How to get results with angular.js $http? - angularjs

I'm getting some problem getting the results from my api server with angularjs.
This is my code:
home.html (view)
<div class="jumbotron text-center">
<h1>Home Page</h1>
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<li ng-repeat="order in orders">{{order}}</li>
main.js (controller)
app.controller('mainController', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.message = 'Everyone come and see how good I look!';
$scope.orders = [];
$scope.getOrders = function(){
console.log("My data: " + response);
$scope.orders = response;
When I click the button, I can see the results in the console, but not in the list.
If use this code in the controller, it works when it loads, and when I click the button:
app.controller('mainController', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.message = 'Everyone come and see how good I look!';
console.log("My data: " + response);
$scope.orders = response;
$scope.getOrders = function(){
console.log("My data: " + response);
$scope.orders = response;
What is the problem ?

Seems like you were using ngRoute and you have href="#" in your anchor, which leads you redirection to blank page, Keep href="" will help you in css to show pointer: cursor; on hover of it

Thanks everybody for your help.
The problem was the link in the view...
would be:
<a ng-click="getOrders()">Orders!</a>


Integration of frontend(AngularJs) and backend(NodeJS) error

Angular code when run on json-server works fine, that is, the data from dishes array of db.json gets served. However, after integration with NodeJS, the data isn't getting served(from MongoDB to frontend). I am pretty sure that both the codes are correct and compatible with each other, as the same code used to work fine on my previous machine. Now, abruptly, even the code on that machine shows the same problem. On the machine on which the code was working, I had disconnected the MongoDB database, without stopping the express server code, whence the things got how they are now.
The integration problem is consistent on my other machine as well, on which I found out about the problem.
While checking the code on browser's console, "ng-src"(and probably other functionalities too) wasn't visible, if that gives a hint.
Following is my code:-
<div ng-controller="HomeController">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-offset-1 col-sm-3">
<div class="media">
<div class="media-top media-middle">
<a ui-sref="#">
<img class="media-object img-thumbnail" ng-src="{{dish.image}}" alt="MENU" >
<div class="media-body">
<h2 class="media-heading" style="color:red">This is Hot/Featured</h2>
.controller('HomeController', ['$scope', 'menuFactory', function($scope, menuFactory) {
function(response) {
var dishes = response;
$ dishes[0];
function(response) {
$scope.message='Error' + response.status+ " " + response.statusText;
.controller('HomeController', ['$scope', 'menuFactory', function($scope, menuFactory) {
function(response) {
var dishes = response;
$ dishes[0];
function(response) {
$scope.message='Error' + response.status+ " " + response.statusText;
.controller('HomeController', ['$scope', 'menuFactory', function($scope, menuFactory) {
function(response) {
var dishes = response;
$ dishes[0];
function(response) {
$scope.message='Error' + response.status+ " " + response.statusText;
.controller('HomeController', ['$scope', 'menuFactory', function($scope, menuFactory) {
function(response) {
var dishes = response;
$ dishes[0];
function(response) {
$scope.message='Error' + response.status+ " " + response.statusText;
Somebody please help me.
Thank you.

New to the MEAN stack, how to get data?

I'm programming for a college assignment and I've got no idea what I did wrong, so looking for pointers here.
So I'm trying to access events from a database and display them as thumbnails. Where am I going wrong?
HTML Code:
<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3" ng-repeat="event in" ng-controller="EventController as EventCtrl">
<div class="thumbnail tile tile-medium">
<a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#view-event-modal">
<img id = "eventImg" src="/img/sports.png" alt="Sports">
Angular Controller:
angular.module('EventCtrl', []).controller('EventController', function($http) {
.then(function(response) { = {} =;
Node function:
app.get('/events', function(req, res){
eventData = Event.find({}).toArray();
res.render('events', eventData);
Your controller should manipulate the $scope, and your view should interact with the scope.
Why don't try something like that
angular.module('EventCtrl', []).controller('EventController', function($scope, $http) {
$http.get("/events").then(function(response) {
$ =;

Http request in service successful but not able to show in view

I am working with Ionic and the api of The Movie Database. I wrote a service to make my http request which comes back all good. I get all my outputs in the console.log but for some reason I am still not able to show the data in the view. So I was wondering if I am doing it wrong when it comes to 2 way databinding
Code of my service:
angular.module('', [])
.service('HotMoviesService', function($http, $q){
var final_url = "";
var self = {
'hotMovies' : [],
'loadHotMovies' : function() {
var d = $q.defer();
.success(function success (data){
self.hotMovies = data.results;
d.resolve('The promise has been fulfilled');
.error(function error (msg){
console.error("There was an error retrieving the data " , msg);
d.reject("The promise was not fulfilled");
return d.promise;
return self;
My controller.js code:
angular.module('starter.controllers', ['ionic.contrib.ui.hscrollcards', ''])
.controller('StartCtrl', function($scope, $http, HotMoviesService) {
$scope.hotmovies = [];
HotMoviesService.loadHotMovies().then(function success (data){
$scope.hotmovies = HotMoviesService.hotmovies;
function error (data){
My html code:
<ion-view view-title="The Movie Bank">
<ion-content class="background">
<h1 class="padding titleStart">Welcome to The Movie Bank</h1>
<div class="logo"></div>
<!-- HOT -->
<a class="customHref" href="#/app/hot">
<h1 class="padding customH1">Hot</h1>
<ion-scroll direction="x" scrollbar-x="false">
<hcard ng-repeat="hotmovie in hotmovies">
<a href="#/app/hot/{{}}">
<img ng-src="{{hotmovie.poster_path}}" >
Here is a screenshot of my console, as you can see everything works fine:
You need hotMovies, note the "m" case:
$scope.hotmovies = HotMoviesService.hotMovies;

How can I use Ionic Pull to refresh

My controller:
.controller('ECtrl', function($scope, EService){
$ = []; // init events as empty array
EService.getAll().then(function (response) {
$ = response;
$scope.doRefresh = function() {
$'Incoming todo ' + Math.random());
console : Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
{{ event.conteudo }}
<i class="icon ion-chevron-right icon-accessory"></i>
I already tried to solve this problem but til now nothing
so I want to know How can bind the $ from my controller with a doRefresh() function?
please I need a example code.
In your template put it inside
<ion-refresher pulling-text="Pull to refresh" on-refresh="doRefresh()"></ion-refresher>
In conteroller
$scope.doRefresh = function() {
// here refresh data code
more info

page progress bar in Yeoman/angular signup page

Hi I'm just learning angular, and I was wondering if someone could let me know what I'm doing wrong with setting up this simple load bar in the Yeoman signup page
In the signup.controller.js, I have the following code:
'use strict';
.controller('SignupCtrl', function ($scope, $http, Auth, $location) {
$scope.user = {};
$scope.errors = {};
$scope.register = function(form) {
$scope.submitted = true;
if(form.$valid) {
summonerName: $scope.user.summonerName,
email: $,
password: $scope.user.password
.then( function() {
// Account created, redirect to home
.catch( function(err) {
err =;
$scope.errors = {};
// Update validity of form fields that match the mongoose errors
angular.forEach(err.errors, function(error, field) {
form[field].$setValidity('mongoose', false);
$scope.errors[field] = error.message;
$scope.$on('UNLOAD',function(){$scope.loading=false });
And in my signup.html, I have the following code:
<div ng-controller="loaderController">
<div class="alert alert-info" ng-show="loading">Summoning...</div>
<div ng-controller="myController">
<li ng-repeat="person in people">
I was able to get this to work easily without using Yeoman, using the code in this link
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Nevermind! I just got it to work. The problem is that I had the wrong name for the controller in the signup.html page
<div ng-controller="SignupCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="person in people">
