Need to screen scrape browser as opposed to webpage - screen-scraping

I have a webpage that needs to be scraped to look for certain text. The problem is it's not really webscraping that I am trying to achieve. The website is opened by a separate process. I am specifically talking about a webpage but really, it is more of a universal screen scraping issue. Conceptually, It's more like I am scraping the browser instead of the page itself. Is there a program that can scan any open process and look for and match text? To put it another way, it would be like having a separate program from the browser's built-in ctrl+f find function. I just need a simple utility to tell my if a given text is present in a boolean type fashion. I realize this is a very broad question but I haven't been able to find anything about it. Maybe I don't quite know how to articulate it in a Google search because my research keeps coming up empty.

If you already know the structure of the page, like it's always Google search results, or always an Amazon product, you might look at Selenium or one of the many Chrome screen-scraping add-ons.
If you want to grab data off of any page without knowing the format in advance, I don't know a way.


How to detect, store and display links using react

I thought there would be an easy, well documented answer to this but I can't find one anywhere, so maybe I've missed it, sorry if that's the case.
My website has an input field where users can write comments on a post, I want them to be able to put links in these comments. An example input from a user would be 'I think is a great site', I've seen on some sites they have a link button which I guess they use to make this process way simpler. Is there a way to automatically detect the link? Then how is this stored in a database so it can be displayed on a page?

Hiding the word "joomla" from a script in contact form

Whenever i create a contact form in my Joomla! 3.3.6, some script appears in the the page's HTML code that contains many words Joomla in it. I'd like to change those Joomla words and replace them with another words (i.e. Foo) for some security issue. I'd like to know whether or not i'm able to do so and how.
That script is:
<script>(function(){var strings={"JLIB_FORM_FIELD_INVALID":"\u0641\u06cc\u0644\u062f \u0646\u0627\u0645\u0639\u062a\u0628\u0631:&#160"};if(typeof Joomla=='undefined'){Joomla={};Joomla.JText=strings;}
I have no idea whether a plugin or an extension creates it or not.
Thank you
This script seems to be translating some text required for the form to use in its javascript, eg validation messages. It does this using a javascript version of JText, which is part of core Joomla. There is some info on how that works here. Weirdly, there seems to be little information in the official Joomla documentation about it.
The main JText function it is calling appears here: media/system/js/core.js
I'm sure it would be possible to write a plug-in to remove this script before the page is rendered and then to translate any untranslated text with your own scripts. However, I'm not sure I see any security benefit in doing this so it seems a waste of time.
Ultimately, someone sniffing a site for what it is built in is far more likely to see if core files exist by going direct to places like media/system/js/core.js, rather than to scan the code for the word "Joomla" - which would trigger a lot of false-positives (any site which just mentions Joomla) and negatives (any page which doesn't have a form on it). It also does not reveal the version of Joomla, which is the info a hacker would more likely be after.
I think you have to search for the script (i.e via Notepad++) in the whole directory. It must be a plugin for the contact form that has some inline script in it.
also do you use any special third party plugin or so? that might be the source of it.
PS: also i had some similar experience, i don't know exactly how i got rid of those words, but like you, i wanted to do that to hide the fact that i'm using joomla for security.
Its actually Joomla who add this, from the file: Joomlainstall/libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/head.php
And load it globaly from:
The developer ad that code by using the function, JText, for an example:
In my case it was the plugin ContactUs Form who add the javascript. If JText is not used, it is not loaded. If I disabled the plugin, the javascript was then not loaded. If you have that plugin enabled, my be try an other contact form?
For security reson it is bad programming by the developer off Joomla, for sure.

How to scrape logos from websites?

First off, this is not a question about how to scrape websites. I am fully aware of the tools available to me to scrape (css_parser, nokogiri, etc. I'm using Ruby to do the scraping).
This is more of an overarching question on the best possible solution to scrape the logo of a website starting with nothing but a website address.
The two solutions I've begun to create are these:
Use Google AJAX APIs to do an image search that is scoped to the site in question, with the query "logo", and grab the first result. This gets the logo, I'd say, about 30% of the time.
The problem with the above is that Google doesn't really seem to care about CSS image replaced logos (ie. H1 text that is image replaced with the logo). The solution I've tentatively come up with is to pull down all CSS files, scan for url() declarations, and then look for the words header or logo in the file names.
Solution two is problematic because of the many idiosyncrasies of all the people who write CSS for websites. They use Header instead of logo in the file name. Sometimes the file name is random, saying nothing about a logo. Other times, it's just the wrong image.
I realize I might be able to do something with some sort of machine learning, but I'm on a bit of a deadline for a client and need something fairly capable soon.
So with all that said, if anyone has any "out of the box" thinking on this one, I'd love to hear it. If I can create a solution that works well enough, I plan on open-sourcing the library for any other interested parties :)
Check this API by Clearbit. It's super simple to use:
Just send a query to:[enter-domain-here]
For example:
and get back the logo image!
More about it here
I had to find logos for ~10K websites for a previous project and tried the same technique you mentioned of extracting the image with "logo" in the URL. My variation was I loaded each webpage in webkit so that all images were loaded from CSS or JavaScript. This technique gave me logos for ~40% of websites.
Then I considered creating an app like Nick suggested to manually select the logo for the remaining websites, however I realized it was more cost effective to just give these to someone cheap (who I found via Elance) to do the work manually.
So I suggest don't bother solving this properly with a fully technical solution - outsource the manual labour.
Creating an application will definetely help you, but I believe in the end there will some manual work involved. Here's what I would do.
Have your application store in a database a link to all images on a website that are larger than a specified dimension so that you can weed out small icons.
Then you can setup a form to access these results. You may want to setup the database table to store the website url and relationship between the url and image links.
Even if it we're possible to write an application to truly figure out if it was a logo or not seems like it would be a massive amount of code. In the end, it would probably weed out even more than the above, but you have to take into account it could be faster for human to visually parse the results then the time it took for you to write and test the complex code.
Yet another simple way to solve this problem is to get all leaf nodes and get the first
<a><img src="" /></a>
you can lookup for projects to get html leaf nodes on the net or use regular expressions to get all html tags.
I used C# console app with HtmlAgilityPack nuget package to scrape logos from over 600+ sites.
Algorithm is that you get all images that have "logo" in url.
The challenges you will face with during such extraction are:
Relative images
Base url is CDN HTTP/HTTPS (if you don't know
protocol before you make a request)
Images have ? or & with query
string at the end
With that things in mind I got approximately 70% of success but some images were not actual logos.

Best Way to automatically find links to your content?

So, here is the task I've found myself thinking of. Pretend for a moment, that I have a large body of content. I want to see what websites are linking to my content. I know that I could look into TrackBack or PingBack but what about those that aren't using tools capable of dealing with that?
It would seem that some form of Web Crawler that looks for pages linking to the original document might be useful. My question to the greater community is what would be the best way to get started here? Do TrackBack and PingBack do more than I assume? Are there services or tools out there that already do what I'm thinking?
Google is your friend!
Use the link prefix:
And yes, trackbacks do more.
If you have HTTP referers setup in your logs, you can mine them.
You can even discover pages taht does not know about.
Else, there is the paying Linkscape from Seomoz or the free majesticSEO (if you confirm ownership of the domain).
MajesticSEO has a bigger backlink index and an API (need to login!).

How do screen scrapers work? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I hear people writing these programs all the time and I know what they do, but how do they actually do it? I'm looking for general concepts.
Technically, screenscraping is any program that grabs the display data of another program and ingests it for it's own use.
Quite often, screenscaping refers to a web client that parses the HTML pages of targeted website to extract formatted data. This is done when a website does not offer an RSS feed or a REST API for accessing the data in a programmatic way.
One example of a library used for this purpose is Hpricot for Ruby, which is one of the better-architected HTML parsers used for screen scraping.
Lots of accurate answers here.
What nobody's said is don't do it!
Screen scraping is what you do when nobody's provided you with a reasonable machine-readable interface. It's hard to write, and brittle.
As an example, consider an RSS aggregator, then consider code that gets the same information by working through a normal human-oriented blog interface. Which one breaks when the blogger decides to change their layout?
Of course, sometimes you have no choice :(
In general a screen scraper is a program that captures output from a server program by mimicing the actions of a person sitting in front of the workstation using a browser or terminal access program. at certain key points the program would interpret the output and then take an action or extract certain amounts of information from the output.
Originally this was done with character/terminal outputs from mainframes for extracting data or updating systems that were archaic or not directly accessible to the end user. in modern terms it usually means parsing the output from an HTTP request to extract data or to take some other action. with the advent of web services this sort of thing should have died away, but not all apps provide a nice api to interact with.
A screen scraper downloads the html page, and pulls out the data interested either by searching for known tokens or parsing it as XML or some such.
In the early days of PC's, screen scrapers would emulate a terminal (e.g. IBM 3270) and pretend to be a user in order to interactively extract, update information on the mainframe. In more recent times, the concept is applied to any application that provides an interface via web pages.
With emergence of SOA, screenscraping is a convenient way in which to services enable applications that aren't. In those cases, the web page scraping is the more common approach taken.
Here's a tiny bit of screen scraping implemented in Javascript, using jQuery (not a common choice, mind you, since scraping is usually a client-server activity):
//Show My SO Reputation Score
var repval = $('span.reputation-score:first'); alert('StackOverflow User "' + repval.prev().attr('href').split('/').pop() + '" has (' + repval.html() + ') Reputation Points.');
If you run Firebug, copy the above code and paste it into the Console and see it in action right here on this Question page.
If SO changes the DOM structure / element class names / URI path conventions, all bets are off and it may not work any longer - that's the usual risk in screen scraping endeavors where there is no contract/understanding between parties (the scraper and the scrapee [yes I just invented a word]).
Technically, screenscraping is any program that grabs the display data of another program and ingests it for it's own use.In the early days of PC's, screen scrapers would emulate a terminal (e.g. IBM 3270) and pretend to be a user in order to interactively extract, update information on the mainframe. In more recent times, the concept is applied to any application that provides an interface via web pages.
With emergence of SOA, screenscraping is a convenient way in which to services enable applications that aren't. In those cases, the web page scraping is the more common approach taken.
Quite often, screenscaping refers to a web client that parses the HTML pages of targeted website to extract formatted data. This is done when a website does not offer an RSS feed or a REST API for accessing the data in a programmatic way.
Typically You have an HTML page that contains some data you want. What you do is you write a program that will fetch that web page and attempt to extract that data. This can be done with XML parsers, but for simple applications I prefer to use regular expressions to match a specific spot in the HTML and extract the necessary data. Sometimes it can be tricky to create a good regular expression, though, because the surrounding HTML appears multiple times in the document. You always want to match a unique item as close as you can to the data you need.
Screen scraping is what you do when nobody's provided you with a reasonable machine-readable interface. It's hard to write, and brittle.
As an example, consider an RSS aggregator, then consider code that gets the same information by working through a normal human-oriented blog interface. Which one breaks when the blogger decides to change their layout.
One example of a library used for this purpose is Hpricot for Ruby, which is one of the better-architected HTML parsers used for screen scraping.
You have an HTML page that contains some data you want. What you do is you write a program that will fetch that web page and attempt to extract that data. This can be done with XML parsers, but for simple applications I prefer to use regular expressions to match a specific spot in the HTML and extract the necessary data. Sometimes it can be tricky to create a good regular expression, though, because the surrounding HTML appears multiple times in the document. You always want to match a unique item as close as you can to the data you need.
Screen scraping is what you do when nobody's provided you with a reasonable machine-readable interface. It's hard to write, and brittle.
Not quite true. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that most developers do not have enough experience to write decents APIs. I've worked with screen scraping companies and often the APIs are so problematic (ranging from cryptic errors to bad results) and often don't give the full functionality that the website provides that it can be better to screen scrape (web scrape if you will). The extranet/website portals are used my more customers/brokers than API clients and thus are better supported. In big companies changes to extranet portals etc.. are infrequent, usually because it was originally outsourced and now its just maintained. I refer more to screen scraping where the output is tailored, e.g. a flight on particular route and time, an insurance quote, a shipping quote etc..
In terms of doing it, it can be as simple as web client to pull the page contents into a string and using a series of regular expressions to extract the information you want.
string pageContents = new WebClient("").DownloadString();
int numberOfPosts = // regex match
Obviously in a large scale environment you'd be writing more robust code than the above.
A screen scraper downloads the html
page, and pulls out the data
interested either by searching for
known tokens or parsing it as XML or
some such.
That is cleaner approach than regex... in theory.., however in practice its not quite as easy, given that most documents will need normalized to XHTML before you can XPath through it, in the end we found the fine tuned regular expressions were more practical.
