HTML Page from selected row in Spotfire - analytics

I have come across a requirement that is already available in the current tool and they expect it to be implemented in Spotfire as well.
Requirement: Once data is loaded in Spotfire and they click on a row, there is a button "View in Web" that will render that selected row in a beautiful static HTML page in a new window.
My Logic so far: I'll store the column values in variables using ironpyton as explained in and then i'll render those values in HTML page
Any suggestion or help is greatly appreciated.

I have never tried to open a popup or new window in Spotfire. my guess is that you could do it in the Web Player, but it may not work in the thick client.
I've created an example DXP that shows how IronPython and Javascript can interact to render HTML content in a textarea. this may be a good solution for you.
(NOTE: you will need to trust all of the IP and JS scripts in this document!)


How to show/hide layers in Mapbox on the client

I'm working on a web app with Nextjs, Mapbox and react-map-gl. On the client side I would add some controls to show/hide specific POIs, for example restaurants, museums and landmarks.
I tried various ways and found multiple examples that were not specific to my problem. Nevertheless I'll note them down here, so you can see what I tried and why it failed.
Change the categories in Mapbox studio
There is a possibility to show/hide the POI categories in Mapbox studio, however this is static and I want to make this sort of changes on the client side.
Two examples from from Mapbox
"Filter symbols by toggling a list"
"show and hide layers"
Those examples show very well what I want to achieve. Simple UI buttons where I can show/hide certain POI categories, for example Theatre, Museum, Bar, Bicycle.
The downside is that the data is added manually - after that map is loaded. I'm looking for a way to show/hide the POI categories on the existing map data I receive from Mapbox.
Copy POI layer
I found a third option that suggest to copy the POI layers "Hide mapbox POI in runtime". It doesn't seem like a proper solution, but I'll give it a try and share my feedback afterwards.
Do you guys know how I can properly show/hide categories at runtime from the POI-Layer in Mapbox?
I'm thankful for any help.
You can use the same approach shown in the "show and hide layers" example you linked to. Once you have a layer on the map for each POI group you want to control, use map.setLayoutProperty(layername, 'visibility', 'none') to hide, and map.setLayoutProperty(layername, 'visibility', 'visible') to show.
Layers added after the map loads are no different than the layers that are included with the main style. The "show and hide layers" example shows sources and layers added after the map loads, they are just coming from mapbox-hosted vector tiles, not geojson files.
Thanks chriswhong. For anyone working with react-map-gl, there is one more thing to consider.
The setLayoutProperty is at the time of my writing not available on mapRef and on the useMap hook.
According to the create-ref.ts file from react-map-gl the setLayoutProperty is part of the methods that may break the react binding if called directly.
According to the official react-map-gl documentation you can you can still access the hidden members via getMap(), as it can be seen in the following example via console log.

I'm having trouble with the layout in tablet and mobile views on my portfolio and elements aren't displaying properly

I'm hoping someone can help direct me with troubleshooting for my portfolio page. I'm currently having issues with a few things and I'm not sure why or how to deal with them. Whenever I try to view them in tablet/mobile views on the deployed link the layout is completely different than when I run a live server with npm start.
The first issue about section in mobile and tablet views displays each paragraph in columns and the black background doesn't cover all of the text or the image.
The second issue is the contact page doesn't display the links on mobile even though the text color is set to black and the contact header doesn't show up on the page.
It was made in React. Below will be the deployed link and link to the github.
I would really appreciate any help or guidance on sorting this out.
Thank you.
first piece of advice is that you have used TOO MUCH CSS, please use only what you really need. You don't need every css property to use on every element.
Your text/paragraphs are showing in column as their parent's display style is set first as inline and then flex. Either don't use it or write display: block

Unable to automate the Angularjs Click through Selenium driver

Is there a possible way to automate the click event of angularjs button, which navigates to a new page in turn.
Something like following is what the original browser code is.
I am able to get to the point where the click event comes into picture, but it is not getting navigated to a different screen.
Any solution to this problem ? Thanks.
Is this for end-to-end testing purposes?
If so, the angular team themselves maintain a fantastic tool called protractor
It provides smart abstractions on top of WebDriverJS/Selenium to allow you to easily find elements by their angular bindings and click through as you have described.

searching for a tool/solution that allows angular to show forms and form elements dynamically based on metadata

the forms in my app display themself based on metadata.
In design mode the user should be able to change the form (metadata) by dragging all form elements (text, input ...) somewhere in the browsers window. I want to save the new metadata to display the changed form.
I wonder, if there is allready any solution or a tool.
Thanks in advance
Check this link - which contains a detailed list of plugins developed for angularjs. I have found many useful plugins here.

Dynamic Data Display

I can't load the Applications which are get it from this link. I am going to create a many charts in Wpf by the help of Dynamic Data Display and i have seen some samples on below link but can't able to load atleast any one of them. Can any body try this, plz help me if u knw.
It will be great help.
You just have to click on the Download button, as shown in the image:
Please note that this is just a library, there no Main application to launch it ! You have just to make a reference to it, and then use it in your own application.
Here is what I found in the readme file:
WPF Dynamic Data Display' is a library of WPF controls for dynamic data visualization.
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