How can I let users choose an OpenCL device? - c

I'm writing a python/C application that uses OpenCL and I'd like to let the user choose his/her favorite OpenCL device to run it on.
This should happen offline, with the preferred device stored in an ini file.
Does anybody have an idea how to do this? The device ids aren't consistent between process calls, so I could store the device names and then perform string matching?

The examples I've seen query the available platforms/devices (clGetAvailablePlatforms/Devices) and put the names in a combo box, then use the "selected index" of the combo box as indication of which device the user wants to use at runtime.
So I'd say let the user select the index of the device as it shows up in clGetAvailablePlatforms/Device. The only problem with this is that if the user is constantly chaginging graphics cards or driver versions, the order can change. Then you need to get the precise device name string (which can also change between driver version - although vendors usually don't do that).


How to get specific values (eg. battery2, servo outputs) available in Mission Planner through Dronekit?

I am currently using dronekit-python to implement somewhat of a Mission Planner clone, as an API. I've generally been able to replicate most important features from Mission Planner; however, some features don't seem to be present.
One such feature is reading live servo outputs, which can be done in Setup > Mandatory Hardware > Servo Output (image below). I have been able to emulate getting/setting the output's function, min, trim, max, and reversed values through parameters. However, I cannot seem to access the live position values through dronekit. How would you go about this?
A second feature is reading specific values from the plane, beyond the class attributes present. This is available in Mission Planner when double-clicking a value in the Quick pane in order to change what measurement is displayed (image below). For my use case, I'd like to specifically access battery_voltage2 and battery_remaining2, as these are vital measurements for our system. I tried using vehicle.battery in dronekit, but this seems to only display data from battery 1. Any ideas?
Thank You so much for the help!
It might be possible to get the battery information and other information from the drone by using Mavlink messages. For battery information, look at the BATTERY_STATUS (#147) Mavlink message. For servo information, look at the SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW (#36) message.
In order to receive these messages, look into using message listeners from dronekit-python. You should be able to receive and parse the Mavlink message.
In general, you can use message listeners and the dronekit-python message factory to receive and send Mavlink messages, which allows you more control than some of the built-in dronekit functions. If you decide to control the drone this way, though, be careful because it's pretty easy to mess up your logic and have the drone behave unexpectedly.
Hope this helps!

How to identify device uniquely?

Firstly, I know about the duplicates. We're not talking about iOs/Android/KindOfDevice-only, as the others & cookies are not the way I want to go.
So I want to bypass the need of a password or something by "binding" my service (which is only an idea by now) to the device used.
An E-Mail and stuff would be needed of course, to keep your devices bundled.
What would your approaches be?
My thoughts so far
My first idea was using the mac-adress, because I heard that they're unique. But a quick google told me that's not really true.
On Phones I could use the phone number or the IMEI, but I don't want it to be restricted to phones, it should be usable by web, too.
I guess when we talk about a web-solution, stuff would get even more tricky because browsers won't let the service go really deep into the system and stuff?
Of course I guess there needs to be a combination of two or more things. So two not-so-unique things combine to an 99%-unique-thing?
I just need some help about how to go on with this problem, a direction, because if you google terms like "unique device identification" you only get this medicine-thing..
In my project I use
var secureUDID = (UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString)!
which - Returns a string created from the UUID, such as “E621E1F8-C36C-495A-93FC-0C247A3E6E5F”.
UUID - An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies a device to the app’s vendor.

How can I swap my primary monitor in a batch file?

Everything is pretty much in the title, I have tested using Display Changer but without success because my monitor are both named "Generic PnP Monitor" so I can't say which screen must be set as the primary. I've seen that i need to download the drivers to get my monitor a name but both of my monitor don't have driver for Windows 10. I would think there must be a way to simply swap the principal screen to the other one or something like that but I haven't seen anyone do it.
Maybe you can try nircmd.exe which is a small but powerful command-line utility .
setdisplay {monitor:index/name} [width] [height] [color bits] {refresh rate} {-updatereg} {-allusers}
....... You can specify the monitor by index (0 for the first monitor, 1 for the second one, and so on) or by specifying a string in the system monitor name...........
Another solution is to use the multi monitor tool, as it allows for more functionality towards switching monitors, such as moving windows as well. Also has a simpler command for the basic task at hand.
/SetPrimary <Monitor>
Set the primary monitor.
MultiMonitorTool.exe /SetPrimary 2

Associate OpenCL device with NVAPI device

I am trying to associate the OpenCL GPU devices with NVAPI devices which I get using NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs in the Multi-GPU system.
The thing is, I can use clGetDeviceInfo with CL_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID which is always unique and it is the best way, and I can retrieve the vendor from the NvAPI_SYS_GetChipSetInfo. But it is not associated with the NvPhysicalGpuHandle which I get from NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs. Is there any way to associate this?
Of course, I can just use name, but this is not good.
There is a way to do it. In OpenCL there is a poor documented feature for some reason. You need to call clGetDeviceInfo with constant 0x4008 and it will give you the bus id for the following device handle.
cl_uint busID;
clGetDeviceInfo(device,0x4008,sizeof(cl_uint), &busID,NULL);
On NvApi side use NvAPI_GPU_GetBusId. Then you can associate the handles by comapring the buses.

Identifying that a resolution is virtual on a X11 screen by it's API (or extensions)

I'm working in a embarked application on linux that can be used with different PC hardware (displays specifically)
This application should set the environment for the highest allowed resolution (get by
the function XRRSizes from libXrandr).
The problem is: With some hardware, trying to set for the highest option creates a virtual desktop i.e. a desktop where the real resolution is smaller and you have to scroll w/ the mouse in the edges of the screen to access all of it.
Is there a way to detect within the Xlib (or one of it's siblings) that I am working with a virtual resolution (In other words, the re-size didn't go as expected) ?
Hints for a work around for this situation would also be appreciated...
Read this:
You need to learn the difference between "screen", "output" and "crtc". You need to check the modes available for each of the outputs you want to use, and then properly set the modes you want on the CRTCs, associate the CRTCs with the outputs, and then make the screen size fit the values you set on each output.
Take a look at the xrandr source code for examples:
