In Xamarin, is there a limit to how much can be stored in Application.Current.Properties? - mobile

We have started to use the Application.Current.Properties more and more and we want to make sure we won't run into any issues. Does it have a limit of any sort?

I believe that Xamarin Forms just serializes that data to json/xml and saves it to the file system. So there is a danger of filling up the filesystem if you really overuse it (you would probably have memory issues before that happened) - but other than that I don't think I would be too concerned.


Which is faster , interacting with a database or using a file system for input output

I was wondering what threshold of data volume may determine whether to use a database or a simple file I/O, assuming that fresh data needs to be handled quite frequently.
Edit: There is no multi-threading in my application. Data needs to be stored and then retrieved sequentially and at this point I am not really worried about anyone else accessing the data/data safety.
Given this backdrop is there still any advantage to using databases over files?
It depends and you probably should consider other factors as well.
If you use a database, there is an overhead for transactions, security, index management etc. on the one hand. On the other hand you can get caching (which could significantly speed up your application) and better performance for random access, if you have a lot of data. In a multithreaded environment I suggest using a database because of a property implemented locking mechanism.
Flat files are OK for really simple and small data. Do you really need to open and close them so often?
If you have indexes on your table correctly then I think it would be better to use database instead of file system to get a better performance. Also to include that if your data in the database is going to be million of records then also the performance will not be affected when compared to file system with that much amount of data.
Probably a database is prefered and in this case id suggest to use sqlite database insted of sql server and mysql as data is small.
In this case I would say DB. You are writing and reading and thats what DBs are good at.
On the flip side if you are holding a tiny amount of data thats alot of over head for not much data
also depends on licensing etc. a file will be alot quicker

Using atom as in-memory database in ring website

I'm trying to build a very simple wiki-like system in Clojure and serving the http using Ring.
Instead of using a regular database i was thinking about using just an atom and serialise it to a file when it gets changed. Something like just with a delayed write.
Having the data in-mem in vectors and maps will surely make the service faster and the code simpler/more intuitive to write?
Will that work with a multithreaded Jetty/Ring server?
The content of the atom will surely fit in memory for now, but that might not hold true in the future. Any ideas to how i can structure the code to make it easier to switch to an alternative storage backend in the future?
This is the best guide for keeping data in memory and storing it to a single file:
Datomic would give you a few options.
You could use the in-memory db which would give you query power and thread safety. It would also be very easy to switch to a persistent datastore if/when the time comes. However, I'm not sure about serialization of the in-memory db.
Or you could use Datomic just for Datalog, which can be used for querying data structures. In that case, you could use an atom and then serialize as planned. Moving to a persistent datastore would be more work than the first case, but still not much. In either case, most of your code wouldn't need to change.
In my opinion, you'd be better of just starting with the free version of Datomic that uses the file system as a datastore. I don't think using an atom simplifies your code very much.
I second the recommendation for Datomic.
I've been using it on a "real" project for a few weeks now, and the more I use it, the more I realize that it would be a solid foundation for handling your data in any non-trivial project. Even if you never plan to use a "real" database in the future, just having a fact-based data model, powerful querying, and even full-text search built in is a huge win over just using an atom to store some huge map.
I checked and the free version does give you local storage as well as the in-memory database, so that would solve your storage needs perfectly (it uses an H2 database behind the scenes). And if you ever find yourself needing to scale to something bigger, you're already set.

Redis for cakePHP app

I want to start a big cakePHP project where performance will be an issue. I will have a users table with act as tree behavior and many financial data related to the users. This application will make a lot of dynamic reports aggregating data for different tree nodes etc.
Since there is on github an easy to use library which sets data source of model to redis, I was wondering if it's a good idea to use it for entire app? Is there anyone who has experience with it, and what could be potential problems if I decide to depend on redis as main/only data storage?
EDIT: I have installed redis and Tried to use RedisModel for two models with simple relation HasMany/BelongsTo. When I tried to simply use those models like standard AppModels - it simply wont work (Redis Error: Missing key). Apparently you can't use Model->find Model->save etc. in standard way. You have to use redis methods instead (setKeyValue ect.). This means that pagination and other cakePHP futures will also not work. So maybe it is not the best idea to use redisModel for all my models...
I cannot speak for CakePHP specifically, but I'll talk about redis in general and the points of your question in particular, it should be applicable to your framework of choice in the end. Let's see:
You mention you want to start an application where performance will be an issue — I just wanted to mention you should be careful with the assumption that you will need a nosql solution, because this is hard to assess beforehand. Redis is hella fast, but MySQL for instance has been proven to be capable to handling millions of records and operations just fine, provided it's properly configured and used, and it's much simpler if you need lots of relational structures.
Concerning Redis as the main and only data store:
Redis is perfectly stable for the job. Instagram
reportedly stored 300 million key-value pairs pseudo-sharded
using hashes to great effect, and while it's not the only data
storage system they use, it goes to show redis is pretty reliable.
This very site (Stack Overflow) uses redis also extensively for
caching purposes.
Redis is also reported to have an overall excellent continuous uptime on average (which shouldn't be surprising considering the point above)
Options exists to mitigate downtime issues, replication is supported to some extent, and Redis Cluster is coming soon to support proper distributed approaches.
The main problem you could face is not understanding properly how its
persistence works. You should absolutely read this and this article before you get started because this point is important. In a nutshell, redis does not write changes immediately to disk, which means that depending on your configuration, a crash can cause a data loss ranging from a few seconds to several minutes since the last disk write. This might or might not be a problem depending on your use case; if the data is extremely sensitive (ie, financial records) you might want to think twice before jumping to redis, or build a system where redis is not exclusively used but rather combined with another storage system.
Relational structures in a non-relational data store like redis mean doing more work and often duplicating/denormalizing data. It can be done, but it's something to consider; in your question you mention you'll need to aggregate data to generate dynamic reports, are you sure you want to use redis for this? it sounds like a relational database would give you way more flexibility at a very small cost of performance. If you know in advance you'll need to run complex queries over your data, it could be a good idea not to reinvent the wheel unless you absolutely need to.
My advice here would be to first get a better feeling on what redis is and how works, potentially build your own models instead of relying on others to better understand what can and cannot be done, and from there assess where you want to take it. Redis is reliable enough to be used standalone, but at the end of the day what's smart is to use the right tool for the right job, and you might find some things of your app work well with redis while some others are better off to a more traditional storage system.

which db to go for tiny data requirements

I need some help choosing databases for my application.
My web application will basically consist of a main table. lets call it the "User" table.
it will have the user info like name, id, password, address, phone etc.
There will be 5 other related tables where i will save each user's info.
eg. Table for books read, Table for songs heard, Food eaten etc.
Overall i dont expect my data to go beyond 1,000 users.
So, i have got tiny data requirements.
Generally i would have gone with mysql, but i am feeling a bit adventurous.
I want to try out some of the new solutions on the block.
my requirements are:
1. pure performance
2. good documentation, ease of use
since my db size shouldn't be more than a few hundreds megs in size, i'd rather the entire tablespace in the memory itself for faster performance. How about some of the new NoSQL DBs.
any recommendations? I have worked mainly on oracle and MySQl and don't have much idea of all the new exciting stuff out there.
I would suggest to go with sqlite if your database requirement is small.
From sqlite website:
SQLite is a compact library. With all features enabled, the library
size can be less than 350KiB, depending on the target platform and
compiler optimization settings. (64-bit code is larger. And some
compiler optimizations such as aggressive function inlining and loop
unrolling can cause the object code to be much larger.) If optional
features are omitted, the size of the SQLite library can be reduced
below 200KiB. SQLite can also be made to run in minimal stack space
(4KiB) and very little heap (100KiB), making SQLite a popular database
engine choice on memory constrained gadgets such as cellphones, PDAs,
and MP3 players. There is a tradeoff between memory usage and speed.
SQLite generally runs faster the more memory you give it.
Nevertheless, performance is usually quite good even in low-memory
Object oriented dbs can be used like db4o or versant.
Neo4j (for Java) is a pretty awesome tool. It's technically a graph database, but by the sounds of your data model, I think it would be well-suited for you. From what I've seen it performs very well, its documentation was just incredibly good, and if you are using Java then it's like second nature. You basically point it at a directory and it sets up shop there.
If you are feeling adventurous and happen to be using Java, I suggest you give it a try.
I think redis is exactly what you want!
Yesterday I downloaded and installed it for the first time. It runs completely in memory and that meets your performance requirement. (It only writes the data to disk for cases like power failure, like a backup, but this does not slow down the writes to it.)
For linux and such there is tar.gz on the download page.
For windows you can download Dusan's native port: - it is precompiled and also has the client console to try out.
The documentation is very good, for example this is the page for the data types: and you also find all the other relevant information as a fast to browse reference there.
And there is a nice online tutorial to get started quickly: which is actually fun to work through.
I like the atomic operations like "increment by" and the list stuctures with push and pop.
There is also a hash type.
For python there is redis-py:
Me myself being a python coder I think the data structures that redis offers do very good match the python datatypes.

Is there is a software caching API out there?

I'm looking for an API or an application that can cache data from a file or database.
My idea is that I have an application that reads a database, but the access to database is sequential and it is on a disk.
What I basically want to do is get the data from cache first and then if it doesn't exist in cache, then hit the database. Note I'm not using a mainstream database, I'm using SQLite, but my performance requirements are very high.
So is there any product or API (free or commercial) that I can use for this purpose? Also I must have an API to interface with my cache.
I want to implement something like a web server cache or something like that.
I'm using C and Unix platform.
You might want to look at using a shared memory cache such as memcached, although this requires a separate daemon, or roll something similar for yourself.
One thing I'd mention is that you should probably do some actual benchmarking to check that your database is your bottleneck, and if performance is a real concern there, then you're going to have to consider scaling up to a non-embedded DBMS. If that's not an option, then you may still be able to optimise the existing database accesses (query optimisation, indices, etc.).
Check out memcached. Brian Aker has written a C library for it.
But I would also second Rob's suggestion. SQLite and "performance requirements are very high" may not necessarily go together, depending on what aspect of performance you mean.
You might try Zola's CaLi library:
