Inserting an item in an ItemsControl - wpf

Here are the requirements.
In my ItemsControl (you can use a ListView if it helps you to consider the scenario). I want to inject, not a record, but a unique DataTemplate into an arbitrary indexed location in my list.
For example, I might want to insert it into the first position, index 0, or the third position, index 2, or perhaps even have the logic to insert it into the last position, index count-1.
I will need to sub-class ListView to accomplish this, I realize. That being said, I could easily create the SpecialItemTemplate, SpecialItemIndex DP properties to have the values.
Added requirements:
Don't require a special type of collection
Don't require manipulating the existing data
Allow the IsHitTestVisible to be variable, too
Any ideas how to accomplish this feat (in WinRT)?

Here is a solution that is basically a Behavior with a Template property which can be attached to any ItemsControl. I tested it with virtualizing and non-virtualizing panels, works for both cases. If you think the code is convoluted... well I can't disagree, wrote it a while back and I can't remember what reasons I had to write it the way it ended up.
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Persons}">
<AlternativeItemTemplate Index="42">
and the classes:
[ContentProperty( "ItemTemplate" )]
public class AlternativeItemTemplate : ItemContainerDecorator
public DataTemplate ItemTemplate
get { return (DataTemplate) GetValue( ItemTemplateProperty ); }
set { SetValue( ItemTemplateProperty, value ); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemTemplateProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register( "ItemTemplate", typeof( DataTemplate ), typeof( AlternativeItemTemplate ), new PropertyMetadata( null ) );
public int Index
get { return (int) GetValue( IndexProperty ); }
set { SetValue( IndexProperty, value ); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty IndexProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register( "Index", typeof( int ), typeof( AlternativeItemTemplate ), new PropertyMetadata( -1 ) );
protected override void OnContainersChanged()
if (!AssociatedObject.Items.Any() || Index < 0 || Index >= AssociatedObject.Items.Count)
ItemContentPresenter = null;
ItemContentControl = null;
m_overwrittenTemplate = null;
TryUpdateItem( ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem( AssociatedObject.Items[Index] ) );
private ContentPresenter ItemContentPresenter { get; set; }
private ContentControl ItemContentControl { get; set; }
private DataTemplate m_overwrittenTemplate;
private void TryUpdateItem( DependencyObject itemContainer )
if (itemContainer == null)
var containerAsPresenter = itemContainer as ContentPresenter;
if (containerAsPresenter != null) UpdateItemContentPresenter( containerAsPresenter );
var containerAsControl = itemContainer as ContentControl;
if (containerAsControl != null) UpdateItemContentControl( containerAsControl );
private void ResetOverwrittenTemplate()
if (ItemContentPresenter != null)
ItemContentPresenter.ContentTemplate = m_overwrittenTemplate;
if (ItemContentControl != null)
ItemContentControl.ContentTemplate = m_overwrittenTemplate;
ItemContentPresenter = null;
ItemContentControl = null;
m_overwrittenTemplate = null;
private void UpdateItemContentPresenter( ContentPresenter container )
if (ItemContentPresenter != null)
ItemContentPresenter.ContentTemplate = m_overwrittenTemplate;
ItemContentPresenter = container;
m_overwrittenTemplate = ItemContentPresenter.ContentTemplate;
ItemContentPresenter.ContentTemplate = ItemTemplate;
private void UpdateItemContentControl( ContentControl container )
if (ItemContentControl != null)
ItemContentControl.ContentTemplate = m_overwrittenTemplate;
ItemContentControl = container;
m_overwrittenTemplate = ItemContentControl.ContentTemplate;
ItemContentControl.ContentTemplate = ItemTemplate;
public abstract class ItemContainerDecorator : Behavior<ItemsControl>
private Dictionary<object, DependencyObject> LastKnownContainers = new Dictionary<object, DependencyObject>();
protected ItemContainerGenerator ItemContainerGenerator { get { return (AssociatedObject != null) ? AssociatedObject.ItemContainerGenerator : null; } }
protected override void OnAttached()
ItemContainerGenerator.ItemsChanged += HandleItemsChangedInitially;
if (!TryAddObservers())
AssociatedObject.Loaded += AddObserversOnLoaded;
AssociatedObject.Loaded += OnItemsControlLoaded;
AssociatedObject.LayoutUpdated += OnItemsControlLayoutUpdated;
private void OnItemsControlLayoutUpdated(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
private void OnItemsControlLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
private void AddObserversOnLoaded( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
AssociatedObject.Loaded -= AddObserversOnLoaded;
private bool TryAddObservers()
const bool success = true;
Panel itemsHost =
AssociatedObject.GetVisualDescendants().OfType<Panel>().FirstOrDefault( panel => panel.IsItemsHost );
if (itemsHost != null)
var virtualizingItemsHost = itemsHost as VirtualizingPanel;
if (virtualizingItemsHost != null)
virtualizingItemsHost.LayoutUpdated += OnVirtualizingItemsHostLayoutUpdated;
m_virtualizingItemsHost = virtualizingItemsHost;
return success;
return !success;
private VirtualizingPanel m_virtualizingItemsHost;
private bool LayoutUpdatedOccurredFirst;
private void OnVirtualizingItemsHostLayoutUpdated( object sender, EventArgs eventArgs )
LayoutUpdatedOccurredFirst = true;
protected override void OnDetaching()
ItemContainerGenerator.ItemsChanged -= HandleItemsChangedInitially;
ItemContainerGenerator.ItemsChanged -= HandleItemsChanged;
AssociatedObject.Loaded -= OnItemsControlLoaded;
AssociatedObject.LayoutUpdated -= OnItemsControlLayoutUpdated;
AssociatedObject.Loaded -= AddObserversOnLoaded;
if (m_virtualizingItemsHost != null) m_virtualizingItemsHost.LayoutUpdated -= OnVirtualizingItemsHostLayoutUpdated;
m_virtualizingItemsHost = null;
private void HandleItemsChangedInitially( object sender, ItemsChangedEventArgs e )
ItemContainerGenerator.ItemsChanged -= HandleItemsChangedInitially;
if (!LayoutUpdatedOccurredFirst)
//sometimes calling UpdateLayout throws an ArgumentException
//don't know why so we just swallow it
//it's not particularly important
catch (ArgumentException) { }
ItemContainerGenerator.ItemsChanged += HandleItemsChanged;
private void HandleItemsChanged( object sender, ItemsChangedEventArgs e )
private void CheckContainersChanged()
var newestContainers = new Dictionary<object, DependencyObject>();
foreach (var item in AssociatedObject.Items)
newestContainers[item] = ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem( item );
if (!LastKnownContainers.SequenceEqual( newestContainers ))
LastKnownContainers = newestContainers;
protected abstract void OnContainersChanged();


How to handle items added to Attached Property of ObservableCollection type

I have a UWP project that uses MapControl, which is a sealed class - cant derive a new class from it.
Trying to make a bindable Attached Property, which would have access to MapControl.Children.
The problem is that it only works when I set ViewModel's collection, but not when I add a new element to that collection:
// Works fine
this.MapChildrenExtCollection = new ObservableCollection<MapChildElement>();
// Nothing happens
this.MapChildrenExtCollection.Add(new MapChildElement());
Heres my code for the Attached Property:
namespace UWPMap.Extensions
public class MapControlExt : DependencyObject
public static readonly DependencyProperty ChildrenExtProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
new PropertyMetadata(new ObservableCollection<MapChildElement>(), ChildrenExtPropertyChanged));
public ObservableCollection<MapChildElement> ChildrenExt
get { return (ObservableCollection<MapChildElement>)GetValue(ChildrenExtProperty); }
set { SetValue(ChildrenExtProperty, value); }
public static void SetChildrenExt(UIElement element, ObservableCollection<MapChildElement> value)
element.SetValue(ChildrenExtProperty, value);
public static ObservableCollection<MapChildElement> GetChildrenExt(UIElement element)
return (ObservableCollection<MapChildElement>)element.GetValue(ChildrenExtProperty);
private static void ChildrenExtPropertyChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var control = (MapControl)obj;
var oldCollection = e.OldValue as INotifyCollectionChanged;
var newCollection = e.NewValue as INotifyCollectionChanged;
if (oldCollection != null)
oldCollection.CollectionChanged -= Extensions.MapControlExt.ChildrenExtCollectionChanged;
if (newCollection != null)
oldCollection.CollectionChanged += Extensions.MapControlExt.ChildrenExtCollectionChanged;
static void ChildrenExtCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
static private void ManageChildrenExt()
// Access MapControl.Children here
<maps:MapControl x:Name="MyMap"
ext:MapControlExt.ChildrenExt="{x:Bind Path=MapChildrenExtCollection, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}">
The problem is that you are not adding the event handler to the new collection and using oldCollection variable by mistake.
The following snippet:
if (newCollection != null)
oldCollection.CollectionChanged += //here you have oldCollection by mistake
Should be:
if (newCollection != null)
newCollection.CollectionChanged +=

Is it possible to hide/show a property in ExtendedToolkit PropertyGrid control?

I have a PropertyGrid control, which has its properties defined in a class, like this:
[DisplayName("Display Company Logo")]
public bool HasLogo { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Logo File Path")]
[Editor(typeof(FilePickerEditor), typeof(FilePickerEditor))]
public string LogoFilePath { get; set; }
Is it possible to hide LogoFilePath property, depending on whether HasLogo is checked or not? Or, at least, make custom FilePickerEditor read-only.
I was able to do solve that using a behavior. PropertyGrid defined like this:
<toolkitExt:PropertyGrid Tag="DependentVisibility,HasLogo,LogoFilePath"
SelectedObject="{Binding PropertyGridSourceObjectUserPreferences, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}">
public class PropertyGridBehavior : Behavior<PropertyGrid>
string _tag;
List<Tuple<string, string, string>> _dependentVisibilityList;
PropertyGrid _propertyGrid;
protected override void OnAttached()
_propertyGrid = AssociatedObject as PropertyGrid;
_dependentVisibilityList = new List<Tuple<string, string, string>>();
if(_propertyGrid.Tag !=null)
_tag = _propertyGrid.Tag.ToString();
foreach(var v in _tag.Split(';'))
if (v.Split(',').Count() != 3) return;
_dependentVisibilityList.Add(new Tuple<string, string, string>(v.Split(',')[0], v.Split(',')[1], v.Split(',')[2]));
_propertyGrid.Loaded += _propertyGrid_Loaded;
_propertyGrid.PropertyValueChanged += PropertyGrid_PropertyValueChanged;
private void _propertyGrid_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
foreach(var v in _propertyGrid.Properties as PropertyItemCollection)
PropertyItemDependencyVisibilitySet(v.PropertyName, v.Value);
private void PropertyGrid_PropertyValueChanged(object sender, PropertyValueChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.NewValue.GetType().Equals(typeof(bool)))
PropertyItem originalSource = (PropertyItem)e.OriginalSource;
PropertyItemDependencyVisibilitySet(originalSource.PropertyName, (bool)e.NewValue);
private void PropertyItemDependencyVisibilitySet(string propertyName, object propertyValue)
Tuple<string, string, string> dependentVisibilityItem = _dependentVisibilityList.Where(x => x.Item1 == "DependentVisibility" && x.Item2 == propertyName).FirstOrDefault();
if (dependentVisibilityItem != null)
PropertyItemCollection propertyCollection = _propertyGrid.Properties as PropertyItemCollection;
PropertyItem propertyItemDestination = propertyCollection.Where(x => x.PropertyName == dependentVisibilityItem.Item3).FirstOrDefault();
if (propertyItemDestination != null) propertyItemDestination.Visibility = (bool) propertyValue ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

Editable ComboBox behavior on arrow navigation in drop down

The default behavior for non-editable Combobox when you navigate through drop down list with Up and Down keys is, that the current item is highlighted but not selected. Only on Enter Key the Item gets selected.
If you set IsEditable="True" then the behavior is different. Currently selected item (and or Text input) changes by keyboard navigation in the drop down.
My problem with this is, that I'm filtering the items depending on text input. And when you select, you have one exact match and items count goes to one.
So it's not possible to select a correct item with a keyboard.
Inspired by blog post below (Thank you Diederik Krols) I'm finaly found a solution for my problem.
It needed some extra work, but with a little bit Reflection and Binding suspendig, I have now combobox behavior like expected.
Here is my code
public enum FilterMode
public class FilteredComboBoxBehavior : ManagedBehaviorBase<ComboBox>
private ICollectionView currentView;
private string currentFilter;
private Binding textBinding;
private TextBox textBox;
private PropertyInfo HighlightedInfoPropetyInfo { get; set; }
public static readonly DependencyProperty FilterModeProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("FilterMode", typeof(FilterMode), typeof(FilteredComboBoxBehavior), new PropertyMetadata(default(FilterMode)));
public FilterMode FilterMode
return (FilterMode)this.GetValue(FilterModeProperty);
this.SetValue(FilterModeProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty OpenDropDownOnFocusProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("OpenDropDownOnFocus", typeof(bool), typeof(FilteredComboBoxBehavior), new PropertyMetadata(true));
public bool OpenDropDownOnFocus
return (bool)this.GetValue(OpenDropDownOnFocusProperty);
this.SetValue(OpenDropDownOnFocusProperty, value);
protected override void OnSetup()
this.AssociatedObject.KeyUp += this.AssociatedObjectOnKeyUp;
this.AssociatedObject.IsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged += this.OnIsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged;
this.textBox = this.AssociatedObject.FindChild<TextBox>();
this.textBinding = BindingOperations.GetBinding(this.AssociatedObject, ComboBox.TextProperty);
this.HighlightedInfoPropetyInfo = typeof(ComboBox).GetProperty(
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
var pd = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(ItemsControl.ItemsSourceProperty, typeof(ComboBox));
pd.AddValueChanged(this.AssociatedObject, this.OnItemsSourceChanged);
protected override void OnDetaching()
this.AssociatedObject.KeyUp -= this.AssociatedObjectOnKeyUp;
if (this.currentView != null)
// ReSharper disable once DelegateSubtraction
this.currentView.Filter -= this.TextInputFilter;
private void OnItemsSourceChanged(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
this.currentFilter = this.AssociatedObject.Text;
if (this.currentView != null)
// ReSharper disable once DelegateSubtraction
this.currentView.Filter -= this.TextInputFilter;
if (this.AssociatedObject.ItemsSource != null)
this.currentView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(this.AssociatedObject.ItemsSource);
this.currentView.Filter += this.TextInputFilter;
private void OnIsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs dependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
if (this.AssociatedObject.IsKeyboardFocusWithin)
this.AssociatedObject.IsDropDownOpen = this.AssociatedObject.IsDropDownOpen || this.OpenDropDownOnFocus;
this.AssociatedObject.IsDropDownOpen = false;
this.currentFilter = this.AssociatedObject.Text;
private void AssociatedObjectOnKeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs keyEventArgs)
if (!this.IsTextManipulationKey(keyEventArgs)
|| (Keyboard.Modifiers.HasAnyFlag() && Keyboard.Modifiers != ModifierKeys.Shift)
if (this.currentFilter != this.AssociatedObject.Text)
this.currentFilter = this.AssociatedObject.Text;
private bool TextInputFilter(object obj)
var stringValue = obj as string;
if (obj != null && !(obj is string))
var path = (string)this.GetValue(TextSearch.TextPathProperty);
if (path != null)
stringValue = obj.GetType().GetProperty(path).GetValue(obj) as string;
if (stringValue == null)
return false;
switch (this.FilterMode)
case FilterMode.Contains:
return stringValue.IndexOf(this.currentFilter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0;
case FilterMode.StartsWith:
return stringValue.StartsWith(this.currentFilter, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
private bool IsTextManipulationKey(KeyEventArgs keyEventArgs)
return keyEventArgs.Key == Key.Back
|| keyEventArgs.Key == Key.Space
|| (keyEventArgs.Key >= Key.D0 && keyEventArgs.Key <= Key.Z)
|| (Keyboard.IsKeyToggled(Key.NumLock) && keyEventArgs.Key >= Key.NumPad0 && keyEventArgs.Key <= Key.NumPad9)
|| (keyEventArgs.Key >= Key.Multiply && keyEventArgs.Key <= Key.Divide)
|| (keyEventArgs.Key >= Key.Oem1 && keyEventArgs.Key <= Key.OemBackslash);
private void Refresh()
if (this.currentView != null)
var tempCurrentFilter = this.AssociatedObject.Text;
using (new SuspendBinding(this.textBinding, this.AssociatedObject, ComboBox.TextProperty))
//reset internal highlighted info
this.HighlightedInfoPropetyInfo.SetValue(this.AssociatedObject, null);
this.AssociatedObject.SelectedIndex = -1;
this.AssociatedObject.Text = tempCurrentFilter;
if (this.textBox != null && tempCurrentFilter != null)
this.textBox.SelectionStart = tempCurrentFilter.Length;
this.textBox.SelectionLength = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Temporarely suspend binding on dependency property
/// </summary>
public class SuspendBinding : IDisposable
private readonly Binding bindingToSuspend;
private readonly DependencyObject target;
private readonly DependencyProperty property;
public SuspendBinding(Binding bindingToSuspend, DependencyObject target, DependencyProperty property)
this.bindingToSuspend = bindingToSuspend; = target; = property;
BindingOperations.ClearBinding(target, property);
public void Dispose()
BindingOperations.SetBinding(,, this.bindingToSuspend);
public abstract class ManagedBehaviorBase<T> : Behavior<T> where T : FrameworkElement
private bool isSetup;
private bool isHookedUp;
private WeakReference weakTarget;
protected virtual void OnSetup() { }
protected virtual void OnCleanup() { }
protected override void OnChanged()
var target = this.AssociatedObject;
if (target != null)
private void OnTargetLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.SetupBehavior(); }
private void OnTargetUnloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.CleanupBehavior(); }
private void HookupBehavior(T target)
if (this.isHookedUp) return;
this.weakTarget = new WeakReference(target);
this.isHookedUp = true;
target.Unloaded += this.OnTargetUnloaded;
target.Loaded += this.OnTargetLoaded;
if (target.IsLoaded)
private void UnHookupBehavior()
if (!this.isHookedUp) return;
this.isHookedUp = false;
var target = this.AssociatedObject ?? (T)this.weakTarget.Target;
if (target != null)
target.Unloaded -= this.OnTargetUnloaded;
target.Loaded -= this.OnTargetLoaded;
private void SetupBehavior()
if (this.isSetup) return;
this.isSetup = true;
private void CleanupBehavior()
if (!this.isSetup) return;
this.isSetup = false;
<ComboBox IsEditable="True"
Text="{Binding Path=ZipCode, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=PostalCodes}"
behaviors:AttachedMaxLength.ChildTextBoxMaxLength="{Binding Path=ZipCodeMaxLength}">
<behaviors:FilteredComboBoxBehavior FilterMode="StartsWith"/>

Creating a functional Double Control

I have a custom control called DoubleNumericBox that validates and accepts user input like 23,00, 0,9, 23.900,01, 34... etc.
The problem starts when I try to binding something to it. The binding is not reliable enough, some times the control won't display the new value, but if I set the DataContext one more time it will set the value, etc.
So, I must be doing something very wrong with my custom properties and events.
Custom Properties/Events
Value : Double
MinValue : Double
MaxValue : Double
ValueChanged : Event
Expected Behaviour
Validate typed keys: Numbers, Commas and Points (Decimal separator and digit grouping glyph). My culture uses Comma as decimal separator.
Validate the whole text if (return to the latest Value if number not valid):
Text pasted.
Lost Focus.
Validate Min/Max limit.
Accept binding from Text or Value, and validate the binding value.
public class DoubleNumericBox : TextBox
public readonly static DependencyProperty MinValueProperty;
public readonly static DependencyProperty ValueProperty;
public readonly static DependencyProperty MaxValueProperty;
public double MinValue
get { return (double)GetValue(MinValueProperty); }
set { SetCurrentValue(MinValueProperty, value); }
public double Value
get { return (double)GetValue(ValueProperty); }
SetCurrentValue(ValueProperty, value);
public double MaxValue
get { return (double)GetValue(MaxValueProperty); }
set { SetCurrentValue(MaxValueProperty, value); }
public static readonly RoutedEvent ValueChangedEvent;
public event RoutedEventHandler ValueChanged
//Provide CLR accessors for the event
add { AddHandler(ValueChangedEvent, value); }
remove { RemoveHandler(ValueChangedEvent, value); }
public void RaiseValueChangedEvent()
var newEventArgs = new RoutedEventArgs(ValueChangedEvent);
static DoubleNumericBox()
MinValueProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MinValue", typeof(double), typeof(DoubleNumericBox), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0D));
ValueProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Value", typeof(double), typeof(DoubleNumericBox), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0D, ValueCallback));
MaxValueProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MaxValue", typeof(double), typeof(DoubleNumericBox), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Double.MaxValue));
ValueChangedEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("ValueChanged", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(DoubleNumericBox));
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
PreviewTextInput += DoubleNumericBox_PreviewTextInput;
ValueChanged += DoubleNumericBox_ValueChanged;
TextChanged += DoubleNumericBox_TextChanged;
LostFocus += DoubleNumericBox_LostFocus;
AddHandler(DataObject.PastingEvent, new DataObjectPastingEventHandler(PastingEvent));
private static void ValueCallback(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var textBox = d as DoubleNumericBox;
if (textBox == null) return;
//textBox.Text = String.Format("{0:###,###,##0.0###}", textBox.Value);
private void DoubleNumericBox_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var textBox = sender as DoubleNumericBox;
if (textBox == null) return;
ValueChanged -= DoubleNumericBox_ValueChanged;
TextChanged -= DoubleNumericBox_TextChanged;
if (Value > MaxValue)
Value = MaxValue;
else if (Value < MinValue)
Value = MinValue;
textBox.Text = Text = String.Format("{0:###,###,##0.0###}", Value);
ValueChanged += DoubleNumericBox_ValueChanged;
TextChanged += DoubleNumericBox_TextChanged;
private void DoubleNumericBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
var textBox = sender as TextBox;
if (textBox == null) return;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox.Text)) return;
if (IsTextDisallowed(textBox.Text)) return;
ValueChanged -= DoubleNumericBox_ValueChanged;
var newValue = Convert.ToDouble(textBox.Text);
if (newValue > MaxValue)
Value = MaxValue;
else if (newValue < MinValue)
Value = MinValue;
Value = newValue;
ValueChanged += DoubleNumericBox_ValueChanged;
private void DoubleNumericBox_PreviewTextInput(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Text))
e.Handled = true;
//Only Numbers, comma and points.
if (IsEntryDisallowed(sender, e.Text))
e.Handled = true;
private void PastingEvent(object sender, DataObjectPastingEventArgs e)
if (e.DataObject.GetDataPresent(typeof(String)))
var text = (String)e.DataObject.GetData(typeof(String));
if (IsTextDisallowed(text))
private void DoubleNumericBox_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
TextChanged -= DoubleNumericBox_TextChanged;
Text = String.Format("{0:###,###,##0.0###}", Value);
TextChanged += DoubleNumericBox_TextChanged;
private bool IsEntryDisallowed(object sender, string text)
var regex = new Regex(#"^[0-9]|\.|\,$");
if (regex.IsMatch(text))
return !CheckPontuation(sender, text);
//Not a number or a Comma/Point.
return true;
private bool IsTextDisallowed(string text)
var regex = new Regex(#"^((\d+)|(\d{1,3}(\.\d{3})+)|(\d{1,3}(\.\d{3})(\,\d{3})+))((\,\d{4})|(\,\d{3})|(\,\d{2})|(\,\d{1})|(\,))?$");
return !regex.IsMatch(text); //\d+(?:,\d{1,2})?
private bool CheckPontuation(object sender, string next)
var textBox = sender as TextBox;
if (textBox == null) return true;
if (Char.IsNumber(next.ToCharArray()[0]))
return true;
if (next.Equals("."))
var textAux = textBox.Text;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox.SelectedText))
textAux = textAux.Replace(textBox.SelectedText, "");
//Check if the user can add a point mark here.
var before = textAux.Substring(0, textBox.SelectionStart);
var after = textAux.Substring(textBox.SelectionStart);
//If no text, return true.
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(before) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(after)) return true;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(before))
if (before.Contains(',')) return false;
if (after.Contains("."))
var split = before.Split('.');
if (split.Last().Length != 3) return false;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(after))
var split = after.Split('.', ',');
if (split.First().Length != 3) return false;
return true;
//Only one comma.
if (next.Equals(","))
return !textBox.Text.Any(x => x.Equals(','));
return true;
Can you guys help me out to make this custom control work better?
So a couple of gotchas I see in your code:
Do not use += / -= to hook up events in WPF controls, it can and will break routed events, use Addhandler / RemoveHandler instead.
I removed the unhooking and rehooking of events and used a member level flag instead for change loop issues. Here is the code I came up with, seem to bind fine to Value field.
A side note, you failed to account for multiple "." entry in your textbox so a user could type 345.34.434.23 which would not be prevented. I know to check this because I wrote a WPF FilterTextBox years ago and this came up in my testing.
public class DoubleNumericBox : TextBox
public readonly static DependencyProperty MinValueProperty;
public readonly static DependencyProperty ValueProperty;
public readonly static DependencyProperty MaxValueProperty;
public bool _bIgnoreChange = false;
public double MinValue
get { return (double)GetValue(MinValueProperty); }
set { SetCurrentValue(MinValueProperty, value); }
public double Value
get { return (double)GetValue(ValueProperty); }
SetCurrentValue(ValueProperty, value);
public double MaxValue
get { return (double)GetValue(MaxValueProperty); }
set { SetCurrentValue(MaxValueProperty, value); }
public static readonly RoutedEvent ValueChangedEvent;
public event RoutedEventHandler ValueChanged
//Provide CLR accessors for the event
add { AddHandler(ValueChangedEvent, value); }
remove { RemoveHandler(ValueChangedEvent, value); }
public void RaiseValueChangedEvent()
var newEventArgs = new RoutedEventArgs(ValueChangedEvent);
static DoubleNumericBox()
MinValueProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MinValue", typeof(double), typeof(DoubleNumericBox), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0D));
ValueProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Value", typeof(double), typeof(DoubleNumericBox), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0D, ValueCallback));
MaxValueProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MaxValue", typeof(double), typeof(DoubleNumericBox), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Double.MaxValue));
ValueChangedEvent = EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("ValueChanged", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedEventHandler), typeof(DoubleNumericBox));
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
AddHandler(TextBox.PreviewTextInputEvent, new TextCompositionEventHandler(DoubleNumericBox_PreviewTextInput));
AddHandler(TextBox.TextChangedEvent, new TextChangedEventHandler(DoubleNumericBox_TextChanged));
AddHandler(TextBox.LostFocusEvent, new RoutedEventHandler(DoubleNumericBox_LostFocus));
AddHandler(DataObject.PastingEvent, new DataObjectPastingEventHandler(PastingEvent));
private static void ValueCallback(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var textBox = d as DoubleNumericBox;
if (textBox == null) return;
//textBox.Text = String.Format("{0:###,###,##0.0###}", textBox.Value);
private void DoubleNumericBox_ValueChanged()
if (Value > MaxValue)
Value = MaxValue;
else if (Value < MinValue)
Value = MinValue;
if (!_bIgnoreChange)
this.Text = Text = String.Format("{0:###,###,##0.0###}", Value);
private void DoubleNumericBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
var textBox = sender as TextBox;
if (textBox == null) return;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox.Text)) return;
if (IsTextDisallowed(textBox.Text)) return;
//ValueChanged -= DoubleNumericBox_ValueChanged;
_bIgnoreChange = true;
Value = Convert.ToDouble(textBox.Text);
//if (newValue > MaxValue)
// Value = MaxValue;
//else if (newValue < MinValue)
// Value = MinValue;
// Value = newValue;
_bIgnoreChange = false;
//ValueChanged += DoubleNumericBox_ValueChanged;
private void DoubleNumericBox_PreviewTextInput(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Text))
e.Handled = true;
//Only Numbers, comma and points.
if (IsEntryDisallowed(sender, e.Text))
e.Handled = true;
private void PastingEvent(object sender, DataObjectPastingEventArgs e)
if (e.DataObject.GetDataPresent(typeof(String)))
var text = (String)e.DataObject.GetData(typeof(String));
if (IsTextDisallowed(text))
private void DoubleNumericBox_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
//TextChanged -= DoubleNumericBox_TextChanged;
Text = String.Format("{0:###,###,##0.0###}", Value);
//TextChanged += DoubleNumericBox_TextChanged;
private bool IsEntryDisallowed(object sender, string text)
var regex = new Regex(#"^[0-9]|\.|\,$");
if (regex.IsMatch(text))
return !CheckPontuation(sender, text);
//Not a number or a Comma/Point.
return true;
private bool IsTextDisallowed(string text)
var regex = new Regex(#"^((\d+)|(\d{1,3}(\.\d{3})+)|(\d{1,3}(\.\d{3})(\,\d{3})+))((\,\d{4})|(\,\d{3})|(\,\d{2})|(\,\d{1})|(\,))?$");
return !regex.IsMatch(text); //\d+(?:,\d{1,2})?
private bool CheckPontuation(object sender, string next)
var textBox = sender as TextBox;
if (textBox == null) return true;
if (Char.IsNumber(next.ToCharArray()[0]))
return true;
if (next.Equals("."))
var textAux = textBox.Text;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(textBox.SelectedText))
textAux = textAux.Replace(textBox.SelectedText, "");
//Check if the user can add a point mark here.
var before = textAux.Substring(0, textBox.SelectionStart);
var after = textAux.Substring(textBox.SelectionStart);
//If no text, return true.
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(before) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(after)) return true;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(before))
if (before.Contains(',')) return false;
if (after.Contains("."))
var split = before.Split('.');
if (split.Last().Length != 3) return false;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(after))
var split = after.Split('.', ',');
if (split.First().Length != 3) return false;
return true;
//Only one comma.
if (next.Equals(","))
return !textBox.Text.Any(x => x.Equals(','));
return true;

Evaluate Binding Path Dynamically in Silverlight in XAML

How can I evaluate a binding path dynamically, that is, the actual path comes from a property? For example, suppose I have a property of DisplayMemberPath, and I wanted to have something like:
Content="{Binding Path=(DisplayMemberPath)}"
I know that this doesn't work, it's just to explain what I wanted.
I know how to build a custom DataTemplate by code and set it dynamically, but that's not what I want.
You can use a custom behavior:
<DynamicBindingBehavior TargetProperty="Content"
BindingPath="{Binding DisplayMemberPath}"/>
and the code:
public class DynamicBindingBehavior : Behavior<DependencyObject>
private string m_targetProperty;
public string TargetProperty
get { return m_targetProperty; }
m_targetProperty = value;
private DependencyProperty m_targetDependencyProperty;
private void TryFindTargetProperty()
if (m_targetProperty == null || AssociatedObject == null)
m_targetDependencyProperty = null;
var targetDependencyPropertyInfo = AssociatedObject.GetType()
.GetProperty( TargetProperty + "Property", typeof( DependencyProperty ) );
m_targetDependencyProperty =
(DependencyProperty) targetDependencyPropertyInfo.GetValue(
AssociatedObject, null );
public string BindingPath
get { return (string) GetValue( BindingPathProperty ); }
set { SetValue( BindingPathProperty, value ); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty BindingPathProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register( "BindingPath", typeof( string ),
typeof( DynamicBindingBehavior ),
new PropertyMetadata( BindingPathChanged ) );
private static void BindingPathChanged(DependencyObject d,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
((DynamicBindingBehavior) d).BindingPathChanged();
private void BindingPathChanged()
if (m_targetDependencyProperty == null) return;
if (BindingPath == null)
BindingOperations.SetBinding( AssociatedObject,
m_targetDependencyProperty, new Binding( BindingPath ) );
protected override void OnAttached()
protected override void OnDetaching()
if (m_targetDependencyProperty != null)
AssociatedObject.ClearValue( m_targetDependencyProperty );
m_targetDependencyProperty = null;
