Calculated column in DAX to show current BusinessArea - sql-server

I have a table in my SSAS-model with SCD-type2 functionality.
CustNr StartDate EndDate BusinessArea
123 2014-12-01 2015-01-01 Norway
123 2015-01-01 - Sweden
I need a calc-column(DAX) which shows the current BusinessArea(based on customer number). How do i approach it? I've heard about the "Earlier" function but i am new to DAX and cannot get my head around it.
The desired output would be like this:
CustNr StartDate EndDate BusinessArea CurrentBA
123 2014-12-01 2015-01-01 Norway Sweden
123 2015-01-01 - Sweden Sweden
All answers are welcome! Cheers!

(edit: note original left for continuity - correct measure below in edit section)
CurrentBusinessArea =
DimCustomer[BusinessArea] // Lookup column - will return value
// matching search criteria below.
,DimCustomer[CustNr] // Search column 1.
,DimCustomer[CustNr] // Value to match to search column 1 -
// this is evaluated in row context.
,DimCustomer[EndDate] // Search column 2.
,"-" // Literal value to match for search
// column 2.
I doubt that your [EndDate] is actually a text field, so I also doubt that the literal value for [EndDate] for the row that represents the current business area is actually "-". If it's blank, use the BLANK() function rather than a literal "-".
Edit based on comment, corrected measure definition with some discussion:
CurrentBusinessArea =
Normally in DAX you can test directly for equality to BLANK(). It tends not to act similarly to NULL in SQL. In fact, you can create a column to test this. If you do any of these, they return true for the row with a blank [EndDate]:
=DimCustomer[EndDate] = BLANK()
=DimCustomer[EndDate] = 0 //implicit conversion 0 = blank
For some reason there is an issue in the conversion from Date/Time to BLANK(). The construction above, using the DATE() function fed with all BLANK()s works for me. I had assumed that LOOKUPVALUE() would work with a literal blank (fun fact, if data type is Integer, LOOKUPVALUE() works with a BLANK()). Apologies on that.


String concatenation based of column length

i have telephone number like this in one table:
ID Telephone extention
1 9986323422 4
2 9992108 2222
3 9962718 241
Final result wanted is number of digit in extention will be taken and replace the end digit/(s) of "Telephone" column.
want my result to be:
ID Telephone extention result
1 9986323422 4 9986323424
2 9992108 2222 9992222
3 9962718 241 9962241
I have 100k records like this. What is the best and quick way to achieve this? Thanks.
This may be a little too cute1 but is an alternative to the STUFF approaches:
SELECT ID,Telephone,Extension,
SUBSTRING(Telephone,1-LEN(Extension),LEN(Telephone)) + Extension as Result
It works because negative arguments to the start parameter for SUBSTRING allow you to truncate the end of the string by those amounts.
1It avoid repetitive calls to LEN(), but the optimizer should be able to avoid duplication anyway and avoids having to reverse the entire string, but this does come at a readability cost.
You can use STUFF() together with some calculations with LEN()
DECLARE #dummyTable TABLE(ID INT,Telephone VARCHAR(100), extention VARCHAR(100));
,STUFF(t.Telephone,LEN(t.Telephone)-LEN(t.extention)+1,LEN(t.extention),t.extention) AS result
FROM #dummyTable AS t;
You might have to add some validations to avoid errors (e.g. length of extension should be smaller than of phone number)
In similar way use reverse() function with stuff() function to replace ends digits of Telephone value with extention value
select *, reverse(stuff(reverse(Telephone), 1, len(extention), reverse(extention)))
from table

MATLAB Extract all rows between two variables with a threshold

I have a cell array called BodyData in MATLAB that has around 139 columns and 3500 odd rows of skeletal tracking data.
I need to extract all rows between two string values (these are timestamps when an event happened) that I have
Column 1 2 3
'10:15:15.332' 'BASE05' ...
'10:17:33:230' 'BASE05' ...
The two timestamps should match a value in the array but might also be within a few ms of those in the array e.g.
TimeStamp1 = '10:15:15.560'
TimeStamp2 = '10:17:33.233'
I have several questions!
How can I return an array for all the data between the two string values plus or minus a small threshold of say .100ms?
Also can I also add another condition to say that all str values in column2 must also be the same, otherwise ignore? For example, only return the timestamps between A and B only if 'BASE02'
Many thanks,
The best approach to the first part of your problem is probably to change from strings to numeric date values. In Matlab this can be done quite painlessly with datenum.
For the second part you can just use logical indexing... this is were you put a condition (i.e. that second columns is BASE02) within the indexing expression.
A self-contained example:
% some example data:
BodyData = {'10:15:15.332', 'BASE05', 'foo';...
'10:15:16.332', 'BASE02', 'bar';...
'10:15:17.332', 'BASE05', 'foo';...
'10:15:18.332', 'BASE02', 'foo';...
'10:15:19.332', 'BASE05', 'bar'};
% create column vector of numeric times, and define start/end times
dateValues = datenum(BodyData(:, 1), 'HH:MM:SS.FFF');
startTime = datenum('10:15:16.100', 'HH:MM:SS.FFF');
endTime = datenum('10:15:18.500', 'HH:MM:SS.FFF');
% select data in range, and where second column is 'BASE02'
BodyData(dateValues > startTime & dateValues < endTime & strcmp(BodyData(:, 2), 'BASE02'), :)
ans =
'10:15:16.332' 'BASE02' 'bar'
'10:15:18.332' 'BASE02' 'foo'
References: datenum manual page, matlab help page on logical indexing.

MATLAB - array2table nesting

For the purpose of simplicity I'll try to take an example from everyday life. Let's say I have a table in CSV file loaded in a table called dataOriginal with 3 columns - names, jobs , dates.
Let's take a closer look at the column "date":
'13.01.2014 20:34'
'22.03.2014 11:17'
I want to split date in a date-vector and add this vector (along with the variable names for each of it's columns (since we have multiple dates we have de facto a matrix)) to a column in a new table again named "Date" but with all the naming goodies in it such as year, month etc.
Here is what I have done so far (sorry for the poor code quality but I've just started learning MATLAB :-/):
I split each date in a date-vector and also add names to each element like this:
dateFormat = ' HH:MM';
[year,month,day,hour,minute,second] = datevec(datesRaw, dateFormat);
so that I have this:
year(1) % returns '2014' since this is the first date in my column
year % returns all years in my entire column
Then I converted the above to a table:
dates = array2table([year,month,day,hour,minute,second],'VariableNames',{'year','month',...,'second'});
so I get a nice output like this
year month second
____ _____ ... ______
2014 1 0
2014 3 0
... ... ... ...
This allows me an easy-to-read access to each column by simply calling for example:
year % returns all years
year(1) % returns first entry's year (here: '2014' from '13.01.2014 20:34')
I've processed my other columns too doing various operations on those and at the end I'm trying to horizontally concatenate all like this:
name job date
____ _____________________ _____________________
year month ... second
____ _____ ______
"Bob" "Construction worker" 2014 1 ... 0
"Alice" "Waitress" 2014 3 ... 0
... ... ... ... ... ...
I'm struggling exactly with the part with the nesting of year,month etc. in a single column named "date". I'd like to address a date's element in the table above as follows: % will return 'Bob'
myData.job(1) % will return 'construction worker' % should return '2014' for Bob, the construction worker
Currently I'm having the following code after some sweating and swearing:
dataFinal =
dataProcessed(:,1) are my processed names
dataProcessed(:,2) are my processed jobs
dataOriginal.Properties.VariableNames(1) is the name of the first column in my original table - "name"
dataOriginal.Properties.VariableNames(2) is the name of the second column in my original table - "job"
I do not know how to insert
in a named column "date" in order to accomplish my goal.
Try the following, it may be what you're looking for:
data = table(names, jobs, table(years, months, ...), 'VariableNames', {'name', 'job', 'date'})
Though you will address as follows, which is slightly different from what you said you want; it may still work for your purposes:;
EDIT: To see your output, do
disp([data(:, ~strcmp(data.Properties.VariableNames, 'date')),])
names ids years months
_____ ___ _____ ______
'Bob' 1 2014 4
'Max' 2 2013 8
(when editing the comment I didn't exactly replicate the data and fields from the answer, but I think you should get the point here).

Sum Function and Changing the type of Variable

I'm using SQL Server Express for my project. I have a table like:
Number Name Surname Point Position
------ ---- ------- ----- --------
1 John Black 10000 True
2 Jane Lincoln 8800 True
3 Edward Payne 17000 False
I would like to prepare a query that will sum the Point where the position is true
SELECT Sum(Point) AS Exp1
FROM DataTable
WHERE Position = True
My problem is the type of Position is Nvarchar. So the query doesn't sum the Point s. I tried the change the type Nvarchar to int, but I have a big project and it give several errors. Is there any way to make a query to sum the Point ?
(I've tried to use Sum(Var(Point)) but not work)
select sum(CAST(Point AS INT)) as Exp1 from DataTable where position = 'True'
select sum(CONVERT(int, Point)) as Exp1 from DataTable where position = 'True'

Converting text to Datetime in specific format

I need an expression which will convert a text (VARCHAR) column to a DATETIME if, and only if, it matches dd/MM/yyyy, d/MM/yyyy, dd/M/yyyy or d/M/yyyy. If it doesn't match then I want a NULL.
I have this...
CASE ISDATE([DateField])
However this fails for '15/04/76' for example - with a "Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string" error - whereas I would want it to return NULL
Example output
'1/6/1976' -> 1976-06-01
'01/06/1976' -> 1976-06-01
'13/06/2001' -> 2001-06-13
'06/13/2001' -> NULL
'13/06/76' -> NULL
Is there a way of forcing ISDATE to validate a given format?
The documentation seems to suggest so...
ISDATE is deterministic only if used with the CONVERT function, the
CONVERT style parameter is specified and style is not equal to 0, 100,
9, or 109.
But ISDATE only takes one argument, so how do I "use it with CONVERT function" if I am not doing so already?
You could do a nested case statement here. The first could check to see if you have a 10 character string 2 for day, 2 for month, 4 for year and 2 for separators = 10 characters.
Case When DateField Like '%/%/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
Then Case When IsDate(DateField) = 1
Then CONVERT(DATETIME,[DateField],103)
Revised: I changed the code to use a like search which forces there to be a /YYYY at the end of the string, and then does an IsDate check to allow for a single day and/or month.
Well, first off, why on earth are you storing datetime values in a varchar column? This is a cardinal sin for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that you get no validation whatsoever that the data is (or is convertible to) a datetime. You should also consider validating the input, even if you leave the column as varchar, so you don't have such a wide variety of potential formats that you want to consider valid.
So here is one way, borrowing a bit from #G Mastros:
SELECT i, d, d2 = CASE WHEN ISDATE(d) = 1
AND d LIKE '%/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
FROM #f;
i d d2
- ---------- -----------------------
1 15/04/76 NULL
2 15/04/1976 1976-04-15 00:00:00.000
3 1/3/1976 1976-03-01 00:00:00.000
4 1/3/76 NULL
5 15/3/1976 1976-03-15 00:00:00.000
6 22/22/22 NULL
7 Yesterday NULL
PS this will be a great case for TRY_CONVERT in SQL Server 2012. It does exactly what you're asking - it tries to convert to the specified data type; if it can't, it returns NULL.
Thanks for the responses folks.
I've done it like this...
CASE WHEN SUBSTRING([DateField],LEN([DateField])-4,1) = '/' THEN
CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('/',[DateField],LEN([DateField])-3)=0 THEN
CONVERT(datetime, [DateField] , 103)
which is pretty nasty business so would still appreciate something neater!
But this doesn't work either - it still errors on mm/dd/yyyy format dates!
Scrap that last comment - it does seem to work now? Probably something to do with SET DATEFORMAT
