go, but it does not have native support for drag-drop and hence I want inputs from community members like you may have more experience with AngularJS on whether what I am setting out to do, is Angularjs the right framework to use for this kind of a solution?
See screens shots of tools like - something very similar to what I am setting out to build. Just that my palate will contain form controls like textbox, label etc which I will drag and drop on the canvas instead of the shapes that has.
Angular is fine. But the main idea of these kind of frameworks like Angular, Dojo, backbone is to structure your application with a specific designed pattern.Hence getting benefit from that pattern. And Angular will help you construct your app into MV* pattern. i may think what you need now is a graph library that support things with canvas , drag-drop , palettes, templates, overview, etc. Some may be useful are JointJS, MxGraph,Draw2D, Data-driven Documents, gojs, mindfusion.
Draw2D supports Angular as well. The lib has a boilerplate app whichs shows
how to use the draw2d stuff in combination with angluar.
The examples shows how to structure your app with Controller, Factories and two way
data binding.
I think you can use the draw2d boilderplate with any other DragDrop lib. It's just
a pattern how to integrate a third party lib into angular.
Angular has many hooks and pattern which supports any kind of lib
