C makefile to compile OpenGL project directly on iphone - c

Please direct me if this question has already been asked; I did a search on the topic unable to find yet.
I am having trouble putting together a makefile that will take one or more .c OpenGL project files, uses apple-arm-darwin9 and OpenGL framework to compile into object directly on the iphone (using bash). For some reason whatever combination of framework or LIBPATH I use I am constantly seeing exceptions thrown - if anyone can point me to the right direction I'd be well on my way. Thanks

Too generic, and two different issues.
One, the problem of finding a command (or series of commands) that does correctly compile your code.
Two, writing a Makefile to do the job.
I'd help you with the latter, but you have to figure out the former first (which has nothing to do with Makefiles at all)...


switches in Triangle program

A weeks ago, I started learning about the Triangle program, which is used to generate meshes.
I attach the link from where you can download its zip file and read about it:
I am having trouble running the example using in Linux Ubuntu, which is supposed to be run trivially.
In particular, I don't understand what are exactly the switches that are mentioned in the makefile.
How exactly am I supposed to choose the optimization using switches? Do I need to modify the C source code or is something I need to specify before compiling it on Linux terminal somehow?
Besides, I am required to use the -DLINUX switches in order for arithmetics to run well. I would also need to know where I need to specify this.
If it helps, I am getting errors in the terminal notifying me that there are: "Undefined reference to sqrt" and " "Undefined reference to cos".
I really need help on this because my understanding on Linux and C is quite weak.
Thanks very much.

How to create makefile in cooja?

I am trying to make program for rssi measurement in cooja. Recently, I found that the makefile is a must for running the programs, but the /contiki/examples has so many examples with different makefile contents. For instance, "collect" uses certain apps in makefile. How to understand the apps and tools needed for my work? Please explain.
I'm afraid that this is a too generic question to answer here. You'll have to spend some time to learn about makefiles. Google for "writing makefiles". Then you might want to do some research, instead of letting others do you homework and come across https://github.com/contiki-os/contiki/wiki/Contiki-Build-System. Oh, and before you do RSSI-Measurements in Cooja you probably want to do some research on simulation of RSSI-values - with Cooja in particular, too.

Synchronize single c header file between two projects

I have a radio chip (connected to an embedded processor) which I have written a library for. I want to develop the protocol to use with the rf chip on a PC (Ubuntu). In order to do so I have copied the header file of my library into a new folder, but created an entirely new implementation in a new c file and compile for the PC with gcc. This approach has worked better than expected and I'm able to prototype code that calls the rf lib on the PC and simply copy it right over to the real project with little or no changes.
I do have one small problem. Any changes I make in the the library's header file need to be manually copied between the two project folders. Not a big deal, but since this has worked so well, I can see doing things like this again in the future, and would like to link the API headers between the real and "emulated" environments when doing so. I have thought about using git submodules to do so, but I'm not fond of lots of folders in my projects especially if most of them only contain one or two files each. I could use the c preprocessor to swap in the right code at compile time, but that doesn't cover the changes in my Makefile to call the right compiler with the right fags.
I'm wondering if anyone else has ever done something similar, and what their approach was?
Thanks guys!
maybe you should create a "rflib" and treat it as an external library that you use within your embedded project.
develop on one side and update to the newest version on the other.
An obvious (but fairly hacky) solution is to use a symlink.
I think the best solution, since they will share so much code, would be to just merge the two projects and have two different makefile targets for the binaries.

Build a makefile dependency / inheritance tree

Apologies if I explain this badly or am asking something bleeding obvious but I'm new to the Linux kernel and kinda in at the deep end...
We have an embedded-linux system which arrives with a (very badly documented) SDK containing hundreds of folders of stuff, most folders containing a rules.make, make, make.config or some variation of... and the root folder containing a "master" makefile & rules.make which mean that you can, from the root folder, type "make sysall" and it builds the entire package.
So far so good, but trying to debug it is a bit of an issue as the documentation will say something like:
"To get the kernel to output debug messages, just define #outputdebugmessagesplz"
OK, but some of these things are defined in the "master" make/rules file, some of these are defined in the child make/rules/config files, some are in .h files... and of course it's far nicer to turn these things on/off from the "top" make.config rather than modifying individual .h files and then having to remember to turn them off again.
So I thought it would be a useful thing to recursively build a tree, starting from the master "make" file and following everything it does, everything that gets defined or re-defined, etc... but there doesn't seem to be a simple way of doing that?
I assume I am missing a "make" option here that spits this info out, or a usage of the makefile/config that will just work?
Your situation is not uncommon. When developing for embedded systems, you might encounter many custom systems that solve a problem in a specific way. As people already commented on your question, there's no easy way to generate a dependency graph for your makefile structure/framework. But there are some things you can try, and I'll try to base my suggestions based on your situation. Since you've said:
Im new to the Linux kernel and kinda in at the deep end...
We have an embedded-linux system which arrives with a (very badly
documented) SDK containing hundreds of folders of stuff
You could try the following things:
If your SDK is provided by a third-party vendor, try contacting them and get some support.
SDK's usually provide an abstraction to work with several components without a deep understanding of how each one of them really works. Try to pinpoint your problem, like if you want to customize only the kernel configuration, you could find the linux kernel folder on your SDK (assuming your SDK is composed of a set of folders with things like libraries, source code of applications and stuff, one of them might be the kernel one) and run make menuconfig. This will open a ncurses-based configuration GUI that you can navigate and choose kernel options.
As people already pointed out, you can try to run make -n and check the output. You could also try to run make -p | less and inspect the output, but I don't recommend this since it will only print the data base (rules and variable values) that results from reading the makefiles. You would have to parse this output to find out what you want in it.
Basically, you should try to pinpoint what you want to customize and see how this interacts with your SDK. If it's the kernel, then working only with it will give you a starting point. The linux kernel has its own makefile-build system, named kbuild. You can find more information about it at the kernel's Documentation folder.
Besides that, trying to understand how makefiles work will help you if you have a complex makefile structure controlling several components. The following are good resources to learn about makefiles:
GNU Make official documentation
O'Reilly's Open Book "Managing Projects with GNU Make"
Also, before trying to build your own tool, you can check if there's an open source project that does what you want. A quick search on google gave me this:
Also, check this question and this one. You might find useful information from people that had the same problems as you did.
Hope it helps!

Building standalone OCaml program

I'm getting crazy while trying to understand how to produce a binary in OCaml that doesn't need anything too specific (eg. having anything as OCaml build tools installed).
I'm using OMake and everything seems enough cool while working on my machine, also linking libs with
OCAMLPACKS[] = str unix batteries
works quite well, but if I try to distribute the executable it gives me the following error:
Fatal error: exception Sys_error("/usr/godi/share/camomile/database/general_category.mar: No such file or directory")
yes I'm using GODI but I don't see any apparent reason for this error, can anyone enlighten me? In addition, if you have any tricks regarding building stand-alone applications please tell me (I'm already arguing with GODI that compiled everylib just in its x64 version and now I'm unable to produce x86 executables)
Thanks in advance
The camomile library requires runtime configuration. See README.txt for informations about how to set it up.
In particular, it requires runtime files (the missing .mar you see) to correctly work.
I don't use OMake, neither batteries, neither GODI nor Camomile. But from what I see the problem seems to come from the fact that you link against Batteries which I guess must use Camomile internally and Camomile relies on data stored in the file system to provide some of its service. It fails to load if that data is not present on the final host.
Note that shipping purely static excutables is something that is fairly simple to do with OCaml. But for that you need to consider which libraries you use (e.g. if you use camomille you will have to ship the support files with).
