Angular $resource with path variable - angularjs

I defined the following service:
myServices.factory('MyManager', ['$resource',
function ($resource) {
return $resource('../rest/contract/:contractId', {contractId:'#contractId'}, {
findById: {method: 'GET', contractId: '#contractId'}
I want to make the REST call and, in my controller, I am doing this:
// on success
function (response) {
// do
// on error
function () {
However, the generated URL is <base>/rest/contract and no path variable is appended. The parameter I am passing to findById is not null.
What am I doing wrong?

You have to pass the parameter as an object:
MyManager.findById({contractId: contractId}, ...


Rest Webservice call in AngularJS ( promise )

AngularJS : 1.4.X
Scenario 1: Works fine
Scenario 2: Throws 404 error on line xhr.send(isUndefined(post) ? null : post); in angular.js
I'm trying to add inbuilt angular cache to our existing app, As i mentioned in scenario 1 we consume rest call in factory 'restFactory' and inject the factory to controller 'bookController', the promise is resolved and data loads fine.
Factory: restFactory
(function () {
"use strict";
angular.module('myApp').factory("restFactory",['$http','confi', function($http,config){
function getBooks (){
return $http.get(config.serverName+"bookshelf/rest/books/data/geRestBooks");
return {
getBooks : getBooks
Controller: bookController
$scope.getComicbooks = function() {
restFactory.getBooks().then(function(response) {
$scope.names =;
}, function(error) {
$scope.error = error;
$scope.names = [];
Now in scenario 2, I changed the service call in factory to object with more details. But i get exception from controller while resolving the promise ( i have only added the changed code )
function getBooks (){
return $http.get({
cache: true,
method: 'GET',
url : config.serverName+"bookshelf/rest/books/data/geRestBooks"
ERROR: angular.js:10765 GET[object%20Object] 404 (Not Found)
Network Tab:
In scenario#1 this would have been a method call getBooks
If you are going to specify the method, then you should just use the $http constructor method, not the get method.
Instead of
function getBooks (){
return $http.get({
cache: true,
method: 'GET',
url : config.serverName+"bookshelf/rest/books/data/geRestBooks"
function getBooks (){
return $http({
cache: true,
method: 'GET',
url : config.serverName+"bookshelf/rest/books/data/geRestBooks"

Angular - Having troubles receiving $http response from a factory

I have an angular factory doing some $http communication to the server and returning a string. However I get the Cannot read property 'then' of undefined error. I read here and here with similar problems however I was not able to resolve my problem.
This is the service code:
factory("availabilityService", ['$http', function ($http) {
return {
checkAvailability1: function (element, string) {
// ..... some object creation code ......
method: 'POST',
url: 'server/server.php',
data: AvailableObj,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
.then(function successCallback(response) {
return response;
}, function errorCallback(response) {
Inside a controller:
$scope.checkAvailability = function (element, string) {
availabilityService.checkAvailability1(element, string).then(function (response) { //on this line the error occurs
You need to return the promise returned by $http i.e add a 'return' in front of $http to get your code working like below :
return $http(...)
.then(function successCallback(response) {
return response;
}, function errorCallback(response) {
This is because, the function you have called from the controller should have a .then method on it i.e it should be a promise. checkAvailability1 in angular returns a promise which needs to be returned back by your function $http in the factory. You are just returning the response from the success callback which is not expected by your method in the controller.

Is it possible to pass parameter to $http factory that returns dataReturn?

here is a set up for me to call a php script to get data from an external API. What I did is to set up a factory like such:
app.factory('loadAPI', function ($http) {
var doRequest = function() {
return $http({
method: 'JSON',
url: 'api.php'
return {
dataReturn: function() { return doRequest(); }
And then inside my .controller I use the following script to process data:
loadAPI.dataReturn().success(function(data, status){
Now since the external API provides many interfaces, I like to pass parameter to the .factory so it can process multiple different type of interfaces (instead of creating multiple .factory to process them).
Here is my concept:
loadAPI.dataReturn(parameter).success(function(data, status){
app.factory('loadAPI', function ($http) {
var doRequest = function(parameter) {
return $http({
method: 'JSON',
url: 'api.php?p=' + parameter
return {
dataReturn: function(parameter) { return doRequest(parameter); }
It didn't work.
The concept would work. I tried it and it returns data correctly. There perhaps are easier ways to pass the parameter to $http. I suspect something wrong with your api.php not reading the parameter correctly.

Setting a factory variable in controller in angularjs

I need to set a factory variable in my controller. This variable is used for the url for returning a save function in my factory. I actually build this url as several pieces but this is a simplified version.
myApp.factory('SaveDate', ['$resource',
function saveDateFactory($resource, $http) {
var myData = '';
return $resource(myData, {}, {
query: { method: "POST", params: {}, isArray: false },
The function from my controller looks like this:
vm.myFunction1 = function ($resource) {
vm.myDate = '/test/MyProduct/SetSalesDate/988093099/108/2016/05/21';
SaveDate.myData = vm.myDate;
//this should save the date for milestones
I have tried using an object instead of a primitive but it also didn't work. I have tested and my value for SaveDate.myData is being set accurately. If I hard code a value in the spot where I declare my variable in the factory, it will save perfectly. I am just not able to pass the variable successfully from my controller to my factory. I have tried a wide variety of ways to do this including using $watch. Thanks for your help on this!
When I added a function like this:
myApp.factory('SaveDate', ['$resource',
function saveDateFactory($resource, $http) {
var myData = {};
myData.getMyUrl = function (urlStuff) {
alert("in SaveDate" + urlStuff);
return $http.get(urlStuff);
return $resource(myData.getMyUrl, {}, {
query: { method: "POST", params: {}, isArray: false }
Adding this function throws the following error: Unknown provider: myDataProvider <- myData <- UserListController
You'll need to create a function in your factory as Clint said in the comments.
myApp.factory('SaveDate', ['$resource',
function saveDateFactory($resource, $http) {
var myData = '';
function setMyData(data) {
myData = data;
return {
setMyData: setMyData,
resource: $resource(myData, {}, {
query: { method: "POST", params: {}, isArray: false },
In your controller:

angularjs integrate promise with resource

I have this resource:
myModule.factory('MyResource', ['$resource', 'geoLocationService', function ($resource, geoLocationService ) {
return $resource('/blabla', {}, {
'getData': { method: 'GET', params: { city: geoLocationService.getMyCity() } }
The problem is that by the time of calling MyResource.getData(), geoLocationService haven't done to fetch the location.
geoLocationService has a promise which will allow me call
But I don't know how I can integrate this promise with the resource. Any idea?
I am looking for something like:
myModule.factory('MyResource', ['$resource', 'geoLocationService', function ($resource, geoLocationService ) {
return $resource('/blabla', {}, {
'getData': { method: 'GET', beforeFetchPromise: geoLocationService.promise, { city: geoLocationService.getMyCity() } }
So only when geoLocationService.promise is resolved or rejected, the ajax call with parameters will occur.
I think you should add a promise in your controller:
$scope.resultsFromResource = YourResourceName.query().$promise.then(function(result){
// code inside promise
I would also suggest that you either use query as in my example or remove single quotes around your name getData if you want to keep that.
