Angular-Chart drilldown options in doughnut chart - angularjs

When each segment is clicked,need to form a another chart with its respectively lower level of a data.
This experience need in Angular-chart.js

Unfortunately, there is no support for that with angular-chart.js, you have to implement it by yourself.
Also angular-chart is getting inherited from chart.js, there is already asked question
See Any support drill-down charts?


How to draw a complex Gantt chart in react?

I am trying to build a gantt chart, wherein a single row can have multiple horizontal boxes. Something as shown in the below image.
I have explored following react packages, but seems no one is enough to draw multiple horizontal boxes in a single row as shown in the images.
Please do suggest some solution. Any kind of help is appreciated.
There is a superset of Gantt chart, called Timeline chart. That would help one to implement above mentioned chart.

Silverlight Toolkit Pie Chart Add Labels

I have been working with Silverlight for some time now but this is my first experience with the charting capability provided by the silverlight toolkit. Basically I am trying to create a pie chart that contains labels for each slice of the pie. The labels can be inside the pie piece itself or outside it makes very little difference to me. My data set is very simple. I have a Result class that contains 2 properties, a name and a count and I am using that as the source for the pie chart.
I have tried to google this but most of the results I get pertain to telerik or other 3rd party controls.
Can someone please share there wisdom on how to accomplish this? Thanks.

integration of Angularjs in nvd3

currently i am using only nv.d3.js for my chart plotting. but they are not that much customizable that i need. i want to create fully customized nvd3 chart. am looking for solution so i can fully customized my chart, like in multibarchart i want to display bars values and many other stuffs.
This first option that i came to understand is Angularjs. what if i want to integrate the angular in my nv.d3 project . is it complicated or not possible please suggest me something.
Note : i have purely nv.d3 and d3 chart no other lib using
Vikas Kumar
Why reinvent the wheel? There is already an angular directive for nvd3: angular-nvd3

How to implement scattered chart using chart.js which is not available by default?

I need to implement the scattered graph / chart using Chart.js ... By default I am not able to implement it as there is no function defined for the chart type of "Scattered" ... Can anyone help me with implementing the scattered graph using chart.js ?
You might want to try the Scatter chart extension that is linked to from the community extension section in the Chart.js documentation

Which library to use for line chart in codenameone ?

I have seen few libraries in codenameone for rendering charts and I don't know the pros and cons of these library. I want to draw line chart with capabilities of pinch zooming, showing values on touching any points. I have seen 2 cn1lib that needs to be attached externally __ CN1-Charts, CN1aChartEngine
and one that is provided with the codenameone com.codename1.charts.ChartComponent. Which one should I use ?
You should migrate your code to the builtin charts API
