Good morning everyone,
I recently started using webpack on a new angular project. I really like it, very easy to use. I just have one problem, for now.
I'm trying to import ngResource to use on one of my modules, but not way I try works. I'm using webpack with babel loader (es6)
I tried each of the following ways:
import ngResource from 'ng-resource'
angular.module('app', [ngResource])
import 'ng-resource'
angular.module('app', ['ngResource'])
import ngResource from 'ng-resource'
angular.module('app', [])
I tried even adding the following loader:
test: /[\/]angular-resource\.js$/,
loader: 'exports?angular.module(\'ngResource\')'
and then on my module:
angular.module('app', ['ngResource'])
What am I doing wrong? I can't figure it out :(
Thanks in advance,
I was banging my head over this as well, it turns out you need
npm install angular-resource instead of npm install ng-resource
and then do:
import ngResource from 'angular-resource'
or one of the other methods you tried, they all work..
you should import it as following:
import ngResource from 'angular-resource';
and then:
.module('app', [
The same rule to import any other angular core module
this is right way:
var ngResource = require('ng-resource');
ngResource = ngResource(window, angular);
var yourmodule = angular.module( 'yourmodule', [ 'ngResource' ] )...
I'm using angularJs and i'm trying to use webpack but i can't understand how to add libraries like angular-material / devextreme.
Here is an example of my app.js file - as you can see - the import of devextreme is probably wrong ...
import angular from 'angular';
import { DxButtonModule } from 'devextreme-angular'; // not sure about it
var mainApp = angular.module('mainApp', [DxButtonModule]); // really not sure about it...
mainApp.controller('appController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.title ='Hello Angular';
b.t.w - can i import all devextreme modules in one time instead of each of them manually?
If I use require to import a module the error is: webpack_require is not a function.
If I use the import statement then its function are not working and I get a type-error.
Does webpack not work with bower?
You could resolve dependency using an alias. Refer
In webpack add the following config:
resolve: {
alias: {
jQuery: path.resolve('./bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js'),
In the application wherever you need jQuery import using below line (assuming you are using CommonJS module):
var $ = require('jQuery');
Hope this helps :)
I have an app made with Angular (angular 1.6) and NodeJS, and I can't import the angular library ngResource into my app. These are the steps I did:
1: in command line I input npm install --save angular-resource
2: in app.js:
import angular from 'angular';
import ngResource from 'angular-resource';
import uiRouter from 'angular-ui-router';
import Components from './components/components';
angular.module('myApp', [
.component('homePage', HomeComponent)
.service('AirportsService', AirportsService)
.service('CheapFlightService', CheapFlightService)
and after doing that, I get this error in the browser:
angular-resource.js:444 Uncaught TypeError:
angular.module(...).info is not a function
Looks like you are running into compatibility problem with angularjs 1.6.x modules.
Make sure the angular and the associated modules are of same version in package.json.
With angular#1.6.7 and angular-resource#1.6.7, the angular1 components does work fine for me.
According to an excellent explanation of how to add translation using angular-translate (
I have a breaking my head error and I'm wondering why that happens? And what am I doing wrong?
angular.js:36 Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]$injector/modulerr?p0=app&p1=Error%3A%20…alhost%3A9085%2FScripts%2Fcomponents%2Fangular%2Fangular.min.js%3A18%3A170)
Partial loading translations in my entire app
What I've done:
Downloaded (both) via bower and included into the project.
Added them into ReguireJS config file (after Angular)
'angular': '../Scripts/components/angular/angular.min',
'ngAnimate': '../Scripts/components/angular-animate/angular-animate.min',
'ngResource': '../Scripts/components/angular-resource/angular-resource.min',
'ngRoute': '../Scripts/components/angular-route/angular-route.min',
'ngCookies': '../Scripts/components/angular-cookies/angular-cookies.min',
'pascalprecht.translate': '../Scripts/components/angular-translate/angular-translate.min',
'angularTranslate': '../Scripts/components/angular-translate-loader-partial/angular-translate-loader-partial.min'
Added shim:
'pascalprecht.translate': {
deps: ['angular']
'angularTranslate': {
deps: ['pascalprecht.translate']
In app.js file included dependencies (at the end, after angular stuff):
var app = angular.module('app', ['...',
'angularTranslate' ]);
App.js config
app.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', '$httpProvider', '$translateProvider', '$translatePartialLoaderProvider',
function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider, $httpProvider, $translateProvider, $translatePartialLoaderProvider) {
Stuff in controllers config:
function(angular) {
'use strict';
var module = angular.module('common', ['', 'common.controllers', 'common.directives', 'common.filters', 'pascalprecht.translate']);
return module;
define(function (require) {
'use strict';
function angularTranslate ($translateProvider, $translatePartialLoaderProvider) {
$translateProvider.useLoader('$translatePartialLoader', {
urlTemplate: '../Translations/locale-{part}.json'
return angularTranslate;
After precisely following above tutorial I still get thi error.
I albo searched in github and stackoverflow but nothing works for me.
Please help!
Short: You dependency management in RequireJS is not correct. The controller's module should require angularTranslate, not pascalprecht.translate.
At first I would advice you using the official documentation and guide which you will found at
I also recommend using both the latest AngularJS (which is 1.5.x atm) and angular-translate (which is 2.10.x atm).
Additionally, I would also advice using only the non minified versions of libraries because they will give you a much better experience. Minified source files are not for the developer.
And I would also appreciate working demo using JSFiddle, Plnkr or others because they give everyone a running proof of concept/bug.
Said this, it is not clear which version of angular-translate you are using. If you have run bower install angular-translate, you will probably have the latest already -- but the page behind the link you have referenced is made with an older one (about three years old). APIs have changed.
Coming to you actual issue: I would say you have mixed the problems both in AngularJS and RequireJS which leads in such exceptions.
First of all: Your (shim) configuration for RequireJS is misleading/confusing. You should not name the partial loader plugin as angularTranslate.
'angularTranslate': '../Scripts/components/angular-translate-loader-partial/angular-translate-loader-partial.min'
'angularTranslate': {
deps: ['pascalprecht.translate']
Less confusing would be a name like pascalprecht.translate.partialLoader.
And now the RequireJS module dependency management:
You have defined a shim dependency angularTranslate -> pascalprecht.translate. Whenever the last one will be requested, the first one will be loaded before. That's fine.
You have defined your app depends on both pascalprecht.translate and angularTranslate (which is the partial loader actually). This is fine, but the first one is actually obsolete. It will be available automatically because you have defined the shim dependency already.
However the controller's module only requires the core library pascalprecht.translate.
This means: The dependency management resolver of RequireJS will not wait for the partial loader (no reason it should do this) and therefor it can/will be not available when processing the AJS injections (here: translatePartialLoaderProvider).
Disclaimer: I'm the co-maintainer of the AngularJS plugin angular-translate.
app.js looked like this:
var app = angular.module('app', ['...',
'angularTranslate' ]);
but it should be like:
var app = angular.module('app', ['...',
'pascalprecht.translate' ]);
I've defined submodule angular-translate-loader-partial as normal module and that causes the error. Dependency between both modules (angular-translate and angular-translate-loader-partial) should be made only in requirejs shim.
I'm using the angular-seed-play at the moment which has been very handy but am having problems configuring more angular dependencies.
I want to use Angular UI Bootstrap but it's not working for me.
My app.js is essentially
define('angular', ['webjars!angular-locale_en-gb.js'], function() {
return angular;
require(['angular', './controllers', './directives', './filters', './services', 'webjars!angular-ui.js'],
function(angular, controllers) {
angular.module('myApp', ['myApp.filters', '', 'myApp.directives', 'ui.bootstrap']).
config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
This result in
Uncaught No WebJar dependency found for angular-ui-bootstrap. Please ensure that this is a valid dependency
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Maybe the dependency is missing? angular-ui-bootstrap is separate from AngularJS. In your Build.scala, add the following and then run play update:
val appDependencies = Seq(
"org.webjars" % "angular-ui-bootstrap" % "0.3.0-1" exclude("org.webjars", "angularjs")
require(['angular', './controllers', './directives', './filters', './services', "webjars!ui-bootstrap.js", "webjars!ui-bootstrap-tpls.js"], function(angular, controllers, directives, filters, services) {
angular.module("your.module", ["ui.bootstrap", "ui.bootstrap.tpls"]);