How to create makefile in cooja? - c

I am trying to make program for rssi measurement in cooja. Recently, I found that the makefile is a must for running the programs, but the /contiki/examples has so many examples with different makefile contents. For instance, "collect" uses certain apps in makefile. How to understand the apps and tools needed for my work? Please explain.

I'm afraid that this is a too generic question to answer here. You'll have to spend some time to learn about makefiles. Google for "writing makefiles". Then you might want to do some research, instead of letting others do you homework and come across Oh, and before you do RSSI-Measurements in Cooja you probably want to do some research on simulation of RSSI-values - with Cooja in particular, too.


C or C++ programming with contikiOS on Arduino Due

What I need to do is to compile and run a program written in C/C++ on Arduino.
I'm ok with every open source RTOS if it supports C especially struct.
So I have found contikiOS does that, and tried to get started.
But I guess contikiOS doesn't support Arduino port anymore and Due is quite recent model so that I couldn't find proper information.
If you know any information on it or want me to help, please give me an advice.
Ah, do you have any other recommendation for RTOS?
If what you need is to run a simple c/c++ software, you have to know that the arduino environment support c/c++ code, as explained in the arduino homepage
If for your requirements, you need to use a real time operating system, there is a contikiOS version for Arduino (Contiki-Arduino).
Last but not least, if you are a beginner, i would advice you to use a popular RTOS, to find support on internet easily if you need it. Sadly, i am not an expert on that field. But when i google it, i find Duinos, maybe you could have a look on it.

practicing C over the summer

I'm a student with a bit of experience in Java and C++ (one semester each)
Currently, I'm going through K&R and working on the exercises in the book. However, I was thinking of what I could work on over the summer since I'm almost done with K&R and I will have a lot of free time soon.
I really like building command line applications so I was thinking of getting involved with the coreutils project somehow. My question is, is it too early for me to be messing with coreutils? Should I be working on something a bit simpler perhaps? I'm a bit new with the Linux/Open source world if that matters but I'm really enjoying it.
I've done some project euler problems and I don't really like it that much.
Download the Nethack sources. Play it. If you ever get past that stage, then add some new and interesting monsters, weapons, traps and other objects.
You can do various other things with C:
Use various data structures like Link-list, tree, hash, heap
Try coding various algorithm implementation
Play with various string manipulation
Work with basic system and socket programing
List goes on..
There are (I'd argue) probably only a couple of places where C is still used extensively in preference to C++, so if you want to make a difference in the Open Source world I'd recommend thinking about working in one of the following areas:
Device drivers, and indeed most aspects of OS kernels.
Interfaces to scripting languages (Python, Perl, Lua etc.)
In both cases, C++ has no significant advantage, or some significant disadvantages, over C.
I agree absolutely with Mark's comment above that it is difficult to join a mature project. I have recently been trying to get a Haskell binding put together for SWIG, and it has proven to be pretty tricky - and I say that with over 20 years of C and about 15 of C++ behind me!
The problem is that mature codebases usually are not so clean, and this means that it can be difficult to understand how things hang together.
If you have the case, working on ARM device such as a Pandora or one of the other small embedded devices you can pick up is a lot of fun, and will teach quite a bit. In many cases what you are looking for is a device with a 'community' Linux port, and for many of these there are some quite basic components which are not yet working.
Good luck, and have fun!
I agree with Jeremy O'Donoghue's answer (since I am also a Mobile Device developer). Go install a 32-bit linux distro (if you don't already have), and start hacking Android Source Code.
There are many mailing-lists dedicated for the Android and you might try discuss some idea from there.
And there is also Google Summer of Code if you can make it

Documentation for CMX ColdFire USB-Lite stack

This is my first embedded project, so bear with my ignorance. I've been asked to implement Remote NDIS over USB, using the ColdFire USB-Lite stack by CMX. I've been searching for a long time now, and can't find any clear documentation for this stack.
It comes with some woefully documented sample code and the only useful resource I've been able to find online is this Application Note (PDF) by Eric Gregori.
What I really want is an explanation of all the functions in the API. I can work out how to use them. Does this exist? Can someone point me to it?
EDIT: Nevermind.
After tracing the execution across 14 half-documented source files (from the example program) and scrutinizing a bunch of undocumented variables and buffers, and doing a diff between corresponding files in different projects, I think I finally get it. So I guess taught me patience... or something.
The link you referred to doesn't work for me, but the name of the file made me look at the Freescale pages, and if that's not the document you intended to link to, it might be the documentation you need.

Performing BLAST/SmithWaterman searches directly from my application

I'm working on a small application and thinking about integrating BLAST or other local alignment searches into my application. My searching has only brought up programs, which need to be installed and called as an external program.
Is there a way short of me implementing it from scratch? Any pre-made library perhaps?
Does it have to be in C, or would C++ also be OK? If so, you might want to look at the SeqAn library here.
This is a topic which has also to do with reproducibility of results: it is always better to use the raw blast binary provided by NCBI or UCSC, because it will make your results easeir to reproduce by other scientists and will save you a lot of time spent on writing tests (more time than you can imagine).
For the day-to-day work I have often used exonerate, a tool written in C which can do both global and local alignment, has a simple unix-like interface, and doesn't require to format your input as with blast.
Moreover, take in mind that people usually use a combination of makefiles and scripts to define a pipeline, instead of calling everything from a script: most programming languages are not good to define pipelines, while automated build tools like Make are not useful for scripting tasks. Have a look at these examples:
I just stumbled across the thing I would have wanted: The NCBI C++ Toolkit. Thanks for all the suggestions though.
The BLAST algorithm was implemented ~20 years ago, it is now a very big algorithm and I cannot imagine it can be easily implemented from scratch. You can try to learn about it when looking at the sources of the 'blastall' program in the NCBI toolkit.
A simpler pairwise algorithm (Swith Waterman, Needleman-Wunsch )should be easier to implement:
Computational Molecular Biology: An Introduction has code for Smith-Waterman and other dynamic programming alignment algorithms.
I use NetBLAST through the blastcl3 client binary. I believe that the blastcl3 binary is a pretty thin client for the NetBLAST web service.
If so, it shouldn't be too hard to sniff the packets and implement your own client. Depending on your use case, this might be faster/easier than implementing your own alignment algorithm. It does, however, introduce a dependency to NCBI's web services.
I posted a similar question (running BLAST (bl2seq) without creating sequence files)
Basically, the answer I came up with was running this command:
bl2seq -i<(echo sequence1) -j(echo sequence2) -p blastn
That pipes the result of the echo command to the bl2seq (blast 2 sequences) program.
But I couldn't get it to work via calling system from Python

C makefile to compile OpenGL project directly on iphone

Please direct me if this question has already been asked; I did a search on the topic unable to find yet.
I am having trouble putting together a makefile that will take one or more .c OpenGL project files, uses apple-arm-darwin9 and OpenGL framework to compile into object directly on the iphone (using bash). For some reason whatever combination of framework or LIBPATH I use I am constantly seeing exceptions thrown - if anyone can point me to the right direction I'd be well on my way. Thanks
Too generic, and two different issues.
One, the problem of finding a command (or series of commands) that does correctly compile your code.
Two, writing a Makefile to do the job.
I'd help you with the latter, but you have to figure out the former first (which has nothing to do with Makefiles at all)...
