Dynamic Data Display - wpf

I can't load the Applications which are get it from this link. I am going to create a many charts in Wpf by the help of Dynamic Data Display and i have seen some samples on below link but can't able to load atleast any one of them. Can any body try this, plz help me if u knw.
It will be great help.

You just have to click on the Download button, as shown in the image:
Please note that this is just a library, there no Main application to launch it ! You have just to make a reference to it, and then use it in your own application.
Here is what I found in the readme file:
WPF Dynamic Data Display' is a library of WPF controls for dynamic data visualization.
Homepage - http://www.codeplex.com/dynamicdatadisplay/
Blog - http://microsoft.cs.msu.su/Blog/thecentury/default.aspx (mostly in Russian for now)
Twitter - http://twitter.com/DynamicDataDisp
If you have questions, bug reports or feature requests, you can post them at 'Discussions' page at our codeplex site or
e-mail them to d3#mslab.cs.msu.su


snowflake load csv file option not available or any file

I'm trying to upload a .csv file but there is no option to load or may be I'm not finding it. I watched many tutorials but the UI that they had is different to mine and I'm not able to change to the other UI like others that has load options.
this above picture is the UI that I have, and am not able to shift to another one as the classic UI button is missing. Am I missing anything here or the load option is missing temporarily?
The Load option is currently disabled and currently we are working on adding this feature to the Snowsight.
Also the classic Web UI is disabled for all new trial accounts.
However there is a workaround as of now.
Can you add ?disableDirectLogin=true to the URL you are currently using and let me know the results.
e.g. https://xxxxxx.snowflakecomputing.com/console/login?disableDirectLogin=true
This will get you the classic Web UI and you can use the load button in thus UI.
Hope this helps.

How can I link custom community visualization to other pages in a report?

I built a community visualization with various fields. One field that I'm adding is a URL, composed as the documentation suggests, that links to a filter in another page.
While the URL is fine and working, I cannot use it in a normal link or a form because the iframe in which the community visualization is embedded is sandboxed to allow only scripts.
Is there another way to change the top frame navigation, or switch to another page from within the visualization? Maybe through a javascript call?
Community Visualizations do not allow links to external resources, so there's no way to make the visualization act as a link to a filter on another page.

Weird Content of Facebook share/like button preview from angular app

I have an issue with share/like button from Angular app. I finally made it working correctly with links but share/like preview if completely wrong. I tried XFBML.parse(), switching to html 5 mode, etc.
There are two complete enigmas:
1. I got "Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration..." despite adding all possible variants to fb app setting.
When share preview appear - it has "Angular", but I never added it anywhere.
Here is the link
Would be grateful for any ideas...
The Facebook Scraper only looks at the HTML code your server delivers, it does not execute any JavaScript.
So if you want to share different articles, you need an individual URL for each article, that delivers the relevant meta data when requested from the server.
You can find some more explanation and hints on how to implement this in this article, http://www.michaelbromley.co.uk/blog/171/enable-rich-social-sharing-in-your-angularjs-app

Aspose PDF viewer

I am using the Aspose PDF tools and have successfully got it to print the pdf which is great, but ideally I want to be able to add a wpf control to display this as well.
I would have assumed that the PdfViewer class would have something, but I can't tell.
So far I have needed to use a different control MoonPdfPanel which is annoying as I would have preferred 1 tool to do both jobs.
Does anyone know of a control I can use to hook into the aspose?
We have developed an HTML5 PDF Editor application using Aspose.Pdf for .NET API which you can use in your application as a PDF Viewer as well. You can get the details and complete source code here. You can use the source code to edit the viewer as per your requirement.
P.S. I am working as social media developer at Aspose.
Well, if you are interesting in viewing the PDF file, you may convert the file to HTML and display it using an IFrame in your application. I have developed a sample application which performs different operations including viewing a PDF file in IFrame. Download it and try it at your end. Another option is that you can convert the PDF file to images and display in Imageviewer in your application (Code is available in the above application).
P.S. I am working as social media developer at Aspose.

What is the best way to make a full page Silverlight web part in SharePoint 2010

I want to make a silverlight web part hosted in SharePoint 2010 that will take up the entire screen. I know how to get rid of all the SharePoint navigation through CSS or a custom master page, but I'm struggling with how to get a web part zone to grow to the full height available. I've messed around with using CSS or jquery to set the heights of the various tables and divs that wrap a web part and haven't found a good solution. Has anyone done this?
How about not using a webpart, and just embedding the Silverlight application into an empty page with an empty masterpage?
You can grab the html or aspx page that Visual Studio generates when you create an new Silverlight project.
I would suggest you to get a new master page for this purpose. You can get the minimal master page here:
