Http request in service successful but not able to show in view - angularjs

I am working with Ionic and the api of The Movie Database. I wrote a service to make my http request which comes back all good. I get all my outputs in the console.log but for some reason I am still not able to show the data in the view. So I was wondering if I am doing it wrong when it comes to 2 way databinding
Code of my service:
angular.module('', [])
.service('HotMoviesService', function($http, $q){
var final_url = "";
var self = {
'hotMovies' : [],
'loadHotMovies' : function() {
var d = $q.defer();
.success(function success (data){
self.hotMovies = data.results;
d.resolve('The promise has been fulfilled');
.error(function error (msg){
console.error("There was an error retrieving the data " , msg);
d.reject("The promise was not fulfilled");
return d.promise;
return self;
My controller.js code:
angular.module('starter.controllers', ['ionic.contrib.ui.hscrollcards', ''])
.controller('StartCtrl', function($scope, $http, HotMoviesService) {
$scope.hotmovies = [];
HotMoviesService.loadHotMovies().then(function success (data){
$scope.hotmovies = HotMoviesService.hotmovies;
function error (data){
My html code:
<ion-view view-title="The Movie Bank">
<ion-content class="background">
<h1 class="padding titleStart">Welcome to The Movie Bank</h1>
<div class="logo"></div>
<!-- HOT -->
<a class="customHref" href="#/app/hot">
<h1 class="padding customH1">Hot</h1>
<ion-scroll direction="x" scrollbar-x="false">
<hcard ng-repeat="hotmovie in hotmovies">
<a href="#/app/hot/{{}}">
<img ng-src="{{hotmovie.poster_path}}" >
Here is a screenshot of my console, as you can see everything works fine:

You need hotMovies, note the "m" case:
$scope.hotmovies = HotMoviesService.hotMovies;


Angularjs: Cannot display array items using ng-repeat

I am using AngularJs to retrieve the data from ASP.Net Controller.
The Json data is retrieved from the server, but can't figure out why cannot display array items when using the ng-repeat:
var app = angular.module('Appp', []);
app.controller('metadataCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.lookupItems = {};
$http({ method: 'GET', url: '/home/listvalues?listid=3' }).then(function (response) {
$scope.lookupItems = response;
function (error) { alert("error"); });
// console.log($scope.listItems);
<form name="myForm" ng-controller="metadataCtrl" class="my-form">
<div ng-repeat="item in lookupItems">
The Json Retrieved from the server:
{"ListValueID":14,"Translation":{"TranslationID":0,"Value":"Less Importance","LanguageValues":{"ar":"أقل أهمية","en":"Less Importance"}},"ListCategory":{"ListID":4,"Translation":{"TranslationID":0,"Value":"","LanguageValues":{"ar":"","en":""}}},"Parent":0},
{"ListValueID":15,"Translation":{"TranslationID":0,"Value":"Very Important","LanguageValues":{"ar":"كثير الأهمية","en":"Very Important"}},"ListCategory":{"ListID":4,"Translation":{"TranslationID":0,"Value":"","LanguageValues":{"ar":"","en":""}}},"Parent":0}]
The most likely issue (assuming that your app and controller are constructed and referenced properly) is that the object returned from the promise contains a .data property which actually holds your JSON data.
Try this:
$http({ method: 'GET', url: '/home/listvalues?listid=3' })
.then(function (response) {
$scope.lookupItems =;
function (error) {
I think you just forgot to wrap your app with ng-app:
var app = angular.module('Appp', []);
app.controller('metadataCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.lookupItems = {};
$scope.lookupItems = [{"ListValueID":13,"Translation":{"TranslationID":0,"Value":"Important","LanguageValues":{"ar":"مهم","en":"Important"}},"ListCategory":{"ListID":4,"Translation":{"TranslationID":0,"Value":"","LanguageValues":{"ar":"","en":""}}},"Parent":0},
{"ListValueID":14,"Translation":{"TranslationID":0,"Value":"Less Importance","LanguageValues":{"ar":"أقل أهمية","en":"Less Importance"}},"ListCategory":{"ListID":4,"Translation":{"TranslationID":0,"Value":"","LanguageValues":{"ar":"","en":""}}},"Parent":0},
{"ListValueID":15,"Translation":{"TranslationID":0,"Value":"Very Important","LanguageValues":{"ar":"كثير الأهمية","en":"Very Important"}},"ListCategory":{"ListID":4,"Translation":{"TranslationID":0,"Value":"","LanguageValues":{"ar":"","en":""}}},"Parent":0}];
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="Appp">
<form name="myForm" ng-controller="metadataCtrl" class="my-form">
<div ng-repeat="item in lookupItems">
You probably misspelled Appp. Make sure your module definition in your javascript:
var app = angular.module('App', []); //Changed to App from Appp
matches your app declaration in your html
<div ng-app="App">
...controller declaration...

Going deeper in my http request will not show the needed data on the view

So building up on the previous question (Http request in service successful but not able to show in view). I need to go deeper in my http request to make a api call for a selected movie, like so:
http.get(''+ movieId + '?api_key=XXX')
Full code of my service:
angular.module('', [])
.service('HotMoviesService', function($http, $q){
var movieId;
var final_url = "";
var self = {
'hotMovies' : [],
'singleHotMovie' : [],
'loadHotMovies' : function() {
var d = $q.defer();
.success(function success (data){
self.hotMovies = data.results;
for(var i = 0; i < self.hotMovies.length; i++){
movieId = self.hotMovies[i].id;
//console.log("Logging movie id: ", movieId);
$http.get(''+ movieId + '?api_key=XXXXX')
.success(function succcess(response){
//console.log("Logging response in the for loop " , response);
self.singleHotMovie = response;
.error(function error (msg){
d.resolve('The promise has been fulfilled');
.error(function error (msg){
console.error("There was an error retrieving the data " , msg);
d.reject("The promise was not fulfilled");
return d.promise;
return self;
My controller is the following:
.controller('StartCtrl', function($scope, $http, HotMoviesService) {
$scope.hotmovies = [];
HotMoviesService.loadHotMovies().then(function success (data){
console.log(data);//returns success message saying that promise is fulfilled
$scope.hotmovies = HotMoviesService.singleHotMovie;
function error (data){
console.log(data)//returns error messag saying that promise is not fulfilled
HTML code (list of movies)
<ion-view view-title="The Movie Bank">
<ion-content class="background">
<h1 class="padding titleStart">Welcome to The Movie Bank</h1>
<div class="logo"></div>
<!-- HOT -->
<a class="customHref" href="#/app/hot">
<h1 class="padding customH1">Hot</h1>
<ion-scroll direction="x" scrollbar-x="false">
<hcard ng-repeat="hotmovie in hotmovies">
<a href="#/app/hot/{{}}">
<img ng-src="{{hotmovie.poster_path}}" >
When clicking on one of the movies it should go to the detail page which is does (the id is shown in the url), but i can't seem to read out data for that specific movie. Although all my request are ok and coming through in my console.
HTML code for details page:
<ion-view view-title="Hot Detail">
<ion-content >
<img ng-src="{{hotMovie.poster_path}}" >
Screenshot of the details page:
What am I doing wrong ?
The message "The promise has been fulfilled" is shown, so you know the first request went ok, but that doesn't tell you anything about the moviedetail-calls.
You enter a loop to retrieve all the "hot movie" details. However, since the d.resolve is in the success code of the first call, the promise is resolved before your moviedetails calls are done.
I would make an array of promisses (from all the detail calls) and use $q.all(promises); to resolve when all these calls are done. That way you know all your data is in.
One more thing...
You copy the response to self.singleHotMovie in self.singleHotMovie = response;.
That way, only the very last movie-details call to resolve will be in self.singleHotMovie. You might want to use self.singleHotMovie.push(response) to add it to the array instead.
'loadHotMovies' : function() {
var d = $q.defer();
.success(function success (data){
self.hotMovies = data.results;
// create an array to hold the prommisses
var promisses = [];
for(var i = 0; i < self.hotMovies.length; i++){
movieId = self.hotMovies[i].id;
//console.log("Logging movie id: ", movieId);
var promise = $http.get(''+ movieId + '?api_key=XXXXX')
.success(function succcess(response){
//console.log("Logging response in the for loop " , response);
self.singleHotMovie = response;
.error(function error (msg){
// add all the detail calls to the promise array
//when all the details calls are resolved, resolve the parent promise
d.resolve('The promise has been fulfilled');
.error(function error (msg){
console.error("There was an error retrieving the data " , msg);
d.reject("The promise was not fulfilled");
return d.promise;

How to get results with angular.js $http?

I'm getting some problem getting the results from my api server with angularjs.
This is my code:
home.html (view)
<div class="jumbotron text-center">
<h1>Home Page</h1>
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<li ng-repeat="order in orders">{{order}}</li>
main.js (controller)
app.controller('mainController', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.message = 'Everyone come and see how good I look!';
$scope.orders = [];
$scope.getOrders = function(){
console.log("My data: " + response);
$scope.orders = response;
When I click the button, I can see the results in the console, but not in the list.
If use this code in the controller, it works when it loads, and when I click the button:
app.controller('mainController', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.message = 'Everyone come and see how good I look!';
console.log("My data: " + response);
$scope.orders = response;
$scope.getOrders = function(){
console.log("My data: " + response);
$scope.orders = response;
What is the problem ?
Seems like you were using ngRoute and you have href="#" in your anchor, which leads you redirection to blank page, Keep href="" will help you in css to show pointer: cursor; on hover of it
Thanks everybody for your help.
The problem was the link in the view...
would be:
<a ng-click="getOrders()">Orders!</a>

How can I use Ionic Pull to refresh

My controller:
.controller('ECtrl', function($scope, EService){
$ = []; // init events as empty array
EService.getAll().then(function (response) {
$ = response;
$scope.doRefresh = function() {
$'Incoming todo ' + Math.random());
console : Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
{{ event.conteudo }}
<i class="icon ion-chevron-right icon-accessory"></i>
I already tried to solve this problem but til now nothing
so I want to know How can bind the $ from my controller with a doRefresh() function?
please I need a example code.
In your template put it inside
<ion-refresher pulling-text="Pull to refresh" on-refresh="doRefresh()"></ion-refresher>
In conteroller
$scope.doRefresh = function() {
// here refresh data code
more info

Can't send a POST request with $http in Angular - ReferenceError: $http is not defined

So I keep getting this ReferenceError: $http is not defined, even though I have included $http in the controller, which seems to be the most common cause of this error message. I've tried also passing $http into the function itself, but that doesn't solve it.
I feel like I am missing something SUPER obvious, so any help would be much appreciated, thank you!
I've included the entire script, just for clarity's sake. You can see the post request towards the end of the script, inside the finaliseDay function.
Here is the error:
ReferenceError: $http is not defined
at l.$scope.finaliseDay (http://localhost:8888/goalzy.js:69:12)
at ib.functionCall (
at Dc.(anonymous function).compile.d.on.f (
at l.$get.l.$eval (
at l.$get.l.$apply (
at HTMLAnchorElement.<anonymous> (
at HTMLAnchorElement.c ( (anonymous function)angular.js:8557 $getangular.js:14502 $get.l.$applyangular.js:21440 (anonymous function)angular.js:3014 c
Here is the HTML first
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="goalzy">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="goalzy.js"></script>
<div class="container">
<div class="well">
<li>Hook up the API to persist data</li>
<div ng-controller="TodoController">
<span>{{remaining()}} of {{todos.length}} remaining today</span>
<span>You're at {{percentComplete()}}% completion</span>
[ finalise day ]
<ul class="unstyled">
<li ng-repeat="todo in todos">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="todo.done">
<span class="done-{{todo.done}}">{{todo.text}}</span>
<form ng-submit="addTodo()">
<input type="text" ng-model="todoText" size="30"
placeholder="add new todo here">
<input class="btn-primary" type="submit" value="add">
<div class="historial" ng-repeat="h in historicalDailyPercentages">
<li>Date: {{}}</li>
<li>Percentage of Daily Tasks Completed: {{h.percent}}%</li>
<li><div>Tweet it!</div></li>
And here is the JS:
angular.module('goalzy', [])
.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
$['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
.controller('TodoController', ['$scope','$http', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.todos = [];
$scope.historicalDailyPercentages = [];
$scope.addTodo = function() {
if ($scope.todoText != "") {
if ($scope.todos.length < 3) {
$scope.todos.push({text:$scope.todoText, done:false});
$scope.todoText = '';
//Save to DB
else {
alert("You can only have 3 todos per day!");
$scope.todoText = '';
} else {
alert("you must write something");
$scope.remaining = function() {
var count = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.todos, function(todo) {
count += todo.done ? 0 : 1;
return count;
$scope.percentComplete = function() {
var countCompleted = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.todos, function(todo) {
countCompleted += todo.done ? 1 : 0; //Simply calculates how many tasks have been completed
var totalCount = $scope.todos.length;
var percentComplete = countCompleted / totalCount * 100;
return percentComplete;
$scope.finaliseDay = function(percentComplete) {
alert("You're finalising this day with a percentage of: " + percentComplete);
var today = new Date();
var alreadyPresent = $scope.historicalDailyPercentages.some(function (item) {
return === today.getFullYear() && === today.getMonth() && === today.getDate();
//Confirm that nothing has alreayd been posted for today
if (!alreadyPresent) {
percent: percentComplete,
date: today
// Simple POST request example (passing data) :
$'/api/postDailyPercentage.php', {msg:'hello word!'}).
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously
// when the response is available
console.log("data" + data);
error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.
console.log("data" + data);
else {
alert("You're all set for today - see you tomorrow!");
Provider won't be available inside controller with suffix 'Provider', you can do access them by provider name only here it would be $http only, also remove ;
after config initialization
$httpProvider setting should be done inside the angular config phase
angular.module('goalzy', [])
.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
$['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
.controller('TodoController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
//controller code here
Note: For sure you should remove $['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; line from controller
Working Plunkr
You don't have to use "$httpProvider" in controller, use $http instead.
$['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8';
As best practice, do not configure provider ($http) in controller. Do it in config section. as below
var app = angular.module('goalzy', []);
app.config(function ($httpProvider) {
$['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8';
app.controller('TodoController', ['$scope','$http', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.title="scope title";
//$['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8';
see working plunk at with your html.
