Whenever i create a contact form in my Joomla! 3.3.6, some script appears in the the page's HTML code that contains many words Joomla in it. I'd like to change those Joomla words and replace them with another words (i.e. Foo) for some security issue. I'd like to know whether or not i'm able to do so and how.
That script is:
<script>(function(){var strings={"JLIB_FORM_FIELD_INVALID":"\u0641\u06cc\u0644\u062f \u0646\u0627\u0645\u0639\u062a\u0628\u0631: "};if(typeof Joomla=='undefined'){Joomla={};Joomla.JText=strings;}
I have no idea whether a plugin or an extension creates it or not.
Thank you
This script seems to be translating some text required for the form to use in its javascript, eg validation messages. It does this using a javascript version of JText, which is part of core Joomla. There is some info on how that works here. Weirdly, there seems to be little information in the official Joomla documentation about it.
The main JText function it is calling appears here: media/system/js/core.js
I'm sure it would be possible to write a plug-in to remove this script before the page is rendered and then to translate any untranslated text with your own scripts. However, I'm not sure I see any security benefit in doing this so it seems a waste of time.
Ultimately, someone sniffing a site for what it is built in is far more likely to see if core files exist by going direct to places like media/system/js/core.js, rather than to scan the code for the word "Joomla" - which would trigger a lot of false-positives (any site which just mentions Joomla) and negatives (any page which doesn't have a form on it). It also does not reveal the version of Joomla, which is the info a hacker would more likely be after.
I think you have to search for the script (i.e via Notepad++) in the whole directory. It must be a plugin for the contact form that has some inline script in it.
also do you use any special third party plugin or so? that might be the source of it.
PS: also i had some similar experience, i don't know exactly how i got rid of those words, but like you, i wanted to do that to hide the fact that i'm using joomla for security.
Its actually Joomla who add this, from the file: Joomlainstall/libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/head.php
And load it globaly from:
The developer ad that code by using the function, JText, for an example:
In my case it was the plugin ContactUs Form who add the javascript. If JText is not used, it is not loaded. If I disabled the plugin, the javascript was then not loaded. If you have that plugin enabled, my be try an other contact form?
For security reson it is bad programming by the developer off Joomla, for sure.
I am designing a system which takes user submitted code and saves it in database. Code can be in any language, ruby, python, elixir, javascript, etc. There's no restriction on language. Code saved in database is never meant to be run. It will be displayed in blog article or converted into file for download. Similar example might be GitHub gist or Cacher, both takes user submitted code and displays on website.
How do I make sure User submitted code is sanitised and secure to be displayed on webpage with code highlighter?
What processing do I need to do on code such that I can safely display it? I don't want to impose strict restrictions on users.
Any gotcha I need to be aware?
Any idea how those website implement this feature?
I am using Elixir and Phoenix framework. Is there any pitfalls I should be careful about? I am thinking of using Phoenix.HTML module to escape codes. I just wanna be sure that my approach doesn't have known loop holes.
I think you are looking for this https://www.owasp.org/index.php/XSS_(Cross_Site_Scripting)_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet
Is there any way to auto-generate Swagger documentation (or similar) for a Nancy service?
I found Nancy.Swagger, but there's no information on how to use it and the demo application doesn't seem to demonstrate generating documentation (if it does, it's not obvious).
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
In my current project I've been looking a lot into this problem. I used both nancy.swagger and nancy.swagger.attributes.
I quickly discarded Nancy.swagger, because for me personally it doesn't sound right that you have to create a pure documentation class for each nancy module. The attributes solution was a bit "cleaner" - at least codebase and documentation were in one place. But very fast this became unmaintainable. Module code is unreadable because of many attributes. Nothing is generated automatically: you have to put path, all parameters, even http method as an attribute. This is a huge effort duplication. Problems came very fast, a few examples:
I changed POST to PUT in Nancy and forgot to update [Method] attribute.
I added a parameter but not the attribute for it.
I changed parameter from path to query and didn't update the attribute.
It's too easy to forget to update the attributes (let alone documentation module solution), which leads to discrepancies between your documentation and actual code base. Our UI team is in another country and they had some trouble using the APIs because docu just wasn't up-to-date.
My solution? Don't mix code and documentation. Generating docu from code (like Swashbuckle does) IS ok, but actually writing docu in code and try to dublicate the code in docu is NOT. It's not better than writing it in a Word document for your clients.
If you want Swagger docu, just do it the Swagger way.
- Spend some time with Swagger.Editor and really author your API in
YAML. It looks all-text and hard, but once you get used to it, it's
- Spend some time with Swagger.Codegen and adapt it (it already does a fair job for generating Nancy server code and with a few
adjustments to moustache templates it was just what I needed).
- Automate your process: write a couple of batches to generate your modules and models from yaml and copy them to your repository.
Benefits? Quite a few:
Your YAML definition is now the single truth of your REST contract.
If somewhere something is defferent, it's wrong.
Nancy server code is auto-generated
Client code-bases are auto-generated (in our case it's android, ios and angular)
So whenever I change something in REST contract, all codebases are regenerated and added to projects in one batch. I just have to tell the teams something was updated. They don't have to look through some documents and search for it. They just have their code regenerated and probably see some compile errors, in case of breaking changes.
Do I still use nancy.swagger(.annotations)?
Yes, I do use it in another project, which has just one endpoint with a couple of methods. They don't change often. It's not worth the effort to set up everything, I have my swagger docu fast up and running. But if your project is big, API is changing, and you have multiple code-bases depending on your API, my advice is to invest some time into a real swagger setup.
I am quoting the author answer here from https://github.com/khellang/Nancy.Swagger/issues/59
The installation should be really simple, just pull down the NuGet package, add metadata modules to describe your routes, and hit /api-docs. That should get you the JSON. If you want to add swagger-ui as well, you have to add that manually right now.
No. Not in an automated. https://github.com/yahehe/Nancy.Swagger needs lots of manually created metadata.
There is a nice article here: http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/generating-api-document-in-nancy-using-swagger/
Looks like you still have to add swagger-ui separately.
I have recently taken up salesforce.com and i have very little idea about its workings and stuff. Recently i was going through some of the stuff and i had a doubt...
Is there any way through which i can find out where an particular field/ object/ visualforce page has been used in an application. For example lets say i have a field labeled Sales, i want to be able to find where that particular field is used, under which object, and the object in which visualforce page/ Apex class, and the visualforce page/ Apex class is used in which application.
Hope i have made my Q clear.
Thanking everyone for their help
It's not really a programming question, you might be better off asking about administrative stuff like that on salesforce.stackexchange.com.
If you have a test environment (sandbox) - you could always try deleting the field there ;) I'm kidding but if you'll try it the page should display you a list where the field is being used.
Similar thing could be achieved by creating a changeset, adding that field to it and then checking dependencies.
But probably the best way would require some preparations upfront. Read about Force.com IDE (or Eclipse IDE) and how to use it to download files that represent your object definitions, page layouts, classes, visualforce pages, reports... This is great as backup but also will let you search the files (Ctrl+H in Eclipse or just use whatever you want once you have the files locally). Search for API name of the field (similar to My_Custom_Field__c should be most effective.
Pretty old thread but adding another option. I have a free and open source app that scans the fields in your Org and returns the components it's used in (Workflows, Processes, Page Layouts, Apex etc).
Keep in mind that returning fields in Apex and VF is not 100% accurate, as a field with the same API name on different objects would return as being found in a class, even though it might not (as others have mentioned).
Also, it can take quite a while to run on large Orgs.
App: http://schemalister.herokuapp.com/
Source Code: https://github.com/benedwards44/schemalister
I set up an older Rails 2 project on a brand new Apache#Debian#squeeze. The project itself could be a single pager, using links to scroll page up and down. My links look like that:
These links do fine as long as JavaScript intercepts the click event and simply scrolls to the intended section. In case the user leaves the single page and opens one where these links (still the same) cannot be followed via JavaScript, I only receive an:
You don't have permission to access /en/ on this server.
If I change the link to:
everything works fine and as expected. But I do not want to change my link structure. It already worked well at an older Debian5 box.
I expect that to be an Apache2 configuration issue, but do not find anything useful in the net.
Looking forward to any kind of enlightenment.
I don't know how or where you are working with javascript related to this problem, but let me tell you this.
Everything after the hashtag # is never passed to the server. Its HTTP standardization, it is just not passed to the server.
It is only intended to navigate to anchor within the webpage, and today used for a lot of new techniques including, but not limited to, xss scripting, javascript hooks, etc
It is possible that links are prohibited to load with an onclick event and some javascript does something instead, but it is not possible that you end up on this page http://mydomain.com/en/#home if http://mydomain.com/en/ does not work.
However to solve your problem you probably have to adjust your your apache rewriting rule (or enable mod_rewrite at all?) to also capture links with trailing slashes.
The link http://mydomain.com/en/ http://mydomain.com/en is something different and could serve a completely different page.
I would strongly recommend not to get a mess here and do a strict permanent redirect from one to the other. Which you choose for primary usage is up to you.
I prefer a trailing slash and can also supply arguments for that, but they can be invalidated easily and replaced by some to suggest the opposite. You should find plenty on discussion on that if you search for trailing slash here.
To solve your problem please try to find the according RewriteRule, copy it and add it one more time with a trailing slash. See whether it works and make a redirect to the url without trailign slash.
You may also edit your answer and post your server config to get help with that.
I'm doing a personal, just for fun, project that is using screen scraping to give me a System Tray notification in case another line on an HTML table is added, modified or deleted.
Having done this before I thought: well let's go with the regular expression thing and that's it, but being a curious person, made me think that there could be something else out there that could have another paradigm but be as simple to use.
I know about DOM and X-Path and all the xml'ish approaches. I'm looking for something outside the box, something that can even be defined in a set of rules so you can make a plugin system to aggregate various sites.
See Options for HTML Scraping
Here's an idea: assuming your main use case is getting a notification whenever an HTML file changes, why not use a standard diff tool and then loop through the changed lines, applying your rules?
Also, if this is a situation where you have access to the server and the files you're watching, you might be able to put everything under source control with CVS (or similar) and just watch for commits. If you want to use this approach for random sites on the web, just write a script that periodically downloads the html for the appropriate URLs and then commits it to source control and watch the diffs.
Not very practical, but outside the box.
If you can convert the source into valid XHTML/XML using something like SgmlReader or HtmlTidy then you could use XSLT. Simply create a XSL template for each site you wish to scrape.