Associate OpenCL device with NVAPI device - c

I am trying to associate the OpenCL GPU devices with NVAPI devices which I get using NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs in the Multi-GPU system.
The thing is, I can use clGetDeviceInfo with CL_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID which is always unique and it is the best way, and I can retrieve the vendor from the NvAPI_SYS_GetChipSetInfo. But it is not associated with the NvPhysicalGpuHandle which I get from NvAPI_EnumPhysicalGPUs. Is there any way to associate this?
Of course, I can just use name, but this is not good.

There is a way to do it. In OpenCL there is a poor documented feature for some reason. You need to call clGetDeviceInfo with constant 0x4008 and it will give you the bus id for the following device handle.
cl_uint busID;
clGetDeviceInfo(device,0x4008,sizeof(cl_uint), &busID,NULL);
On NvApi side use NvAPI_GPU_GetBusId. Then you can associate the handles by comapring the buses.


I want to know when someone makes a phone call, what will the signal received from a phone look like?

I am learning to rewrite the code for the microcontroller integrated in the development Sim modules (such as Sim800C) to be able to control switching a device without having to use another MCU. If we can do that, we only need to add 1 transistor to be able to control a relay on and off.
I know at the output of the MCU (eg STM32F...) inside the sim module (eg sim800C) there will be a function to receive and read personal information stored in the sim card and decode the signal emitted from the Mobile base station: For example, when a call comes in, it will generate the sequence:
+CLIP: "01203360211",161,"",0,"",0
So can anyone help me to know when the MCU outputs a string like the above, what will be its input 11110000,...? or something special in some form? I'm really confused. Thanks everyone!

Is CreateCompatibleDC() necessary working with windows on one display?

This example code manually reads a bitmap file, uses CreateDIBSection() to make GDI allocate memory for it, and create an hbitmap handle. Then it uses a MemoryDC to draw the bitmap to a window DC:
hdc = BeginPaint (hwnd, &ps) ;
hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC (hdc) ;
Why can't we use GetDC() with NULL or with hwndDesktop instead? Why can't we cache the device context instead of repeatedly creating it?
If the machine has only one display device and we are only drawing to windows why do we need to constantly harmonize bitmaps and device contexts? Once the pixeldata is copied to the buffer provided by GDI, does GDI update it when that HBITMAP is loaded into a DC and drawn on? If the user also wishes to draw on it is it necessary to synchronize access? (By calling GDIFlush() first?)
It's hard to figure this out when most all of the object properties are opaque and abstracted. I've read almost all of the related MSDN, a lot of Petzold's book, and some articles:
Display Device Contexts
Memory Device Contexts
Guide to Win32 Memory DC
Guide to WIN32 Paint for Intermediates
Programming Windows®, Fifth Edition
I think my question boils down to this:
Is a device context a TYPE of display or is it an INSTANCE of graphical data that is able to be displayed. A computer typically has only a handful of displays but it could have hundreds of things to display on them.
GetDC(NULL) is the screen HDC and the screen is a shared resource, therefore you should only do read/query operations on this HDC. Writing to this HDC is not a good idea on Vista and higher because of the DWM.
Since a HDC can only contain one bitmap, one brush and one pen, Windows/applications obviously need more than one HDC provided by the graphics engine.
You can count on CreateCompatibleDC to be relatively cheap operation and I believe Windows has a cache of DCs it can hand out. If you are creating a game/animation type application you might want to cache some of these graphic objects on your own but a normal application should not.
You don't generally call GDIFlush unless you are sharing GDI objects across several threads. You can use SetDIBits if you want to mix raw pixel bytes access and GDI.
I don't really get the once screen argument, Windows has supported multiple monitors since Windows 98 and there is not much you can do to prevent the user from connecting another monitor.
I think your problem is that you are getting hung up on Microsoft's names for things, Microsoft's name "device context" and the names for calls like "CreateCompatibleDC".
"Device Context" is a bad name. The Win32 documentation will tell you that a device context is a data structure for storing the state of a particular device used for rendering graphics commands. This is only partially true. Look at the different kinds of DCs that exist: (1) screen device contexts, (2) printer device contexts, (3) the device context used by a bitmap in memory, and (4) metafile device contexts. Of these only (1) or (2) are actually doing exactly what the documentation claims they are doing. In the other cases device contexts serve as a target for drawing calls but not as containers for the state of some physical device. (This is really noticeably true in the case of metafile DC's: metafiles were an old Win32 thing that basically just cache the GDI calls going in to them to be replayed later, kind of a crude vector format.)
In a hypothetical object oriented programming version of Win32, device contexts could be instances of some class that implements an interface that exposes graphics drawing calls. A better name for such a class would be something like "Graphics" and indeed in GDI+ this is what the analogous construct is actually called. When we "Create" -- via CreateDC, CreateCompatibleDC, etc. -- we create one of these objects. When we GetDC we grab such an object that already exists.
To answer your questions:
Is a device context a TYPE of display or is it an INSTANCE of graphical data that is able to be displayed. ?
They are in so sense types of displays. You can think of them as instances of a class of objects with private implementations that expose a public interface exposing drawing commands.
Why can't we use GetDC() with NULL or with hwndDesktop instead?
You can't use GetDC(NULL) as the device context into which you are going to select an in memory bitmap because in such a situation you need to create a device context that does not already exist; GetDC(NULL) is like a singleton instance that is already in use.
So instead you usually CreateCompatibleDC(NULL) or CreateCompatibleDC(hdcScreen). Again CreateCompatibleDC(...) is a confusing name. Imagine the hypothetical object-oriented version of what is going on here. Say there is an IGraphics interface that is implemented by RasterGraphics, PrinterGraphics, and MetafileGraphics. Imagine the "RasterGraphics" class is used for both the screen and for in memory bitmaps. Then CreateCompatibleDC(...) would be would be like a factory call Graphics.CreateFrom(IGraphics g) that return a new instance of the same concrete type with perhaps some state variables initialized.
Why can't we cache the device context instead of repeatedly creating it?
You can. You do not need to delete device contexts across function calls. The only reason people often do is that they are a shared, finite resource and creating them is cheap. I think actually that they used to be very limited under old versions of Windows so old Win32 programmers tend to not cache them out of muscle memory from the old days, from Windows 95 days.
If the machine has only one display device and we are only drawing to windows why do we need to constantly harmonize bitmaps and device contexts?
Don't think of the "compatible" in CreateCompatibleDC(...) to be about "harmonizing with the screen" think of it as meaning "Okay Windows I want to create one of your graphics interface objects and I want the kind like this one, which is a normal raster graphics one and not for printers or for metafiles."

Multiple identical I2C sensors with the vl53L0x API (ST Microelectronics)

In a professional context, I have to use the vl53L0x. This sensor was released recently, along with it's API, meaning that there's no help on the internet yet :
This API contains some source and headers file, that I compiled with the gcc. It works fine, despite clearly lacking comments. I flash the memory of a stm32 (NUCLEO-F401RE), which controls a vl53L0x sensor via an I2C bus. I now want to add more vl53L0x sensors on the same I2C bus, and refer to this document (if you want to read it, go directly to the bottom half of the page 5, the wiring is already done) :
The principle, that I already applied on other sensors, is that they all start with the same address. You then have to activate one, change it's address, then activate the next one, change it's address, etc.
Unfortunately, ST Microelectronics didn't publish the list of the I2C registers, so I have to use their API to control multiple sensors. The document linked above explains how to do so. Among other things, it specifies :
In vl53L0x_platform.h API file
• Set VL53L0x_SINGLE_DEVICE_DRIVER macro to 0 so that API implementation will
be automatically adapted to a multi-device context.
I looked everywhere in the API folder, I was not able to find any reference to a VL53L0x_SINGLE_DEVICE_DRIVER macro. Setting it to 0 won't change anything, as this string is not present anywhere in the API files. Did anyone run into a similar problem ?
I'm working on the same thing. It seems that you're further ahead than I am. However, putting this in my while(1) loop seems to make both the sensors work.
The guide says that in order to use all the sensors simultaneously, you need to pull the XSHUT pin high for all the sensors, reset the timestamp and then pick up the sensor which actually detects something.

How can I let users choose an OpenCL device?

I'm writing a python/C application that uses OpenCL and I'd like to let the user choose his/her favorite OpenCL device to run it on.
This should happen offline, with the preferred device stored in an ini file.
Does anybody have an idea how to do this? The device ids aren't consistent between process calls, so I could store the device names and then perform string matching?
The examples I've seen query the available platforms/devices (clGetAvailablePlatforms/Devices) and put the names in a combo box, then use the "selected index" of the combo box as indication of which device the user wants to use at runtime.
So I'd say let the user select the index of the device as it shows up in clGetAvailablePlatforms/Device. The only problem with this is that if the user is constantly chaginging graphics cards or driver versions, the order can change. Then you need to get the precise device name string (which can also change between driver version - although vendors usually don't do that).

sharing variables between 2 different software modules in c

I am trying to make some changes to the atheros wireless driver.
I am trying to find a way for passing the value of "rx_stats->rs_rssi" from recv.c (./drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath9k/recv.c)
to the file wme.c
my goal is to use the rssi value for smarter queuing choices.
Create an API in recv.c (exported in recv.h) which returns the value in question. This allows any module that needs it access to the value.
