DCRaw says I should compile with -O4 in gcc. Does -O4 exist? - c

I was looking at building DCRaw from the source. On its web page it recommends that I build with one of the following lines.
Compile with "gcc -o dcraw -O4 dcraw.c -lm -ljasper -ljpeg -llcms2" or "gcc -o dcraw -O4 dcraw.c -lm -DNODEPS".
I have never heard of -O4 in gcc. How is that different from -O3?

The maximum level of optimizations with gcc is -O3. Using -O4 (or -O5, -O6, ..., -O9) actually reverts to -O3. There is no guarantee theses options are supported or will behave differently in the future, so just use -O3 for portability.
gcc -c -Q -O3 --help=optimizers > /tmp/O3-opts
gcc -c -Q -O4 --help=optimizers > /tmp/O4-opts
diff -u /tmp/O3-opts /tmp/O4-opts

Currently -O3 is the highest numbered option that actually adds flags. gcc's numbered optimization levels are cumulative. That is, -O3 includes all the -O2 flags and -O2 includes all of the -O1 flags. This leaves the door open for a future -O4 that would include all of -O3 plus more.
The actual flags are in the documentation but I think you get a better insight from the code itself.


gcc l option order? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why does the order in which libraries are linked sometimes cause errors in GCC?
(9 answers)
Closed last year.
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -I/usr/local/include MyAddressBook.pb-c.c addressbooktest.c -lprotobuf-c -o test
worked, but
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -I/usr/local/include -lprotobuf-c -o addressbooktest addressbooktest.c MyAddressBook.pb-c.c
man gcc said that
For the most part, the order you use doesn't matter.
Order does matter when you use several options of the same kind; for example, if you specify -L
more than once, the directories are searched in the order specified. Also, the placement of
the -l option is significant.
however I cannot understand how the use of -L and -l option change compile logic.
How can I know where to use -L, -l option?
When you use
gcc -g -O2 -Wall -I/usr/local/include -lprotobuf-c -o addressbooktest addressbooktest.c MyAddressBook.pb-c.c
the linker (which is a separate program which is invoked by the gcc front-end program) runs, it will find the library protobuf-c but since no one (yet) uses any functions from it, it will be ignored.

gprof output is empty

Using gprof 2.28 and gcc 6.3.0 in Ubuntu 17.04 on a variety of sample programs I get empty output for every category. If I run gprof -i on one example program I get:
1 histogram record
2 call-graph records
0 basic-block count records
My compilation looks something like this:
cc -g -c sem_test.c -pg
cc -o sem_test sem_test.o -lpthread -pg
Or this:
gcc -g3 -O0 -Wall -std=gnu99 -pg -fprofile-arcs -fno-inline -fno-reorder-functions sem_test.c -o sem_test -lpthread -pg
Both have the same results.
I notice that my gmon.out file is only 687 bytes which seems low.
This is a glibc bug/limitation:
-pg -pie doesn't work
If you cannot install a fixed glibc, you can link with -no-pie to disable PIE. Your toolchain probably enables PIE automatically.

gcc linking object files with warning/optimization flags

We are compiling a piece of software using generics where files are first made into object files, they are built like so:
arm-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -O2 -Wstrict-prototypes -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fsigned-char -I/opt/tm-sdk/include -mlittle-endian -Wno-trigraphs -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-omit-frame-pointer -march=armv4 -mtune=arm9tdmi -Wall -Wextra -o src/flex.o src/flex.c
arm-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -c -O2 -Wstrict-prototypes -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fsigned-char -I/opt/tm-sdk/include -mlittle-endian -Wno-trigraphs -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-omit-frame-pointer -march=armv4 -mtune=arm9tdmi -Wall -Wextra -o src/flexdb.o src/flexdb.c
Then they are linked with:
arm-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc -o flex src/flex.o src/flexdb.o src/flexio.o src/flexprotocol.o src/flexsettings.o src/flexstate.o -L/opt/tm-sdk/lib -ltag -lrt -ltmreader -lsqlite3 -lsha1
My questions is:
Do we need to include optimization and warning flags during linking? Would it do anything if -Wall, -Wextra, and -O2 were included when creating the flex binary from the object files?
Edit: Clarifying meaning based on feedback.
Do we need to include optimization and warning flags during this final stage of compilation?
Of course you don't need to include them for the link stage. You already know that, because you don't include them. But I think what you really want to know is ...
Would it do anything if -Wall, -Wextra, and -O2 were included when building the flex binary from object files.
All or almost all warnings are generated during the compilation stage. I don't off-hand know any exceptions, but it's conceivable that there are some. Thus, it's possible that passing warning-related flags during linking would trigger warnings that otherwise you would not receive. But that shouldn't affect the compiled binary in any way.
Optimization is different. There are optimizations that can be performed at link time, but that might not be performed at the default optimization level. Omitting optimization flags from the link command should not break your build, but including them may result in a binary that is faster and / or smaller.
Overall, I see no good reason to avoid passing the same warning and optimization flags during the link step that you do during the compilation steps. If you wish, it's not harmful to pass preprocessor-specific flags (e.g. -D) as well, as they'll just be ignored during linking. I presume that all this is managed by make, so it's not like you actually need to type out the options every time.
NO You're just calling the linker with the final call to gcc and -W and -O flags are for the compiler.
-Wall is primarily a preprocessor option, but there is also a reference for the libraries. See here
-Wextra appears to be strictly a c++ preprocessor option. See here
-O2 is a compiler optimization level setting. See here
So to answer your precise question, only -Wall would possibly help during your link step. The other two would not. You could test this by building with and without these options, seeing if any additional output is created in the case of warnings and if the code size or execution time differed between builds.

How do you use PGO + LTO optimization with GCC

I've been researching a lot lately on how PGO and LTO can significantly optimize a programs speed (some say around 20%). I currently just program in C and build GUI's with GTK+ in Windows (compiling everything through GCC) and only use -O2 for optimization.
I've been reading to compile with the flags
gcc -Wall -g -mwindows -O3 -fprofile-generate -flto example.c -o example.exe `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-3.0`
a .gcno and a .gcda file is created, then you run the compiled .exe a bunch of times then just re-compile the same .c file again but swap the "-fprofile-generate" with "-fprofile-use"? (while making sure all these files stay in the same folder/directory, and use a different name for the .exe compiled the second time)
gcc -Wall -g -mwindows -O3 -fprofile-use -flto example.c -o program.exe `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-3.0`
Or do you make use of the .gcno/.gcda file somehow? Also read things about using a "benchmark".
What are the steps to use it in GCC? (Step by step guide would help :)

Can't name executable with specified optimization

I have to turn off optimizations while compiling c code I wrote while using the gcc compiler on a linux. I have found that I can compile the code but I can only get the code to compile without the executable name specified (default to a.out).
So this works:
gcc -O0 Problem04b.c
But my problem is that I have to submit this assignment and I can't submit an executable called a.out because my instructor needs to know which problem it is. I realize I can probably just run
cp a.out Problem04b
rm a.out
but I want to know if there is a way I can just compile the code directly into the executable Problem04b. I've tried to run the command like this:
gcc -O0 Problem04b Problem04b.c
but I'm having no luck.
Thanks for your help.
It's the -o flag:
gcc -O0 -o Problem04b Problem04b.c
To specify the output file, you need to use the -o <filename> option with gcc.
Note : Please mind the lower case here
In your case, it should be
gcc -O0 -o Problem04b Problem04b.c
For reference: From gcc manual
-o file
Place output in file file. This applies to whatever sort of output is being produced, whether it be an executable file, an object file, an assembler file or preprocessed C code.
Actually, you also want to get warnings (that won't change the produced executable, but it is very helpful to you), so compile with
gcc -O0 -Wall -Wextra Problem04b.c -o Problem04b
The -Wall option asks for nearly all warnings, the -Wextra option asks for even more of them.
To run your thing (the ./ is useful because of possible PATH issues):
Notice that -O0 is optional (since it is the default), you could remove it.
gcc -Wall -Wextra Problem04b.c -o Problem04b
If you want real optimization, e.g. for benchmarking, use e.g. -O1 or -O2 or -O3
You probably want to compile with debug information, then
gcc -g -Wall -Wextra Problem04b.c -o Problem04b
and of course you need to learn how to use the GDB debugger. So read some tutorial about that, then type
gdb ./Problem04b
You'll get a (gdb) prompt. Try help at that time.
You probably want to read the chapter about invoking GCC of the GCC documentation.
