Adding an update node into a linked list - c

I'm having trouble figuring out how to do a update function in this current code. He does not want us to change the student ID, but wants us to change the GPA and the major associated with the current student. He wants us to
create a prompt for the user to enter the student ID number to search for. Also to create a prompt to determine which field the user wished to update then accept new input for that field and change the contents of the appropriate student. I don't want the answer. I just need to be pointed in the right direction.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "stuff.h"
#include "staticll.h"
int compareID(void*, void*);
int compareGPA(void*, void*);
int compareMajor(void*, void*);
void main(void)
FILE *fp;
struct Node List[15];
int Begin, current, newStuff, oldStuff;
double oldData;
fnPtr = compareMajor;
Begin = 0;
struct Student *stu;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
newStuff = FindSpace(List);
List[newStuff].nodeData = readData(stdin);
addNode(Begin, List, newStuff);
for (int i = Begin; i != -1; i = List[i].nodeLink)
for (int i = Begin; i != -1; i = List[i].nodeLink)
int compareID(void *p1, void *p2)
if (((Stu*)p1)->stuID == ((Stu*)p2)->stuID)
return 0;
if ((((Stu*)p1)->stuID < ((Stu*)p2)->stuID))
return 1;
return -1;
int compareGPA(void *p1, void *p2)
if (((Stu*)p1)->stuGPA == ((Stu*)p2)->stuGPA)
return 0;
if ((((Stu*)p1)->stuGPA < ((Stu*)p2)->stuGPA))
return 1;
return -1;
int compareMajor(void *p1, void *p2)
return strcmp(((Stu*)p1)->stuMajor, ((Stu*)p2)->stuMajor);
This is the current code I've created for the update function needed.
void updateNode(struct Node List[], int current, int *NewData)
int temp1;
List[current].nodeLink = List[*NewData].nodeData;
List[*NewData].nodeLink = NewData;
printf("enter the student ID number ");


Find person with surname that starts with character c using bsearch

I have problem finding what is wrong with my code down below. It compiles, but doesn't work properly. What it has to do is to find person with surname that starts with character c using bsearch.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct {
char name[26];
char surname[26];
} Person;
int compare(const void *a, const void *b) {
char x = (*((Person*)a)).surname[0];
char y = (*((Person*)a)).surname[0];
if(x < y) return -1;
else if(x > y) return 1;
else return 0;
int main() {
Person array_person[]={{"Mike", "Anthony"},
{"Dave", "Eric"},
{"Danny", "Markle"},
{"Anne", "Redmayne"},
{"Lulu", "Rsu"}};
char c;
Person *p;
p = (Person*)bsearch(&c,array_person,sizeof(array_person)/sizeof(Person),sizeof(Person),compare);
printf("%s %s",p->name, p->surname);
return 0;
The first argument to the call (the parameter 'a' ) needs to be the character c and not an instance of Person. Please see down here, I hope this will help.
int compare(const void *a, const void *b) {
char x = (*(char*)a);
char y = ((Person*)b)->surname[0];
if(x < y) return -1;
else if(x > y) return 1;
else return 0;
int main() {
Person array_person[]={{"Mike", "Anthony"},
{"Dave", "Eric"},
{"Danny", "Markle"},
{"Anne", "Redmayne"},
{"Lulu", "Rsu"}};
char c;
Person *p;
p = (Person*)bsearch(&c,array_person,sizeof(array_person)/sizeof(Person),sizeof(Person),compare);
if( p==NULL )
printf("Not found\n");
printf("%s %s\n",p->name, p->surname);
return 0;
You need to note that, as you wrote the function, it will always find a person with surname starting with the given character rather than all persons. I am not sure whether this is what you are supposed to implement.

How to print string into an array after used the isdigit?

I'm very new to isdigit and the string. I really need help from you guys. I want to print string into an array 'food[f]'.But can you guys help me to check where is my problem ? Here is my code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main()
char foo[20];
float price;
int number=1;
int f=0,i=0;
char *food[f];
adding_food :
food[f] = (char*)malloc(25);
printf("Adding food into Menu (0 to Main Menu): ");
scanf("%s", foo);
if(isdigit(foo[0])== 0)
foo[i] = *food[f]; //something wrong here
printf("Enter price (RM) : ");
goto adding_food;
return 0;
I would like my output be like this
Adding food into Menu (0 to Main Menu) : Cake
Enter price (RM) : 10
1 Cake 10 //foo[0]
1 Cake 10 //food[0]
There are several mistakes in your code. Example:
char *food[f];
is similar to
char *food[0];
as f is zero. That makes no sense.
Also the use of goto is not considered good style.
So let me show you another approach. Something like:
// Make a type that can hold both a name and a price
struct item
char name[25];
float price;
#define MAX_ITEMS 100
struct item* addItems(int* n)
*n = 0;
struct item* items = malloc(MAX_ITEMS * sizeof *items);
if (items == NULL) return NULL;
while (*n != MAX_ITEMS)
scanf("%24s", items[*n].name);
if (items[*n].name[0] == '0') break;
scanf("%f", &items[*n].price);
*n += 1;
return items;
void print_all(struct item* my_items, int num_items)
for (int i = 0; i < num_items; ++i)
printf("%s %f\n", my_items[i].name, my_items[i].price);
int main()
int num_items;
struct item* my_items = addItems(&num_items);
print_all(my_items, num_items);

Segmentation fault on separate chaining hashtable

So i implemented a hashtable with separate chaining for a struct called Objective, so that i could perform some operations on said Objectives. Currently i have this:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/*Using separate chaining to store the obejctives*/
typedef struct Objective{
char name [8000];
unsigned long id, duration, deps [9000];
int hasDeps;
typedef struct nodehash{ /*Node of list*/
pObjective obj;
struct nodehash*next;
void Init(int M);
int search(unsigned long id);
void insert(pObjective o);
void delete(unsigned long id);
link insertBegin(link h, pObjective obj);
int searchList(link h, unsigned long id);
link removeList(link h, unsigned long id);
pObjective searchObj(unsigned long id);
pObjective searchObjAux(link h, unsigned long id);
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "OBJECTIVES.h"
/*Checks if all inserted dependencies already exist*/
int existDeps(unsigned long dep[9000]){
int i, count = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 9000; i++){
if(search(dep[i]) != 0)
return count;
/ *Adds objective with dependencies*/
void addObj(unsigned long id, char name [8000], unsigned long duration,
unsigned long dep[9000]){
int i;
pObjective obj = malloc(sizeof(pObjective));
obj->id = id;
obj->duration = duration;
obj->hasDeps = 1;
strcpy(name, obj->name);
for(i = 0; i < 9000; i++){
obj->deps[i] = dep[i];
if(search(id) != 0)
printf("id already exists\n");
else if(existDeps(dep) != 0)
printf("no such task\n");
/*Adds objective with no dependencies*/
void addNoDeps(unsigned long id, char name [8000], unsigned long
pObjective obj = malloc(sizeof(pObjective));
obj->id = id;
obj->duration = duration;
obj->hasDeps = 1;
strcpy(name, obj->name);
if(search(id) != 0)
printf("id already exists\n");
/*Removes objective with no dependencies*/
void removeObj(unsigned long id){
int res = search(id);
pObjective obj = searchObj(id);
if(res == 0)
printf("no such task\n");
else if(obj->hasDeps == 1)
printf("task with dependencies\n");
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "HASHTABLE.h"
/*Functions to work with objectives*/
int existDeps(unsigned long dep[9000]);
void addObj(unsigned long id, char name [8000], unsigned long duration,
unsigned long dep[9000]);
void addNoDeps(unsigned long id, char name [8000], unsigned long
void removeObj(unsigned long id);
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "HASHTABLE.h"
#define hash(A,B) (A%B) /*Hash function*/
static link *heads;
static int M;
/*Initiates hashtable with size m*/
void Init(int m){
int i;
M = m;
heads = (link*)malloc(M*sizeof(link));
for(i = 0; i < M; i++)
heads[i] = NULL;
/*Searches objective with said id*/
int search(unsigned long id){
int i = hash(id, M);
return searchList(heads[i], id);
/*Inserts objective into hashtable*/
void insert(pObjective o){
int i = hash(o->id, M);
heads[i] = insertBegin(heads[i], o);
/*Deletes objective using it's id*/
void delete(unsigned long id){
int i = hash(id, M);
heads[i] = removeList(heads[i], id);
/*Returns objective with said id*/
pObjective searchObj(unsigned long id){
int i = hash(id, M);
return searchObjAux(heads[i], id);
/*Inserts objective into list*/
link insertBegin(link h, pObjective obj){
link new = (link)malloc(sizeof(struct nodehash));
new->obj = obj;
new->next = h;
return new;
/*Searches objective by id in a list*/
int searchList(link h, unsigned long id){
link t;
int count = 0;
for(t = h; t != NULL; t = t->next){
if(t->obj->id == id)
return count++;
/*Removes objective from list*/
link removeList(link h, unsigned long id){
link t, x, z;
for(t = h; t != NULL; t = t->next){
if(t->next->obj->id == id)
x = t;
z = x->next;
x->next = z->next;
return h;
/*Returns objetive from said id from list*/
pObjective searchObjAux(link h, unsigned long id){
link t, x;
for(t = h; t != NULL; t = t->next){
if(t->obj->id == id)
x = t;
return x->obj;
I'm quick testing the funcions addObj (adds an objective with dependencies) and addNoDeps (adds an objective with no dependencies) on my main:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "OBJECTIVES.h"
int main(){
unsigned long array [1] = {3};
addNoDeps(1, "tarefa1", 20);
addObj(2, "tarefa2", 20, array);
return 0;
But i keep getting segmentation fault(core dumped) and i can't figure out why. Is my implementation wrong? Are the functions wrong? I can't get to the problem, can someone help me?
I can't run your code right now so I can't analyze the core dump, but I believe what is happening is that you are trying to access memory that has already been freed. At the end of addNoDeps, you free the pObjective after putting it into the list. Then, when you addObj after, you search the list and check to make sure that the links object associated with it is not null. Specifically this code:
for(t = h; t != NULL; t = t->next){
if(t->obj->id == id)
You only check to see that the t (links pointer) is not null, but since you freed the previous object, the t->obj pointer is not pointing to initialized memroy. Therefore trying to access it via t->obj->id is accessing uninitialized memory. If you remove the free(obj) at the end of your addNoDeps and addObj functions you should be fine. You may also want to add checks to make sure that t->obj is not null as well. In general segmentation faults are caused by accessing uninitialized memory, so when debugging check for accessing pointers after a free, double frees, and other things. Also learning to use GDB can help a lot in these situations.

Hash Table - Sort Structure with qsort

Alright sorry for creating another question but the last one got overwhelmed and chaotic.
So I'm making a hash table which inserts words from a file (tokens) and after I have inserted them I need to sort them. The program template was given, the only functions that weren't complete were : insert_ht() , clear_ht() and compare. Even though I've done tons of search about qsort with compare, the program doesn't sort the frequencies (number of times each word was inserted) . I want em sorted from the highest to lowest.
Here is the code : "note that i shouldn't change any function except insert_ht() , clear_ht() and compare
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define HTABLE_SIZ 1001
#define MAX_LINE_SIZ 1024
/* Hash Table */
typedef struct node* link;
struct node { char *token; int freq; link next; };
link htable[HTABLE_SIZ] = { NULL }; /* Table of lists (#buckets) */
int size = 0; /* Size (number of elements) of hash table */
unsigned int hash (char *tok );
void insert_ht (char *data);
void clear_ht ( );
void print_ht ( );
void Process(FILE *fp);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
FILE *fp;
printf("prin tin for \n");
for (i=1; i < argc; i++)
printf("prin tin fopen \n");
fp = fopen(argv[i],"r");
if (NULL == fp)
fprintf(stderr,"Problem opening file: %s\n",argv[i]);
printf("prin tin process \n");
return 0;
void Process(FILE *fp)
const char *seperators = " ?!'\";,.:+-*&%(){}[]<>\\\t\n";
char line[MAX_LINE_SIZ];
char *s;
while((fgets(line,MAX_LINE_SIZ, fp)) != NULL)
for (s=strtok(line,seperators); s; s=strtok(NULL,seperators)){
printf("prin tin insert %s \n",s);
/* Hash Function */
unsigned int hash(char *tok)
printf("bike stin hash \n");
unsigned int hv = 0;
while (*tok)
hv = (hv << 4) | toupper(*tok++);
printf("VGAINEIIIIIIIIIIIIII %d \n",hv);
return hv % HTABLE_SIZ;
void insert_ht(char *token)
printf("bike stin insert %s \n",token);
unsigned int hashval = hash(token);
struct node *new_list;
if (htable[hashval]==NULL){
printf("mesa stin prwti if %u %s \n",hashval,token);
//token = strdup(token);
new_list = malloc(sizeof(link));
new_list->token = strdup(token) ;
new_list->freq = 1;
new_list->next = htable[hashval];
htable[hashval] = new_list;
}else {
printf("ta evale epitixws \n");
void clear_ht()
int i;
for(i=0; i<HTABLE_SIZ; i++) {
while(htable[i]->token!=NULL) {
int compare(const void *elem1, const void *elem2)
const struct node *p1 = elem1;
const struct node *p2 = elem2;
if (p1->freq > p2->freq)
else if (p1->freq < p2->freq)
void print_ht()
int i, j=0;
link l, *vector = (link*) malloc(sizeof(link)*size);
for (i=0; i < HTABLE_SIZ; i++)
for (l=htable[i]; l; l=l->next)
vector[j++] = l;
for (i=0; i < size; i++)
Ι found the solution. Apparently for some reason my compare function was wrong.
I still haven't figured out why but here is the correct one, hopefully someone else will find this post helpful!
int compare(const void *elem1, const void *elem2)
return (*(link*)elem2)->freq - (*(link*)elem1)->freq;

warning: implicit declaration of function TableCreate

I have to build a hash table data structure for this project, which I have done it in other files. For some reason when I compile my program and I get error, which is regarding initialization function (TableCreate();) of hash table. When I remove this part of the code from main function and execute, it works fine but then I get segfault when i try to add something to the hash table.
I believe my hash table code has nothing to do with this errors because my hash table code is based upon examples of Hash table code which was provided to us by our professor
I'm using GCC compiler.
Please help me solve this issue.
Error Message
src/sshell.c: In function âmainâ:
src/sshell.c:34: warning: implicit declaration of function âTableCreateâ
src/sshell.c:34: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
#include "parser.h"
#include "shell.h"
#include "hash_table.h"
#include "variables.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main(void){
char input[1000], sInput[1000]; // String to get user input
int count=1, len; // num=0;
struct Table *t;
t = TableCreate(); //create the table
int while_track;
FILE *ptr_file;
ptr_file =fopen(".simpleshell_history","a");
printf("\nWelcome to the sample shell! You may enter commands here, one\n");
printf("per line. When you're finished, press Ctrl+D on a line by\n");
printf("itself. I understand basic commands and arguments separated by\n");
printf("spaces, redirection with < and >, up to two commands joined\n");
printf("by a pipe, tilde expansion, and background commands with &.\n\n");
printf("\npssh$ ");
while (fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin)) {
strcpy(sInput, input);
len = strlen(input);
if( input[len-1] == '\n' ){
input[len-1] = '\0';
while_track = 1; // used to keep track of loop
while (while_track == 1){
if (strcmp(input, "history")==0){
while_track = History(); // print history function call
}else if (strcmp(input, "!!")==0){
while_track = Previous(input); // execute previous function call
}else if (strncmp(input, "!",1)==0){ // !string and !number sort
while_track = Number(input);
} else {
while_track = String(input);
}else { // if the user entry was not any of specfic comnnad then pass the command to parse to execute
while_track = 0;
HistoryFile(sInput); // A function call to recode commands entered by the user into a file
printf("\npssh$ ");
return 0;
#include "hash_table.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
void feedData(char * var, char * val, struct Table *t){
//const char * key=0;
printf("\n In FeedData Function\n");
Table_add(t, var, val);
printf("\nInside Feed Function -- Veriable: %s Value: %s\n",var, val);
unsigned int hash(const char *x) {
printf("\n In Hash\n");
int i;
unsigned int h = 0U;
printf("\n In Hash - Before for loop\n");
for (i=0; x[i]!='\0'; i++)
printf("\n In Hash - In for loop %d \n", i);
h = h * 65599 + (unsigned char)x[i];
printf("\n In Hash - In for loop - after calculation \n");
unsigned int g;
g = h % 1024;
printf("\n In Hash - In for loop - before return: %u \n",g);
return g;
struct Table *Table_create(void) {
printf("\n In Table_create\n");
struct Table *t;
t = (struct Table*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct Table));
return t;
void Table_add(struct Table *t, const char *key, char * val){
printf("\n In Table_add\n");
struct Node *p = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
int h = hash(key);
printf("\n In Table_add - after hash key\n");
//p->key = *key;
printf("\n In Table_add - after first key\n");
printf("\n In Table_add - after Value\n");
p->next = t->array[h];
printf("\n In Table_add - after p->next\n");
t->array[h] = p;
printf("\n In Table_add - after t->array[h] = p\n");
int Table_search(struct Table *t, const char *key, int *value){
struct Node *p;
int h = hash(key); //---------------------------------------------------------------------
for (p = t->array[h]; p != NULL; p = p->next)
if (strcmp(p->key, key) == 0) {
*value = p->value;
return 1;
return 0;
void Table_free(struct Table *t) {
struct Node *p;
struct Node *nextp;
int b;
for (b = 0; b < BUCKET_COUNT; b++)
for (p = t->array[b]; p != NULL; p = nextp) {
nextp = p->next;
hash_table.h file code
#ifndef HASH_TABLE_H
#define HASH_TABLE_H
struct Table *Table_create(void);
void Table_add(struct Table *t, const char *key, char * val);
unsigned int hash(const char *x);
void feedData(char * var, char * val, struct Table *t);
enum {BUCKET_COUNT = 1024};
struct Node {
char key[1000];
char variable[1000];
char value[1000];
struct Node *next;
struct Table {
struct Node *array[BUCKET_COUNT];
Warning 1: You are calling TableCreate while your function name is Table_create
Warning 2: After looking at new identifier followed by (, compiler assumes it is a function that takes variable number of arguments and returns int.
