angularjs integrate promise with resource - angularjs

I have this resource:
myModule.factory('MyResource', ['$resource', 'geoLocationService', function ($resource, geoLocationService ) {
return $resource('/blabla', {}, {
'getData': { method: 'GET', params: { city: geoLocationService.getMyCity() } }
The problem is that by the time of calling MyResource.getData(), geoLocationService haven't done to fetch the location.
geoLocationService has a promise which will allow me call
But I don't know how I can integrate this promise with the resource. Any idea?
I am looking for something like:
myModule.factory('MyResource', ['$resource', 'geoLocationService', function ($resource, geoLocationService ) {
return $resource('/blabla', {}, {
'getData': { method: 'GET', beforeFetchPromise: geoLocationService.promise, { city: geoLocationService.getMyCity() } }
So only when geoLocationService.promise is resolved or rejected, the ajax call with parameters will occur.

I think you should add a promise in your controller:
$scope.resultsFromResource = YourResourceName.query().$promise.then(function(result){
// code inside promise
I would also suggest that you either use query as in my example or remove single quotes around your name getData if you want to keep that.


AngularJS : Render controller without waiting factory variable to be intialized first

First, I'm new to angularjs. I've create a factory to handle most of my data named "store". Here is an example:
app.factory('store', function ($rootScope, $http, $q, api) {
var data = {};
return {
setData: function () {
var deferred = $q.defer();
method: 'GET',
url: api.getData()
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
// handle data
$rootScope.broadcast('store:data', data);
}, function errorCallback(reponse) {
// do stuff
getData: function () {
return data;
addData: function (newData) {
// do stuff
editData: function (newData) {
// do stuff
deleteData: function (newData) {
// do stuff
I'm initializing this data inside my function. BUT, I don't want my app to wait my data to be initialized first to render the controller. I want it to be rendered first and wait for updating when the data is initialized.
.then(function (response) {
// do stuff
.catch(function (response) {
// do stuff
Here is how I'm getting the data updated inside my controller to be rendered
$ = store.getData();
$rootScope.$on('store:data', function (event, data) {
$ = data;
SO my problem is that I don't want to wait my data to be initialized to render my controller.
Is there a solution to this problem ?
Thanks a lot.
EDIT May 20 2021
Btw if what I'm doing is wrong and there is better things to do, I'm open to any suggestions ! Thnx
EDIT June 9 2021
Now I'm using $resource, but I don't know how can I get the new version of my list of data when I add new element to it.
agents: $resource(
get: {method: 'GET', isArray: false, cache: true},
add: {method: 'POST', url: api.addAgent(), hasBody: true},
edit: {method: 'PUT', url: api.editAgent(), params: {agentId: '#id'}, hasBody: true},
delete: {method: 'DELETE', url: api.deleteAgent(), params: {agentId: '#id'}},
Waiting for an answer. Thank you vm !
There are a couple options you can consider, but first a note on best practices in AngularJS and JavaScript: avoid the deferred antipattern. The $http service returns a promise. You should work with that rather than creating a new promise with $q.defer.
The first option is to change the getData method to return a promise instead of the actual data. It is a good idea to always design your data retrieval services to return promises, even when you intend to pre-retrieve and cache the data. This provides the cleanest way to ensure that the data is available before you try to use it. In your example, you should be able to internally cache the promise rather than the data. So your code would change to something like this:
app.factory('store', function ($rootScope, $http, api) {
var dataPromise;
return {
setData: function () {
dataPromise = $http({
method: 'GET',
url: api.getData()
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
// handle data
$rootScope.broadcast('store:data', data);
}, function errorCallback(reponse) {
// do stuff
getData: function () {
if (!dataPromise) {
return dataPromise;
// etc.
You will of course have to change the code that calls the getData method to work with the promise instead of working directly with the data.
Another option is to use an AngularJS Resource. This feature works very much like your original intent by returning an instance of an object that at some point will get populated with data. It takes advantage of the AngularJS change detection to render the data once it becomes available. Resources also have the ability to cache responses internally so that the call to the server is only made once. Rewriting your service as a resource would look something like this:
app.factory('store', function ($rootScope, $resource, api) {
return $resource(
api.getData(), // the base URL
{}, // parameter defaults
{ // actions
getData: {
method: 'GET',
cache: true
// etc.

Send variable and object by query service in Angularjs

I want to send variable & object to controller by service in angularjs.
This is my service
.service('userService', ['$resource', 'config', function ($resource, config) {
return $resource(config.appRoot + 'api/user/teamname/:progressNo',
{ progressNo: '#ProgressNo' },
'query': {
method: 'GET',
isArray: true,
and this is call service:
userService.query(condition, { progressNo: $scope.progressNo }, function (data) {});
Controller is:
public async Task<ActionResult> QueryTeamName(int progressNo,UserSearchCondition condition)
return Json(await this.manager.SelectTeamName(progressNo, condition), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
I don't understand why it not call to controller. If i send one object or one param then Ok.
You need to change your Action To HttpPost, and similarly change the method in your query too as POST.

Angular $resource with path variable

I defined the following service:
myServices.factory('MyManager', ['$resource',
function ($resource) {
return $resource('../rest/contract/:contractId', {contractId:'#contractId'}, {
findById: {method: 'GET', contractId: '#contractId'}
I want to make the REST call and, in my controller, I am doing this:
// on success
function (response) {
// do
// on error
function () {
However, the generated URL is <base>/rest/contract and no path variable is appended. The parameter I am passing to findById is not null.
What am I doing wrong?
You have to pass the parameter as an object:
MyManager.findById({contractId: contractId}, ...

Angularjs: a Service that serves multiple $resource urls / data sources?

I have an Angular service/provider that serves json data to my controller which works great:
angular.module('', ['ngResource']).
factory("statesProvider", function($resource){
return $resource('../data/states.json', {}, {
query: {method: 'GET', params: {}, isArray: false}
But I also need to serve json data to the same controller from another file counties.json.
Where can I find out how to I write a service that serves both files to my controller?
You can update service to return a hash of resources, not a single one:
angular.module('', ['ngResource']).
factory("geoProvider", function($resource) {
return {
states: $resource('../data/states.json', {}, {
query: { method: 'GET', params: {}, isArray: false }
countries: $resource('../data/countries.json', {}, {
query: { method: 'GET', params: {}, isArray: false }
You will be able to use it adding .query() at the end your function name i.e. geoProvider.states.query() and geoProvider.countries.query() and has to be injected into your controller, then inject geoProvider service into controller itself as well.
I'm assuming you want to execute some code when both files have loaded. Promises work really well for this. I don't think resources return promises, but you can use the $http service for simple ajax calls.
Here I define one service each for the two data files, and a third service that returns a promise that gets fulfilled when both files are done loading.
factory('states',function($http) {
return $http.get('../data/states.json');
factory('countries',function($http) {
return $http.get('../data/countries.json');
factory('statesAndCountries', function($q, states, countries) {
return $q.all([states, countries]);
Then in your controller:
statesAndCountries.then(function(data) {
var stateData = data[0];
var countryData = data[1];
// do stuff with stateData and countryData here

AngularJS - scope variable does not get updated from method

I'm totally new to AngularJs and I have this problem I do not understand. I have two methods. The first one takes some data from a webservice and puts in in a variable defined in the scope. But when I want to use that variable in the second method it is undefined. Can someone help me understand why this is happening and provide a solution?
var myApp= angular.module( "myApp", [] );
function( $scope ) {
$scope.getAll = function(){
type: "GET",
dataType: "jsonp",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: ..something...,
success: function (parameters) {
$scope.profiles = angular.copy(parameters); <-- correct data is returned
error: function () {
alert("Error calling the web service.");
$scope.getCategories = function(){
var all = $scope.profiles; <-- At this point profiles is empty
Use the $http service and promises:
$scope.profiles = $http.jsonp(url).then(function(r){ return; });
$scope.categories = $scope.profiles.then(function(profiles) {
var params = { }; // build url params
return $http.jsonp(url, { params: params }).then(function(r){ return; });
When you call getCategories(), getAll() hasn't finished yet, which is why profiles is empty. There are several ways to solve this. The best way would be to use promises the built-in $http service.
If you prefer to use jQuery, you can add a watcher on the profiles variable and only when it's populated run the getCategories().
Something like this should work:
$scope.getAll = function(){
type: "GET",
dataType: "jsonp",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
url: ..something...,
success: function (parameters) {
$scope.profiles = angular.copy(parameters); <-- correct data is returned
error: function () {
alert("Error calling the web service.");
$scope.getCategories = function(){
var all = $scope.profiles;
// Wait for the profiles to be loaded
$'profiles', function() {
There is no guarantee that getAll has completed before getCategories is invoked, since it is an asynchronous request. So if you want to sequentially invoke getAll and getCategories, you should invoke getCategories inside the success callback of getAll. You could also look into promises for a neater way of chaining asynchronous callbacks (I assume you're using jQuery since you're calling $.ajax).
<snipped some code>
success: function(parameters) {
// snipped more code
(and if you're using jQuery promises)
Neither are very "Angularish" though, so you might want to look into some of the provided services for working with http/rest resources instead of using jQuery.
Why are you using a jQuery ajax request in angular? If you write jQuery style code and wrap it angular, you're going to have a bad time...
Here is an angularised version:
function( $scope, $q, $http ) {
$scope.getAll = function(){
var deferred = $q.defer();
$scope.profiles = deferred.promise;
$http.jsonp('your url').then(function(data) {
$scope.getCategories = function(){
$q.when($scope.profiles).then(function(profiles) {
... <-- At this point profiles is populated
