ZOS: Create first member of dataset - dataset

I'm using ZOS with ISPF 7.1
I have allocated a dataset with the following information:
I'm trying to create the first member of this dataset through the Edit Entry Panel (it's option 2 on the menu):
But I always end up with a "Member not found" message.
I know this panel can edit members that already exist, but what is the correct way to create the first member of a dataset (without copying)?

ISPF Edit does not like a RECFM of U (undefined). So you can't do what you are asking with the library.
The message isn't correct, but I don't suppose people see it that often. You can report that to IBM (ask your Technical Support to raise a PMR). Then at some point in the future you'll have a warm feeling when you do the same thing and it produces an accurate message.
If you put members into that dataset with a "copy" and then try to get a member-selection list for Edit, you'll see a message that "Browse was substituted". This is the source of your first message. Recfm U causes the switch to Browse, you can't have a "new" member in Browse, so it looks for an old one, which isn't found.
If you genuinely want RECFM U, you're not going to be able to edit with ISPF.
If instead, from the LRECL and BLOCKSIZE, you wanted RECFM F (fixed-length records) then you'll need to delete and reallocate the dataset with F.
A good way to allocate a new library is to use 3.2 and firstly just list a similar existing library (leave the command area blank is how you do that, and enter the library name in the obvious place).
Then when you A for Allocate, it will "fill in" the parameters of the library you have just listed, and you can make any necessary changes.

Option 0 In ISPF Primary Option Menu is for PDF Environment settings.for example:
__ Allow empty member list
__ Allow empty member list (nomatch)
__ Empty member list for edit only
change them and test.

Got me 5 years to answer this one :D
Actually it's a very normal behavior. You created a PDS but there are any members inside. Simplest is to go to ISPF edit and in the dataset name type name of your dataset and in brackets the new member name - hlq.data.set.name(member01).


Unable to identify object using descriptive programming but able to do so with description object

On my application i have to search for an alphanumeric id which return one or more rows of data. On each of these rows a link is present i have to click on the first link.
Unfortunately it doesn't have any unique properties so i cannot add it to the OR. Instead i used descriptive programming something like below
'returns false
page.Link("class:=ng-binding","innertext:=AplhaID","html tag:=A").Exist
QTP fails to identify the object with the above code. So Instead of this i tried using Description object something like the below code
Set oDesc = Description.Object
oDesc("class").Value = "ng-binding"
oDesc("html tag").Value = "A"
oDesc("innertext").Value = "AplhaID"
Set lnk = page.ChildObjects(oDesc)
'gives me 2 which is correct. There are two links
msgbox lnk.Count
'highlights the correct link
I do not know what could be causing this behavior. I thought is could be because multiple links match the description but I perform this search for multiple ids and eventhough multiple rows are returned the descriptive programming code is able to identify the correct row and proceed.
I looked at QTP descriptive programming issue but my link's property values do not have special characters.
In order to use Descriptive string method, ensure that you have only one object matching the given properties.
Below statement might fail if there are more than 1 object with the given properties.
page.Link("class:=ng-binding","innertext:=AplhaID","html tag:=A").Exist
So , you need to make the statement to find an object uniquely. Try this. It will work!
page.Link("class:=ng-binding","innertext:=AplhaID","html tag:=A", "index:=0").Exist

VBA Array - addressing to it by its name

this is a general VBA Array issue, it is not for MS Office apps (no tables involved).
I'm looking to find out how to create multiple one-dimension arrays at runtime (maybe even public ones), using data from a .csv file.
I can explain. This is an example of how the csv file would look:
------- CSV FILE ----------------------------
Colors,white,red,blue,green (... and so on)
Animals,cat,dog,wolf,bear (...and so on)
Food,cake,bread,garlic (...and so on)
...and so on, more rows
The opening part is solved,
even the part where each row is assigned to a temporary variable,
and more - the row is split into values and assigned to a temporary array.
So, I have:
tempArray1, containing ("Colors", "white", "red" ...etc)
tempArray2, containing ("Animals", "cat", "dog" ...etc)
The goal is to create (or to address to) an (existing) array
NAMED after the first value of each row and then assign the rest of the values from row to that array.
Please do not ask me why am I not using a multi-dimensional array.
I have my reasons.
A similar question related to this case is:
if I already have a one-dimension public array, defined, named and populated - let's say it is Colors() - how can I address to it using the value "Colors"?
Not only to address, but also to erase, redim or change values in it?
When I say "Colors" I mean a string value, not 'hard-coded' Colors() into the sub or function.
With respect to your "a similar question related to this case", you can do the following:
Create a public class module containing your array Colors()
Then, add a "Microsoft Script Control" ActiveX control (possibly to your form), and keep it hidden
Add code (as string) dynamically to your ScriptControl, and execute it. Now, if this code contains (as a string), say " Colors(1)="red" " , then it will actually modify the Colors array in your class-module.
Note: However, there's a catch. Since it is a class module, and not a
normal module, it will only modify the object created inside the
script-control. So, you might have to do all the rest of the coding
too in that script-control (by dynamically adding code to it and
executing it), otherwise, all changes would be lost as the scope of
that object would be limited to that code contained inside the

creating a character array with gff file

Could someone please help me with creating a "character array" with this sort of data:
Instruction from our collaborator:
One can copy and paste a gff file into a character array by typing gff={} and then copy and “paste excel data”
But I can somehow only save it as a cell array and hence the script downstream can't run properly.
additional info
I need to use the .gff file in a .m script (that I got from someone else) to parse my sequences.
Here's the part of my script that I think pertains to my question:
Therefore I want 9 columns with information like this:
1. seqID;
2. source;
3. type;
4&5. start and end;
6. score;
7. strand;
8. phase
9. attributes
Also when I saved the cell array as "cell", and tried to convert it into a character array by typing
I got this error message:
cell elements must be character arrays
So guess that doesn't work...
edit over
Anyone has any idea?
The instructions you were given are referring to the following context menu item accessible from the "Variables" editor:
First, run at the command line gff={}; to make an empty cell array. Then double click the gff variable in the Workspace tab to get the above editor window. Click on the square regino to the top left of the table to select all cells, then right click to get the displayed menu, and paste the data. You should end up with the following if the paste worked correctly (it could actually take a couple of minutes - check CPU usage):
Then the commands you posted work. The strncmp says definitively that as cell array is needed.

Get a Done list with doxygen

It is well known how to obtain a TODO list in Doxygen, typing:
\todo Item one
\todo Item two
and so on, but when something has been done, how to keep track of this?
If I have done item two I don't want to remove it, I want to mark it as done:
\todo Item ono
\done Item two
How do I do this?
I dug around in the Doxygen documentation and stumbled over the \xrefitem. It's supposed to be:
A generalization of commands such as \todo and \bug. It can be used to
create user-defined text sections which are automatically
cross-referenced between the place of occurrence and a related page,
which will be generated. On the related page all sections of the same
type will be collected.
The first argument is an identifier uniquely representing the
type of the section. The second argument is a quoted string
representing the heading of the section under which text passed as the
fourth argument is put. The third argument (list title) is used as the
title for the related page containing all items with the same key. The
keys "todo", "test", "bug" and "deprecated" are predefined.
So you could specify a new alias, e.g. "done" in your Doxyfile:
ALIASES += "done=\xrefitem done \"Implemented TODOs\" \"Implemented
TODOs\" "
And in your code you should be able to use the new "done" tag like all the others:
/// \done fixed broken function
According to the doxygen manual there is no such "inverse" of the \todo command. Perhaps you can just keep the \todo and mark it manually as done, somehow.
Unfortunately doxygen's Markdown doesn't seem to support strikethrough (unlike Stack Overflow's, obviously), that would otherwise have been a good and common choice. Perhaps you can set it up using custom styling and spans.

Vim - Show data type

I typically code most of my C projects in Vim. I am comfortable with navigation, search and replace, and indexing via Ctags/Cscope.
One feature I would like to have, if possible, is a keymapping that will show the datatype for a variable under the cursor on screen.
For example, if my cursor is on a variable, "test123" (ie: int test123 = 0) is there a way to have the type (int) and some other details about the variable shown in another tab within Vim?
Also, is there something similar that would do the same for a struct variable, and show a list of all its members in the descriptive tab as well as the type (ie: struct)?
I've also noticed that sometimes while coding, I have a tab titled "[Scratch][Preview]" at the top of Vim that appears to fulfill this requirement, but I have no idea what triggers it (searches and Ctag searches don't seem to trigger it). It looks like so:
name: myStruct::instanceOfStrct| 2 cmd: /^ int instanceOfStrct;$/
.. (up a dir) | 3 kind: m
</code/test/test.c | 4 struct: myStruct
|+config/ | 5 access: public
|+lib/ | 6 filename: /code/test/test.c
I think this is something that already exists in Vim to some extent, but I have not idea how to work with it.
Thank you.
I do not know of any plugin that does what you want, however it should be quite possible using libclang. There is a fork of clang_complete that adds 'go to definition' functionality which is close to what you want. However development on that plugin seems to have stagnated.
Also the scratch buffer appears when doing autocompletion to give more information about a specific completion. It can be enabled and disabled using the completeopt setting.
