Universal apps and Kinect V2 - wpf

In my work we are preparing for developing a fitness application that is supposed to run on Windows 10 (Maybe windows 8.1) and XBox One. We want to use the Kinect V2 for measuring the performance of the user while doing a workout.
I have a few questions:
1: Is it possible to develop a Windows 10 Universal App, that uses the Kinect V2 for both Windows 10 PC and XBox One - so one codebase for both products? I have read somewhere that Kinect V2 SDK is not supported for the Universal Windows Platform, but i can not understand why i should not be supported?
2: If its not possible to target the Universal Windows Platform, do we then need to target Windows 8.1 Store Apps, and develop a version for both Desktop and XBox One?
3: We want to show a fitness video that runs in the background, with a UI on top/overlay that displays the users vitals like heart-rate, intensesnes level, repetitions, and calorie burned. Can we use WPF/XAML for this, or do we need to hire a developer that excels in Unity or XNA?
4: If we hire a Unity/XNA developer, are these technologeis compatible with the Kinect V2?

This is a multi-part question but the individual parts that are relevant to you should be easy enough to answer: Kinect 2.0 works with Windows 10 development, but not currently supporting the Windows 10 UAP. Target the Windows 8.1 UAP and your app will still work on Windows 10 (and potentially Xbox One if you have access to the Xbox One dev kit, which you can only get right now through signup).
And, your question 3, yes, you can interact with the Kinect data using only the C#/XAML pipeline. You shouldn't need a Unity developer for this interaction. I did a tutorial video explaining how to get the data and if you download the Kinect SDK there are C# sample codes. https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/Amanda-Lange/Kinect-100-August-2015


Windows Phone or Windows Phone Silverlight

I have just installed Windows 8.1 and then installed Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition.
I tried to create a Windows Phone app and found out that there are two ways of creating it (in fact 3 if you count Universal Apps if I am not wrong)
Windows Phone
Windows Phone Silverlight
Can someone please tell me what exactly is the difference between these two? I read a couple of articles but still don't understand and this whole thing is very confusing.
When I tried to create a Windows Phone Silverlight project then it asked me whether I want to target 8.0 or 8.1.
When I tried to create Windows Phone project then it asked me to get a Developer license and didn't ask about version 8.0 or 8.1.
What shall I chose if my aim is to create an application for mobile devices (tablet/phones) that will run on maximum devices running Windows Phone 8 version?
Windows Phone 8 Silverlight is the older UI on Windows Phone 8. WinRT XAML is used for Windows Store Apps(these are Universal Apps). Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight is a bit different as explained here.
Windows Phone Silverlight, although older, is better in some ways. If your aim is to develop an app that is targeted only for phones and that doesn't have any use getting ported to Win8/RT, go with Silverlight. Background Audio is a mess in WinRT. Speech Recognition with Cortana is worse.
The controls of WinRT XAML are buggy. For example, there is a clear performance degradation of MapControl in WinRT XAML, whereas, in Silverlight, this is smoother.
On the other hand, Windows Store Apps have .NET Native, which converts C# to native C++ code, resulting in performance gains.
For a beginner, I would advise starting with Windows Phone 8 Silverlight apps.
Windows Phone Silverlight is the "old" platform that WP8.0 apps are built on. It asked you to target 8.0 or 8.1 because WP8.1 has a hybrid mode that lets you build WP8.1 apps but still have access to the Sliverlight API if you had a whole lot of legacy code you didn't want to port over just yet.
Windows Phone is the (mostly) universal platform for WP8.1 that is based on Windows Runtime.

Developing a Kinect Speech Recognition app for a Surface table

I'm currently developing a Kinect Speech Recognition application. The target platform will be a Surface tablet although the model hasn't been decided.
The application itself will allow interaction with children, with several basic game scenarios. My issue right now is that the demo's I've been using to test Kinect Speech Recognition capabilities were developing using WPF. It is to my understanding that WPF application cannot run on Surface and Surface 2 models as they both use Windows RT, leaving only the (expensive) Surface Pro 2 model running Windows 8 the only option.
With all this being said, is it possible to develop this kind of application (Kinect ASR) to run in a Windows RT environment? (I'm asking this due to the fact that every Kinect ASR apps I've seen so far are developed using WPF)
If so, what are its limitations?
It's a simple and clear answer, the whole Kinect development kit is not available for WinRT.
See also http://www.kinectingforwindows.com/2013/02/12/how-about-kinect-winrt/

Application that works on pc and mobile

I have to create an application with metro design on vs2010 and windows 7.
The application should work both on pc and device without internet.
Initially i though of wpf but i do not know if it works on Mobile.
Please let me know how i can develop once such standalone application for
both device and PC also
Unfortunately, there is not a single platform that targets both PC and Phone...although, the presumption is that Windows Phone and Windows Store applications are moving toward a unified foundation.
Windows Store applications unfortunately don't run on Windows 7. Only Windows 8 and above, but the advantage is they work with the desktop version as well as the tablet version of windows.
If you want to target windows 7 and say windows phone as well, your best bet is to use portable class libraries to create a common "core" for the application. And use WPF for the desktop which has a lot in common with XAML for Windows Phone.
If you want to target windows phone 8, you have to use Visual Studio 2012 or above.
Pretty old question, but in case anyone is still blindfolded, there is UWP.
Furthermore, if you want to have XAML and C# deployed as native apps in a variety of platforms (UWP, Droid, iOS, WinPhone), be sure to check out Xamarin, which now belongs to Microsoft, and follows the awesomeness of open-source MIT just as the entire .NET does now.

Is Silverlight supported on Windows 8?

Can existing apps (both web and desktop apps) using Silverlight run on Windows 8? How about Windows RT?
If it's not possible, what would be the path of least resistance to make it work? (Viz., how to get it working on Windows 8/RT, not caring about whether it'll work on Windows 9 or not.)
Existing Silverlight applications can run in the Windows 8 Desktop, but cannot run as part of a Windows Store application. Only Windows Store applications can run on Windows RT (with exception of Office apps delivered by Microsoft).
Path of least resistance would be leveraging your assets - it's C#/VB and XAML still - within the Windows RT framework.
You might check out this Deep Fried Bytes episode, and there are other blog posts as well to give you some guidance. There's also an article on the Dev Center focused on Windows Phone 7 Silverlight to Windows 8, but much should be application to your scenario as well.
You WPF and Silverlight application work fine on Windows 8, but not in the Windows store, which needs only Metro Applications.
But you can more and less easily port your Silverlight app to Metro : you keep XAML files, and you change the code behind with new objects defined ine the Windows 8 libraries.

Developing for a handheld device

We have developed a WPF application (VS 2010 C#, .NET 4.0, MVVM, CaliburnMicro, Agatha) that mostly deals with selling tickets for different transportation types.
Now i need to start developing an application for a handheld device that will be used alongside this WPF application (buying tickets on bus/train, printing, searching etc). Handheld device has an integrated printer + touch display.
The application will have it's own local database (probably SQLite) on the handheld device, but will also need to communicate with the main database (PostgreSQL) using the WPF application's host (WCF service).
Our client has initially picked out a device with Windows Mobile 6.5 / Windows CE 5.0.
I have no experience with handheld devices/developing for them. Now, i’ve been digging around and understand that
WPF/Silverlight type development is supported only for Windows Mobile 7.0 + and Windows CE starting from 6.0 (with latest version).
If we are to develop for older OS, we cannot use VS2010 with all the latest tools etc, since .net compact framework is not supported there anymore.
Developing for older OS can be more time consuming and problematic, CE 5.0 support has already been dropped.
My questions:
If we manage to find a device that supports Mobile 7.0+ / CE 6.0+, what tools, frameworks would be best suited for our development? Or could someone suggest some up-to-date books?
If we need to use Mobile 6.5 / CE 5.0, what are our best options for development?
I understand we need to downgrade to VS2008, but which frameworks/tools are best suited for UI / communication with the WCF service?
Can someone with experience on this subject foresee any problems communicating with the WCF service?
How much more time consuming (ballpark figure) or complicated it would be to develop for these older operating systems? i.e. i would like to know how hard we should push our client for switching to a device with a newer OS (since it’s quite problematic to find a suitably built/priced device with newer OS).
Thanks in advance.
It seems like the Pocket version of Internet Explorer is going to be what you'd want to develop for. I'm not sure how it supports Silverlight and other newer technologies, though. One of the answers in >>THIS QUESTION<< shows how to do some HTML stuff, if that helps.
Windows CE and Windows Mobile (WM) require different SDK downloads. I only use WM here, and I'm not sure what you'd gain by going one route verses another. I was given WM, so I develop for WM.
Are you looking to decide which way to go (CE verses WM)?
The bigger problem is that most newer devices running Microsoft operating systems are all phones. It seems that if you want an industrial style device, you are either stuck with old Windows devices or turn to something running a newer Android platform.
As far as WM platforms, the newer they are, the more features you have access to (like turning on the radio, getting battery status, etc.). WM 6 and up has these features. WM 5 and down does not. Older than WM 5 is referred to as PocketPC.
