Error while fetching data from WhereScape red - sql-server

I have created on load table. However, while viewing data I'm getting error below:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Invalid object name 'LOAD_TAL_Tablename'
May I know what is the problem? How to resolve this?

Very old topic, but still worth to answer.
The reason is invalid syntax, as mentioned above. I received the same error and then investigated in logs that although I am loading data between different databases, Wherescape did not add reference to appropriate source database in generated SQL code. So, by default, it was referring to target database when looking for source table.
To fix this, see below steps:
Find your soruce connection and open it's Properties
On Properties tab, in Source System section make sure that the field Database ID is filled in with name of your database. If not - put it there
Try to load tables and look at SQL used to load the table in logs. Make sure your reference to source table is three-part (this time it should point to correct database).

Check whether the object exists (natch!) and more specifically what schema it is located in. By default RED will expect to see it in the dbo schema and I have seen in the past that if you are using AD and groups for authentication/authorisation objects may get created under the default schema of the automatically-created user (if that is the case, delete them manually in SSMS and set the Default Schema mapping for the user to "dbo")
Of course, you have actually /created/ the table haven't you? Just defining it in RED will only create tyhe meta data definition. Make sure you have right-clicked and chosen Create/ReCreate etc... (though to be fair if this is where you are stuck ...)

Can you post the code that you used to create the table as well as the code you are running when you get the error. It just sounds like a syntax issue.


SQLE_NOT_PUBLIC_ID Sybase mobilink error

I am working on an ios project that has a Sybase (ultralite) database that is synchronized with a Sybase Sql Anywhere 12 database using mobilink.
Everything was properly, until i decided today to add some fields to the main database so that they synchronize to the main database.
I have updated the schema of the consolidated database from the main engine, then i have updated the schema of the remote database from the consolidated engine, and then i mapped the added fields together, and I deployed a new ultralite database.
Please note that it's not the first time I do a similar task, i always add fields, and sync databases..
after the update, when i synchronize using the blank ultralite database, mobilink will fail giving only this error: Synchronization Failed: -1305 (MOBILINK_COMMUNICATIONS_ERROR) %1:201 %2: %3:0
I have researched Error Number 201 in sybase and it points to: SQLE_NOT_PUBLIC_ID
and in the sybase documentation the error's probably cause is:
"The option specified in the SET OPTION statement is PUBLIC only. You cannot define this option for any other user."
I have tried to redeploy, I have tried to move the engine to a windows pc, all give the same error.. and i have no clue where this SET OPTION statement came from and how can i solve it..
Any hints are appreciated!
The problem was just caused by small network timeout value while setting up mobilink parameters.
info.stream_parms = (char*) #"host=;port=3309;timeout=1"
i just changed the value from timeout=1 to timeout=300 and it worked!

Foreign Key constraint error when performing fresh install of Piranha CMS

Piranha CMS is a programmer oriented CMS (I prefer to write it since I've been downvoted last time!). I've spent all the afternoon trying to fix this problem : Whether I try to migrate from a Sql Compact Server Database to a SQL Server Database, or to start everything from scratch with an empty SQL Server Database, I get the following error :
Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_dbo.category_dbo.sysuser_category_updated_by' on table 'category' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
I am able to pass the first step (admin account and password creation), but this exception is thrown whenever I try to log in.
What am I doing wrong ?
Thanks for your help !
The stack indicates where the error is coming from :
[HttpException (0x80004005): The pre-application start initialization method
Start on type Piranha.Web.ApplicationModule threw an exception with the following
error message: Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint
'FK_dbo.category_dbo.sysuser_category_updated_by' on table 'category'
may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON
DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
Could not create constraint. See previous errors..]
System.Web.HttpRuntime.FirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +9915300
System.Web.HttpRuntime.EnsureFirstRequestInit(HttpContext context) +101
System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr,
HttpContext context) +254
There seem to be a problem with the Method Start of Piranha.Web.ApplicationModule.
Also I have noticed the configuration of Entity Framework is :
<defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlConnectionFactory, EntityFramework" />
<provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />
I wonder about the :
Since System.Data.SqlClient is the Provider mentionned in my connection string. But I don't know if it's relevant since it may just mean that EF is used to retrieve the data. But I wonder if there might not be a conflict since both your internal scripts and EF use this connection string with this provider that is mentionned. Also, I'm not sure, but I know that with code-first EF also creates meta-data when it creates a database. Perhaps since your internal scripts doesn't create them, EF considers that the DB doesn't exist ?
Update 2
I have some news, I have added
In Application_Start to avoid Database recreation. It seems to have solved the database re-creation problem. I no longer see the exception concerning the constraint. However now the PageController throws a null reference exception after trying to log in, and I still can't see anypage of the public website (The publc site throws an internal server error). My guess is that when I set the Initializer to null, it also prevents EF from populating the DB with the basic data of the Framework. That's a good step further, so it seems that the problem comes from the Piranha DataContext Configuration.
Update 3
Just to give more details :
When trying to log in, I'm redirected to manager/page which throws a null reference exception as I said before. This exception is thrown when I try to access most of the pages of the manager (I have tried template/pagelist, setting/userlist) however, when I try "manager/post" I get the following error :
Invalid object name ''.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name ''.
But the 'post' Table do exist in the Database... It's a fresh install, I only changed two things : the connection string, and the Database Initializer code I added in Global Asax.
As far as i can see, in version 2.2.0 there is not a constraint for table "category" with the name "FK_dbo.category_dbo.sysuser_category_updated_by". I guess something went wrong installing a fresh version.
If you have access to SQL server with a management tool (like 'SQLServer Management Studio'), try to run to following query against your Piranha-database:
You should see three constraints, none of them with the word 'sysuser' in its name.
You might want to try a fresh install again, following the instructions here:
Before you proceed with the web installer, you should create a clean empty database using SQL Server Management Studio. You can run these SQL-commands in the Management Studio:
-- create new user
CREATE LOGIN piranha2 WITH PASSWORD = 'piranha2'
-- create new empty database
-- select new database
USE piranha2
-- assign user to database
CREATE USER piranha2 FOR LOGIN piranha2
-- add role to user
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'piranha2'
After that, open Web.config, look for section "connectionStrings". You should see a couple of lines. Add a new line in this section with this content (don't forget to use your own servername or ip-address after "server="):
<add name="piranha" connectionString="server=;database=piranha2;user id=piranha2;password=piranha2;multipleactiveresultsets=true;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Start the installer. It should find your database and create tables and constraints.
Hope that will help.
The error message you're providing is a typical Entity Framework error when trying to create a DbContext in the database. The only problem is that Entity Framework is not responsible for creating the tables in Piranha CMS, this is done by internal SqlScripts embedded in the framework dll.
If the tables are created successfully in the database and you still get this error when trying to log in, my only guess is that Entity Framework is for some reason using an incorrect Connection String trying to create the database somewhere else. Although I'm puzzled how this could happen through misconfiguration.
Can you access the public site after install?
I've created a new Blank MVC Application, installed PiranhaCMSMvc into it, installed the database and logged into the manager without problems. I've pushed the blank project to this repo:
Download this source code and see if it works for you after you've modified the connection string. If it works, try to compare the projects to see what is causing your error. If it doesn't work then there's something else wrong with your setup that is conflicting somehow. Keep me updated!
Reason for error is Schema name in my case.
You require to have database objects belonging to dbo schema, if you've installed on fresh database with different schema name, it will throw this error. To fix it, change schema name of those tables to dbo and it will work like a charm.
Well, I spent 2 days on it so I had no choice but to change CMS. I'm running late because of this problem. Fortunately I only had created a couple of pages. I'm currently moving to Umbraco. I've played with it this afternoon and it's actually less complicated than what I heard so it should do the trick. It's also perfectly working on my production server.
However, I still have an other project that I would like to keep on Piranha CMS. Since I've planned to move it from Compact SQL to SQL Server too, I'm really concerned with this issue.
I cannot add a comment yet, so have to give a second answer:
My previous answer didn't make sense so i have to make something up with you.
If you still want to investigate some time:
to re-produce your problem i've created a VHD with Windows 7 Pro-N (un-activated), MS SQL 2012 Express and VS 2013 Express Web. You can run this as virtual machine either under Windows 7 Virtual PC or Windows 8 Hyper-V. With the Blank project of Hakan I was not able to reproduce your problem. However, if you manage to re-produce your problem in this virtual machine, you can share the VHD with Hakan so he can take a look what is happening (of course if he's willing to do so).
Also, what i'm wondering: if you rename the affected table or drop it, is the error-message moving to another table and/or constraint? Of course it is not a solution to drop the table, but it might tell more about what is going on.

MS access database in VB.NET

I followed a tutorial on the internet to create my own database. I succesfully built a program upon it. Then I created an access .mdb file(another database) and then I just changed the database which the program connected to, to the one which I created.
I just made that one change. But then it started showing me error whenever I tried to update using
da.update(ds,"Phone Book")
where da is data adapter and ds is data set.
The error was: " syntax error in INSERT INTO statement"
I have just changed the DB that the program is connecting to. I did not change the code one bit.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, I searched for this on google, and one thing which I read was, that access database might be only read only or something. But I unchecked the read only box, so I don't know whether it still might be the problem. Although, I don't think there is a problem with the code
EDIT: I just discovered now, that even if I change the table which is being referred to, it throws up the same error.
It sounds like the first database probably used something like Sql Server Express. That's a completely different kind of database then Access, with a different providers, different dialect of SQL, connection string, etc. Why would you think you can change all that without breaking some of your code?

SSRS Query execution failed for dataset

Have just deployed my Project on to my reporting Server.
I have multiple datasets which are referencing views which exist on the db on that server.
When I try to go into any report part I am getting this message:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Query execution failed for dataset 'dataset1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
Can anyone help?
I enabled remote errors to pinpoint the problem.
I identified that a column in a particular dataset (one of my views) was throwing an error.
So using a tool "SQL Delta", I compared the development version of the database with the live version on the reporting server. I noticed that one of the views had an extra column on the development server, that was not on the live version of the db.
SQL Delta generated the script I needed to run to update the view on my live db.
I ran this script, re-ran the report, everything worked.
I encountered a similar error message. I was able to fix it without enabling remote errors.
In Report Builder 3.0, when I used the Run button to run the report, an error alert appeared, saying
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
[OK] [Details...]
Pressing the details button gave me a text box where I saw this text:
For more information about this error navigate to the report server
on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
I was confused and frustrated, because my report did not have a dataset named 'DataSet1'. I even opened the .rdl file in a text editor to be sure. After a while, I noticed that there was more text in the text box below what I could read. The full error message was:
For more information about this error navigate to the report server
on the local server machine, or enable remote errors
Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
The execution failed for the shared data set 'CustomerDetailsDataSet'.
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
I did have a shared dataset named 'CustomerDetailsDataSet'. I opened the query (which was a full SQL query entered in text mode) in SQL Server Management Studio, and ran it there. I got error messages which clearly pointed to a certain table, where a column I had been using had been renamed and changed.
From that point, it was straightforward to modify my query so that it worked with the new column, then paste that modification into the shared dataset 'CustomerDetailsDataSet', and then nudge the report in Report Builder to recognise the change to the shared dataset.
After this fix, my reports no longer triggered this error.
Like many others here, I had the same error. In my case it was because the execute permission was denied on a stored procedure it used. It was resolved when the user associated with the data source was given that permission.
I experienced the same issue, it was related to security not being granted to part of the tables. review your user has access to the databases/ tables/views/functions etc used by the report.
The solution for me came from GShenanigan:
You'll need to check out your log files on the SSRS server for more detail. They'll be somewhere like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.DEV\Reporting Services\LogFiles\"
I was able to find a permissions problem on a database table referenced by the view that was not the same one as the where the view was. I had been focused on permissions on the view's database so this helped pinpoint where the error was.
I just dealt with this same issue. Make sure your query lists the full source name, using no shortcuts. Visual Studio can recognize the shortcuts, but your reporting services application may not be able to recognize which tables your data should be coming from. Hope that helps.
I had the similar issue showing the error
For more information about this error navigate to the report server on
the local server machine, or enable remote errors Query execution
failed for dataset 'PrintInvoice'.
1) The error may be with the dataset in some cases, you can always check if the dataset is populating the exact data you are expecting by going to the dataset properties and choosing 'Query Designer' and try 'Run', If you can successfully able to pull the fields you are expecting, then you can be sure that there isn't any problem with the dataset, which takes us to next solution.
2) Even though the error message says "Query Failed Execution for the dataset", another probable chances are with the datasource connection, make sure you have connected to the correct datasource that has the tables you need and you have permissions to access that datasource.
In my situation, I created a new SSRS report and new stored procedure for the dataset. I forgot to add the stored procedure to the database role that had permission to execute it. Once I added the permissions to SQL database role with EXECUTE, all was fine!
The error message encountered by the user was "An error occurred during client rendering. An error has occurred during report processing (rsProcessingAborted). Query execution failed for dataset "DataSet1'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) For more information..."
Very grateful I found this great post. As for my case, the user executing the stored procedure did not have EXECUTE permissions. The solution was to grant EXECUTE permissions for the user within the stored procedure by adding below code to the end of the stored procedure.
GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.StoredProcNameHere TO UsernameRunningreports
I also had a very similar issue with a very similar error message. My issue was that the database could not be connected to. In our case, we have mirrored databases and the connection string did not specify the Failover Partner. So when the database couldn't connect, it never went to the mirror and was throwing this error. Once I specified the Failover Partner in the connection string for my datasource, it resolved the issue.
I ran into the same problem when working with SharePoint lists as the DataSource, and read the blogs above which were very helpful. I had made changes in both the DataSource and Data object names and query fields in Visual Studio and the query worked in visual Studio. I was able to deploy the report to SharePoint but when I tried to open it I received the same error.
I guessed that the issue was that I needed to redeploy both the DataSource and the DataSet to SharePoint so that that changes in the rendering tools were all synced.
I redeployed the DataSource, DataSet and the Report to sharePoint and it worked.
As one of the blogs stated, although visual studio allowed the changes I made in the dataset and datasource, if you have not set visual studio to automatically redeploy datasource and dataset when you deploy the report(which can be dangerous, because this can affect other reports which share these objects) this error can occur.
So, of course the fix is that in this case you have to redeploy datasource, dataset and Report to resolve the issue.
I was also facing the same issue - I checked below things to fix this issue,
If you have recently changed pointing database-name in data-source
then first check that all the store procedures for that report exist
on changed database.
If there are multiple sub reports on main report then make sure each
report individually running perfectly.
Also check security panel - user must have access to the databases/
tables/views/functions for that report.
Sometimes, we also need to check dataset1 - store procedure. As if you are trying to show the report with user1 and if this user doesn't have the access(rights) of provided (dataset1 database) database then it will throw the same error as above so must check the user have access of dbreader in SQL Server.
Also, if that store procedure contains some other database (Database2) like
Select * from XYZ inner join Database2..Table1 on ... where...
Then user must have the access of this database too.
Note: you can check log files on this path for more details,
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.SQLEXPRESS\Reporting Services
I got same error but this worked and solved my problem
If report is connected to Analysis server then give required permission to the user (who is accessing reporting server to view the the reports) in your model of analysis server.
To do this add user in roles of model or cube and deploy the model to your analysis server.
Using SSRS, Report Builder 3.0, MSSQL 2008 and query to an Oracle 11G database,
I found that the oracle stored procedure ran well, produced consistent results with no errors. When I tried bringing the data into SSRS, I got the error as listed in OP's query. I found that the data loaded and displayed only if I removed the parameters (not a good idea).
On Further examination, I found that under dataset properties>parameters I had set the start date to parameterName P_Start and parameter Value to #P_Start.
Adding the Parameter value as [#P_Start] cleared the problem, and the data loads well, with parameters in place.
This problem was caused by an orphaned SQL Login. I ran my favorite sp_fixusers script and the error was resolved. The suggestion above to look at the logs was a good one...and it led me to my answer.
This might be the permission issue for your view or store procedure
In addition to the above answers, it could be due to a missing SQL stored-procedure or SQL function. For example, this could be due to the function not migrating from a non-prod region to the production (prod) region.
Removing all comments from the Select Query fixed this for me. My dataset was working in the Preview but when I went to Design/Query Designer and and tried the query there I was getting ORA-01006;bind variable does not exist. After removing all comments from the select it worked.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e09'

I am having to modify an old web project that us using classic asp. There are actually 2 different projects that are clones of each other, they just point to different databases.
I modified the code from the first project (asp, db, stored procs etc.) and it all works great.
I then copied all that code to the other project since they are clones. All works just fine there too. I can execute the stored procs in query analyzer and all the data comes back as expected and it shows up on the display asp pages.
When i hit the edit button on the page I get the "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e09'" and it shows the select part of the query in the error window.
I dont get anything about permissions etc.. If I view the page source the data is actually in there. I am really confused as to what is going on.
Anyone have any suggestions or things to look for.
This appears to be a permissions error based on the usual meanings of this error code.
I would manually log in to the database using the same credentials you have configured in your application's connection string. Then run the same query and see what happens.
