3x3 array with random numbers - arrays

I need to take the numbers 0-8 and rearrange them randomly in a 3x3 array using a function. What is the simplest way possible?
I need to get [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] as a 3x3 array with the numbers in random order

One idea is to use a flat list/array with sorted numbers, shuffle them (e.g. using random.shuffle), then reshape it into. Python doesn't support arrays natively, so you can use lists instead, then reshape them into lists of list, like:
import random
def arrange(x, rows, cols):
return [x[cols * i : cols * (i + 1)] for i in range(rows)]
print(arrange(list(range(9)), 3, 3))
numpy has an array object that you can use also use, which supports reshaping etc, see the documentation, like:
import numpy as np
### Numpy's array solution
def arrange_np(x, rows, cols):
return x.reshape(rows, cols)
print(arrange_np(np.arange(9), 3, 3))


Adding arrays generated in for loop in Python

I have a for loop (100 passes) which generates a numpy array during each pass. Is there a way to add these 100 arrays (element wise) and then calculate the array which represents the average of these 100 arrays?
Perhaps you're looking for:
np.mean(arr, axis=0)
Alternatively, you can do:
np.sum(arr, axis=0) / len(arr)
Here, arr is the array you created with the loop.
You can define arr as:
arr = []
for i in range(100):
# create numpy array here and assign it to x
Then you can do np.mean etc on arr.

How to get a sub-shape of an array in Python?

Not sure the title is correct, but I have an array with shape (84,84,3) and I need to get subset of this array with shape (84,84), excluding that third dimension.
How can I accomplish this with Python?
This is called slicing. This particular example gets the first 'layer' of the array. This assumes your subshape is a single layer.
If you are using numpy arrays, using slices would be a standard way of doing it:
import numpy as np
n = 3 # or any other positive integer
a = np.empty((84, 84, n))
i = 0 # i in [0, n]
b = a[:, :, i]
I recommend you have a look at this.

Inconsistent Results - Jupyter Numpy & Transpose

enter image description here
I am getting odd behavior with Jupyter/Numpy/Tranpose()/1D Arrays.
I found another post where transpose() will not transpose a 1D array, but in previous Jupyter notebooks, it does.
I have an example where it is inconsistent, and I do not understand:
Please see the picture attached of my jupyter notebook if 2 more or less identical arrays with 2 different outputs.
It seems it IS and IS NOT transposing the 1D array. Inconsistency is bad
outputs is (1000,) and (1,1000), why does this occur?
N = 1000
fxc = []
fxn = []
for t in range(0,N):
fxc.append(A1*m.sin(2.0*pi*50.0*dt*t) + A2*m.sin(2.0*pi*120.0*dt*t))
fxn.append(A1*m.sin(2.0*pi*50.0*dt*t) + A2*m.sin(2.0*pi*120.0*dt*t) + 5*np.random.normal(u,std,size=1))
fc = np.transpose(np.array(fxc))
fn = np.transpose(np.array(fxn))
Remove size=1 from your call to numpy.random.normal. Then it will return a scalar instead of a 1-d array of length 1.
For example,
In [2]: np.random.normal(0, 3, size=1)
Out[2]: array([0.47058288])
In [3]: np.random.normal(0, 3)
Out[3]: 4.350733438283539
Using size=1 in your code is a problem, because it results in fxn being a list of 1-d arrays (e.g. something like [[0.123], [-.4123], [0.9455], ...]. When NumPy converts that to an array, it has shape (N, 1). Transposing such an array results in the shape (1, N).
fxc, on the other hand, is a list of scalars (e.g. something like [0.123, 0.456, ...]). When converted to a NumPy array, it will be a 1-d array with shape (N,). NumPy's transpose operation swaps dimensions, but it does not create new dimensions, so transposing a 1-d array does nothing.

Implementing Permutation of Complex Numbers In TensorFlow

In this associative lstm paper, http://arxiv.org/abs/1602.03032, they ask to permute a complex tensor.
They have provided their code here: https://github.com/mohammadpz/Associative_LSTM/blob/master/bricks.py#L79
I'm trying to replicate this in tensorflow. Here is what I have done:
# shape: C x F/2
# output = self.permutations: [num_copies x cell_size]
permutations = []
indices = numpy.arange(self._dim / 2) #[1 ,2 ,3 ...64]
for i in range(self._num_copies):
numpy.random.shuffle(indices) #[4, 48, 32, ...64]
[ind + self._dim / 2 for ind in indices]]))
#you're appending a row with two columns -- a permutation in the first column, and the same permutation + dim/2 for imaginary
# C x F (numpy)
self.permutations = tf.constant(numpy.vstack(permutations), dtype = tf.int32) #This is a permutation tensor that has the stored permutations
# output = self.permutations: [num_copies x cell_size]
def permute(complex_tensor): #complex tensor is [batch_size x cell_size]
gather_tensor = tf.gather_nd(complex_tensor, self.permutations)
return gather_tensor
Basically, my question is: How efficiently can this be done in TensorFlow? Is there anyway to keep the batch size dimension fixed of complex tensor?
Also, is gather_nd the best way to go about this? Or is it better to do a for loop and iterate over each row in self.permutations using tf.gather?
def permute(self, complex_tensor):
inputs_permuted = []
for i in range(self.permutations.get_shape()[0].value):
tf.gather(complex_tensor, self.permutations[i]))
return tf.concat(0, inputs_permuted)
I thought that gather_nd would be far more efficient.
Nevermind, I figured it out, the trick is to just use permute the original input tensor using tf transpose. This will allow you then to do a tf.gather on the entire matrix. Then you can tf concat the matrices together. Sorry if this wasted anyone's time.

Storing the sorted indices of a 2-D array in MATLAB?

Say I have an n x n array A. Is there a "nice" way to do the following?
A_flat = reshape(A, [1, numel(A)]);
[dummy, A_index] = sort(A, 'descend');
A_row = mod(A_index - 1, size(A, 1)) + 1;
A_col = floor((A_index - 1) / size(A, 1));
By "nice", I mean am looking for a way that doesn't use for-loops, doesn't use mod/floor, and is efficient. (I'm new to MATLAB, and still not sure what functions exist and what kinds of things to expect built-in functions for.)
If I am understanding your code correctly, you are given a 2D matrix and it is your task to sort the values in this 2D matrix. The way you are currently performing this is to unroll the values into a vector, sort this vector and calculate where the corresponding 2D locations would be.
That can be achieved by ind2sub. When you are using reshape, the unrolling into the vector is done in a column-major format so that columns of the matrix are stacked together. When performing the sorting, this is also doing using the column-major layout. In a similar fashion, ind2sub takes in column-major indices and produces the equivalent row and column locations that map to each index.
The second output of sort would give you the locations of where each value would appear in the sorted result in a column-major format. Just take this result and directly use ind2sub:
%// Your code
A_flat = reshape(A, [1, numel(A)]);
[dummy, A_index] = sort(A, 'descend');
%// New
[A_row, A_col] = ind2sub(size(A), A_index);
