Developing a Kinect Speech Recognition app for a Surface table - wpf

I'm currently developing a Kinect Speech Recognition application. The target platform will be a Surface tablet although the model hasn't been decided.
The application itself will allow interaction with children, with several basic game scenarios. My issue right now is that the demo's I've been using to test Kinect Speech Recognition capabilities were developing using WPF. It is to my understanding that WPF application cannot run on Surface and Surface 2 models as they both use Windows RT, leaving only the (expensive) Surface Pro 2 model running Windows 8 the only option.
With all this being said, is it possible to develop this kind of application (Kinect ASR) to run in a Windows RT environment? (I'm asking this due to the fact that every Kinect ASR apps I've seen so far are developed using WPF)
If so, what are its limitations?

It's a simple and clear answer, the whole Kinect development kit is not available for WinRT.
See also


Universal apps and Kinect V2

In my work we are preparing for developing a fitness application that is supposed to run on Windows 10 (Maybe windows 8.1) and XBox One. We want to use the Kinect V2 for measuring the performance of the user while doing a workout.
I have a few questions:
1: Is it possible to develop a Windows 10 Universal App, that uses the Kinect V2 for both Windows 10 PC and XBox One - so one codebase for both products? I have read somewhere that Kinect V2 SDK is not supported for the Universal Windows Platform, but i can not understand why i should not be supported?
2: If its not possible to target the Universal Windows Platform, do we then need to target Windows 8.1 Store Apps, and develop a version for both Desktop and XBox One?
3: We want to show a fitness video that runs in the background, with a UI on top/overlay that displays the users vitals like heart-rate, intensesnes level, repetitions, and calorie burned. Can we use WPF/XAML for this, or do we need to hire a developer that excels in Unity or XNA?
4: If we hire a Unity/XNA developer, are these technologeis compatible with the Kinect V2?
This is a multi-part question but the individual parts that are relevant to you should be easy enough to answer: Kinect 2.0 works with Windows 10 development, but not currently supporting the Windows 10 UAP. Target the Windows 8.1 UAP and your app will still work on Windows 10 (and potentially Xbox One if you have access to the Xbox One dev kit, which you can only get right now through signup).
And, your question 3, yes, you can interact with the Kinect data using only the C#/XAML pipeline. You shouldn't need a Unity developer for this interaction. I did a tutorial video explaining how to get the data and if you download the Kinect SDK there are C# sample codes.

UI development for windows (desktop + web application) and windows CE

I am working on a project where there is requirement of GUI to be created in Silverlight. Some key requirements are:
Extremely rich GUI
Real time visualization process graphics
Support multiple themes
Support different display size
Support charting / trending controls
Same functionality for Desktop / Web using same code base
Same functionality to be available on embedded controller (based on Windows CE)
I understand that using Silverlight we can have same codebase for desktop / web applications. However challenge is to have the Silverlight application (windows and/or web) for Windows CE. I would like to understand what is the best way to implement Silverlight application on Windows CE with as much code reuse as possible.
I would appreciate if you could provide some inputs on what should our architecture approach be for this application development. Also, please let me know if you need more inputs on the requirement side...
"Silverlight" for Windows Embedded (SWE) is a bad name. It's not really what most would call Silverlight. It's simply a XAML-based engine that you can use Blend to develop for. For Windows CE, you must use C++ to develop for SWE. You cannot reuse SWE assemblies in other Silverlight projects. You cannot use other Silverlight assemblies in an SWE project. Your XAML itself will probably have some reusability, but XAML sharing from a code perspective is a challenge in its own right.

how do I embed an existing xna 4 app into silverlight 5?

I've been struggling with this for a while, I have an XNA 4 app running just fine and I'd like to embed it into silverlight. I can't find any information on how this could be done (pretty much everything I've googled has been about silverilght 5 beta where silverlight 5 RC has changed code and stuff).
Any ideas?
Silverlight 5 supports limited subset of XNA and cannot execute existing XNA apps as is. You would have to port your application to Silverlight 5. Latest silverlight toolkit (Sep. 2011) provides templates, samples and integration with XNA content pipeline to help you started.
For instance, the current Silverlight implementation of XNA supports only shader model 2.0 It means no more than 64 shader instructions among other limitations.
I understood that we could maybe have shader model 3 while under full trust for the final release but nothing certain here...
But more important is that a SL app is a web delivered app. Therefore you don't want to donwload 200Mb of data before being able to play a SL game. Streaming of game resourcesis mandatory... and requires architectural modifications.

Surface for non-surface applications

Recently I've stumbled over surface. It's incredible and so easy to develop small applications with surface. Surface is build upon WPF, so surface uses XAML. My idea is now to develop applications with surface. I've searched for some information about this topic. There is nothing about that. My question is now, why nobody uses the surface SDK with WPF to build cool applications. Are there any disadvantages?
I don't really understand your question. But here are some answers to what you may be asking:
Why aren't there more surface applications out there?
Most likely because of the price and the availability. It costs $15,000 for a developer unit and you have to be a business to even get to order it.
Why isn't the surface SDK used to build normal desktop apps
Because it doesn't make sense. The surface SDK contains Surface specific, and multi touch specific additions to the plain WPF stack so it is only useful for surface applications running on a real surface device (or simulator, but that isn't feasible for deployment)
Now if you are building a multi touch application for windows 7, there is a surface toolkit which is based upon the surface SDK. It has most of the nice multi touch enhancements but lacks the hard dependency on the surface hardware. It is very useful for general purpose multi touch development on .NET and is as far as I can tell also used quite much for this purpose.
Do you mean building Windows applications in WPF using the Surface toolkit? There is no reason not to do this. There is a 'good, better, best' model when developing multitouch apps, and if you want to create a true multitouch friendly application, then the Surface toolkit is a good way to go.
I have created an application using the surface toolkit but for normal wpf application.
You have just to have a multitouc tactil monitor.
and every thing will be fine.
It works :)

Which Graphical Subsystem for Touchscreen Kiosk Development

I'm starting a hobby project in which I would like to have a graphical, touchscreen interface for interacting with a kiosk-like device running on top of Windows XP Embedded. For development of a rich UI experience, I was considering using WPF. However, a number of demonstration videos that I have come across have used Silverlight, while I haven't seen a single WPF demonstration.
It was my understanding that Silverlight was targeted towards website developers, while WPF was more targeted towards desktop development.
So this question has two parts. Firstly, what is the recommended graphical subsystem for development of a rich UI experience on a kiosk-like device hosted on the Windows XP embedded platform? Secondly, if it is Silverlight, which version is suggested (1.0 or 2.0) and why?
It seems that WPF works fine on embedded. See here the second comment.
I think that your choice should be dependent on the type of kyosk you want to build. Some kyosks are just an open browser page. And then you have stuff like Microsoft Surface that can be used like an horizontal kyosk :-)
I would recommend also WPF, have done few kiosk apps using it.
also I would recommend as a virtual touch screen keyboard software component. it's done in WPF and very flexible and customizable.
User can define custom theme(skin), layout and language of keyboard. guys are working with customers and hear theirs voice so any suggestions might be accepted.
